Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: bjrogg on June 15, 2018, 08:24:02 pm

Title: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 15, 2018, 08:24:02 pm
New series of Alone started. I kinda like this show and this series looks like it has the potential to be a good one. Anybody else watching?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 15, 2018, 08:43:08 pm
Yup, I'm recording them. Got the second one recorded but haven't watched it yet. It looks like a lot better land. More game apparently but I think the cold will get everyone. If you have to spend 25 hours a day cutting firewood you're going to get hungry.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 15, 2018, 08:44:48 pm
Oh, be sure to start with "spoiler alert" if you're going to spill stuff. Sometimes my recording watching gets a few days behind ;D ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 15, 2018, 08:48:31 pm
I wasn't planning on spilling the beans yet DC. I agree 100 percent with your assessment. Should be interesting.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 16, 2018, 06:25:24 am
Looks like it's going to be a good season.  I hope to see more bow hunting.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Ryan Jacob on June 16, 2018, 08:43:59 am
If you have to spend 25 hours a day cutting firewood you're going to get hungry.
Unfortunately sums up my bowmaking experience in a nutshell. I’ve only watched a few bits and pieces so dont spoil me on it ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 16, 2018, 09:16:41 am
Looks like it's going to be a good season.  I hope to see more bow hunting.
Sure hope so Clint. Lot of bows brought along last season but never saw anyone even try to hunt with one. Looks like moving around should be much easier in this series. More open ground.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: aaron on June 16, 2018, 09:48:45 am
I dont have tv but excited to get it online later. Nicole is a friend of mine.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 16, 2018, 08:28:41 pm
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a tv either Aaron. Especially when the dish bill comes. Absolutely nuts what it cost.
If I'm remembering right Nicole is the one that released the salmon. They really gave her a good razing over that. She took it pretty good. Seems like a very nice well rounded lady.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Weylin on June 17, 2018, 01:53:29 am
I know Nicole personally, and she's an amazing person.  I haven't started watching this season yet. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Swampman on June 17, 2018, 07:07:16 am
I am recording and watching it.  It should be interesting. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 19, 2018, 08:44:09 pm
Where are they this season? I have been avoiding television lately, but binge watched the first two seasons. 

Seems to me that Vancouver Island Canada might be a good place to spot and stalk black bear with a bow.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 19, 2018, 08:56:01 pm
Their in Mongolia JW. They are gonna have to prepare for winter. It's gonna get brutal. Sure looks like could be better Hunting and fishing. Lots more open space.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 20, 2018, 07:10:00 am
I have not yet seen any episode but had a look at the items list chosen by the competitors
what striked me is no one took insulation tarps
they could be in a very dry location but they all should be very confident in building waterproof shelters
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 21, 2018, 02:13:25 pm
I have not yet seen any episode but had a look at the items list chosen by the competitors
what striked me is no one took insulation tarps
they could be in a very dry location but they all should be very confident in building waterproof shelters

They may also be limited by the volume of their choices, too. I have often wondered about those insulation tarps used by concrete layers in winter...
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 29, 2018, 10:09:58 am
I wrote insulation tarp but I meant tarp. that one used to cover shelters.
I saw the first episode and they all have one so maybe it was something apart the 10 items list
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 27, 2018, 02:08:50 am
Finally saw the entire season.
Interesting show.
What amaze me is how big the loneliness factor is compared to traditional survival obstacles.
It also strikes me how every man (and woman) has different attitudes and approach to a similar problem
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 27, 2018, 08:24:01 am
I watched it now to Glis. It is interesting show. It's interesting how the mental part of being able to tap at anytime and being so alone messes with their minds. I'm betting if there was nobody coming to get them when they tapped things would play out differently. I do enjoy the show though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on August 27, 2018, 10:59:45 am
What is interesting is how unsuccessful they are at hunting and trapping. The tracks in the snow showed that there is lots of game about but other than a few grouse it was fishing that kept them going.
 I'm not sure how it would play out if there was no one to get them. Humans being a social animal I'll bet they would slowly go wacko and starve to death or get killed doing something wacko.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 27, 2018, 11:08:50 am
You could be right DC, I think the survival instincts might take over the social needs if you knew nobody was coming to get you. I did think hunting would play a bigger part this season and to some extent it did, but it wasn't as big of a deal maker as I thought it might be. One successful large game hunt might have done it though. I'll watch the next season.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 28, 2018, 04:02:09 am
I often tought of Ishi story while watching the series.
When he was left alone and without tools he almost starved to death
Alone players had tools but I bet their survival skills weren't up to Ishi's
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Will Tell on August 28, 2018, 08:39:18 am
The last episode I saw they were having a hard time catching fish. I'm surprised you never see anyone tying flies in survival situations. A waxed spool of thread and a dozen hooks and some fishing line and you could tie up some nice flies with a little fur or a few feathers.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 29, 2018, 02:53:57 am
One of the participants made an artificial lure out of some paracord and apparently it worked.
As long as the season was good they used natural lures. Mainly grasshoppers
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 04, 2019, 06:12:21 am
Season 6 will air on june 6.
Place is a canadian lake far in the north
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 04, 2019, 07:31:29 am
It seems that they have reduced this show to a starvation contest. The fatter you are before you go in the better your chances. I guess shortening the winners time cuts production costs. I guess if they put them in a survivable location the show would last to long for a 13 episode series(or whatever it is). That said I'll be glued to the set this Thursday :D :D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on June 04, 2019, 10:14:51 am
That "alone" factor is what set the mountain men apart.  Many of them linked up with various native bands for the winter.  The Rocky Mountains were called the High Lonesome" for a solid reason.  Some of them were plumb crazy, if they survived!  Haven't seen any of the show, though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Woodely on June 04, 2019, 08:30:04 pm
I saw snow on the previews,  only place I want to see snow is while I'm driving down the freeway looking West at the mountains.  Although I saw a woman carrying a takedown bow, might make it interesting.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 05, 2019, 06:08:08 am
It seems that they have reduced this show to a starvation contest. The fatter you are before you go in the better your chances. I guess shortening the winners time cuts production costs.

The extreme cold may introduce the need to collect more wood and build more comfortable shelters altough starting with a lot of fat strapped on yourself seems to be a great benefit
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 05, 2019, 07:42:37 am
Haven't seen any previews yet. Should be set up to record the show though. Got my curiosity peaked. Wondering where exactly they are and when they get dropped off. If it's on the sea ice I'd be sitting by a blow hole.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 06, 2019, 06:44:44 am
Where can I see "Alone"?  I tried Googling it but came up with naked people and they weren't in a survival situation.  ::)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 06, 2019, 07:11:39 am
It's on the "History Channel" tonight.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 06, 2019, 04:25:05 pm
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 07, 2019, 03:30:31 am
It looks like there will be some serious hunting this season !!! )P(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 07, 2019, 04:37:02 am
I didn't get chance to watch yet. It should be recorded. I'm hoping your right GlisGlis.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 07, 2019, 06:24:37 am
there's a small catch in the first episode but much better prey announced for next episodes   (SH)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 07, 2019, 05:56:20 pm
The guy who mocked the trees was the first to go  :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on June 07, 2019, 07:51:54 pm
Ohhh im excited!!!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 08, 2019, 02:32:03 am
The guy who mocked the trees was the first to go  :OK

I guess if your going to talk to trees. Well you know. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 08, 2019, 08:15:54 am
If you break a leg just for insulting a tree, what happens when you cut one down? Do we all have some kind of impending doom? ;)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Woodely on June 08, 2019, 10:07:19 am
He shot the Tree rat but I could not tell what distance it was.  10-30 yards ..???   was a good shot right thru the ears...  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 09, 2019, 01:44:12 pm
I talk to trees all the time.  I apologize for having to cut them down for heating my home, for harvesting them to make bows, harps and other things as well as just having to cut them period.  Not having respect for something can make one sloppy.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Stoner on June 10, 2019, 07:44:52 pm
Love this show, haven't missed it yet. John
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 24, 2019, 02:16:58 am
episode 3 shows a very skilled participant. Let's see if other factors will shuffle the deck
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on June 24, 2019, 10:24:59 am
I agree with Marc - also make smoke for the animals I kill for food or skin!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Woodely on June 29, 2019, 08:54:00 am
Same deal as shooting that tree rat,  she shot a grouse and I could not make out if it was shot on a tree, on the ground or where and what distance.  Anyone know..???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: aaron on June 29, 2019, 03:32:08 pm
I'm so excited to see this show again. Nicole and Jose from previous seasons are friends of mine and now Woinea is on and also an acquaintance. Psyched she got the grouse. I'll get to see her this year at Echoes In Time gathering in OR in July!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 29, 2019, 07:42:41 pm
I like her Aaron.
I think she's got a great additude and some good skills to go with it. Kinda routing for her. Sure hope that doesn't Jinx her. So far I don't think anyone I routed for has won.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: txdm on June 30, 2019, 07:42:14 am
Only a few episodes in, and this season has more archery action than all the previous ones combined.  (SH)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 10, 2019, 09:39:20 am
I missed last week. My tv didn't record it. Was it on?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 10, 2019, 10:16:28 am
they skipped a week
I'm starting withdrawals symptomes  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 10, 2019, 10:32:00 am
The Gils. I was wondering if my recorder was at fault.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on July 10, 2019, 11:54:05 am
Before I'm too old, I'd like to do a survival show like this. I dont know too much about it as I haven't seen an episode,  but it sounds better than Naked and afraid. I wonder how to get considered for casting?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 12, 2019, 02:05:23 am
I think you should apply trough history channel recruiting page
Search google for "alone series want to be on alone"
you should find it in the first results

in my opinion Alone is by far the best of this kind of shows.
You should watch at least some episodes if you're planning to participate :D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 12, 2019, 08:05:58 am
It seems that the fattest person has the best chance.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 12, 2019, 08:26:43 am
It seems that the fattest person has the best chance.

It seems like it could be different this season. Been more game taken. Not just fishing. Some fairly productive snare lines and some success bow hunting to.
I'm not so sure their shelters are up to a winter in the artic though. Maybe with some of the success hunting some might have more time and energy to work on shelter. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking it won't be someone who started out with a extra 70 lbs and sits around camp conserving calories.
PS I've been wrong every other season so don't put your money on anything I say. I am enjoying the show though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 13, 2019, 08:25:10 am
Some of the shelters are pretty well ventilated. :D I've wondered over the years what they would do with meat if they got a surplus. You start to get into competition with other animals and as near as I can figure the best they've got is snare wire to hang it in trees. I'm also wondering why they don't stew all the meat they do get. They all seem to roast it on a stick. If they stewed it wouldn't it be safer. And you would have all that nourishing hot broth(that needs salt ;D) to drink at bed time.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: RyanR on July 13, 2019, 04:26:52 pm
Definitely the best archery action so far.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 15, 2019, 12:39:08 am
I'm not so sure their shelters are up to a winter in the artic though.

that's my concern too. Some of their shelters seems made just to keep rain out
when they record inside you usually can see light  trough walls. that's a bad sign in artic in my opinion
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 20, 2019, 02:43:16 am
seen episode 06. best season ever in my opinion  :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 26, 2019, 12:00:19 pm
seen all. BEST SEASON EVER !!

will wait to make considerations to avoid spoilers
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on August 26, 2019, 12:02:02 pm
I need to find a way to binge watch this show, season one episode one. Never seen it. yall know where I can go to watch em all?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on August 26, 2019, 12:23:11 pm
Hulu sleek. has season 1 untill season 6(?) maybe 5? me and my dad have been binge watching it. (-P im only on patagonia so i havent been reading this. no spoilers for me! >:D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 26, 2019, 05:38:31 pm
For some reason my receiver didn't record the final episode. All the other lame TV programs they show reruns over and over. Can't find it on the schedule anywhere.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: TrevorM on August 27, 2019, 08:06:32 am
If you have cable you should be able to stream it directly from the history channel.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 27, 2019, 10:01:33 am
If you have cable you should be able to stream it directly from the history channel.

I have satellite. I can't imagine why yet as much as they charge for it and losing channels all the time.
I think I should be able to watch it on demand but I need to get receiver to recognize my internet. Might have to look into it. Guessing that takes a lot of data to?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 08, 2019, 08:19:03 pm
Well I finally got around to setting up my receiver so I could watch the final episode.

I do enjoy this show and I gotta say this was a really well deserved win. In fact second and third were really winners to. Nobody won this one just because they were carrying a extra 70 lbs of belly fat. They didn't sit around in their shelter conserving energy. I thought it was really interesting and I really would have been happy for any of the final three.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 09, 2019, 03:05:11 am
yes they where indeed skilled and motivated
One thing that struck me was the fire/shelters issues
We all know that fire is dangerous but i tend to forget it (and apparently not only me  ;) )
Really questioning me what shelter/fire setup could be best in a primitive very cold situation
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 09, 2019, 06:06:02 am
Yes Gils and I'm pretty sure the cold climate compounds the problem. Not only is it colder and you want more fire, but I'm sure the air is very dry to when the temperature drops that low. Once they had a little fire it very quickly got out of control.

Another thing that was a little surprising was how important eating something with fat was. It sure is interesting the things we just take for granted that are so vital to our survival and wellbeing. One thing that becomes very clear from watching any of these shows. We are very blessed to eat like we do.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 09, 2019, 06:49:05 am
Season 7, if commissioned, will have a fresh set of contestants from diverse backgrounds.


..and if you are interested in participating:

To apply for Alone, please email with your name, age, contact information, location, and a brief description about your survival expertise!

You will be emailing Leftfield Entertainment, the producer of Alone. Leftfield Entertainment may use your information to contact you about the show or other opportunities that it believes may interest you.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 09, 2019, 07:25:18 am
My wife and daughter are always telling me I should go on that show. Maybe they just want to get rid of me for a couple months? I've got a little extra belly fat stored up already.

Seriously I'd really like to try it. I think I'd do ok. I'm use to spending a lot of time by myself. I'm sure I'd spend any time I was try to gather food tinkering and making stuff to better my odds. It would sure be a interesting opportunity.

I'll probably just watch someone else though. I've got to many things to do here before I go

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 09, 2019, 08:44:57 am
I want to go and do this very much. I have been binge watching this with my wife and son. This is such a fun show, I even dream about it at night
 I'm going to spend this year learning traps and how to I'd edible plants. Plants are my weak spot really. Also, at 250 pounds, 5'9", I'd like to loose a bit of weight and get my cardio up before going on the show. Maybe get down to 220 pounds would be good.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 09, 2019, 11:57:08 am
If I recall my survival training correctly, you need a fairly tight, but ventilated shelter, and a small fire, maybe the size of a baseball cap, and a heap of firewood including some thick enough to bank the fire.
I'm too old to try to do that any more, but I do teach some survival in Hunter Education.  Fat is extremely important in the diet, as well.  Good luck if you apply!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on September 09, 2019, 12:22:11 pm
Too young :'(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on September 09, 2019, 01:05:28 pm
That gives you time to hone your skills,  and learn to avoid "dumb attacks"! >:D (lol) (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 09, 2019, 03:06:59 pm
Too young  :o

Enjoy it Russell. It flies by :o
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 09, 2019, 03:33:08 pm
If I recall my survival training correctly, you need a fairly tight, but ventilated shelter, and a small fire, maybe the size of a baseball cap, and a heap of firewood including some thick enough to bank the fire.
I'm too old to try to do that any more, but I do teach some survival in Hunter Education.  Fat is extremely important in the diet, as well.  Good luck if you apply!

I think I will apply for the Season 8. That gives me time to prepare and learn.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on September 09, 2019, 04:05:23 pm
Wohoho! seeing that just made my day for some reason!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 10, 2019, 04:02:22 am
If I recall my survival training correctly, you need a fairly tight, but ventilated shelter, and a small fire, maybe the size of a baseball cap, and a heap of firewood including some thick enough to bank the fire.

Yes. the difficult part is to balance ventilated and warm enough, tight shelter but not so small to catch fire at every spark, small fire but not so small to be difficult to mantein

that is another subject for debate
in the show I've seen many times participants saw piles of ten inches  twigs and logs for fire
while is indubitable that well chosen and prepared wood make a better fire I see millions of calories burned in a substantial emergency situation
I doubt that in ancient times cutting wood was such a surgical action
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 10, 2019, 07:17:34 am
If I recall my survival training correctly, you need a fairly tight, but ventilated shelter, and a small fire, maybe the size of a baseball cap, and a heap of firewood including some thick enough to bank the fire.

Yes. the difficult part is to balance ventilated and warm enough, tight shelter but not so small to catch fire at every spark, small fire but not so small to be difficult to mantein

that is another subject for debate
in the show I've seen many times participants saw piles of ten inches  twigs and logs for fire
while is indubitable that well chosen and prepared wood make a better fire I see millions of calories burned in a substantial emergency situation
I doubt that in ancient times cutting wood was such a surgical action

Yes wasting that much energy making such a shelter doesn't make sense.  Instead of a plastic tarp they would be better off bringing a canvas tarp, much heavier but much more resistant to sparks and heat.

A really small fire is nice but not much use when temps get well below freezing

A good shelter is important but stockpiling food is another.  What I don't understand is why the guy who shot the Moose didn't keep the important food (fat) with him in the shelter.  I wouldn't have let it out of my sight.  Also I sure hope he didn't leave all the Moose meat in the bush when he left, that would be disrespectful.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 10, 2019, 11:10:44 am
What was even crazier was when he put all the snares on the post for his platform to keep the wolverine from getting his supplies and then left the ladder leaning against the

I'm thinking he took all his meat, but can't say for positive. They always put everything back as close to the way it was when they got there before they leave. I'm thinking the wolverine wouldn't mind if he left something for him. I know if it was me I'd want to take it back. Along with a few other reminders of the adventure.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on September 11, 2019, 09:55:42 am
He talked a lot about what a disaster losing his fat was. It was almost like he was saying that shooting the moose was a waste of time because he lost the fat. But he did win :D. I think his experience in Siberia was a big help in his win but having a stash of moose and wolverine meat clinched it. I think the other contestants would have killed for a big moose steak. When they edited the show they seemed to downplay the fact that he had this big pile of meat and could fill his stomach every day.
I think I noticed that any house fires they had(previous seasons too) were in shelters where they built the fire pit against a wall with some kind of chimney. Some of them just had a little fire pit in the centre of the shelter with no attempt at a chimney at all. That looked to be the way to go.
This was the best season IMO. There was lots of game taken and some amazing archery shots. I did wonder how many arrows they took. I'm sure that if I was shooting at a squirrel in a tree in that country I would lose an arrow every shot.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 11, 2019, 10:11:45 am
GEE spoiler alert! I'm still on season 5! Actually,  I'm learning that even if I knew who won, it really is the story of how that makes the show good. I find myself disappointed almost everytime someone taps, because I wanted to see how this new thing or situation they had set up was going to serve them, or I was fascinated by how they were handled g the situation and wanted to learn more from them.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 11, 2019, 10:13:27 am
I sent an email requesting consideration for Season 8, if they get their contract renewed.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on September 11, 2019, 10:15:54 am
GEE spoiler alert! I'm still on season 5! Actually,  I'm learning that even if I knew who won, it really is the story of how that makes the show good. I find myself disappointed almost everytime someone taps, because I wanted to see how this new thing or situation they had set up was going to serve them, or I was fascinated by how they were handled g the situation and wanted to learn more from them.

Sorry Sleek, I thought enough time had passed. It's hard to read this thread without wanting to comment about particular instances.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 11, 2019, 10:44:45 am
I did wonder how many arrows they took. I'm sure that if I was shooting at a squirrel in a tree in that country I would lose an arrow every shot.

Recurve Wooden Bow with 6 Arrows (Field or Hunting tips, your choice, it doesn’t seem to matter)

I'm pretty sure he still had alot of food when his wife came.
Even without fat he could have lasted many more days
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 11, 2019, 10:48:03 am
GEE spoiler alert! I'm still on season 5! Actually,  I'm learning that even if I knew who won, it really is the story of how that makes the show good. I find myself disappointed almost everytime someone taps, because I wanted to see how this new thing or situation they had set up was going to serve them, or I was fascinated by how they were handled g the situation and wanted to learn more from them.

Sorry Sleek, I thought enough time had passed. It's hard to read this thread without wanting to comment about particular instances.

Not a problem! Like I said, it's the story of how they got to that point that makes the show. I knew there was a risk when I read this thread  no need to apologize:)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 11, 2019, 12:47:42 pm
GEE spoiler alert! I'm still on season 5! Actually,  I'm learning that even if I knew who won, it really is the story of how that makes the show good. I find myself disappointed almost everytime someone taps, because I wanted to see how this new thing or situation they had set up was going to serve them, or I was fascinated by how they were handled g the situation and wanted to learn more from them.

Sleek I gotta say I'm sorry if I spoiled it for anyone, but it's pretty hard for us that have seen it not to talk about it to.
 It's interesting. When I grew up we had 3 tv stations. No record button. All of it free airwaves. Paid for by commercials. It was pretty good entertainment and the three stations really did complete for viewers. It really did help people have something in common and give them something to talk about.
Now we have all these options to watch whatever and record to watch later. The cost has become crazy plus we still have the commercials. My brother and I like a lot of the same proprams but don't watch them at the same time so we can't talk about  Strange how sometimes the more communication we have the less we communicate.

I agree with your conclusion though. It really doesn't matter if you know who won. It is the adventure that's the entertainment. Really most of the winners weren't who I was most entertained by. I was many times surprised when people just plain got lonely, proved to themselves what they needed to prove to themselves and decided it was time to go home
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 11, 2019, 01:02:24 pm
Anyone reading this thread knows darn well spoilers may happen. I'm not worried,  I'm even more excited to see it unfold now! This is gonna be great!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on September 11, 2019, 01:39:30 pm
SPOILER: Sleek wins!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 11, 2019, 02:37:20 pm
Anyone reading this thread knows darn well spoilers may happen. I'm not worried,  I'm even more excited to see it unfold now! This is gonna be great!

