Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Dean Marlow on January 24, 2018, 09:38:08 am
Guys I have a selfbow I made 2 years ago which has snake skins on the back. The bow starts to make a ticking or popping sound when I pull it to half draw. I can not see anything on the back and can pull it to full draw with out any issues. Could the skins be making this noise? Not sealed down in spots ect? Dean
Dean, just for security lightly rub a cotton ball all over the bow going both directions. If there is a splinter the cotton should get caught in it.
What glue did you use for the skin? Was it a dried or tanned skin? Does it have an added riser? Could you have too much wax on your string, especially around the string nocks?
I used Titebond 3 for glue. It was a dried skin. No add on riser. Should I have the bow close to full draw when using the cotton. I hunted all last year with this bow and never did hear it make any noise.
Dean, you could try the cotton on the unbraced, braced and drawn bow if you thing there is a splinter rising.
Check the string for excess wax. I've had bows make noise when too much wax was on the string at the nocks.
Dean I've never met a tick I liked. My guess is you have something going on under that skin. I have seen slight tears make that sound, not a full blown splinter yet, but just the beginning of one. I cut those bows in half and junk them. If I don't trust a bow 100% I cant shoot it without flinching.
I am like pearly, confidence is everything. You need to find where the tick is coming from even if you have to remove the skins. I have one right now that every once in a while on the tiller tree I hear a tick, I can't tell if it is the tiller tree or the bow making the noise. It is 110# so I can't draw it to see if it makes the sound hand held. I am building another one just to feel safe.
O.K I put it on the tillering tree and pulled it to 28" and I looked and can not find a thing. I thought I am going to have to take the skin off and see where it is. So I stood back and pulled down on it around 50 times and now I can't here a thing. I am going to wait until tomorrow and string it again and if I here that ticking noise I will take the skin off. Seems like it always got to be on a good bow for some reason. Dean
Check the string grooves in the nocks as you draw it.
I flipped the string and I thought I found the problem and just about full draw I heard the tick again. My knocks are deep and I can't see anything going on in there. I am going to put it back on the tillering tree and pull it 50 times again and see if goes away again.
If the tick happens consistently at the same draw length ( half way as you described ) its not a splinter more than likely, but your string. Is it a new string for the bow? Are your loops narrower or larger causing them to pop off the shoulders of the string notches?
An important question is, is it one tick, or multiple togeather?
Bingo! it was the string. It was sliding out of the top limb knock on one side when I pulled it a little over half way. You saved my snake skin. It pays to ask questions on Primitive Archer. I got the top loop to big. Dean
It also pays to start with the most simple thinks first.
Check the string grooves in the nocks as you draw it.
Glad you fixed it bud. To be fair, this guy ^^^ pointed to it before me.
Good result. I am in the Pearly, Badger camp, I hate the dreaded" tick". Glad to see the problem solved without destruction.
Good to see you again Dean! We miss you at mojam!
I had an elm bow with a string tick at the nock right when I hit full draw. I used it as a clicker and shot better than any other bow I owned.
Great to see you back on here Dean...and It's good to know that your bow is OK too. :OK