I was pretty sure of that Sleek.
I've often thought though how different things are now just because of how we communicate in this new world.
PS I mean really if you think about it I'm in the middle of a field,driving my tractor, communicating with you and a whole bunch of other people I may never meet in person in my life
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on September 11, 2019, 02:55:57 pm
Anyone reading this thread knows darn well spoilers may happen. I'm not worried,  I'm even more excited to see it unfold now! This is gonna be great!

I was pretty sure of that Sleek.
I've often thought though how different things are now just because of how we communicate in this new world.
PS I mean really if you think about it I'm in the middle of a field,driving my tractor, communicating with you and a whole bunch of other people I may never meet in person in my life

Texting while driving eh? Ain't technology great? I'm tugging at your leg...
By the way, we have met at Marshall,  we competed against each other in the jug shoot a few years back. I was shooting a very short recurve.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 11, 2019, 03:09:36 pm
Yup I remember you well Sleek. Babes and your son too. I meant other people that were maybe even just lurking.

Actually the tractor does most of the driving. I just have to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. And tell it what to do. It is amazing.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on September 11, 2019, 05:34:32 pm
How long are you normally on a tractor bj?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 11, 2019, 09:58:36 pm
How long are you normally on a tractor bj?

Russell at times I pretty much live in one. I've spent over 36 hours straight in them before. That was when I was younger and they didn't drive themselves. I've been in them many times over 24 hours though. Like they say you gotta make hay when the sun shines. Sometimes you gotta keep going till the weather doesn't let you anymore. Normally I'm around 12 to 16 hours, but I don't do that year round. I have several "busy" seasons. Pretty much from April to November with a few short breaks in between. Sounds crazy but I actually kinda thrive on it. Gotta admit though, getting older is making it harder.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: txdm on November 28, 2019, 11:58:42 am
All I can say is I am still in admiration of the archery skills of all the participants who brought bows. A couple of them had traditional wooden bows, too. With respect to all the forms of archery, what was on this show is what I think of as my favorite kind.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on January 28, 2020, 05:34:50 am
there are some strange talking about Alone: the Beast  due on january 30 on history channel
you can search youtube for the trailer
3 people, 30 gg to survive, no tools
Dont know if that will replace regular alone season 7
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on January 28, 2020, 07:23:04 am
there are some strange talking about Alone: the Beast  due on january 30 on history channel
you can search youtube for the trailer
3 people, 30 gg to survive, no tools
Dont know if that will replace regular alone season 7

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on January 28, 2020, 08:52:54 am
sorry I meant 30 days
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on January 28, 2020, 10:27:17 am
I get two feeds of The History Channel and it's not there but I can find all the promos on Youtube. Strange.

Now I'm thinkin' that there's an American and a Canadian History channel. Rats :D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on January 30, 2020, 08:29:26 am
I'm not in the usa but faking a us Ip  I can see the show in evidence in history channel site

they say

ALONE the beast
Series Premiere Tonight at 10/9c
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on January 30, 2020, 10:49:55 am
I'm not in the usa but faking a us Ip  I can see the show in evidence in history channel site

they say

ALONE the beast
Series Premiere Tonight at 10/9c

Thanks GlisGlis. I don’t watch much tv but I did see that trailer. Thanks for the heads up. Have to watch tonight
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on January 30, 2020, 10:59:27 am
I'm not in the usa but faking a us Ip  I can see the show in evidence in history channel site

they say

ALONE the beast
Series Premiere Tonight at 10/9c
I'm an old fart, I don't know how to do that. ;D I'm sure it will show up on the Canadian History Channel sooner or later.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 01, 2020, 01:55:11 pm
I’m not liking their new Beast Alone as much as their previous ones. It’s ok, but I liked it a lot better before.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: TrevorM on February 02, 2020, 03:45:44 pm
I’m not liking their new Beast Alone as much as their previous ones. It’s ok, but I liked it a lot better before.

Yeah me too. I get why they changed it, but it's hardly alone if you're there with 2 other contestants and a camera crew...
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 02, 2020, 04:42:07 pm
I’m wondering why the change?

It totally takes away the biggest question. Who’s still in this? How long can I go before I tap? What do I need to do to make it in the long haul?

Now I just have to survive 30 days with this moose someone else shot for me. I’m not saying it’s easy, don’t get me wrong. But I’d much rather see the contestants dropped off separately or even in pairs, but with their 10 objects and see who adapts and sticks it out for who knows how long? I think they took away the one question that made it the most interesting show. It always surprised me who tapped and for what reasons. Many times I didn’t see it coming at all. Other times I didn’t think someone would last a week and they went to the end.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on February 02, 2020, 06:22:41 pm
Hopefully this new version gets poor Mark's and they go back to the original version.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on February 02, 2020, 06:29:44 pm
Is it a replacement for "Alone" or is it a spin off?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 03, 2020, 05:46:19 am
Is it a replacement for "Alone" or is it a spin off?

I don’t know DC. They had trailers for more of this Beast style they showed. I’m hoping they do like sleek said and switch back to original Alone style. I’m thinking this is what we get for this season.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: TrevorM on February 03, 2020, 08:10:54 am
I’m wondering why the change?

It totally takes away the biggest question. Who’s still in this? How long can I go before I tap? What do I need to do to make it in the long haul?

Now I just have to survive 30 days with this moose someone else shot for me. I’m not saying it’s easy, don’t get me wrong. But I’d much rather see the contestants dropped off separately or even in pairs, but with their 10 objects and see who adapts and sticks it out for who knows how long? I think they took away the one question that made it the most interesting show. It always surprised me who tapped and for what reasons. Many times I didn’t see it coming at all. Other times I didn’t think someone would last a week and they went to the end.


I'm pretty sure it's 'the how long' that's driven the change. Too many contestants were pushing themselves to the the breaking point and it was getting dangerous. Add to that the PTSD symptoms a lot of them had after (a few of them talked about it in season 5). I do think something needed to change, I just think they went a bit far off of what made Alone great. The first episode was good though and I'll watch more, it just wasn't as good as the original.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on February 03, 2020, 08:16:28 am
Perhaps they could restructure it to be where they do a body mass index every week, with a goal of being the last to hit a certain percentage.  Say, a person lost 6% of their mass, but you cant loose more than 5% they are out. That would keep the spirit of the show alive, and keep people healthy.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 03, 2020, 09:08:20 am
I was kinda guessing for health reasons to. The people they actually pulled were some really tough people. They were also very depleted.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on February 03, 2020, 11:02:31 am
It's coming on the Canadian History Channel on Feb 13.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on February 06, 2020, 02:15:58 am
I'm not sure the beast will replace the original version
It could be a spinoff sort of

I saw the show and it's not bad
the format could put enphasis on skills that are less present in Alone (flintknapping, fire making, primitive shelter and butchering)
There are things that I did not liked tough
the cameraman shooting takes away authenticity
Having external filmers I expected to see well documented skills sequences
they opted for a cutted scenes more narrative style that in my opinion gives the feeling of a made up story
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 07, 2020, 07:02:11 am
The second episode was much better in my opinion. I didn’t see beginning of it. Missed first three days but like Glis said they did show much more survival skills and tool making.  Going to have to see if I can watch the beginning somehow.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on February 07, 2020, 11:58:20 am
I have to say the 2 men were an embarrassment.  If I were the second guy that left I wouldn't show my face around too much  :-[

There seems to be some oddities about the show, maybe they have somebody on site filming
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on February 07, 2020, 03:43:07 pm
what happened? I cant watch it. I dont have satillight tv so can you guys fill me in?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on February 08, 2020, 02:52:20 am
I have to say the 2 men were an embarrassment.  If I were the second guy that left I wouldn't show my face around too much
+1  just a few days and you miss the kids.  (A)
be honest. say you fear the predators or you cant handle the adversity

, maybe they have somebody on site filming
sure. all the filming is made by camera crew
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on February 20, 2020, 01:11:01 pm
looks like episode 3 has been rescheduled but I cannot find a precise date
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: TrevorM on February 20, 2020, 02:30:52 pm
looks like episode 3 has been rescheduled but I cannot find a precise date

I heard a rumor it was canceled. You'd think they'd at least air the episodes they've done already, at least online.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on February 20, 2020, 04:07:27 pm
Oh No! Just the season, not the whole program I hope!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on February 20, 2020, 08:08:36 pm
I was wondering if there we’re anymore.
I thought maybe I just missed em.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on February 21, 2020, 03:59:48 am
"Alone the beast" was supposed to be 10 episodes
Alone season 7 should be aired later
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on February 21, 2020, 10:54:08 am
I just saw ep 1 of the Beast, I quite enjoyed it. Ep 2 was on last night after my bedtime. It's waiting in the PVR. Ep 3 is scheduled.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 28, 2020, 07:04:39 am
New Season Thursday, June 11 at 10/9c
the trailer on historychannel is pretty intense!

for those interested

Do you think you have what it takes to survive for up to a year by yourself in the wild? If so, "Alone" is searching for self-reliance experts to attempt this bold adventure.
To learn more, please email with your name, age, contact information, location, and a brief description about your survival expertise!

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on May 28, 2020, 07:29:59 am
I'm really interested in how Keith makes out.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on May 28, 2020, 07:58:14 am
I'm really interested in how Keith makes out.

Me too.  It will be cool to see a familiar face on the show.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 28, 2020, 09:20:27 am
I was watching his items list and wondered if knife and multitool could be a double...

1 Knife
2. Ax
3. Bow and arrows
4. Pot
5. Ferro rod
6. Multitool
7. Fishing line and hooks
8. Sleeping bag
9. Paracord
10. Trapping wire
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on May 28, 2020, 09:31:49 am
No tarp..... interesting.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 28, 2020, 09:34:31 am
If you are interested here is the complete items list to choose 10 from.
Note the bow must be primitive (what is a primitive bow ?  (lol) )
Write your 10 picks if you like. It may be interesting
I find it's pretty difficult to choose

*Participants select 10 items from the following list.
*Participants may only choose up to two food items.
*No duplicate items can be taken from the following list.

    12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)
    8-mm climbing rope - 10M
    550 Paracord - 80m
    3-mm cotton cord - 40m (non waxed cord)
    1 multi-seasonal sleeping bag
    1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)
    1 sleeping pad
    1 hammock
    1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)
    1 steel frying pan (no more than 2 quarts)
    1 flint or ferro rod set with standard-sized striker
    1 enamel bowl for eating
    1 spoon
    1 canteen or water bottle
    1 bar soap
    1 8-oz tube of toothpaste
    1 face flannel
    1 40-mm roll dental floss
    1 small bottle bio shower soap
    1 shaving razor (and 1 blade)
    1 towel (30” x 60”)
    1 comb
    1 300-yd roll of a single-filament fishing line up to max of 20 lbs weight test + 25 assorted barbless hooks, no bigger than size 7/0, no lures.
    1 Primitive Bow Recurve or longbow + 9x Arrows + simple quiver OR arrow attachment.
    1 small-gauge gill net
    1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band
    1 net foraging bag
    1 roll 3.5 lbs of 20 or 21-gauge trapping (snare) wire
    3 lbs of one solid block of salt
Food (2 items max)
    2 lbs of beef jerky (protein)
    2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)
    2 lbs of biltong (protein)
    2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)
    2 lbs of chocolate (simple/complex sugars)
    2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)
    2 lbs of GORP (raisins, chocolate, peanuts)
    1 lb of flour (starch/carbs)
    1/3 lbs rice / 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt
    1 pocket knife
    1 hunting knife (blade edge length no larger than 10”)
    1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar
    1 sharpening stone
    1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape
    1 small shovel
    1 small sewing kit
    1 carabiner
    1 LED flashlight
    1 pair of ice spikes (studded walking aids for icy conditions
    1 scotch-eyed auger
    1 adze
    1 2-handed draw knife (blade no longer than 5 inches)
    1 hatchet
    1 saw
    1 ax

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on May 28, 2020, 11:55:13 am
Id have to know where I'm going before I could make my picks.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 28, 2020, 12:19:51 pm
Great Slave Lake Northwest Territories
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on May 29, 2020, 03:46:39 pm
making choices for a year in an near-arctic envrionment could be best informed by looking at the traditional tool kit of the local inhabitants. Of course, every one of the contestants visualizes his own trip.

GlisGlis, are there any more specifics about the selection list or location? And if we comment here by making our own list, could this affect the choices made by the actual contestants? 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on May 29, 2020, 07:12:45 pm
If it's airing in two weeks it's already shot and everybody is home eating ice cream ;D ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on May 29, 2020, 09:20:06 pm
I see, my bad. Say, did what flavor ice cream? Muskrat Supreme with Beavertail Bites?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on May 30, 2020, 08:35:06 am
Moose Tracks. Maybe that's a Canadian flavour.

I've been looking over that list. man, there's some hard decisions there. A comb, or 2lbs of pemmican ;D ;D OK that's an easy one. Some are tough though. 1 LED flashlight. Seems like you could do without that but you might want to see if it's a wolf or a wolverine that's chewing on your leg. A guy could spend days deciding what to take.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on May 30, 2020, 08:47:06 am
Thinking my list would be the same. Maybe trade knife for saw. Depending on what multi tool I could have.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on May 30, 2020, 10:14:51 am
No tarp..... interesting.

Knowing Keith and watching his and Jen's videos I wouldn't doubt that Keith builds a cabin.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 01, 2020, 09:22:57 am
Having never watched this show I know nothing about it But they did have a special on  local TV the other night interviewing a guy from Michigan who won I think the 2nd season.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 01, 2020, 09:38:23 am
Having never watched this show I know nothing about it But they did have a special on  local TV the other night interviewing a guy from Michigan who won I think the 2nd season.

It's worth watching Jon.  It's the most real survival show I've seen. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 03, 2020, 01:46:46 am
JEB you can find previous seasons episodes on dailymotion dot com
search for "alone season" or
"alone s01e01"  where s01 is number of the season (you can write s02, s03 ...) and e01 is number of episode (you can write e02, e03 ....)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 03, 2020, 11:29:48 am
I went through the items lists of all participants and none selected tarp
It may be a default item even if not listed on the show site

I tried to put toghether my list but cannot decide the last positions
I know is like swearing in church but I was almost going to drop the bow and arrows  :-T

1- 1 multi-seasonal sleeping bag
2- 1  flint or ferro rod set with standard-sized striker
3- 1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)
4- 1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar
5- ax or hatchet
6- 300-yd roll of a single-filament fishing line up to max of 20 lbs weight test + 25 assorted barbless hooks, no bigger than size 7/0, no lures.
7-  small-gauge gill net
8- roll 3.5 lbs of 20 or 21-gauge trapping (snare) wire

- Primitive Bow Recurve or longbow + 9x Arrows + simple quiver OR arrow attachment.
- saw
- 550 Paracord - 80m
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 05, 2020, 05:24:31 am
What channel is this on, I have direct TV ?? History/discovery ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 05, 2020, 07:29:54 am
Pappy, it's on the History Channel Thursday night at 10:00.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Corvus on June 08, 2020, 12:03:52 am
Not in any order of importance, think this is how my list would shape up.

1. 550 Paracord - 80m
2. multi-seasonal sleeping bag
3. large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)
4. flint or ferro rod set with standard-sized striker
5. 300-yd roll of a single-filament fishing line up to max of 20 lbs weight test + 25 assorted barbless hooks, no bigger than size 7/0, no lures.
6. Primitive Bow Recurve or longbow + 9x Arrows + simple quiver OR arrow attachment.
7. roll 3.5 lbs of 20 or 21-gauge trapping (snare) wire
8. hatchet
9. saw
10. Buck knife  or multi tool, undecided on that last spot
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 11, 2020, 07:53:06 am
They had an interview on the radio this morning with one of the contestants who is a local woman from Espanola.  She said her focus was on food gathering tools.  Don't know how that panned out for her
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 11, 2020, 09:39:41 am
OK, when does the new season start, what channel and what time? Thanks
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 11, 2020, 10:11:13 am
Tonight, History channel 7:00 on the west coast
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: sleek on June 12, 2020, 01:14:58 am
Well, looks like it will be a year before I can look at this thread again. I dont want spoilers lol. I dont have cable, so I watch Hulu and Netflix, gadda wait till it posts on there.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 12, 2020, 04:48:35 am
Well I tried watching it and then 1015 PM showed up. I get up at 530 am everyday so I have a hard time staying up late. What I saw looked good. Hopefully they will rerun the first show at an earlier time.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 12, 2020, 05:46:23 am
I watched it, Keith wasn't on other than a few snap shots, it was OK, if I can stand the commercials I will watch it again, did see a guy kill a squirrel with a rock. One f the guys was from Paris Tennessee, I have seen him before at TwinOaks, pretty cool but he was the first to leave after 10 days, lot his fire starter. ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 12, 2020, 08:04:50 am
apparently the tarp was in addition to the 10 items
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 12, 2020, 08:29:00 am
I've tried to watch it a couple of times but it seems nobody is prepared for the situation at hand. I watched as one guy burn down his shelter and last night the guy lost his fire starter, maybe the same guy. I haven't seen Kieth except with a few cameo shots.
 I never watched any of the "reality" shows because they just weren't real...except for Mother Nature's part.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 13, 2020, 08:10:40 am
video editing is a fact but from what I can judge Alone is the only series of this kind that looks authentic

I haven't seen Kieth except with a few cameo shots
the first episode is focused on 4 participants. Keith will be in one of the next episodes

I've tried to watch it a couple of times but it seems nobody is prepared for the situation at hand

after the end of the episode there is a talk. they speak about the drop shock.
I can imagine that even an experienced bushman could feel the shift from modern living to a complete survival situation
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 13, 2020, 08:45:28 am
But, don't you think that someone participating is such an adventure would do all they could to be prepared. Dropping and loosing your only method of making fire for example. Seems like one would protect that with your life because your life depends on it, especially in the Arctic. And instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself for hours, use that energy to use friction to make fire. There is usually something dry, even in rainy environments to get a fire started. Also, building a big fire in your shelter of dried materials and allowing it to get out of hand seems foolish too.
After all, you are only a radio call away from safety. I guess I've never been one for any kind of "reality" shows. Very few seem real to me.
 I am looking forward to seeing Keith in action though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 13, 2020, 10:57:10 am
Interesting that he lost his striker 10 days into this thing. Maybe he wanted to quit and this was his easy way out, you know tossing it in the lake,lol
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 13, 2020, 12:21:27 pm
Interesting that he lost his striker 10 days into this thing. Maybe he wanted to quit and this was his easy way out, you know tossing it in the lake,lol

I had that thought too.

Also, building a big fire in your shelter of dried materials and allowing it to get out of hand seems foolish too.

I bet that when time pass and you get exhausted an accident with fire is very possible. After all blazes where pretty common in the past even in big cities
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 13, 2020, 01:14:29 pm
The lack of food has to impact their critical thinking.  I could see that being the reason behind a lot of the simple mistakes that are made on the show.  Kind of like when you are sleep deprived.  I know when I worked night shift and skipped a day of sleeping I had to really concentrate to figure out simple tasks.  I would never tiller a bow or do detail work when tired.  I would thing going days at a time without food has to have a similar impact
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 14, 2020, 09:52:33 am
I finished watching the first episode.  In my opinion, that guy got his few days of adventure and quit.  He didn't look for his fire steel very long.  He didn't even try to light a friction fire.  Maybe he just wanted the TV exposure to promote his own videos.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 14, 2020, 11:10:31 am
anyone find out when the first show is on again, during "normal" hours please post time and channel.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on June 15, 2020, 07:38:07 am
The next episode is Thursday night, same time.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 15, 2020, 08:11:38 am
Tuesday night, 10:00pm, History Channel
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 18, 2020, 05:33:12 am
I planned on watching it tonight but will be at the cabin and can't get it, guess I will get Miss Joanie to tape it for me, that's will be good, can watch the hole hour in probably 10 minutes with out all the commercials and play backs of what is about to happen or has already happened. Never seen anything like it, they waste and hour of my life for maybe 10 minutes of action. :( O well must be a popular show because they have plenty of commercials. ::) ::) sorry for the rant, just bugs me. ;) :) :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 18, 2020, 10:03:14 am
I've noticed that in the last few years. They've been stretching out the footage by doing those annoying replays when you come back from commercials. I record just about everything I watch now. Even if the show is on right now. For an hour long show I can hit record, go out to the shop for 20 min, come back in, watch the show and have time to hit record for the next one. The PVR is my friend :D We have YouTube on our television feed now. I find I watch that a lot but commercials are sneaking in there more and more.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 18, 2020, 04:14:46 pm
I will give it another go tonight but it comes on a little late for me.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 19, 2020, 07:49:32 am
I wouldn’t watch that crap if you EFT’d a years salary to me.

Hollywood fake chit.

Has man really gotton that far from what DNA is in his blood? Survival is now a game show.

You think that’s real?

You wanna do it?

Pack yer stuff fly into northern Athabasca and go live for a couple months.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 19, 2020, 09:09:22 am
Hollywood fake chit.

Canadian show actually  (lol) (lol) (lol)

One thing I like in Alone show is that the participants that make the boldest statements are usually the one to leave first
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 19, 2020, 12:01:00 pm
Interesting to watch last night. Sorry to see the former Marine tap out but during the after show he explained how serious his injury was and it was pretty bad. He was a self bow maker by trade. When they interviewed him he had many staves in his work shop.

He seemed to have it together with his shelter building and fish catching. The blonde female may be in trouble as she has yet to build a good shelter after 10 days into this.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 19, 2020, 01:41:48 pm
Don't count her out yet. Through the whole Alone series I have been very impressed with how tough the girls are. That said as soon as any of them start talking about missing their family they are doomed :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 19, 2020, 02:06:08 pm
Going without food was normal for man. You dont need to have food for several days at all. Zero , none. You can function at beey high levels. If youve never done it, try it. Make you shoot straight.
 My fathers buddy was on Batan in WWII. He lived near us. He made the march and survived prison camp on next to no food for months on end. Tough guys would die when they gave in to dispair.
Seems strange  but LTC Nick Rowe   Was killed in the PI many years later. Guy who made surviving a school for USA Operators and fliers.

Its Holeywood in Other words its bullchit. If all you have to do survive all day with modern equipment, clothing, foothear, weapons, etc, etc if you cant do it it may strengthen mans gene pool. Lord knows last 260 yrs has weakened it tremendously.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 19, 2020, 06:06:57 pm
HH:  the cure is, don't watch it.

DC: I saw her bio and she seems like a tough nut. We shall see.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 19, 2020, 06:27:19 pm
What is fake about it?  Have you even watched it?  If not, that's a strong opinion for being ignorant of what actually happens on the show. 

Any time there is trad/primitive bows and hunting on a major network TV show that is a good thing in my opinion.   What other show has someone taking game with a selfbow?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 19, 2020, 07:09:26 pm
It fake cuz its fake. WTH??

You wanna something real it aint a holeywood production.

Heres something real. The first American Female Soljah just finished Robin Sage in NC. She will soon be the first female SF Operator.

No cameras, no bows, just a heavier ruckthan you’ve ever humped , wpns, equip under duress 22hrs a day for a month.

Purty freakin real but not on the boob tube.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 20, 2020, 05:27:08 am
Again HH: The cure for you is. Don't watch it.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 20, 2020, 05:39:55 am
Thanks Doc. I took the Red pill.

SERE School tends to clear your mind of what's real in the world and what's fantasy-land.

Not saying dont watch it, Just noting its bullchit. There's something for everyone's mind in Holeywood.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 20, 2020, 06:02:13 am
Didn’t see your buddy yet Clint.

I like the alone series. I always thought it was pretty interesting in the past that they could tap out at anytime to end their adventure. It was interesting them not knowing how many people were left. Could be 9 others, could be one other who was just about ready to hang it up.

I’m not sure how the 100 day challenge will compare. On one hand no one has ever lasted that long yet. On the other hand it seems like it makes a more defined time line. It seems like the well constructed shelter might be a more worthwhile use of calories. I like the rock house.

I’m pretty sure if I tried this, I would be spending a lot of time making tools and other things to make life easier.

In the past I have been very surprised how many people just couldn’t handle the being alone part. Many seemed like they wanted to prove to themselves that they could do something. Once they proved that to themselves they lost the desire to continue the adventure. With the 100 day challenge it would seem the personal goals would be more likely replaced by the 100 day goal. Of course 100 days could be a worthy challenge. There have been several pulled from the show in the past after the medical team felt they were no longer safe to continue. I think the 100 days might get the come in with 70 extra lbs. of body fat. Conserve calories and hold out as long as you can people out. I’m thinking that won’t work for 100 days. More calories spent making life easier might be the long term strategy.

Of course I could be wrong. I think I have picked the wrong winner every time but one. As far as these type adventures . Alone is the only one I really have any interest in watching. In fact I really look forward to seeing the next episode.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 20, 2020, 06:36:17 am
BJ: I took Clint's advice and watch the last episode. Enjoyed it. I would think Clint's buddy will be on next episode as they highlight 4 at a time. Looking forward to the next showing.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 20, 2020, 07:25:16 am
I like it.  It's one of the most real "reality" show on TV.  That said it's for sure the producers will be taking some precautions.  Having someone die on the show wouldn't be good. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on June 20, 2020, 08:13:48 am
I'm still looking forward to seeing how Keith does.I think it would be great if he wins. With a million dollars on the line I'm wondering what the producers have in mind if they have more then one finishing a 100 days?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 20, 2020, 08:56:37 am
Does anyone know how the 100 days works? I looked but I can't seem to find stuff on webpages anymore. What if 4 people make the hundred? Do they get a million each? If nobody gets to the hundred(which I think is most likely) does the best still get the 500k?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 20, 2020, 02:24:57 pm
Just stay out there no matter what. Dont let em pull ya . Let it go viral and get a good Law dog!

I bet they signed more contractual paperwork than elective surgery!

Oh, it real cuz they paying a bounty. I see now.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 21, 2020, 04:16:06 am
i think that Jordan, winner of last season, could have endured 100 days
He was settled in with a good shelter and alot of food.
I had the impression during the show that the production tried to choose the scenes to make it look in troubles to try to hide the fact that he was going to win
He also does not looked to much bothered by the "Alone" factor
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 22, 2020, 05:51:44 am
Watched it last night, I thought it was pretty good. Much better than most shows like that. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 22, 2020, 07:02:51 am
I had never watched the series thinking it would a bunch of phony baloney like Nekid and Afraid, Mountain Men, Alaska the last Frontier and such. I watched the first episode of this season after reading about it here and was hooked.

I had a mishap with a mandolin vegetable slicer and took off part of the end of my pinky finger a few days ago, 48 hours later it was still pouring blood so I went to a walk in clinic and had it cauterized. That was an adventure, getting raw flesh cauterized with no anesthesia.

I was pretty much spent after the above ordeal so I hung out around the house and binged watched season one. I pretty much picked the winner about mid point along with one other possibility, I turned out to be right.

I just started on season 2, I have found that the cocky, self righteous guys don't fare well when the chips are down.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 22, 2020, 08:26:28 am
Must have been making coleslaw?

I have had that happen if it the type i'm thinking about.

Holey wood has a way of hooking people. Like Opium or Heroin or Oxy. Wouldn't waste my time on fake chit.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 22, 2020, 09:43:14 am
My favourite was the guy that heard something go rustle the first night and was all packed up waiting on the beach for the boat before first light.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 22, 2020, 05:19:05 pm
Wanna see some real stuff ....? Watch Cops Chicago! See some really real, real real footage. Not for a million bucks but rather another day on earth. Reality on the Bricks.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2020, 06:49:48 pm
If you hate the show so much why do you keep trolling this post?  We get it.  You think its fake even though you have never watched it.   Good for you.  Why not do something more productive like scrape on a bow or something.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: paulsemp on June 22, 2020, 07:44:14 pm
Well said Clint. For the most part I'm working in some of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago everyday. Spent three months working at Cook County Jail. Arguably one of the worst in the country. This show looks harder then what I do everyday
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 22, 2020, 07:51:25 pm
Well said Clint.

Thanks Paul.  I've got better things to do in my life than trolling posts with negative nonsense.   I guess some people don't.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 22, 2020, 09:47:06 pm
Hedge: I think you are the most negative person I have ever run into. I think you don't even like yourself.  Give us a break will you?  And if you can't give us a break quit writing like you are a third grader.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 23, 2020, 05:08:05 am
I myself like it, not most of the shows that or on now , but this one I like, I agree, if you don't like it , don't watch it, pretty simple. ???  Still haven't seen anything of Keith, maybe this week. :) Looking forward to seeing how he does, bet he will do well. ;)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 23, 2020, 06:41:48 am
The Dr. JEB and Outlaw show, passing out the Blue Pill. You aint never run into me, if you did You'd remember. 

I may watch an episode Pappy.  Then again it might rain.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 23, 2020, 07:07:53 am
HH i'm ready to start a collection of signatures to support your candidacy for Alone season 8
You'll win with a hand tied behind and you'll have the best supporter group ever  (-P

as regards to the pills is usually better to take them all not only the red one

@pappy bet Keith will show up Thursday 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 23, 2020, 07:29:08 am
Another Doc writing scripts from overseas.

Dont do fake chit for money!


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 23, 2020, 07:36:46 am
I must have missed something, which Keith is going to be on the show?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 23, 2020, 07:43:29 am
Me to!

Lotsa $ pimps on the boob tube. Which one?

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 23, 2020, 07:50:47 am
I must have missed something, which Keith is going to be on the show?

Keith Syers.  He used to be on here with the user name Wildman.   He's at the Classic every year and usually sets up as a vendor.  He's a good guy and I hope he does well. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on June 23, 2020, 07:52:05 am
Keith Syers, aka, Wildman on PA. Keith and his wife also have some good videos on YouTube under Ramshackle videos.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 23, 2020, 11:06:04 am
It ain’t the Batam death march, but it isn’t like any of the other so called survival shows. Don’t get me wrong. I have total respect for those prisoners that survived and also those that didn’t. I’m not putting any of the contestants on Alone on some pedestal with those prisoners. I’m just saying it’s a very interesting adventure. It’s worth the time spent watching it which is more than I can say for most of the TV shows. The contestants do the filming. The producers do the editing of course, but it doesn’t have the drama and cat fights that so much of “reality tv” seems to think is entertaining. I like the Bush crafts. The different styles of trying to gather food. The one thing I think might make the 100 day challenge a improvement over the last to tap. I think everyone that’s seriously thinking about going to the end, isn’t going to make it sitting on their a$$ conserving energy. I’m looking forward to seeing some really nice shelters and some good Bush crafts. 100 days is going to be a worthy challenge. Anyone who makes it that long might just end up staying there and calling it home.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on June 23, 2020, 01:29:36 pm
Keith aka Wildman here on PA.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 23, 2020, 03:07:10 pm
Ya Keith is a very good guy, got one of his home made hawks hanging in the cabin and he gave me some very nice liquid stuff last year, said it was for madisamal purpose only and he was responsible it I didn’t follow directions .😀 Pappy
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 23, 2020, 04:57:38 pm
Need to sign up  J. Parker. He do 100 days doing Cheetah Flips.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Outbackbob48 on June 23, 2020, 06:07:54 pm

ote]Need to sign up J. Parker He do 100 days doing Cheetah flips[/quote]

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 24, 2020, 06:26:55 am
Being young, single and a veteran would be three key elements to being on this show and succeeding.  I can see where contestants with kids or a spouse would have loneliness problems.
I would have love to give this a shot in 1969 after I got home.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 24, 2020, 07:25:26 am
A lot of vets participated on this show over the years.  I don't think one of them made it to the end
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 24, 2020, 08:19:51 am
Being a veteran was one of my elements. I think young and single with no spouse and children would also be essential.  If you are married and have kids then that will play mind games with you after awhile.

I know I would have given it a go in 69/70 when I got home.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 24, 2020, 09:04:37 am
Being a farmer I spend endless hours alone in a tractor. Some people just hate it. I don’t mind it at all. I feel much more comfortable by myself than with lots of people. I’ve always said to do this job you have to be able to get along with yourself. I do have a fantastic wife and kids who put up with me being at work so much. I’m sure I would miss them a lot, but I don’t know how much. I have often been surprised how many tapped out because of the being alone. The endless hours of soul searching. The need to have someone to communicate with. Reminds me of the movie castaway and “Willson” . My wife thinks that is so stupid. I think I could see her talking to a volleyball before

I guess until you experience it, you really don’t know. I do know the older I get, the more I realize. The one thing that is the most valuable and probably most overlooked is time. We only get so much of it. Some get more than others. Some hold it with great value. Some just want to end it.

I do value it more each day.


PS I can see how after a person proved everything to themselves they wanted to, it might be really hard to continue the challenge.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 24, 2020, 11:27:05 am
I can see how after a person proved everything to themselves they wanted to, it might be really hard to continue the challenge.

but if you play that game you should know that the ultimate thing to prove is you can win and resist till the end. (or at least as much as possible)
Setting your own less ambitious targets is a little too convenient
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 24, 2020, 12:57:01 pm
I just watched last weeks episode.  That guy was off to a great start before he messed his knee up.  An injury would be a rough way to tap out.  Knowing you were doing good and ready for the long haul and having it all taken away because you stepped in a small hole while carrying a log.  I remember that girl that got the fish hook stuck in her hand a few seasons ago.  She tried her best to get it out.  I noticed now the rules say no barbed hooks.  I wonder if that is the reason why.  The hook in her hand had a barb on it and it was pretty deep.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 24, 2020, 03:55:12 pm
Barbless hook laws are getting pretty common up here. Barbless single hooks. If you buy a Deadly Dick you have to take the treble hook off and replace it with a single barbless.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on June 24, 2020, 06:16:23 pm
i dont have a way to watch it but i found a way to watch the first episode and it looks awesome!! it would be hard to get a hook out without a way to cut the tip off when you push it through. ouch!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 24, 2020, 07:48:28 pm
I had to remove 2 prongs of a treble hook from a guys stomach last summer.  It wasn't easy for me or him.  I had to push them on through so I could cut the barbed tips off.  He nearly passed out.  He's not the toughest guy though. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 25, 2020, 03:04:11 am
dont have a way to watch it but i found a way to watch the first episode and it looks awesome!

page 10 of this thread you'll find some hint on how to do
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 25, 2020, 06:29:49 am
I stayed up last night to watch and didn't realize it was Weds until forged in Fire showed up. I am living ALONE and it is miserable.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 25, 2020, 10:53:19 am
Better take a nap today Jon.

Better yet figure out how to record it.


I have lived alone. It wasn’t pleasant even when I could visit other people. Hope you can get out some Jon
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on June 25, 2020, 07:17:05 pm
Keith will be on tonight's episode.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 26, 2020, 05:32:40 am
Yep, he looks like he is doing good so far, pretty cool seeing someone you know. Not sure he will or has won but I think he will go a long ways.Things will get much tougher when the weather changes, that will be the test for sure. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on June 26, 2020, 06:07:30 am
Keith needs a better shelter. What he has now won't hold up in the winter  IMHO.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 26, 2020, 08:11:42 am
they're showing more skills and attitude in shelter building this season
the 100 days goal is making it all more interesting
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 26, 2020, 10:54:10 am
I like the stone house. There’s some pretty good adventures this season. Should be interesting. I’m really hoping that they can all hang in there for the long haul. Still haven’t heard if more than one makes 100 days what happens?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 27, 2020, 04:42:10 am
stone house sure looks sturdy
maybe a little small and not sure if a flat roof is a good idea
let's see if he can get enough food to cover the energy consumption

Still haven’t heard if more than one makes 100 days what happens?

dont know. Never see it mentioned anywhere

“The rules are simple, survive 100 days and win 1 million dollars,” the History Channel writes.

apparently no need to be the last standing. maybe winners split the prize. not sure
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on June 27, 2020, 09:19:25 am
“The rules are simple, survive 100 days and win 1 million dollars,” the History Channel writes."

That's about the vaguest set of rules I've ever read. There is a lot of speculation about them and the producers have made no attempt to explain them. Makes you want to put on a tinfoil hat ;D ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 27, 2020, 12:58:12 pm
No legal expert, but that would seem to me if 8 people lasted 100 days. They should each get 1 million dollars.

Of course if none of them last 100 days nobody gets anything.

Yes Gills I’m curious about the flat roof to. Maybe it has more slope than it appears to have. I think he said he was going to fill with moss and cover with a tarp. Maybe he will slope it then? Another thing I wondered was if snow gets really deep it might get drifting and be buried under a huge drift.

All in all. Some pretty interesting players.


PS first sighting of Kieth reminded me of cousin IT on the Adams Family.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 03, 2020, 05:02:45 am
Well that kind of stunk, our boy Keith tapped out last night, I told Miss Joanie that if he didn't start having better luck gathering food before the bad weather hit he wasn't going to make it. He got really sick and I think made the right decision to leave , I know he hated it but it was probably for the best. It will defiantly make the show less interesting for me, but now want to see who wins. Good job Keith, 21 days ant bad. ;) :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 03, 2020, 05:59:12 am
I missed what made Keith sick. Did they disclose? I hated to see him leave also.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on July 03, 2020, 07:19:56 am
Keith was in bad shape with that sickness.  You are in trouble when you can't even hold down water.  What a bummer.   I liked his tattoo work. 

Jeb, I don't think they ever really said what made him sick.   It looked like it happened shortly after eating that squirrel. But with editing, who knows.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on July 03, 2020, 07:25:55 am
Sucked for Keith. They did say the the small rodents where he was at carried Typhus and a parasite I don't remember the name. Seems like the show would have given a Heads up about not eating the small rodents
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 03, 2020, 09:44:51 am
sorry for Keith
he also was on a not so good location.
A rocky peninsula. Not the best for big game.
Probably the ticket was fishing. too bad it did not clicked for him
Not sure the issue was related to the squirrel. If he got typhus I think they'd have said as it requires strong medical threatment

ps. I liked the tattoo idea but risking an infection with a million dollars prize ?!?  :fp
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 03, 2020, 10:08:05 am
Yup that was a bummer. Funny thing how stuff goes. I was worried when he ate the stuff growing on the rock. Thought that might make him sick. Also the chance of infection from the tattoo. Then seemed like things might be going his way. Snares a squirrel. Everything is good and next thing you know he’s not able to keep anything down. Does make a person wonder exactly what the cause was. I was wondering if eating some charcoal would have helped? I think I saw somewhere that it helps stomach problems?

Still some interesting contestants out there yet. Going to get cold soon I think.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 03, 2020, 10:56:44 am
I think he roasted the squirrel(not positive) and I think that's a mistake in this kind of situation. The chance of parasites is too high. I think the same thing happened to another contestant on a previous series. Boiling is much safer plus I think you get more out of the animal eventually. And that nice hot broth to drink before bed. I have noticed that the other contestants are boiling most of their food. There is something romantic about roasting your food over an open fire and it probably tastes better but puking for a day ain't fun.
 Yeah I thought the tattoo was an unneccesary risk too.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 03, 2020, 12:00:13 pm
Still some interesting contestants out there yet. Going to get cold soon I think.

All the participants left indeed are
I have a weakness for Callie. She looks to be at ease.
I'm afraid she's behind with shelter building tough
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 08, 2020, 07:05:58 pm
Never saw A CMH earner who looked like the baddest monkee in the tree. Seen a few of my friends earn the Silver Star in some chit hole where good men were busted up, burning and the toughest monkee is exactly what was needed on that day.

Why i mentioned the Batan survivor whose son i went to school with. You would have never thought at a glance this guy was so mentally and physically tough. Why deeds not words are where its at.

If i was to bet on this Reality TV game in Vegas. I would take a guy or gal that comes in fat. Has some experience in bush, has some common sense, and listen more than they talk, with a little field craft.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 10, 2020, 05:59:10 am
Getting better all the time, I am liking them gals, winter is coming so things are fixing to really get tough. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 10, 2020, 06:43:11 am
What make bow did she use to kill the rabbit?    Looked like a Bear Grizzly?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 10, 2020, 12:50:44 pm
Bear super grizzly.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 10, 2020, 01:01:25 pm
Was another interesting episode. See a few more preparations for winter. Still seem to be a few pretty sparse shelters though.

My recording didn’t work for some reason. I missed the part where she got the rabbit.

The ice and cold will make the challenge much more difficult. Getting water, fishing, gathering firewood will all become more difficult. The noise of the wind blowing your tarp won’t be the only thing driving you crazy.

Next week should be another interesting one. I still like Roland’s progress. He seems to be looking to the long haul and although fishing has been risky, dangerous and not as productive as I’m sure he had wished. It seems he has run across a interesting encounter with a Musk Oz. The meat, fat, hide and bones could prove very valuable. That is if he actually gets them.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 10, 2020, 01:22:30 pm
Was another interesting episode. See a few more preparations for winter. Still seem to be a few pretty sparse shelters though.

My recording didn’t work for some reason. I missed the part where she got the rabbit.

The ice and cold will make the challenge much more difficult. Getting water, fishing, gathering firewood will all become more difficult. The noise of the wind blowing your tarp won’t be the only thing driving you crazy.

Next week should be another interesting one. I still like Roland’s progress. He seems to be looking to the long haul and although fishing has been risky, dangerous and not as productive as I’m sure he had wished. It seems he has run across a interesting encounter with a Musk Oz. The meat, fat, hide and bones could prove very valuable. That is if he actually gets them.


Yeah, now he's going to have 600 lbs of mutton(eeewww) and no mint sauce to hide the taste.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 11, 2020, 02:43:56 am
My recording didn’t work for some reason. I missed the part where she got the rabbit.
page 10 of this thread you find how to see the episode online

Roland may be woodsy but he also looks pretty savage  )P( .
Chances are that it's what it is needed to survive in that place
All things considered all participants show very positive traits

He seems to be looking to the long haul and although fishing has been risky, dangerous and not as productive as I’m sure he had wished.

I ask myself why not to build some sort of ladder or support to reach the lake
Probably the view from camera is very different from real situation
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 11, 2020, 03:18:55 am
History channel recruitment page  )P( )P( )P(
(needs a US IP to be seen apparently)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 17, 2020, 06:24:08 am
Anything major happen last night? I am at the cabin with a TV that gets one station.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 17, 2020, 06:24:53 am
Am I the only one bumped by the garage location?   ;D

great 6th episode   :OK

the episode title is The Musk OX
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 17, 2020, 08:42:46 am
... and second question
is Roland shooting a damaged bow? I noticed what looked like an hinge also in previous episodes
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 17, 2020, 10:56:37 am
Has anyone got any ideas for an effective, fairly easy food cache that these people could build? That seems to be the big problem. Not just this show but many others people score big with food only to have a bear/wolverine/fox steal it. The only effective on I've seen was 20" up poles with tin wrapped around the poles and sheet metal isn't on the 10 list.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 18, 2020, 02:46:14 am
if you can climb it a bear or wolverine can climb it better (not to mention birds)
hanging really high could be a way if you dont have too much weight
maybe debarking the poles and or spikes facing down could make the climb more difficult
also a platform protruding over the support poles
they all need hard work
I saw an inuit video where they preserved food underground with alot of stones on top. They say foxes could not reach it. It's likely that a polar bear could...
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 18, 2020, 07:24:14 am
My dad was an avid outdoors man and he would take us out to some of the most remote locations I have ever been to, sometimes paddling and/or hiking nearly a whole day just to get to our fishing/hunting spot.  If the area had Bears he would throw a rope over a high limb and just yank our food at least 6' off the ground for the night.  Never had any problems
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 18, 2020, 07:29:08 am
The garage interview doesn't bother me. At least it is a garage/man cave and not some fancy hollywierd studio.. I am guessing at the lack of response to my last post that nothing remarkable happened to the campers. right?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 18, 2020, 09:44:02 am
Jeb, we just don't want to spoil it. A lot happened. ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 18, 2020, 09:07:57 pm
The garage interview doesn't bother me. At least it is a garage/man cave and not some fancy hollywierd studio.. I am guessing at the lack of response to my last post that nothing remarkable happened to the campers. right?

Jon it was a good episode. Looks like a couple more good ones to come. It’s getting interesting. I don’t want to spoil it for you either. If you can figure out how to watch it on net. It would be worth watching. If you can’t I’ll send you a PM.

I’m thinking some bears are making trouble and some bears might be in trouble.

I’m still liking Rock house. Seems like he’s got his chit together. Anyone who can do all the work he has already done and gathered as much food as he has. Not to mention the work he did getting that food home sure has my respect.  Anything can happen though. Could get injured or food stolen, who knows. Do like his work ethic though.

Some very interesting contestants left. It should be interesting.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 19, 2020, 07:17:12 am
That's OK Brian. I probably won't watch the rerun. Doesn't sound like anyone left the show.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 19, 2020, 09:35:19 am
Would anyone be totally against actually discussing what's happening? I know Sleek was last season. Could we change the title so it said "Spoiler Alert" or something. It would have been much easier just to have answered Jeb's question. Comments? Ideas. It would be nice to be able to discuss stuff as it happened.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 19, 2020, 10:19:43 am
Would anyone be totally against actually discussing what's happening? I know Sleek was last season. Could we change the title so it said "Spoiler Alert" or something. It would have been much easier just to have answered Jeb's question. Comments? Ideas. It would be nice to be able to discuss stuff as it happened.

I would like to talk about it. Funny how when I was young we only had 2 channels and no recording capability. Back then people would talk about shows they saw last night. Now even if you know someone who watches the same show, they probably have it recorded and didn’t watch it yet.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 19, 2020, 10:37:09 am
I record every episode and keep them until the end of the year just in case I want to check something.
 Maybe once people realised that there were spoilers here they wouldn't read it until they'd watched the show.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 19, 2020, 11:34:52 am
Not sure what the big secret is. I am asking about last week show. You guys can disregard it's not really that important.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 19, 2020, 12:29:27 pm
There is no secret Jeb. It's just that people have complained about spoiling before.
PM sent Jeb
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on July 19, 2020, 10:14:17 pm
Looks like he got lucky with a bad shot.  Very little penetration in the back leg.  He must have hit an artery.  He is using a Bear longbow I think.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 20, 2020, 03:46:53 am
Looks like he got lucky with a bad shot.  Very little penetration in the back leg.  He must have hit an artery.  He is using a Bear longbow I think.

he had a second arrow. dont know what happened with it.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 20, 2020, 08:41:00 pm
Gotta remember they are doing all the filming. If it was me the number one priority would be to get a good shot with the bow, not necessarily the camera. I would have taken a picture before I tried to stalk. Then just put all my concentration on the hunt. Then film myself shooting a arrow.

I’m thinking the video of the arrow in hind quarter with little penetration was a second shot. He said it was about a 35 yard shot. That would be a very long shot for me. Certainly others that would feel comfortable with it though. I believe it ended up about two miles from camp. It obviously didn’t drop in its tracks. He put a good effort in recovery and processing the animal. Also a lot of effort in transporting it back to camp. I think he said he walked about 40 miles in three day plus the work of processing and carrying it. Also had a bear that was causing concern. I wouldn’t be surprised if he adds a bear to the food supplies.

As for the wrap on his bow. I’m thinking that’s how he carries some extra cordage when he hunts or something. I don’t think it is a repair to his bow.

Looks like in one of the future episodes someone build a log storage container for food. The one fella did like Marc said and hung his fish from a pole with a rope. A bear got the rope down and all his fish. Now he’s after the bear. Hopefully he gets it.

I’m looking forward to next episode


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 21, 2020, 09:08:09 am
Looks like in one of the future episodes someone build a log storage container for food.

yup and it looks like he keeps on building with a bomb shelter as a reference.
Now that he got fuel it could be the very winning strategy
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 21, 2020, 09:32:43 am
Who ever made the best and warmest shelter probably won this thing. When that cold and really cold wind sets in people will start heading home.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 21, 2020, 10:43:42 am
Looks like in one of the future episodes someone build a log storage container for food.

yup and it looks like he keeps on building with a bomb shelter as a reference.
Now that he got fuel it could be the very winning strategy

I keep thinking that just about anything a guy can put together a bear can surely rip apart. Anything I can lift a bear would just swipe off without thinking. That and they are so persistent. I like the hanging from a rope idea but you need to do something with the end of the rope. I think the only hope is outsmarting him somehow.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 21, 2020, 12:37:31 pm
he has probably 400+ pounds of meat to store. It could be difficult to hang all that weight
the cache looks pretty strong. Maybe all he needs is enough time to put an arrow through the bear
... or to stab it with is knife  )P(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 21, 2020, 02:35:07 pm
I don't know what that square thing is suppose to be but it is not going to keep a bear out.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 21, 2020, 03:05:21 pm
I’m kinda thinking he has a trick up his sleeve yet. Certainly does seem a bear could rip pretty much anything apart given enough time. Maybe he will set up a alarm system of some kind.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 22, 2020, 05:20:13 am
I finely watched it last night, getting interesting , I would say it was a big artery/vein  shot on the musk ox, lots of good stuff in the hind quarter, not the femoral or he wouldn't have had to stab it. If he can secure the meat he might just make it, seems tough enough, don't think the others will when things really get bad unless something changes.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on July 22, 2020, 09:30:58 am
Is the guy that shot the musk ox the one who's shelter they showed burn down in the previews for next week?   )P(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 22, 2020, 11:35:15 am
I wonder why they don't do the gutless method to strip the carcass and go back after everything is stripped and gut then remove the rest of the edibles. Both guys gutting  the moose and musk ox cut the stomach and made a mess.   
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 22, 2020, 01:50:04 pm
Field skills dont come easy Eric.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Ed Brooks on July 22, 2020, 02:15:18 pm
Anyone else think the musk ox was on its last yr up there? The reason I ask is the lack of fat on it. I thought they would have some fat. But I have never even seen one so idk.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 22, 2020, 02:39:14 pm
And it was alone. They usually herd up, don't they?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 22, 2020, 05:46:25 pm
You could shear the wool off it it would come in handy for so many things in a cold environment. Have a sweater of of their wool I had for 40yrs. Never went on a mission without that thing. Kept me toasty at 18,000ft more than a few times.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 22, 2020, 05:52:07 pm
Anyone else think the musk ox was on its last yr up there? The reason I ask is the lack of fat on it. I thought they would have some fat. But I have never even seen one so idk.

I was thinking like Gils to. It was alone. Didn’t have fat going into winter? I don’t know Musk ox either but I’m wondering to. Probably would have been feeding the wolves in a month or two

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 23, 2020, 05:37:44 am
Could have been , but either way it was a big score for him. Way better than squirrel  :) :) :) That might just get him through if he can keep it safe.  :-\
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 23, 2020, 07:02:08 am
When the temps get really cold you need high fat foods. When temps hit 30-60 below 0 Protein we eat gets burned like dry basswood. Not sure where these folks are at but if they in artic (which I doubt) cuz I see trees in pics. Funny thing about the Artic is the coldest weather is always windless days and nights.

Seen is 55 below with no wind up near Bethal, AK then wind suddenly starts to puff a bit and your jacket thermometer jump to zero degrees is 10 minutes time and your starting to sweat. You get a few drops in your undergarments in artic and your dead by morning. When they find you curled in the fetal the down side looks like frozen side of beef. That's the reality of living day in day out in that environment. The only thing that burns up there is what floats in the ocean after ice out from the Bearing Sea.

Those Inuits would prolly do this little challenge with a tshirt on. Most dont put a jacket on til its about 15 degrees and windy. Whats hard on some is a vacation to others. It's tough out there and it's all relative I reckon.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 23, 2020, 01:23:27 pm
Could have been , but either way it was a big score for him. Way better than squirrel  :) :) :) That might just get him through if he can keep it safe.  :-\

Agreed Pappy, he was visibly disappointed it didn’t have fat. Still extremely happy for the protein. I think he would probably like the bear for the fat if he could get it. Not to mention he wouldn’t have as much fear of it stealing his ox.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 23, 2020, 01:39:11 pm
Was it last year the guy got a moose. It was very lean and he didn't win. I don't think he was hungry but he lost a lot of weight.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 23, 2020, 01:56:33 pm
Was it last year the guy got a moose. It was very lean and he didn't win. I don't think he was hungry but he lost a lot of weight.

Actually I think he did win
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on July 23, 2020, 02:57:17 pm
I'm pretty sure they are in the Northwest Territory.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on July 23, 2020, 04:03:01 pm
Last season the winner killed a moose and a wolverine.  He was an interesting guy.  I listened to a podcast that had him as a guest.  He had lived with fur trappers in Russia I believe. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: KHalverson on July 23, 2020, 04:13:05 pm
they are on great slave lake again.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 23, 2020, 06:27:49 pm
The guy with the moose won, had the wolverine not eaten his accumulated fat he would have been in pretty good shape at the end. He definitely had the skills.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 23, 2020, 11:24:48 pm
My memory ain't what it used to be.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 24, 2020, 04:27:26 am
he's starving and he cut wood in such small pieces  :fp
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 24, 2020, 05:05:06 am
The female with the dark hair will be next to exit.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 24, 2020, 05:34:56 am
Very good last night, I think Roland will make it, not sure about the others, they aren't half way yet and things don't seem to be going so well for most,, that gal that got the 4 rabbits might just make it also,she is still holding her head together pretty good it seems.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 24, 2020, 06:54:41 am
Watched last nite. Pappy got me into it.

Barring injury theres no question who will win. Fuel, field skills and being ati year Yuker (winter over in AK).

Show is like i imagined: highly produced, big budget, with ships, UAVs, RFDI track tags ( Sat based). So its basically entertainment like survivor without deceit, lies, distortion and the failings of the human condition.

Dugouts were and are great shelters. We used em, 1800’s line riders lived all winter in them. Still early up there. No ice on lake, dont need snowshoes yet. Prolly early october. Saw A minus 30 down bag, in 17 degree weather youd sweat out in that.

You can see most these folks except one can not separate the fact they volunteered for survival  .  Cant keep the will to live in their frontal lobe . Dwelling on what left, what they did to themselves. Some over come this some curl up and die.

Read the book about the The Ship Endurance trapped in Antarctic ice in 1914-17. How the men made it after such a time. Prolly the greatest feats or survival in human history.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 24, 2020, 07:15:10 am
Watched last nite. Pappy got me into it.

Barring injury theres no question who will win. Fuel, field skills and being ati year Yuker (winter over in AK).

Show is like i imagined: highly produced, big budget, with ships, UAVs, RFDI track tags ( Sat based). So its basically entertainment like survivor without deceit, lies, distortion and the failings of the human condition.

Dugouts were and are great shelters. We used em, 1800’s line riders lived all winter in them. Still early up there. No ice on lake, dont need snowshoes yet. Prolly early october. Saw A minus 30 down bag, in 17 degree weather youd sweat out in that.

You can see most these folks except one can not separate the fact they volunteered for survival  .  Cant keep the will to live in their frontal lobe . Dwelling on what left, what they did to themselves. Some over come this some curl up and die.

Read the book about the The Ship Endurance trapped in Antarctic ice in 1914-17. How the men made it after such a time. Prolly the greatest feats or survival in human history.

When you have that comfy blanket of a sat phone to call for help then it's for sure you are not going to go all in, the lure of a big payday is only going to take you so far
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 24, 2020, 08:35:19 am
Watched last nite. Pappy got me into it.

Barring injury theres no question who will win. Fuel, field skills and being ati year Yuker (winter over in AK).

Rien ne va plus.  Too late to place your bet  (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 24, 2020, 08:35:41 am
Carried a Sat ph in Afg my second to last deployment. Dont help much when yer blowed up or batteries go dead.
I learned long ago hunting men in the jungle. Never trust anything that takes a battery or goes to sleep. Trip wired claymores and trip flares do neither.

Also, a very good plan usually never survives first enemy contact. Which here is Shelter, water, food, fire.

There is no second place in Survival! You just do or dont.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 24, 2020, 07:08:46 pm
What Marc said. Nothing like life or death situation to really motivate you.

I think Roland is doing really well. He’s done a lot of things to help himself get that way and also had a bit of luck. If he doesn’t have bad luck he might just make it. The way he’s going now you might not get him to leave.

It can all change in a blink of an eye. Someone else can get lucky to. Wouldn’t count anyone out yet. Some are going to need a lot of luck though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 25, 2020, 02:57:50 am
the box food cache looks pretty sturdy (enough for a wolverine )
Bears are going to hibernate.
if he can defend the food for a few days he should be ok
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on July 25, 2020, 09:01:44 am
I was impressed with the food box. He seemed to solve all the problems. Too many steps for an animal to solve---maybe. They can be persistent. Roland seems to have upper hand. Even if the others manage to get some big game now most of them are too weak to preserve/protect it. Hearing a lot of home/family talk, that's not good.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 26, 2020, 08:26:23 am
Guys a Yuker. A multi year AK winter over man.

If you watched close on the upcoming Interviews at end of last show he raises both fists into air.
That’s the international and Human sign for victory going back to mans Early days of walking upright.

Look at scene from 2001 Space Oddessy! Where upright monkees kill the knuckle draggers with large femora bones. Best scene of movie. The rest is early special effects BS.

I have seen large muscled healthy men loose 65lbs in 65 days and sinewy low BMI men lose 10-15lbs under same duress and conditions. Large big folks with High BMIs always suffer from large weight losses rapidly. Seen it over and over, many times, as a US Army Ranger Instructor

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on July 31, 2020, 03:33:21 pm
can someone recap last night for me
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: osage outlaw on July 31, 2020, 04:18:51 pm
can someone recap last night for me

I can't yet.  I'm in Tennessee
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 01, 2020, 07:08:07 am
Two guys left, the bunny ladies are still hanging tough.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 01, 2020, 07:49:10 pm
Honestly I think many of these guys just lose it once they get in front of the camera.  Wayyyyyyy too much farting around and acting up rather than getting down to the business at hand of surviving
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on August 02, 2020, 07:28:35 am
viewers pretty tight lipped this week on the show.???? I can't find a re-cap anywhere on the computer.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 02, 2020, 08:17:30 am
Sent you a pm Jon.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 04, 2020, 06:02:08 am
Just watched it last night, thinning um out now.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on August 04, 2020, 08:31:10 am
What Natural Selection does.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on August 04, 2020, 08:53:54 am
Rabbit is starvation food. They need ice to get some fishing in or the rabbit eaters are toast.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 04, 2020, 04:50:09 pm
I saw an experiment done yeas ago where a scoutmaster took a dozen or so scouts into the desert. He wanted to gage what percentage would thrive and what percentage would fail, of course they had to eat bugs, snakes and anything else they could find.

Right off the bat he found that 20% of the scouts thought of it as a wonderful adventure and had a great time collecting anything and everything to eat.

20 percent just sat down and started crying for their mothers, of course he immediately sent this group home, they would die quickly in a survival situation.

60% of the kids wouldn't eat snakes and bugs initially but would after they got real hungry.  These kids went along with the experiment but didn't enjoy it.

We see about the same thing on Alone, some tap out the first day, some hang on for a month or so on but are disillusioned and some are having the time of their life and do surprisingly well considering the adversity they face.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 04, 2020, 05:05:24 pm
Rabbit is starvation food. They need ice to get some fishing in or the rabbit eaters are toast.

I would give you some updates but I've been holding off watching it for awhile and only started watching it lately.  I'm not exactly fond of the new way they've been doing the sbow
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 07, 2020, 05:47:43 am
It is getting tougher every day for them, all still holding up pretty good but only half way. Them are 2 tough gals for sure.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 07, 2020, 07:50:29 am
Gotta agree with you there Pappy. Those gals are determined. I really thought the one was going to tap. She missed some very nice opportunities. She beat herself up a little, but pulled herself back up.

Really like Amos to. Pretty cool cucumber being surrounded by five wolves. Some only three yards from his shelter. I’m sure the pucker factor was going there.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 07, 2020, 09:07:02 am
Pretty good, recovering from starvation;
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on August 07, 2020, 09:08:07 am
I've watched a little the last few weeks. Seems to me that some are taking chances that really endangers them. This could be that do to the protein rich/low fat food they eat might be affecting their mental states and actions.The one guy heading to his gill net, knowing the rocks are icy and if he goes in the water it's all over, maybe even permanently. And, I think it's him they showed in next weeks previews who's shelter catches fire...again?
 The women do seem to be holding up better both mentally and physically.
 Also, I think I'd keep a lunging type spear in my shelter just in case a wolf or bear or whatever tried to get in.  )P(
Anyway, I do think this show is more realistic than any other of the "reality" shows I've watched and it's entertaining too. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on August 07, 2020, 11:04:17 am
Got to agree with you Pat on a couple of silly risk a couple took last night. They talked about the danger and did it anyway and busted their but. If the guy had ended up in the water he would have been screwed. Real glad to see the bunny girl get two nice fish. But I think I would have kept fishing and stockpiling till they quit biting.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 11, 2020, 04:41:51 am
I agree they seem to be taking some chances but I guess trying to survive in that environment it is either take a few chances/starve or tap out, you got to eat.  ;) :) although it could cost them for sure they all seem pretty secure in their abilities.  :) it's not like a Ha yall watch this kind of attitude. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on August 11, 2020, 09:21:10 am
Two more episodes. Gonna be some tappin' goin' on. :D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on August 11, 2020, 11:44:07 am
The bug bit!  I think the "bunny lady"(Kallie?) with her skills is in a good position, as long as she can catch more fish to supplement the rabbits, she indicated each fish was about 10 days food.  I do agree with the comment of keep fishing until they quit biting, then smoke and cache them.  Amos and Roland could be contenders, too.  Wolf pack is definitely a pucker factor!  Good luck to all, but the teasers indicate somebody's shelter caught fire, bad sign!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 15, 2020, 05:47:01 am

The bunny lady seems to be on a real roller coaster ride. So far she is strapped in though.

I liked Amos. He seemed to be a peace with his decision to tap. Pretty ironic how just minutes after tapping, while packing his gear his shelter burst into flame right before both his and our eyes.

Still wondering if there can be more than one winner. When you listen to the contestants they talk about the winner like just one. I’m not so sure anyone will make 100 days, but I think it’s possible that more than one could.

Next week is final 3 hour episode. I sure hope my recording works.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on August 15, 2020, 12:33:41 pm
We blocked out Thursday night AND set the recorder!  Didn't watch the early episodes to catch the rules on winning, make the full 100 days or just outlast everyone else to win.  Whoever puts in the most fat probably wins, barring accidents or wild critters raiding the food stores!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on August 16, 2020, 10:41:23 am
I've watched the whole series and I don't think they ever explained the rules.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 16, 2020, 11:07:08 am
I don't think anyone will make 100 days
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: DC on August 16, 2020, 11:16:04 am
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 21, 2020, 03:49:27 pm
Might be a spoiler

I finished the series. I was pretty sure at least one would make it to 100. Wasn’t sure if anyone else would but I certainly respected their efforts. I’m still not sure which rules I prefer. I do think that the 100 days made people try harder from the beginning. Knowing that they had to last 100 days to get the reward. I kinda missed the wondering who, when and why would tap next. I found both sets of rules interesting and still have some questions about multiple winners.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on August 21, 2020, 04:25:07 pm
That blonde would have given the winner a run for his money if she hadn't had frostbite. She was settled in for the long hall.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 21, 2020, 06:39:29 pm
Both of those ladies should be proud of what they did. They really fought hard.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on August 21, 2020, 07:52:11 pm
Watched last half of one program and it was quite obvious who would get the cash.

Once youve wintered over  in AK or Northern Cunnuckistan you have skills lower 48 folks never use.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 22, 2020, 12:04:06 pm
good season
very expert participants
the gals did very well
sure the 100 days goal is hard.
the first seasons were starving endurance races. last seasons are more about getting enough food to set a solid camp
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 23, 2020, 06:20:10 am
It was an interesting finish.  I kind of wonder if the pulling of Callie was a sexist thing, I hope not.

Another point of interest for me was how at the beginning it claimed that the contestants were harvesting in accordance with local native tradition.  I wonder if they got permission from the locals to harvest this way or if it was all political, it would be nice if it was permission from the locals
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on August 23, 2020, 07:10:43 am
Mark I don't think pulling Callie was sexist.  Her toe was bad and another toe was starting to be affected by the cold. In her post interview at the end of the show she admitted that she was still having trouble with her toe when it got cold. I am sure the medical staff did the right thing . But again, she was really settle in mentally and I think she would have beat Roland  had she not had frost bite.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on August 23, 2020, 07:22:09 am
Frost bite is not just something you get. Its something you have when you ignore what the conditions are doing to your body. Maybe she wanted the $ more than here toes? Whose to say if she had made that choice or that it was wrong? Was hers to make, right! You can live without a few toes. Frostbite does not kill you fast.
Why should medical team pull you for frostbite of a few toes? They had to include that prospect in their risk assessment of doing a cold weather survival reality show. And. . . if that was going to be the case, either issue cold boots or do a Jungle show.

What folks will do for $ and giggles.

Alas, I did watch 20min one evening.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 23, 2020, 09:10:40 am
I've had frostbite before, several times actually and it's not pleasant.  One time I got my feet wet in the winter and I was a few miles from home.  When I pulled my boots off there was ice in my socks, not fun.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on August 23, 2020, 01:35:56 pm
I have seen knee caps frozen black. InsteAd of doing PT to keep body temps up all night this Yardbird went fetal on knees in fighting position. Laziness is mostly the cause in my experience.

Ive marched my men on snow shoes one night off coast of USSR all night in sub artic temps as we would have had multiple Cold injuries that night.

Bad thing is most lower 48 folks dont even know they are getting body parts frozen!

You get wet in Artic you not gonna have to worry about frost bite. If you dont act fast your dead.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 23, 2020, 04:03:41 pm
I have seen knee caps frozen black. InsteAd of doing PT to keep body temps up all night this Yardbird went fetal on knees in fighting position. Laziness is mostly the cause in my experience.

Ive marched my men on snow shoes one night off coast of USSR all night in sub artic temps as we would have had multiple Cold injuries that night.

Bad this is most lower 48 folks dont even know they are getting body parts frozen!

You get wet in Artic you not gonna have to worry about frost bite. If you dont act fast your dead.


The black only happens a few days after, seen that before.  That's when body parts fall off.

Getting wet can be bad, depends how far you are from heat.  In my case I was carrying a 30# Beaver I had shot on my back, how I got wet, so I had to stop half way home and make a fire.  No lost body parts but there was nerve damage.  This was 40 years ago, not something I would do now.

Many people have no idea what -45 feels like.  I've always preferred cold to heat, I just don't care for anything below -30 anymore

Kielyn lives close to the same latitude as I do, maybe a little more south.  I could tell her mentality was not northern survival mode right from the start.  She was coming from a white, well off family upbringing, that decided to do the northern thing.  You see plenty of those up here.

Still the girls shamed a lot of the guys
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on August 23, 2020, 06:31:31 pm
Seen 30 wt oil jug cut in half with a fighting knife at -60. Looks like taffy.

Smart to dry off by fire quick like. No wood in Arctic!


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 24, 2020, 05:12:13 am
It turned out about like I thought from pretty early on, he had the skills for sure.You could tell it wasn't his first Rodeo. I was hoping the girls would make it and i Think Callie would have made it if not for the frost bite, they were both tough as nails for sure. Good show and enjoyed watching it. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on August 26, 2020, 08:44:40 am
The time I worked in -48 all day I ended up with frostbite on my big toes and left cheek under my eye. Like Marc, when I took my boots off in the truck my socks were iced over. I had walked into a ditch that morning on the way to the rig that had filled up with snow and didn't realize how much snow had gotten in my boots. I ended up with nerve damage also and every time it gets real cold my left eye waters real bad and my toes sting.
 that was also the first time I saw hydraulic oil freeze and all of my pens and markers froze and wouldn't write.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 27, 2020, 05:11:58 am
The coldest I have ever been in was here in TN. in 80 or 81 , it was -17 with wind chill of -30, I hunted and camped at Land between the lakes for 3 days, it was tough for sure,Like they said on the show, every little thing was a  Challenge, can't imagine living in it for a long period of time. ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on March 09, 2021, 11:14:48 am
Rumors say that season 8 has been filmed at Chilko Lake in the coast mountains north of Vancouver.
Nothing official yet
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on March 09, 2021, 02:03:48 pm
It’s still one of the only shows I really seem to need to watch. And I have never seen them rerun it.

Keep us up to date gills

Seems like it should have been one that could have been filmed fairly easy with the Covid restrictions on.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on April 11, 2021, 12:54:12 pm
news on historychannel

New Season Coming in June

In Season 8, 10 contestants fight to survive in the Canadian wilderness on the shores of Chilko Lake, British Columbia. Equipped with just 10 items and a camera kit, each participant must survive in total isolation, with the hopes of lasting the longest and winning the $500,000 prize.

no mention on lasting 100 days (and the million $), no mention of the participants
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on April 11, 2021, 08:47:13 pm
Thanks for the heads up GlisGlis.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 14, 2021, 10:53:38 am
Alone Season 8
the history channel original series
Thursday June 3
9:30 / 8:30  C                                       (i dont know why time is written this way)

there is a sneak peak trailer on youtube

and by the way, if you are addicted, I just discovered there is a danish version on youtube
just search for "Danish Alone - Season 1"
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 15, 2021, 09:42:09 am
At first I thought this series would be another phony baloney survival show like nekid and scared so I never watched it. Once I gave it a chance I was hooked, too bad some of the top competitors who might have had a chance were taken out early in a season by injuries.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 17, 2021, 11:08:18 am
Needless to say I started watching the danish series (english subtitles) on youtube.
It's standard Alone and pretty good except for the absence of hunting scenes
I dont know if they are not allowed to hunt or if they dont want to.
It is quite weird because there are situations where they get close to reindeers and mooses
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 22, 2021, 05:54:20 am
CAST FOR SEASON 8 IS OUT along with item lists
check the names !!!       (C.H. is in !)

check entire cast on:  (add www.)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 22, 2021, 09:32:56 am
WOW! Clay seems like a pretty tough guy and has a lot of skills, going to be an interesting season.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 22, 2021, 10:02:19 am
two participants did not take ferro rod and no one chose to have gill net.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on May 28, 2021, 09:09:44 am
Just a week away. This season should be great again. Clay had a little preview on his YouTube channel. Grizzlies appear to be an issue with this location.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on May 28, 2021, 10:27:36 am
I was contacted by a native guy from up around the James Bay area last year looking for a bow, said he was going to be on the Alone show; he was left handed and I didn't have anything he could use.  He was a wheel bow user and had to have a traditional bow.  Wonder if he's in this season
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 28, 2021, 08:50:38 pm
If we see a new truck in the background of Clay's videos that he shoots at home we can assume that he won.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on May 31, 2021, 10:09:56 pm
Hollywood is good at foolin folks.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 22, 2021, 02:42:56 pm
The question i been floating around!

How did They get 10 Americans into Canada in 2020 when the entire nation of was and is locked up?

Asked my Congressman to look into it as well. We got hunters out milliins of dollars in Canada hunt fees since 2019 and no hunts in sight.

Something is very wrong here!

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Outbackbob48 on June 22, 2021, 03:22:43 pm
Follow the money :o
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 22, 2021, 05:09:23 pm
Very astute Bob.
Think of all the Cunnucks who needed good HC in Canada where they couldnt get that in time during 2020. Then, Hollywood getting 10 Americans in British Columbia Filming.  Its rather sickning really.
Just one more example of Trudumb in Canada clamping down on his subjects.

Whats happens whe you partner up with Chyna.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 22, 2021, 05:27:08 pm
You think to much Shawn. I have enjoyed it so far, got some real goof balls in it this time round, Clay seems pretty sharp some of the others I ant sure about but guess you got to be about half nuts to try it anyway. Food is going to be some them real pretty problem if they don’t get on the ball. Pappy
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 22, 2021, 07:31:50 pm
Yeah, i been accused of that a time or two. Easier to think yer way out a valley full of Taliban than fight yer way out. Then again when yer screw’d and know it, you call in fast movers at 20,000ft and kill every living thing in the dang valley. Smart.

Saw last nite Taliban took MSR 10 and took back half of AFG in one week. Watch what happens when Joe pulls us all out!

Routin fer the Tenn Boy but he carrying lotta weight. When that happens on that type body mass person its hard on a man. Seen it a bunch. When their gut starts gnawin on their backbone they can get squirrely perty quick. Why you saw lots of smaller BMI guys make it threw Batan death march. Big guys who lost so much did not fare as well. I grew up with a guy whose Dad was a Batan survivor. Hard little guy, reminded me of Red Buttons to a Tee!

Woulda had two winners last time if Docs did not DQ that one player. Saved themselves a million by medically tappin that playa out!


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 25, 2021, 09:24:28 am
Watched on my phone this morning ad free.

I did not know you could use as one of your items,  A self inflating life preserver! Wonder how many items that counted as?

Our Tenn boy has one hella nice House and food. Does he have the head and guts for last man standing?

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 25, 2021, 01:41:54 pm
I usually record it and skip commercials. It’s past my bedtime anyway.

I think it could get interesting.

Like the guy has a boat. Depending on weather I think that could be a huge advantage. Of course it could be a real danger to. But if he can get enough time in it and follow the fish I think he could maybe stock up on some higher fat content protein.

Preview shows Clay finding some deer sign and taking a shot but who knows for sure what that little teaser really amounts to.

Some pretty decent shelters but one of them doesn’t have any one staying in it anymore. The one ladies is looking pretty nice but she needs to start finding real food.

I’m going to keep recording and watching it.

You really just never know. The mind game really is a huge part of it. You really do have to have something to do it for. I don’t really think just the money alone is going to get most people to the end.
You need something else. Many seem to have something they personally need to achieve and once they do that it gets a lot harder to stay in the game. I think you almost have to set your goal as you want to be the last one no matter what. If that’s really what you want.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 25, 2021, 03:26:34 pm
Jordan tapped. Couldn't keep alive without drifting in his head to home. Seen more than one Nug not come home because of preoccupation with home. Takes training to separate that from yer missiion. Fight and win today. Go home home when your yer mission complete!

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on June 25, 2021, 03:35:20 pm
Agree about the boat guy. Once he got the buoyancy issue figured out it appears to be a good idea. Now he's got to find and figure out how to catch some fish.  He better keep an eye out for that griz too. That griz was obviously not shy. As den time approaches those griz are going to be on a feeding frenzy and a 200 lb human would probably look very appetizing.
     As far as the preview of Clay finding deer sign and shooting his money is on Clay being successful. He's an excellent shot with his selfbow and a damn good hunter.
     The shelters are looking good for the most part but they're not going to do any good without food. The guy who tapped out had a real nice shelter but psychologically he couldn't deal with the situation. I think a contestant without a spouse and kids has an advantage in the "missing my family" department. It's going to get interesting as the mercury continues to plummet. I think you're going to see a few more tap outs real soon. There's not enough food gathering going on unless the producers just aren't showing it. I still think Clay has what it takes to win.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 26, 2021, 06:34:48 am
I always like the different shelters approach

The one ladies is looking pretty nice but she needs to start finding real food.
yes it seems well built and yes she needs food. She also started speaking of homesickness and that's not a good sign.

boat seems a good idea.
A thing bugging me is that if the tarp tears or thins out and start drinking water it cold be very difficult to repair wasting alot of work.

He better keep an eye out for that griz too. That griz was obviously not shy. As den time approaches those griz are going to be on a feeding frenzy and a 200 lb human would probably look very appetizing

I dont like this part too much.
They pushed the bears risk factor for show reasons but it also introduces a randomness that hardly can be controlled by a single man skills

I 'm wondering if they dont show many fish catches or snared prey on purpose.
It seems that fishing on such a lake should be fairly easy as long as you do not use those pretty useless fish traps

As far as the preview of Clay finding deer sign and shooting his money is on Clay being successful
it's likely that most of the bets are on him

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 26, 2021, 08:37:36 am
The border was not completely closed, only to non-essential travel.  I guess Hollywood is essential.  I don't blame Trudeau for closing the border,  he should have closed it earlier.  Covid was rampant for awhile cross border and several Canadians went down for holidays and then brought covid back up here.  That pissed me off especially when some of these little a**holes got airtime to complain how bad they got it

Not that hard to patch a canoe when you are surrounded by conifer trees
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 26, 2021, 08:42:02 am
They brought prolly a hunnerd Americans back and forth back and forth in 2020 for this game show. Yeah, America started Covid not Chyna right? Oh yeah, yer a racist if you call it Chyna Virus, or kill fish or deer. Kill a bear in Canada and your going to the gallows.

I love the show it really reminds me of Hollywood Squares.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 28, 2021, 07:29:25 am
Not that hard to patch a canoe when you are surrounded by conifer trees

I thought about it but wont hot resin melt the tarp?

HH we all have taken note that you do not like the show.
I feel that keep saying that over and over add very little to the conversation.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 28, 2021, 08:28:26 am
Agree GlisGlis, I like it, if I didn't I wouldn't watch it  ???, Like Momma use to tell us, " if you ant got something good to say just best if you say nothing "  I was at the cabin Thursday night so didn't see it but Miss Joanie taped it and we watched it last night, hated to see the Tennessee boy tap out but the mind is a strange thing. I thought he was doing pretty good until he wasn't. :-\  Seem just about all of them need to start finding ways to get some real food or they ant going to make it when it gets cold and that is coming soon. In the trailer looks like maybe Clay may get a deer, that will for sure help. The boat seems to be working for now , just not sure how it will do on the ice and that's coming. :) :) Always look forward to seeing it and can't wait for next week.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 28, 2021, 09:28:38 am
Thy cup is never half full. You can get into a pile of trouble that way. You man even say "you'd have to drag me away from Alone, I'm going all the way" until you let mind remind yerself "i'm doing this to myself for $".

I had to laugh when I heard one guy say it was the unltimate test of outdoor skills. Remember the Eco Challanges. Compare that with this? You could not film it well because it was tough stuff in chitty places all over world. But it made this look like a bear waiting for winter to set in. Hard part of Eco Challange was finding a hard corps female for team who who not Bonk or Tap when the first layer of foot tissue gave way to bloody raw meat on sole of feet.

Its a nice Thrus nite chuckle with a big tumbler of sweet brown.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 28, 2021, 09:46:36 am
Off topic but about tough guys; Gil Mag calls me often to chat, that guy has been in some of the worst places on the planet. I told him he needed to write a book, he said me might; yesterday he told me about being on some kind of logistics team in the Himalayas, moving mostly at night by himself and placing caches of supplies for the next group to come up, He said he made it to 21,000 ft. without supplemental oxygen.

He said his best birthday present ever was waking up on his 30th birthday with such an incredible vista surrounding him way up in the mountains, he said he could see K-2 in the distance.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 28, 2021, 09:52:14 am
Not that hard to patch a canoe when you are surrounded by conifer trees

I thought about it but wont hot resin melt the tarp?

HH we all have taken note that you do not like the show.
I feel that keep saying that over and over add very little to the conversation.

The resin doesn't have to be that hot to use.  Birch bark canoe makers apply the pitch with their bare hands
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 28, 2021, 10:33:06 am
Gil lives 5 min from me. When youve run with the big boys chasin booger eaters worldwide most yer adult life you just dont see things the same as 99% of people. Guess it comes with living that way Eric.
Life is sure gud now. Lost more than i care to remember in some shithole and for what? Ahh, being young with Gustov and a good radio. Things you can get done!
All about perspective Ranger.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 28, 2021, 11:27:37 am
The resin doesn't have to be that hot to use.  Birch bark canoe makers apply the pitch with their bare hands
A bark canoe is something i'd love to make.
Made a small model once.  Making a real one is another story. Dont know if I'll ever get the chance.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 28, 2021, 09:16:49 pm
The resin doesn't have to be that hot to use.  Birch bark canoe makers apply the pitch with their bare hands
A bark canoe is something i'd love to make.
Made a small model once.  Making a real one is another story. Dont know if I'll ever get the chance.

I have a 24" diameter birch tree near my house that could easily make a 16' canoe.

It surprises me that no one has ever made themselves a spear for defense, something at least 6' long with a fire hardened point.  Seems to me it would come in quite handy against a possible bear attack within or outside of their shelter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 29, 2021, 04:45:21 am
It surprises me that no one has ever made themselves a spear for defense, something at least 6' long with a fire hardened point.

Last season one of the contestants (the one with the wolfs pack at his shelter door) made a spear.
this season it would sure be worth the effort to make one especially for inside shelter use.
when they are outside they are constantly limited by all the filming stuff they have to carry
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 29, 2021, 08:59:12 am
They get filmed. That's purty obvious.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 30, 2021, 05:19:50 am
It is not obvious for me.
I guess they should have regular contact with medical staff, probably also with people taking away the recorded stuff and bringing new batteries for the devices (even tough that contact could be avoided)
I also accept that there could be a heavy video editing (scene selection and order of) to make the story more appealing but I do not see evidence of external crew filming (except at deploy and rescue)
We have a member, OrganicArcher that participated in season 7 that could clarify that.
What have you seen or do you know that induce to think otherwise?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 30, 2021, 07:54:11 am
I don't see it either. I talked to Keith at the Classic and he said it wasn't except for entry /exit and of course any emergency's .I feel sure they add a few clips of snakes , bears and such as they do with most any of these kind of shows you watch but they are really on their own unless they call for help or just check in. Cool show either way. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 30, 2021, 10:04:03 am
Seemed to me that a guy with a heart condition just wasn't thinking clearly to want to go, recipe for disaster.  I'm surprised that they even allowed him to go.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on June 30, 2021, 03:12:49 pm
Yes, im sure with one good chace to arrow some large game to keep you fit yer filming yourself draw down on the animal off ground. Im mean i like lookin at Cunnuckistan green water too but im a realist not realitiest. Cmon man! Dont be a dog faced pony Soljah!

I like show as much as Orange County Choppers. I realize they Hollywood amped OCC prolly less than this thing. It was good and so was Jesse James on HistoryDiscovery. Not tryin to pee on the History Channel Panther Party just keepin it in perspective. Its all gud until til get mortared or T72 main gun fire in my book.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 01, 2021, 05:24:32 am
that's why many shot scenes (big and small animals) look recorded after the real kill.
they shot the prey and after that they film the missing sequence for the show.
In my opinion that's quite evident but I'm a notorious dog faced pony Soljah

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 01, 2021, 08:19:52 am
Yer comin around Glis. Not yer talkin Hollywood. When yer starving do you think you have time to set up or rather Stage hunt scenes? Or do you go cut the warm kidneys and liver out and get some warm iron rich food? Lets agree that its good Thurs nite High ball entertainment, reality based eye candy. Give you a face, a story, and you pick yer underdog and ride him or her til hunger and cold start scratching the backbone from the inside. Then, the ol Sat phone comes out.

Think about it. If you call base camp and they come in two hours, how far are they away? across lake. Maybe they have several camps to access to Reality game show contestants as they are layed out on the ground.  If that is so they must have a purty big footprint. Flying in, boating in, etc etc. If you really need a jump on the Game, why not just do an 48hr Op on the camp, get what ya need and pack back to yer hooch.

Seen it many many times. When yer doing 20-22hr Ops for weeks on end with one meal a day it will take you down a rung. That's with no shelter and nothing but what on yer back and in a ruck. The Idea that your doing this to yourself and can tap any time is what is very hard for the weak of heart. I literally have run thousands of men thru this training. After awhile you can see very quickly under duress who can function, fight, lead and win and who cant. I have seen sh!t that'll boogle yer mind at 0300hrs on a hit in the Mts or desert. Most men have no comprehension what they are physically capable of and often its what is or is not between there ears that wins the day, the battle, the war.

Its a game show. Perspective.

Hedge Out~
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 01, 2021, 09:32:49 am
I always wondered about all the talking on hunting shows, I thought their deer were a lot dumber than N Bamma deer that would be over the next hill if they heard a mouse squeak.

One guy fessed up that they don't make a sound during the actual hunt and re-shot the "kill scene" with all the dialog later.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaulN/KS on July 01, 2021, 11:05:21 am
I've been following along with this discussion and I have friends that are big fans of the show as well.
For me though, all these "reality" show/contests remind me too much of that movie "The Running Man"...  ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 01, 2021, 01:06:13 pm
Hi Paul
I wont start questioning your taste.
If you actually watched the show and dont like it that's perfectly fine for me.

What I dont like in HH approach is he started moving critics well before even watching a single episode and every time he is proven wrong he slightly reset his target under a curtain of other off topic facts.
Let's see last example.
"They get filmed. That's purty obvious."

Explanation and witness (Keith ) that say no. They are not filmed.

now the assertion is "their base camp should be very close"
ok. That could be very true and still they have to film their challenge all alone.

When yer starving do you think you have time to set up or rather Stage hunt scenes?
As far as I know that could even be made after the end of the show.
I'm sure they have a contract with a million of terms. You have to provide the scenes for the show. that's all.

Are there mechanics different from true primitive survival? Hell yeah. You would be really childish thinking otherwise.
They talked about the push button and go home syndrome in every season.
They have to obey to hunting, trapping and fishing rules that in a survival situation would not exist.
they could be eliminated without recourse for medical reasons too.
Still the human factor, how everyone make their choices and translate them into actions, is the best part in my opinion  ...and lookin at Cunnuckistan green water too.

I'd prefer not to continue a personal debate and I also do not feel a real need to defend the show so I promise I'll try to refrain and comment specific show facts in future.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 01, 2021, 01:50:26 pm
And all the Kings men could not put Humpty back together again.

Dont have any problem commenting on show or contestants. People do stupid chit for money all over world. Depending how you fare this could one of those.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 01, 2021, 02:01:51 pm
There's not much TV that is worth watching these days and I don't watch much of it, much prefer reading.  Hardly watch anything made in NA, I find European TV programs to be better than the foolish fluff coming out of Hollywood.  Alone is one of the few that I do watch
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 03, 2021, 06:38:05 pm
Something else my wife and I have wondered.  Why, when one of them catches a fish or small game, they don't use the guts or internal organs they don't plan on eating as bait to catch fish on set lines.  Doesn't make sense to me
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 03, 2021, 08:11:25 pm
Something else my wife and I have wondered.  Why, when one of them catches a fish or small game, they don't use the guts or internal organs they don't plan on eating as bait to catch fish on set lines.  Doesn't make sense to me

I have always wondered the same thing Marc. I figured that out as a kid. Best bait I ever used.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on July 04, 2021, 07:25:00 am
I'm pretty sure Clay mentioned artificial lures only on this lake but I'm not positive of that.  There's definitely some rules that wouldn't apply to a "true" survival situation.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 04, 2021, 08:22:13 am
I like the question that Holly wood keeps going back to the "Why". What is it. . . . ? Everytime. . . . . . Money.

Clay makes a great Alder net and they dont even show any of what went into that net. I am sure they or he filmed it. All about the reality money.

Like I said before a 21 day patrol is a MF'er when yer in bad guy country with only what you take on yer back running 22hrs a day or more. So you see, these folks takinga knee inside three weeks is of no surprise to me. Most folks who've never run empty for weeks will or train do it will not succeed. Think if they put em all through SERE for a month they would last much much longer.

How does Clay film himself filming a deer. So, if he has a handheld camera on the deer. Where's the footage? So, yer staving, he is complaining its hard humping up there on a empty gut and he's carrying two cameras and all the batteries to power them to hunt deer. OK.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 04, 2021, 07:50:32 pm
Haven't read this yet, because I Haven't watched it yet,  ??? watching it tonight and will get back to yall later, was at the cabin since Thursday and don't have satellite there so all I watch if anything is Grit. Can't wait to see what happened.  ;)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 04, 2021, 09:55:42 pm
Watched it tonight, enjoyed it as usual, ya I can see things I think I would do different it out there alone with minimal supplies who knows. Pappy 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Knoll on July 04, 2021, 10:03:35 pm
Pappy ... we won't spoil it for ya.

HH ... contestants are required to pack at least one camera with em virtually everywhere they go. On this occasion and, I think, because he wasn't hiking lonnnng way from camp, Clay toted 2 cameras and he said in his YT review of episode 5 he was just lucky to have 2nd camera pointed just right for him to be in frame for that "draw" clip. Betcha producers were elated!!
Yeah, I can't imagine the determination to go 3 weeks with virtually no sustenance. Those who tap out should still hold their heads high.

PASteve ... yes, this season contestants are saddled with lotsa regulations that make tough situation nigh on impossible. They can use live bait, but it can't be live fish/minnows.

Looking forward to next week!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 04, 2021, 10:10:18 pm
Well, to make it clear. It the height of Pandemic they let prolly 50-100 Americans in Bannanada.

Yesterday the same place refused to let US citizens in to watch Stanley Cup. I hope American hunters remember this.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 04, 2021, 11:55:34 pm
I'm pretty sure Clay mentioned artificial lures only on this lake but I'm not positive of that.  There's definitely some rules that wouldn't apply to a "true" survival situation.

Seems a little strange. This very remote lake. Obviously has a good population of Bears and squirrels you can’t hunt or trap? And fish you can’t fish with anything but artificial lures? And somebody thought this is a good place to drop you off and try to survive and obey those regulations?

Probably should tie one arm behind your back right away to.

Still gonna be watching though.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 05, 2021, 06:29:50 am
Seems a little strange. This very remote lake. Obviously has a good population of Bears and squirrels you can’t hunt or trap? And fish you can’t fish with anything but artificial lures? And somebody thought this is a good place to drop you off and try to survive and obey those regulations?


as far as I can find online these are fishing rules for Chilko lake (region 5 cariboo).   add (  https://www2.  )

Trout/char daily quota = 2 ( no rainbow trout over 70 cm; only 1 bull trout and it may not be under 60 cm)
Bait ban, single barbless hook
No powered boats on Big Lagoon (west side of lake)

on albertaregulations   .ca
Bait Ban means only unscented lures may be used. In specific streams, only maggots may be used as bait during certain times of the year to allow anglers to fish for mountain whitefish with less impact on trout populations. In specific lakes, only maggots and mealworms may be used as bait to allow anglers to fish for perch and lake whitefish with less impact on pike populations.

that would explain all the fishing weirdness, the absence of gill nets and redefine how the game should be played.
On top of that fishing with artificial lures without a modern rod and reel is much more difficult than with natural bait.
I also wonder how they considered those (useless) woven fish traps. I bet they should be considered illegal too.
I'd love to know what game they are allowed to hunt
It seems the if you cant get the deer you are destined to starve
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 05, 2021, 08:30:20 am
Ya that part don't make a lot of since to me, seems they would find a better place to try and make it where you could hunt and fish anything, not like they are going to effect the population with the equipment they have at hand. I wouldn't want to do it anyway but for sure not with all them rules, I would wind up in jail, cause if I got hungry I would turn the camera off.  ;) :) As far as them letting folks in during the pandemic , I could care less  ::) they are kind of isolated anyway as you can see.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 05, 2021, 08:50:09 am
Yeah, Im out. Cant watch a game show made in Bannanada where Chyna owns most that Province and they got CCP rules.

I think if they do a show they do one in North Korea and see how that works out. May end up like Midnight Express but it'll be real. Maybe do one in NYC where you can come out at night and only eat what you scavage. See how that one would end up? Give everyone night vision, Kbar and a .45acp.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 05, 2021, 06:08:53 pm
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 05, 2021, 07:48:22 pm
Yes it seems to me they could have picked a better location.  I have heard of some lakes here in Ontario being restricted in the sense where you can't bring bait to them but nothing where you can't use what is there already, no doubt BC has different rules

Could never understand how people were allowed up in AK to net huge quantities of Salmon to feed their dogs, saw that in Life Below Zero.  Just seemed short sighted to me.  Here unless you have native blood getting caught with a gill net is sure to "net" you a huge fine  (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 06, 2021, 05:27:54 am
in the danish series "alene i wildmarken" (alone in the wilderness-you can find 4 subtitled seasons on youtube) they all have gill nets and apparently are not allowed to hunt.
With some rare exception they are not taking alot of fishes. At least nothing that could endanger a big lake population.
I guess that with the right donation to the fish and game department a show like that could be more beneficial than harmful
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: WhistlingBadger on July 07, 2021, 09:55:49 am
I've found all those regs stupid and frustrating, too.  Season seven seemed a lot more "real" that way--they could pretty much do whatever they needed to do.  Besides, who wouldn't love to see Clay whack a griz?

It's been funny how much my wife and daughter (NOT survivalists) have gotten into it.  ha ha
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 07, 2021, 12:10:35 pm
Think the Blacktop Jungle would have been a better pick. I mean, who picks a place that in a real survival location would not be as bad as it is due to an Earth First policy for humans in that region. I will tell you who. . . . . Hollywood. Took 3 episodes watched on phone for the Hedginator to Tap Out.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on July 08, 2021, 03:49:20 am
Could never understand how people were allowed up in AK to net huge quantities of Salmon to feed their dogs, saw that in Life Below Zero.  Just seemed short sighted to me. 

Pacific salmon die after spawning, they only return from the ocean once.  Left unharvested, salmon will over spawn creating boom and bust year cycles. Harvest numbers are actively managed  to spawn  optimum future yields, year in year out. Fish are allocated to all user groups
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 08, 2021, 09:04:00 am
Could never understand how people were allowed up in AK to net huge quantities of Salmon to feed their dogs, saw that in Life Below Zero.  Just seemed short sighted to me. 

Pacific salmon die after spawning, they only return from the ocean once.  Left unharvested, salmon will over spawn creating boom and bust year cycles. Harvest numbers are actively managed  to spawn  optimum future yields, year in year out. Fish are allocated to all user groups

That may be true but they caught them to the point where they closed the Salmon altogether and I know that some people were catching them for food and not to feed their 40 dogs.  I know the Hailstones were netting for food not to feed dogs
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on July 08, 2021, 03:30:41 pm
That may be true but they caught them to the point where they closed the Salmon altogether

The salmon return in a short time frame and return numbers are unknown until the run is underway. On going openings and closures of the harvest is how a run is typically managed. Feeding dogs is a traditional use, as dogs are used for transportation in the winter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 09, 2021, 09:54:02 am
That may be true but they caught them to the point where they closed the Salmon altogether

The salmon return in a short time frame and return numbers are unknown until the run is underway. On going openings and closures of the harvest is how a run is typically managed. Feeding dogs is a traditional use, as dogs are used for transportation in the winter.

You do know what is wrong with that whole scenario right?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 09, 2021, 02:20:22 pm
I'm a very depressed fish with strong suicidal tendencies.
Life is boring, water too humid and instead of my dreamed caribbean seas I have to live in a glacial lake that freezes my eggs.
I'm ending it all
if I could only get into that cone coffin....
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on July 09, 2021, 03:52:33 pm
You do know what is wrong with that whole scenario right?

Marc, There are many misconceptions about Pacific salmon management. I have spent 35 years of my life in salmon fisheries, and I welcome any opportunity to share info with those whose may not be so well acquainted.

Your concern is about dogs?  but I am guessing here......

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 12, 2021, 10:35:47 am
Just noticed that Clay H is realeasing a series of youtube videos commenting Alone episodes.
At this point of the season they sounds a little to much as spoilers.
I hope there will be more twist and turns as at present the finale seems going on rails.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 12, 2021, 10:55:26 am
What you dont know is theres a Sleeper in the group from the getgo


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 12, 2021, 12:52:41 pm
She’s a world Class Bowhunter. Most dont even know it. Not many do. Few Animals away from the NA 29 Super Slam. Maybe the only woman ever to get it done on a workin mans budget. Only reason i even poked my nose in a couple times. But…. Never saw her much.

To bad. But Hollywoke prolly not fans of her accomplishments. Why, no doubt there was no word about them!

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 13, 2021, 05:48:54 am
She’s a world Class Bowhunter. Most dont even know it. None here do for sure.

it's all on episode 1 at minute 30:00
I hope the reason there are only a few scenes of her is she reserve surprises.
She seems a determined lady.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: HH~ on July 13, 2021, 10:22:17 am
Stand fast, as you were.  It is in there. Never saw it. Thanks Glis
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: StickMark on July 20, 2021, 02:09:51 pm
I agree that Rose might be a sleeper. 
The show never really gives a daily accounting of calories in per person. Why? Because Alone is not a scientific paper, lol.

I wonder if the people can kill more than one buck while out there. When the show does the arial view of camps, it looks like Clay has more edge-transition areas in his pace, and Colter has the nice bay for boat launching. Coincidence?

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 20, 2021, 07:54:57 pm
Needless to say I started watching the danish series (english subtitles) on youtube.
It's standard Alone and pretty good except for the absence of hunting scenes
I dont know if they are not allowed to hunt or if they dont want to.
It is quite weird because there are situations where they get close to reindeers and mooses

I've watched a few of those.  Translation is pretty bad and the contestants don't seem to immerse themselves too much into survival mode
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 21, 2021, 04:46:53 am
I've watched a few of those.  Translation is pretty bad and the contestants don't seem to immerse themselves too much into survival mode

I read somewhere that the contestants were mostly passionate but quite inexperienced people.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 21, 2021, 05:18:38 pm
Caught up on it last nigh after being away for 10 days, don't think they are going to make it as long as last year unless they start figuring out better ways to get food or catch some fish, seems they are all lacking in that except for Clay and even that , it will be hard to live off jerky and a rabbit now and then when it really gets cold.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 22, 2021, 04:37:16 am
it seems that after day 45 they are allowed to use gill nets. That could change the game.
Looking at the vegetation types it seems that they are not in the same icy climatic zone as last year.
Maybe it will take more time for the lake to freeze
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 22, 2021, 09:08:53 am
it seems that after day 45 they are allowed to use gill nets. That could change the game.
Looking at the vegetation types it seems that they are not in the same icy climatic zone as last year.
Maybe it will take more time for the lake to freeze

Most of these people that have gill nets don't think clearly.  One of the first things I would have done while the water is still fairly warm is set up a sort of zip line system for the net and go out in the water to set it up
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on July 22, 2021, 10:18:06 am
I thought the one woman that swam the net anchor out was foolish and lucky she isn't already dead. She spent 30 minutes in the water and got tangled in the line and almost didn't get out. Any of these folks should know the hazards of cold water on the human body and the affects of hypothermia.
 Curious to see how Clay handles his marauding bear. I assume shooting a bear is off limits. 
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 22, 2021, 10:49:07 am
I thought the one woman that swam the net anchor out was foolish and lucky she isn't already dead. She spent 30 minutes in the water and got tangled in the line and almost didn't get out. Any of these folks should know the hazards of cold water on the human body and the affects of hypothermia.

Yep. Cold water and tangled lines are a real hazard. Been there while kitesurfing. When your hands get numb, your body wont stop shaking and you are still entangled in icy water you have to be lucky to live and learn the lesson.
I was provident enough to have a knife with me and also stupid enough to wait to use it not to damage my gear...

At least Theresa left the fire going before entering the water
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 22, 2021, 01:34:54 pm
I guess it depends on one's constitution.  When I was younger cold water did not bother me very much
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 23, 2021, 09:20:16 am
I was breaking ice to put my duck decoys out years ago, as I got waist deep i could tell there was hole in my waders about crotch high. I thought "I am tough" and decided to see how long I could tolerate the freezing water filled waders, I made it 30 minutes and was so cold I could barely hold my gun.

I picked up my decoys and hurried home, I only lived about 10 minutes from the duck hunting area. I spent the next few hours trying to get my core temp back up, even a hot shower didn't work quickly to stop the shivering.

I learned a lesson about hypothermia, it is bad stuff.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: StickMark on July 23, 2021, 01:21:24 pm
During the Battle of the Atlantic, some sailors were rescued from the cold water. Warmed by showers, dressed in warm clothes, eating warm soup, some still started dying right at the dinner table of a ship. The core temperature still plummeted, after all that, and some died.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 23, 2021, 03:25:06 pm
I was pond jumping (going from one Beaver pond to another looking for Ducks) in my 20's in late Oct., ice was starting to form on the ponds.  I'm pretty sure I regretted this one shot just after I pulled the trigger, I was never one to leave something I shot if I could get to it.  No Dog so I stripped to my underwear, the pond was fairly shallow.  Fortunately the ice was pretty thin and was only for a few feet on shore.  My legs were pretty red when I got out of the water but it didn't take me long to warm up, I didn't shoot another Duck that day though.

If you're not used to cold it can mess you up
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaulN/KS on July 24, 2021, 05:19:46 pm
If you're not used to cold it can mess you up

After being stationed a year and a half on tropical Guam I was sent to 1st Class Dive School, then in DC, in February. We were sent down river on a salvage training project in April right when a cold spell hit. Waves were washing up on the sunken boat and freezing on the deck. I get sent over the side to do a hull inspection in a wet suit and a "Jack Browne" rig. Wet suit rips up the back but dumb me stays in the water and finishes the inspection. Took about 1/2 an hour.
Yeah, I learned about hypothermia the hard way that day. They took me down to the engine room and I stayed by the little package boiler for an hour or two.

Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so old after being so dumb when I was younger...  ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: willie on July 24, 2021, 10:46:16 pm
During the Battle of the Atlantic, some sailors were rescued from the cold water. Warmed by showers, dressed in warm clothes, eating warm soup, some still started dying right at the dinner table of a ship. The core temperature still plummeted, after all that, and some died.

the causes of death from rapid rewarming are not well understood, but it is seen as preventable nowadays, and not a result of dropping core temp.

Do not rewarm the person too quickly, such as with a heating lamp or hot bath.
Don't attempt to warm the arms and legs. Heating or massaging the limbs of someone in this condition can stress the heart and lungs.

Don't give the person alcohol or cigarettes. Alcohol hinders the rewarming process, and tobacco products interfere with circulation that is needed for rewarming.

 from the Mayo Clinic Minute
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 25, 2021, 08:57:33 am
I've saved several newborn calves being born at the wrong time of year from hypothermia, never lost one.  The trick is to start with lukewarm water and slowly work it up to body temp.

It is as PaulN said though.  It's amazing I got to be this old from all the stupid things I did when I was young  (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 25, 2021, 10:20:34 am
About 50 years ago I lived in an old farm house overlooking thousand of acres of bottom land. There had been a winding creek through the bottom land but the core of engineers came in and cut a new straight channel for miles, this was done so the land would drain and be usable for row crops. They left the old winding creek and its grown up banks for wildlife habitat, because the old creek didn't have hardly any water flow we called it the dead creek.

The ducks loved this old dead creek, I spent a lot of time jump shooting them. Some of the ones I shot fell over land, some fell out in the water, the water was up to 5' deep. I had an Irish setter that was a super retriever but wouldn't put a duck in his mouth so I would hit the creek and get my ducks no matter how cold it was. I often walked home with my clothes frozen solid.

Taking pity on me, one day my wife came home from work, dropped a lab puppy in my lap and said " you are going to kill yourself going after those ducks so here is the solution.

That puppy turned out to be one in million as far as labs go, she was so bright she took little training to do it all, blind retrieves, hand signals, marking multiple downed birds, she flushed rabbits, pointed quail and I am sure she understood English. She never failed on a retrieve even if the duck fell 1/2mile away, she had one speed which was peddle to the metal wide open.

Well the wife ran off with some married guy she met at work but I had the lab, I definitely got the better end of the deal.

Judy the wonder dog, she just spotted a flight of ducks in the distance, she always became every intense at this point. Funny thing; if I missed a couple of easy shots on a flight of ducks she would look up at me in the blind, make a face and whine as if to say, "you have to do better that that bozo".

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 25, 2021, 10:29:43 am
Sorry to get off track on the thread but the cold water thing brought back memories from my past.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 25, 2021, 10:53:47 am
I do think labs are very smart dogs Eric. They not only have a good nose. They have good eyes too. You can show them something and they see it right away. They also have a soft mouth and naturally avoid tearing apart what they retrieve. At least the ones we have had.

I remember one we had. Murphy the stinky inky black dog. We really never hunted with her but I’m sure she would have picked it up quickly. She would catch birds and never bite them hard enough to kill them. I think They would’ve eventually drowned in droll.

One time we were working in the silo. It had been empty for a few months and we were getting the unloader ready to hoist to the top. Murphy realized she could get in the empty silo with us. Soon she was digging up rat holes and they were scurrying around. She caught one and in her natural soft mouth hold she was just going to play with it. Then it bit her right on her nose and wouldn’t let go. That turned on the light bulb. She hated rats after that. She took every opportunity to catch and dispatch them. We had big round bales and every time we would pick one up with the tractor she would be ready. She would catch one and shake it violently. Then throw it as high in the air as she could. When it hit the ground she was ready to finish it off. If it didn’t move she immediately went after another.

Dang good dog and really friendly to. Really miss her.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Digital Caveman on July 25, 2021, 04:00:32 pm
It would be interesting if the contestants could bring along dogs.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 25, 2021, 04:29:16 pm
It would be interesting if the contestants could bring along dogs.

That would be a very interesting twist on the game.

Certainly would help with security and many other jobs. Of course it’d be another mouth to feed. Hopefully it could help feed the both of them.

I believe I read somewhere that the natives used them to carry stuff. Actually kinda drag it hang from two poles harnessed and dragging like skids.

Not sure how factual that is.

I think I read that they first named horses after dogs and used them like they did with dogs. Or maybe I’m just remembering something else. Who knows. Almost want to say it might have been “Centennial”.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Hawkdancer on July 26, 2021, 02:14:35 pm
BJ, many of the native peoples used dogs for transport, I think the women came up with the idea, so they wouldn't have crry so much.  I read somewhere that the horse was called an "elk dog" by the first groups that saw them.  Btw, what channel and when is the program on?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 26, 2021, 04:35:12 pm
Alone is on the discovery channel. 9:30 my time. Gets to be past my bedtime so I always record it. Saves a lot of time skipping through 4 minutes of commercials every four minutes.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 27, 2021, 06:36:43 am
there are full episodes on but they are free only for specific regions
you have to check if you're allowed to see them
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 13, 2021, 09:30:08 am
Things are looking better and better for Clay, I thought Colter would surge ahead with his gill nets but it things didn't work out for him and they pulled him for medical reasons. I suspect they will pull Biko as well in the next and last episode, he has lost 75# and not eaten much of anything for a long time. I predict his cold feet will take him out. Theresa has the best mental attitude but is starving at a fast rate as well so she could be pulled, no telling.

Possible blood trail for Clay in the last episode?  Could be small game or perhaps something bigger.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 13, 2021, 10:37:34 pm
I really thought Colter was going to have more luck fishing than he did. I’m guessing he did to.

Biko has been fighting the mental fight pretty good but also hasn’t had much luck fishing. Pretty sure he wouldn’t have made it this far without the extra weight he carried on day one.

Theresa really has the right attitude a good shelter but not much to eat. I really thought they were going to pull her instead of Colter. I really enjoy her narrative and just something about her accent.

Seems like Clay has pretty good odds. I’d be surprised if someone else outlasted him. I’ve been surprised before though. Love the float plane he whittled for his son. Very nice.

My hats off to the final four. Pretty sure I couldn’t have lasted that long there. Even with the extra weight I carry.

Still seems like a silly site. Bears everywhere they can’t hunt. Not allowed to take squirrels. Not allowed to fish with live bait. I get the feeling they really don’t want this to go on for very long. Probably think we would get bored watching people actually living off the land.

Still enjoy watching. Nice not to have all the drama

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 14, 2021, 09:39:42 am
I suspect the chopped off the show before they pulled everyone they are going to pull. Just like the clift hanger serials in the old movies where Buck Rodgers is facing imminent doom at the end of a segment but you have to come back next week to see if he will survive.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 14, 2021, 09:50:45 am
The lady bow-hunter didn't last that long.  Big difference between hunting big game for your pleasure and doing it for survival.

Biko's net is a bit on the small side, no wonder he's not catching anything

My wife and I have been watching the Danish Alone.  It is hilarious, and a bit sad.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: StickMark on August 14, 2021, 10:24:24 pm
Looking forward to Theresa's video debrief of the season. Why? Because she is surviving on plants, almost exclusively, and I am curious how much calories she will estimate she ate. She said 1500 k/c one time, and that should be right around her basal metabolic rate.

In other parts of the internet kingdom, some say that this "going in big" like Biko, with the extra fat, is a maybe not in the spirit of the show. Perhaps capping the  BMI might make the show more even. Females that put on 80 pounds might have a real hard time later in life dealing with fat-memory. What athletic person wants to do that? Weight gain, loss and then regain, is hard on the heart, as Colter now knows.

Still amazed at how few actually hunt. The aerial shots of Theresa's place shows similar edge type terrain like Clay's area. She has one of those fancy European primitive bows, Mollegebat?, but she is not shown as really using it. Like Colter said, people get myopic. She gets to making some meat and Clay is in a race.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 15, 2021, 06:09:12 pm
Yep looking good for Clay right now , but who knows what might happen, guess we will find out Thursday I think this is the last or next to the last show.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 20, 2021, 12:12:04 am
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pat B on August 20, 2021, 12:35:35 am
I saw that and he looked to be pretty healthy...physically. I understand his separation anxiety about his family especially after 70 whatever days. Those bunnies saved him. I'm surprised Biko made it as far as he did. He seemed pretty clumsy for that situation.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 20, 2021, 08:09:55 am
Yep Clay done good, glad he won but was rooting for the gal.  :) he was tough and strong mentally.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JEB on August 20, 2021, 09:04:15 am
Who is Clay Hayes? Everyone seems to know him. I never heard of him.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 20, 2021, 09:42:18 am
Clay is one of the better selfbowyers, he has been in the game a long time. He has a youtube channel where he shows every aspect of bow building and hunting with his osage bow. He also teaches hands on one on one bow building classes and provides materials, lodging, food and a week of instruction to his students.

He cashed in his career as a wildlife biologist to live a backwoods life and be a fulltime family man, his kids are the luckiest kids on the planet to be part of his adventures. He is very good at what he does and puts out a new video about weekly.

Look up "Clay Hayes" on youtube.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on August 20, 2021, 11:58:52 am
Clay is a part of what got me into bow making!!! if i didnt watch his channel to learn how to build my first board bow, i wouldnt be here!!!  Im glad he won!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 20, 2021, 12:09:45 pm
Jon you really need to look up Clay. I don’t watch much YouTube anymore but when I first started making selfbows and especially hunting with them he was definitely a favorite to watch.

Really a down to earth guy that seems to share a lot of the same passions in life as I do.

A really good representative for our sport


PS Congratulations to Clay. May he share many great adventures with his family for many many years to come
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on August 20, 2021, 04:45:48 pm
Congrats to all three. That was a very bad location for the show. There wasn't many BC skill on the show. I would like to see more of that than all the drama. Teresa is one tough nut. If she got some meat and fish, she would have won. Bilko needed to win, with 2 kids on the way and no work skills. He could have used the money. Hope someone helps him out when he gets back.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 21, 2021, 08:07:34 pm
I say Bravo Biko Bravo.

Actually I think coming in second might have been a blessing for Biko. He should know he can do whatever it takes and be very appreciative of what he has.

I agree the last three had the determination to stay. Maybe possibly even more so than Clay. Although I think he was probably still pretty determined. I didn’t like the restrictions at this location. Seemed really odd.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on August 22, 2021, 04:22:55 pm
I really think History Channel should take a deep look at their ethics and morals.

They intentionally put these people out there to starve and dangle a sack of cash over their heads for their continued self torture for entertainment.

Love the show but there should be some resources not protected by law.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 22, 2021, 11:14:49 pm
Agree completely.Really didn't enjoy it as much this year and last, seemed last year they could do what every it took to get by as it should be on a challenge like that. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 23, 2021, 08:52:47 am
I also agree.  I've also noticed that some contestants are dropped off in more "favorable" locations than others
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on August 23, 2021, 10:29:49 am
I'd really like to see them change up the scenery like on Naked and Afraid.   Tropical island would be fun, maybe parts of Africa, but I'd really like to see a season done in my home turf of the desert southwest.  It would be interesting to see what 10 items people bring to different locations and how they utilize different resources.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 23, 2021, 02:40:03 pm
I'm really glad Clay won.  I figured he had it from the beginning, when everyone else was all upset and traumatized by the bears, but he sees a lion and thinks it's just awesome, then tracks a griz to try and get some good video, and laughs about it when he gets charged.   (lol)  That made me happy.

Teresa had great skills, especially her house-building and food gathering, but just couldn't get lucky with the fish.  I give Biko full points for great attitude and sand, but he just didn't have the skills.  (I'm not judging--I wouldn't have the skills either)  The only reason he lasted so long is he had the most fat to burn.

Clay just seemed comfortable in the wilderness in a way that most of the others didn't.  I think that if the hunting had been a bit better and his family could have joined him, he'd have been content to stay there all winter.

I completely agree that this was a really stupid location.  I got kind of mad when Clay said he wasn't allowed to kill that fisher that almost ruined everything for him.  What the heck?  If you're going to put people in a survival situation where they have to rely on their skills to stay warm and fed, for crying out loud put them in a place where they can kill game animals and fur-bearers!  The arctic season was a lot more enjoyable, and it seems to have come down a lot more to skills (and a bit of luck).  This season it was just who could starve the longest.  Kind of depressing.

Did you guys check out Clay's vid of his homecoming?  Kind of a tear-jerker.  Dang forest fire smoke...
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 31, 2021, 06:30:11 am
Just ended watching the season
overall a good entertainment with some remark
As other noted in this season there were too many situations where hunting or fishing limitations were evident and strident with the spirit of the challenge.
Also while big predators sure rise the level of the show, they are a little too big random and unfair element in a contest in my opinion.
Should you stumble in an aggressive bear in your first days you would have no chance to safely deal with it.
For this reason I dont like too much the idea of very dense bears populated area (not to speak of naked and afraid africa locations)-
Dont get me wrong, I dont say they should be deployed in a city park. I wont select on purpose heavy populated grizzly bears areas.

Another thing I'd really like is to see more of the footage discarded in the video editing. I bet other would love it, Even pretty boring stuff could be interesting and shed light on the participant character.
And in a digital era this could be very easy to do and maybe even profitable for history channel

just a curiosity. there are scenes with a man moving in the woods with a rifle. do you know what was about? 

Apparently history channel is accepting applications for season 9 so more to come.  :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 31, 2021, 09:35:58 am
I didn't notice any rifles, perhaps I overlooked that scene.

Clay kept track of the game he killed or caught on a box he made, the majority of these kills were edited out which gave the impression he ate less than he really did. Not saying he wasn't starving but he got lucky more than was shown.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Morgan on August 31, 2021, 10:12:30 am

Clay kept track of the game he killed or caught on a box he made, the majority of these kills were edited out which gave the impression he ate less than he really did. Not saying he wasn't starving but he got lucky more than was shown.

This has been evident in past seasons as well. I guess it adds to the drama, but there were contestants on previous seasons that were faring much better than what was presented.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 31, 2021, 11:03:55 am
I didn't notice any rifles, perhaps I overlooked that scene.

that was my fault.
my eyes kept seeing lower limb as rifle strap and the arrow as the barrel
time to buy new goggles
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 01, 2021, 10:11:50 am
At first glance that would have fooled me as well, I had to blow the picture up to see what looked like a slender rifle barrel was actually and arrow.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: WhistlingBadger on September 01, 2021, 04:50:26 pm
I was glad they showed the house building in a little more detail this season.  Some of the past seasons they skipped over than, and I think it's one of the most interesting parts.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 02, 2022, 12:31:13 pm
news on the show:

The History Channel’s Alone season nine promises to be the most intense season of the series thus far. Season nine’s contestants will be on their own in Labrador, Canada where polar bears hunt and the weather conditions are miserable.

The 10 brave survivalists attempting to take home the $500,000 grand prize this season include Adam Riley, Jacques Turcotte, Jessie Krebs, Juan Pablo Quinonez, Karin Lee, Terry Burns, Tom Garstang, Benji Hill, Igor Limansky, and Teimojin Tan.

Season nine will premiere on May 26, 2022 with new episodes on Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT.

and it seems the also started casting for season 10
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 02, 2022, 01:57:10 pm
Just noticed on site that every single participant choosed bow and arrows as one of the 10 items from the list.
Winners from last seasons made school  (SH)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Russ on May 02, 2022, 03:14:38 pm
im excited to see what this season brings!  :D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on May 07, 2022, 06:12:37 pm
Better location should be more food.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 16, 2022, 01:59:17 pm
search youtube for "alone season 9 trailer"   :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on May 27, 2022, 08:03:32 am
Not to bad of a start, impressed by some of the shooting. Should be a good show and fun to see how it all plays out. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on May 27, 2022, 12:57:50 pm
I agree Pappy. Seems like several who know how to shoot a bow and not so restricted on what they can shoot.

Also some nice finds by a few of the contestants. The tin cans and the foot hold could certainly come in handy.

Sounds like they can hunt bears . This could take awhile. Hard to tell.

Haven’t seen anyone really concerned about a long term shelter yet. Might have more affect on outcome this time if contestants can actually kinda feed themselves.

I’ll be watching when I can.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 30, 2022, 03:06:31 am
Seems like several who know how to shoot a bow and not so restricted on what they can shoot.

it also seems there are less restrictions on fishing. those trouts were not far from hatching  :fp

The tin cans and the foot hold could certainly come in handy
a good stove, with great heat irradiation and a chimney with good draft. It also reduces greatly the fire risk. Definetly a plus  :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on May 30, 2022, 11:29:40 am
Did the show start or are you guys watching trailers?  Should be DVR'ed for me and I don't see it yet.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on May 30, 2022, 11:36:27 am
Yes first episode was last Thursday I think.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: mullet on May 31, 2022, 03:05:50 pm
It was refreshing seeing people that could actually shoot a bow and hit something unlike Naked and Afraid. I don't know how many times on that show I've seen arrows launched long range and clearly hit an animal in the butt, then to have the person find it dead with a behind the shoulder wound in just a few yards.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 03, 2022, 07:50:55 am
Not bad last night, 1 down 9 to go, looks like some pretty good fishing. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 05, 2022, 06:42:19 am
I have to dye my hairs  )F(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 05, 2022, 09:28:26 am
I have to dye my hairs  )F(

Just remember the pink fades away pretty fast. The green seems to hang on longer.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 07, 2022, 10:47:13 am

Fish bonanza  (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 07, 2022, 11:57:22 am
Should be able to just lay in the water with your mouth open and let them swim right in Glis Glis.

Work smarter not

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 10, 2022, 08:17:01 am
Pretty good last night although I do wonder about some of the people that seem to really have a problem killing a squirrel to eat, I don't really like killing stuff either but have no problem if I plan on eating it and they seem to. :-\
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on June 10, 2022, 11:09:14 pm
I've been checking Amazon all day for episode 3, to no avail.

We cut cable years ago so in the very rare instances where I actually want to watch something that's not you tube, I have to buy/stream it.  So I'm rewatching season 8 while I wait  >:(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on June 12, 2022, 10:33:24 am
Try on google for show.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 13, 2022, 10:16:01 am
Pretty good last night although I do wonder about some of the people that seem to really have a problem killing a squirrel to eat, I don't really like killing stuff either but have no problem if I plan on eating it and they seem to

I also wonder if a squirrel is worth a potential lost arrow
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 13, 2022, 01:32:50 pm

I also wonder if a squirrel is worth a potential lost arrow

I’d be making lots of arrows just so I wouldn’t have to have that little question in the back of my mind. Gotta be something around there for arrow shafts and blunts.

I would carry my best arrows with me in case I encountered a bear or large game.

I think shooting little squirrels and such. Through limbs high up in trees I’d try to use arrows I made on site. I’m pretty confident in my arrows. It’s really almost all I shoot.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on June 14, 2022, 10:10:33 am
Colorful flu flu fletching, judo points and ground shots only.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on June 15, 2022, 10:53:02 am
After all these season, I am wondering why we haven't seen anyone trying to make some arrows. Do you guys think it's the lack of resources?  Or just lack of need?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 15, 2022, 12:26:20 pm
After all these season, I am wondering why we haven't seen anyone trying to make some arrows. Do you guys think it's the lack of resources?  Or just lack of need?

This has always been in the back of my mind to.

I understand that people would want to hunt with arrows they have tuned and tested before they  even went.

I also think that constantly worrying about losing arrows would make me question taking a shot. Even just a split second question like that when hunting for survival and the moment is past. I think a good supply of arrows made on site would favor more of a aggressive shooting opportunity. Especially with blunts where you might be less likely to mortally wound a small animal and loss it. Or maybe I’m wrong.

Right or wrong I think it would be part of my strategy

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on June 15, 2022, 06:14:10 pm
Just started watching this season the other night.  I really like watching for the ingenuity these people come up with.  I'm watching last season and this season at the same time since I missed last season somehow and unfortunately, I know Clay wins.    Saw his deer kill from last season, obviously the shot was recreated... Awesome kill, but no way you can get a profile vid of you shooting when you are still hunting...

I'm amazed at their sensitivity of the tree rats as well, makes no sense. 

Weird the guy who found the trap never even set it and now he's gone. 

Also wondering why the one woman (can't remember her name)is making the mansion into the side of the hill, that's chewing up a lot of calories and going to be a bugger to heat, it's gotta be pushing 200 square feet...  A lot of the other shelters do not look up to snuff for winter either.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 16, 2022, 08:22:06 am
I think the huge shelter was a mistake as well.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 16, 2022, 01:43:49 pm
I also dont buy the shelter with the logs floor
Cannot imagine it was the only option to place his home
too much work in my opinion and he will still end up with humidity if not plain water and ice
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on June 16, 2022, 07:00:12 pm
Clay Hayes did an arrow buiild vid.  If you stick with it or fast forward to the end, he does a funny Alone parody  ;D
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 27, 2022, 06:53:55 am
Unlike previous years I cannot pick a candidate for the title but I like the attitude of Karie Lee
She has that mix of expertise, essentiality and lightness
I hope she can do well even if her shelter looks too minimal at present
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 27, 2022, 07:08:06 am
I like several of the contestants.

It can change for them in a flash though. One day they seem to be doing a fantastic job and things are going well. Next thing they have health issues and they are heading home.

I kinda like Adam. I think he has a pretty decent shelter. I like his fireplace and chimney. I was a little worried about his shooting at first but it seems like he settled down and is hitting his mark now.

Should be a interesting season.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on June 27, 2022, 10:21:27 am
They better be gathering some fire wood, it is going to be a cold winter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on June 27, 2022, 11:58:40 am
I've seen only a few episodes of this show. In one I noticed they were surviving on fish and rabbits with no larger game. From what I've read a party traveling down a river took only fishing rods and .22 rf rifles intending to live off the land.
When they finally got back to civilization they were almost dead from malnutrition.
They had dined only on trout and rabbit. According to the article these creatures lack vital elements and have little or no fat. Though I suppose rabbits in colder climes may have more fat.
The article went on to state that this was why American indians developed Pemican. The ground nuts and bear fat mixture acted as a suppliment to complete the nutritional requirements for active people.
The US military also ran a study on troops stationed in cold climes. They saw that local Indians were much  better at performing ardurous tasks. They added pemican to the soldier's diet and their performance immediately improved.
During frontier times several townships were established by Indians who's sole occupation was mass production of pemican for sale to white pioneers and wagon trains.

I've also noticed that the participants in these programs aren't nearly as active as you'd expect, at least once a sturdy shelter is built.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on June 28, 2022, 08:31:50 am
Fat is a problem, that is why you must utilize the organs, brain, egg sack and whatever fatty tissue you can muster out of those critters.  A bear would be a game changer for sure.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 29, 2022, 08:01:04 am
Ya the one guy rendered a lot of beaver fat and I thought, this guy knows what he is doing but for some reason he got sick , not sure why, They said maybe beaver fever, seems sometimes they don't cook their meat as well as I would if I was eating it, especially something questionable.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on June 29, 2022, 08:44:28 am
If that's what he had, beaver fever looks miserable.  Might be undercooked meat and could have been just not washing up after processing the beaver, a little beaver skat transferred to from fingers to mouth could do it.  His drinking water could have done it as well, I guess.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 29, 2022, 09:31:55 am
He may also have had too much fat in a single meal
Apparently some northern people were used to eat alot of fat but usually modern people cannot handle too much and end up with  indigestion
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Mesophilic on June 29, 2022, 12:47:19 pm
Maybe they edit it out in production, but it doesn't seem like the contestants do a whole lot of active hunting.

From viewer perspective it seems like they do a mid day stroll and that's it.  I'd expect to see the experienced hunters up and at it before sunrise.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: BowEd on July 11, 2022, 07:44:18 am
It's probably been said prior here but the person who lives a lifetime with the tried and true skills of being a hunter/fisherman/gatherer and dealing with uncomfortable conditions physically and mentally their whole lifetime while being physically fit will have the best chance of winning such a contest.
Understanding that there are predators and prey in this world and have no quams about it.Being around and encountering animals and predators knowing their tendencies and nature.
Not just picking up the life style up at mid life and training a few months or a year thinking that should be enough to win.
They will be behind the 8 ball right from the beginning.
There's a degree of constitution that develops in a person over a lifetime that is second nature to get by trying times and a lot of that is mental not just physical.
Without knowing what your limits are hands on before getting into such a contest and relying on something that somebody wrote about the human body could lead to detremental consequences as their system will not be ready to handle it.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 11, 2022, 08:15:31 am
Agreed Ed, not something you can learn to handle in a few months or even years, if you haven't been cold tired and really hungry in life you probably aren't going to make it for months. It is wearing on them now and they are dropping like flies, you have to have shelter but seems most are spent to much of the early time on that and not food and water, by the time they have a good shelter they are to worn down to hunt and fish
the way they need to to get by. I guess it is easy to set back and say what I would have done unless you are really out there, interesting to watch though. I like the older woman, I think she will hang in for the long haul, she just seems to be one that has lived it.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: BowEd on July 11, 2022, 08:41:58 am
You got that right Pappy.This constitution in a person I speak of will be useful for them not only in a contest such as this but also into other aspects of life in the modern world,and that is a mental thing then.
You get to know exactly who you are and who you are'nt which might be more important.A thing many many people go through a whole lifetime and never find out.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 15, 2022, 10:38:52 am
Scratch 2 more off.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 15, 2022, 11:44:58 am
Yup. Definitely weeding them out.

I’m still kinda routing for Adam. I like his shelter and he’s been doing pretty good exploring his territory and hunting to. He’s made good use of stuff he found and might just have the right combination of crazy and ambition to get to the end.


PS I have Three that I think might have that combination left though
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 17, 2022, 06:26:17 pm
I missed it Thursday night because I was at the farm getting ready for our shoot Saturday so I will pretend I didn't see this.  ??? :) :) Although I could see a couple coming anyway. :)

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 18, 2022, 08:10:08 am
Watched it last night, yep they are falling like flies now, I think they will loose a couple more next week the way it is looking. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on July 18, 2022, 01:04:32 pm
Those that put elaborate housing before food are paying the price.  I was amazed every time I saw Jessie's building that massive Hodge-podge-lodge complete with a porch and not giving any effort for food.  It was predictable as a duck fart in a marsh that she would not make it.  Cool structure but would have been a bugger to keep heated in the winter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 22, 2022, 08:55:13 am
Episode 9
that grouse will never know how lucky it was !   (--)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 22, 2022, 12:21:18 pm
Adam out! He has lost more than 51 lbs. He was a little late setting snare's. Doc will be the next to go, no food and missing his girl friend.. Juan has the mental attitude, no food. Karie Lee has it all gather with health, mental and some food. Looks like she also has some shrooms dried in bags hanging in her shelter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 22, 2022, 01:43:42 pm
Episode 9
that grouse will never know how lucky it was !   (--)

For Sure.

I would have seen it as a sign to stay.

Must have really already made up his mind.


PS I liked Adam and I liked how he played and how he decided to exit. He’s alright in my book.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 22, 2022, 01:45:44 pm
Adam out! He has lost more than 51 lbs. He was a little late setting snare's. Doc will be the next to go, no food and missing his girl friend.. Juan has the mental attitude, no food. Karie Lee has it all gather with health, mental and some food. Looks like she also has some shrooms dried in bags hanging in her shelter.

I do think Karie Lee appears to have the right stuff.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on July 22, 2022, 04:29:59 pm
I'm thinking Juan Pablo is gonna last the longest but I'm not counting out Karie Lee. Agree with White Falcon, Doc's the next to go. Just found out Juan Pablo released a very indepth book on wilderness survival....may be an interesting read if you're into that stuff.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 23, 2022, 02:11:53 pm
His book is on Amazon, about $30. " Thrive " !
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 08, 2022, 03:17:34 am
I think that the stove and the fireplace strategy could really have influenced the final result.

What surprised me is in the last episodes they apparently scored almost zero trapping, fishing and hunting
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 08, 2022, 08:03:23 am
Karie Lee has started a Go Fund Me page to try to raise some money to start her wilderness school, I don't think she will reach her lofty goal but it is inching up. What the heck, I liked her and made a small donation to her cause.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 09, 2022, 01:12:08 am
My friend Woniya was on an ALONE SERIES, She was also on ALONE: Frozen. I have sat with her and had great conversations and she is a heck of a leather on leather seamstress!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 11, 2022, 05:09:03 pm
My wife thought that Juan cheated and Karie should have won but I don't agree, on the fact that he cheated that is.  He just did what he had to do to win.  It could have easily backfired on him
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on August 12, 2022, 12:43:11 pm
Juan had the best plan and most determination to will and that's how it turned out.  Instead of burning through massive amounts of calories chopping firewood and hunting tiny little tree rats and such, he went dormant.  Karie did lots of stuff that wasted calories like having a snowball fight with herself and cutting saplings for making skis for hunting even though she couldn't draw her bow, etc.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 21, 2022, 12:22:01 pm
I guess the video editing also tell us a story that is not 100% accurate
I'd like so much to see more video footage not included in the actual episodes

Alone:frozen ? now I have to see it  :fp
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 22, 2022, 07:13:33 am
just discovered (still have to watch) there is still another alone spinoff:

Alone: The Skills Challenge pits 3 former Alone participants head-to-head to complete incredible bushcraft builds using only basic tools and the natural ...
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on March 27, 2023, 12:07:11 pm
While waiting this year "regular" season there is an Australian version of Alone. It would be interesting to see a different country and fauna.

“Alone Australia” will premiere at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29 on SBS and SBS On Demand.

The 11-part series is the first local iteration of the hugely successful international franchise.

SBS has previously revealed the cast for the Australian series.

The 10 Australian survivalists will be dropped in the remote wilderness of western Tasmania/ lutruwita
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 09, 2023, 08:15:04 am
Alone season 10.
June 8 2023
search youtube for
"Alone Season 10- June 8 2023 Trailer HISTORY CHANNEL"

Is that a good idea to shoot a bear if you shake like that?
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 16, 2023, 06:16:35 pm
Juan had the best plan and most determination to will and that's how it turned out.  Instead of burning through massive amounts of calories chopping firewood and hunting tiny little tree rats and such, he went dormant.  Karie did lots of stuff that wasted calories like having a snowball fight with herself and cutting saplings for making skis for hunting even though she couldn't draw her bow, etc.

Juan's gamble paid off handsomely. I doubt there have been more than 2 or 3 chat could have pulled it off due to soft living except for a weekend here or there. When I saw he did a 30 day stint in the Canadian winter, I had a sense that he had an edge few others had....that this was familiar ground for him.

Maybe it was the editing and the choice to focus showing her goofiness, but Kari never seemed to be taking a serious approach to the risks and her main task. To my mind, she was focused on the camera and being a running advertisement for her "brand". That and the airy-fairy cultural appropriation of other peoples didn't sit well with me.

I was surprised with the absolute lack of bigger game. That sure threw a spanner in the works for a great number of people that gambled on putting up a big jackpot larder.

My opinion, for what little weight it may carry.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 17, 2023, 07:57:39 am
I just checked Kari Lees go fund me account for her wilderness school, she was shooting for $250K and has raised $42K and is still getting donations.

I donated a few bucks when she started the account, then again, I like eccentric nut cases, they kinda' remind me of me.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 11, 2023, 06:37:28 am
First episode
It seems prime bears land
I will not wait to see the other participants and put my money on Lee Ray DeWilde
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 11, 2023, 08:42:45 am
First episode looks like some decent hunting and fishing.

Looks like some pretty good archers, Bush crafters and just plain interesting contestants. I’m not putting money on anyone yet. Thinking this one might take awhile if the weather doesn’t get to terrible, which it most likely will.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 13, 2023, 07:16:10 am
Yep watched the first and looking forward to seeing what happens,seems the fishing and hunting should be better on this one.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 19, 2023, 03:49:31 am
yes, contestants look skilled
All the girls look strong and motivated
Really nice fishes up there  )F(
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 19, 2023, 07:20:07 am
I am taping it so not going to read this much  ;) :) I really do enjoy watching it when I can buzz through the commercials.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 19, 2023, 08:53:14 am
I am taping it so not going to read this much  ;) :) I really do enjoy watching it when I can buzz through the commercials.  :)

That’s how I do it to Pappy. It’s usually past my bedtime anyway.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on June 23, 2023, 08:43:12 am
Spoiler Alert !!!!!!!!

Some fish were cought. One contestant made a great log shelter and another made a moss covered wickie up. Some home made arrows took some grouse. There also two that gave in to the wild.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on June 23, 2023, 09:26:06 am
Kind of surprised they were the first two to give in. I guess she can play a critical role.
    One thing that makes very little sense to me is the contestants that try to build elaborate log structures. A person needs to replenish many calories after that exhausting work. Unless a good food cache is established they're never going to survive for any length of time. After watching many seasons my major focus would be food, food, and more food, especially fish. The only way around it is to out starve the other contestants and in that department I would definitely lose. Enjoying this season so far.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on June 23, 2023, 09:27:52 am
Age...not she.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on June 23, 2023, 12:08:50 pm
I haven’t seen latest episode but I have to agree with your assessment Steve.

#1 has to be food. Along with 2,3,4 and 5.

Even when doing other things paying attention and doing things to procure, preserve and store food as a multi task process.

I think some people would just love to go somewhere like that and build a shelter. Kinda like kids building a fort. I can certainly understand that but food has to be priority.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on June 25, 2023, 05:21:10 pm
Ya food would be my #1 thing, then a good shelter, it wouldn't take long for me to cry uncle without something to eat. Some put on a lot of weight and maybe that helps but I don't think man is designed to live of fat reserves like some animals are. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 26, 2023, 05:10:40 am
It's a delicate equilibrium
Food is for sure number 1 (and 2 and 3) but i guess that a good shelter could do alot
Even more than protecting from cold and beasts it could be a strong mind support when things get hard
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on June 27, 2023, 04:04:08 am
just saw episode 3
Man I'm good at choosing winning candidates  (lol) (lol) (lol)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Buckskinner on July 05, 2023, 03:12:29 pm
just saw episode 3
Man I'm good at choosing winning candidates  (lol) (lol) (lol)

I'm surprised Lee went out that fast, I figured him for a grinder.  Just got his shelter done and pulled the pin, he was a skinny bugger though...

I'm also surprised how much of the game and fish that is wasted. If I were in this thing, I would be eating everything but fur, feathers and scales.  Some aren't even eating the skin of the grouse!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 06, 2023, 08:51:46 am
I think that some arn't very well rounded in survival skills.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: WhistlingBadger on July 09, 2023, 09:41:16 pm
I haven't watched the latest couple seasons, but I've been following the discussion here with interest.  Most of us are taught in survival training (even if it's just hunter safety class) that shelter is #1, water is #2, and food is a distant #3.  That's because in normal, modern circumstances, survival means staying alive for a few days until help arrives, and most of us could go at least a week without food and be none the worse for wear.  So staying warm and hydrated is enough.

In a long-term survival situations that would change, though I guess it depends on the environment and the weather.  For most people on Alone, food does become the deciding factor.  I think a lot of this is because they start out in the late summer, when starvation is going to become an issue long before exposure.  An the other hand, a few strong contestants (Roland from season seven springs to mind) have put a huge amount of time and energy into building an excellent shelter, then had good luck finding food later on.  But how many contestants have built amazing shelters then starved out?  Roland made it because he took excellent advantage of a unique opportunity.  Not many contestants are given the opportunity to shank a musk ox, even if they had the ability and nerve.  Food is ultimately the deciding factor. 

It was interesting watching Clay Hayes' recaps in season eight.  He mentioned several times that one of the primary difficulties with finding food is the inability to relocate to a more game-rich area.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 11, 2023, 07:57:25 am
Just caught up last night, seems everyone is just there to build a cabin, then starve to death. Not sure because I am not there but I think food and water would be #1 for me and build a shelter in between. Maybe just me but with out food I wouldn't be in any mood to cut logs and work on a cabin for 10/15 days hoping to find food after that was done.  ???
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 15, 2023, 03:45:03 pm
I think there will be two more to tap next week.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 24, 2023, 10:58:45 am
I was wrong. Might happen on the 27th.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on August 04, 2023, 12:27:48 pm
Well Marlaine tapped. Got another guy eating unknown mushrooms. HaHa has a good infection in his left arm. I think Mikey will tap next. Alan is doing fine!!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 05, 2023, 08:32:51 am
There is that scene in the lead-up where a guy is going out on the ice to cut a hole to fish. If this is from somewhere down the road from where they are at now with the lake not iced up yet, there could be several hanging in there for the long haul.

It seems like contestants missing their family causes the majority of folk to tap out. The guy with the splinter in his arm seems to have no such attachments so he may out last the other two who do.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 05, 2023, 04:43:05 pm
I like the three that are left. They seem to be doing things even when they’re not doing anything. They made pretty decent shelters but didn’t knock themselves out of the game building them.

I like how Allyn is always making fishing lures. Even names them and definitely tries to perfect them.

I like how Mike made the toy for his son and wrote the letters to his wife with natural materials.

I do think you are right about how hard it becomes for people who miss their loved ones. When it comes down to it. Time is the one thing you can’t get any more of.

Wyatt doesn’t seem to be letting that get to him so far. On the other hand if Mikey hunkers down and sticks to doing this for his son’s special needs it’s hard to say.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: PaSteve on August 06, 2023, 09:53:26 am
I agree about contestants tapping out because of loneliness and missing their families. One thing that's impressive is their accuracy shooting grouse. I think this is the best as a collective group of archers yet. Can't really tell how far the shots are but they appear to be consistently killing grouse. I think the fishing is going to get tougher until freeze up when they can get out on the ice and fish deeper.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on August 07, 2023, 01:39:31 pm
What really astounds me is how many underestimate the risks of eating unknown mushrooms.
There are NO empirical methods to tell one edible mushroom from a poisonus one!
All the pseudo rules to tell an edible mushroom (except direct and deep knowledge) are basically BULLS...!!!!!
The fact a critter can eat it means absolutely NOTHING !!! The human digestive system has substancial differences from digestive systems of other animals.
Long exposure to heat (cooking) could in some case deactivate some toxines but in many cases wont
Poisons from mushrooms can have a very wide range of effects.
Even if obviously a fast dead seems the worst you must take into account that also a slow, cumulative, irreversible, painful and radical damage to many vital organs is very possible.
So even eating small portion and assuming it is safe to eat because there have been no issues is WRONG

The only rule with mushrooms is :
You are not 200% sure it is edible? DO NOT EAT

On top of that mushrooms are mostly water, minerals and fibers so they provide almost nothing in term of energy. Why take the risk???

I've been mushrooms picking for many years with a mychologist , author of books, and in many occasions he showed me mushrooms that for special conditons showed characters differents from their standard that could lead to improper classification and tragic mistakes
once again:
You are not 200% sure it is edible? DO NOT EAT
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on August 08, 2023, 10:11:14 am
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 14, 2023, 07:22:18 am
Ya I thought that was kind of risky myself, I have heard of putting a small piece in your lip to see if you had any ill effects but may just be an old wives tail, wouldn't have taken the chance myself. Been tapping it so haven't seen the last one, looking forward to seeing how that goes for him. :-\ Pappy
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 14, 2023, 08:30:55 am
This season wraps up next week.

 I have started watching the Tasmania version, hard to understand those folk, their accents are very thick Aussie. I have turned on closed captioning but even that can't sort everything out.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Muskyman on August 14, 2023, 02:58:22 pm
I’ve been watching too. As far as the mushrooms go I seem to remember reading one time that part of the problem with them is that some don’t really start making you sick until they are in your digestive tract. By then you can’t get them pumped out or anything that might save you. Mushrooms scare me unless they come from the grocery store. I’ve picked and eaten morels in the spring but that’s about it.  I remember once while turkey hunting a guy we used to see every year gave us some, I want to say pink bottoms. We ate them but, my brother said I’ll hold the gun on you while you eat them then you can hold the gun on me while I eat them. After we got back home I looked them up and it said that a mushroom called, I think a deaths angel, looks very similar. I’m thinking that was the end of my wild mushroom eating days. I like them but not enough to take the chance..
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 19, 2023, 12:05:41 pm
Spoiler alert!!

I watched the final episode of Alone .

I think this one was really close.

I’m not going to say who won the contest.

One thing I will say is they all won something money can’t reward you the same way.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 19, 2023, 02:02:33 pm
Spoiler alert!!

I watched the final episode of Alone .

I think this one was really close.

I’m not going to say who won the contest.

One thing I will say is they all won something money can’t reward you the same way.


Agreed.  I appreciate anybody that even tries to get on this show, but I developed a lot of respect for the final three contestants.  I guess we're trying not to be spoilers...So I'll say that the last guy to tap out was in a good spot and left because chose to:  he had accomplished what he set out to do.  His only reason for staying would have been for the money, and he decided that wasn't worth the damage it was doing to his body.  I can really respect that.

I love watching the endings of these.  I always get a little choked up seeing the winner react when their loved one shows up with the news.  I think about how much I miss my wife and daughter on a few days of hunting or work travel.  I can't even imagine what a relief it would be to have them walk out of the trees unexpectedly after living completely alone for a couple months.  It's always a powerful reminder to me of what's really important in this world.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 19, 2023, 08:23:31 pm
I think he was the big winner WB. I think it was truly life changing experience for him.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 21, 2023, 07:01:41 am
Watched it and didn't end the way I though it would  ;) Watched the Ausi. one also, not sure how it will play out but dropping like flies at just day 2.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: BrianS on August 21, 2023, 01:24:53 pm
This was the First season of the Alone Show I watched. I was very impressed. I spend a lot of time alone camping spring, summer and fall. I do not have many folks interested in doing it so I go alone or else do not go. I do not do the survival camping they do on the Alone Show. The time alone is nice but after a bit, I personally tire of being alone. Not that I like hoards of people around me but I do like a few people around to talk with. Last Fall I spend considerable time alone hunting out of a tent camp. During the daylight hours I kept busy and did not mind being alone but the Late fall nights are very long ( having a radio and some books to read helps).  I found the nights long.  Very impressive that they lasted as long as they did if they truely did it alone.
Take care, Brian
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 11, 2023, 04:22:20 am
Just noticed there is a UK version of alone
11 participants in Canada. Same concept as standard Alone
If you are in UK (or if you use a proxy) you can see all episodes for free by registering on channel4 dot com (there are also Alone seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9 !)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on September 16, 2023, 03:39:35 pm
Who won, been in the hospital the whole month of August and some with my wife.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 17, 2023, 06:57:55 am
I think it was Allen . The one who made the fishing lures. He played a good game. I honestly thought Wyatt was going to win and I think his experience was a win. I think he will probably be sober for the rest of his life. When you have a serious drinking problem that’s a huge win.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on September 19, 2023, 02:55:52 pm
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on May 27, 2024, 05:58:30 am
Alone 2024
thursday 13 9/8C
Gwich’in land, Nortern territories CA

Without giving away details, the channel said that would include “remarkable game harvests, clever inventions, painful medical mishaps and nerve-wracking animal encounters,” as well as one of the longest-running seasons in the show’s history – a factor determined by how long at least two contenders are able to keep going.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 12, 2024, 12:11:50 pm
Episode 4
did not know you can snare partridges like that  :-T   :OK :OK
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 12, 2024, 01:40:39 pm
I didn’t read anything here yet. Have been to busy to watch, but I think it’s recorded

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Muskyman on July 13, 2024, 01:25:07 pm
I’ve always heard spruce grouse are not the smartest birds. And I’m sure where they are they’re not hunted by humans. Grouse around here would never let you that close to them.
Pretty wild stuff though.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 14, 2024, 10:39:05 am
Never heard of that either, cool idea. Grass isn't a good potholder!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Stoker on July 16, 2024, 11:18:46 am
I’ve always heard spruce grouse are not the smartest birds. And I’m sure where they are they’re not hunted by humans. Grouse around here would never let you that close to them.
Pretty wild stuff though.

They are not the best tasting birds. But if you are hungry
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 19, 2024, 08:30:28 am
Finely got to watch them last night, now I have to pick another to root for, maybe pick the right one this time. I am liking Timber's chances  didn't like him at first but really like his attitude after watching him for a while. We will see.  :-\
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 19, 2024, 09:47:08 am
I wondered about Timber eating moose meat that a mink had been eating and walking all over, he handled the butchering and meat storage very well. The preview suggested someone is getting pulled for health reasons and it might be Timber.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 20, 2024, 05:05:13 pm
Liked Dub's Spring poll for fishing. Machel tapped out, missed a lot of things at home. The guy that burned his hand, is now suffering from a broken tail bone.  He will tap next or break a leg or something. Guy is accident prone.  PSA don't flop dowdn on a rock with out looking at it first. Timber needs to rewash his top layer of meat. Also needs to set several snares for the mink. Guess he needs to redue or rethink his cash, cuse that one isn't working.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 22, 2024, 08:20:56 am
Ya that spring pole was very cool.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on July 22, 2024, 11:08:54 am
I was wondering if Timber food cache is too close to the river.
A small flood can spoil his treausure
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on July 26, 2024, 08:40:34 am
Going to miss it next week , will be out of town , but it is getting interesting, not sure any will make it to winter.  ??? Guess some will because of the previews but don't look like it now.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on July 26, 2024, 10:17:51 am
I did see it last night. The more I watch the more I want to go fish and hunting there. Pulling some nice fish out of there.

Had to really hurt went Dub had that nice one flip out of his hands while he was showing it to the camera. I’m pretty sure he won’t make that mistake again

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on July 28, 2024, 11:28:52 am
Timber is starting to miss home. He is loosing weight and just passed the med check, The guy that burned his hand failed the med check,
hasn't had bm in 9 days i think, going home. Dub was showing a big pike he had on his spring pole, and it got out of his hand and went by by. He haden't eaten in several day. Michel is doing fine, but did have a little break down, family though about her growing up. She shoot two grouse and now is a happy camper. One of them lost all their food due to blue jays and Martin's . Isaiah Has spent tooooo much time on his shelter, but it is a good one. I think he went 9 days with food. At med check he tild them he has been having severe chest pain. He had not done any hunting as of this show.
I can't believe that I haven't I seen anyone set snares . I might be wrong. The clips at the end does show, shows a shelter on fire. I think it is one of the guys in a small a frame shelter.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: White Falcon on August 12, 2024, 11:06:02 am
I like Timbers new cache. I can't he built his shelter with not any way to let the smoke out. Hasn't said anything about his Moose meat? Dub falls in the water and didn't have any way to start a fire with him Looses his big fish and finds it again lucky. Now he is storing his fish on the front of his shelter. I think he is accident prone!! William doesn't know how to make a cashe. Lost his food again. I don't know how he made it on the show.He is going to spend toooo much time in his sleeping bag and starve. Sarah, isn't eating enough and is getting home sick. She will tap next.
I am in for Timber to win. My $.02
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 12, 2024, 03:11:20 pm
I think Timber has it as he says “Home”

He has done an enormous amount of work and is in a good position.

I think his “Home” actually started out as a smoker for his Moose if I’m not mistaken. Thinking he will figure something out for a chimney.

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 13, 2024, 09:04:52 am
Finely watched it last night, yep my money is on Timber, if he doesn't do something stupid he is pretty well set except the smoke in his home and feel sure he will figure that out.  :) probably be another 1 or 2 go out this week from the looks of the promo.  :-\
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 17, 2024, 07:52:13 am
After getting to know Timber even better I really like the guy. I am really impressed by his attitude.

He still has some competition and not counting anyone else out yet, but I really like the guy and the way he’s handling the adventure


PS I love the little foxes he made for his boys.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 19, 2024, 08:49:27 am
Yes me also BJ, he is a little out there but guess you would have to be to do something like that.  :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on August 24, 2024, 09:14:17 am
They are having their ups and downs but looks like this might last a while. :-\ :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 24, 2024, 09:30:12 pm
It appears Timber has a frostbite problem; it could be a deal breaker. The grouse snare guy seems to be doing OK; he is good at procuring food if he can keep it away from the martins, his attitude is very good.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Muskyman on August 24, 2024, 11:06:06 pm
I agree about the grouse snaring guy Eric. I think he’s the only one of the three that hasn’t talked about missing his family. Not having daylight is gonna play big on the three that are left. Also going to get really cold before long. All pretty tough guys. Going to be fun to watch what happens.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 30, 2024, 09:57:00 am
I think Timer's worsening frostbite problem will take him out, the guy who is fed up with the whole thing will drop off as well, that leaves the bird snare guy who had food and a great attitude but not a good shelter to handle the total darkness and the really bad weather that is on the way.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on August 30, 2024, 10:20:56 pm
Hard to say who it will be yet. Pretty tough bunch. Man it really makes me want to go fishing there.

You could be right. Or Timber might just cut off a

Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on September 01, 2024, 07:18:58 pm
Well it's over, That's all I will say until I am sure everyone has seen it, I will say it was a good ending and very much enjoyed it, them folks are tough for sure. :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 02, 2024, 02:11:54 am
Tougher than I for sure!
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: GlisGlis on September 02, 2024, 04:58:15 am
Very good ending.
Tough guys
I loved all. The mental and physical strength needed, the skills and the nature (not necessarily in this order).
Great show. The only one that feels true
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Muskyman on September 05, 2024, 06:55:13 pm
I think once it got down to the three it was mostly the mental part. I had a feeling that the winner was gonna be who it ended up being. I’ve spent some time in the woods alone and after a few days you really do start to miss people. At least I do. Them are some tuff ol boys for sure, and skilled, I mean who ever heard of taking a pole with a wire snare on the end and snatching a grouse out of a tree. Crazy stuff..
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Pappy on September 06, 2024, 09:02:13 am
Ya I think the mental part is tough, all the time in the world to think and the mind can do funny things to you if you let it. I was rooting for Timber but William deserved the win for sure.  :) Looking forward to the next one.  ;) :)
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: bjrogg on September 06, 2024, 01:25:21 pm
Yes I think the mental part becomes increasingly difficult.

At first they have enough daylight and work to keep them busy.

When they have proven to themselves they are able to do everything they wanted to it becomes more difficult to find the will to stay.

When the daylight is all but gone and you have nothing but time to pass, I’m sure that button is always talking to you

I thought it was a good series and any of the last three were dang tough guys.


Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 07, 2024, 10:07:13 am
For some reason my cable outfit didn't record the last show, it is not on the on demand History channel either. Perhaps it will be added later, but as of now I am in the dark about how the last show went except for knowing who won.
Title: Re: Alone again.
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 11, 2024, 11:15:09 am
I was surprised that William won actually.  The mistakes he made with his food caches at the beginning did not inspire confidence.