Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Kegan on March 22, 2008, 04:29:22 pm

Title: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Kegan on March 22, 2008, 04:29:22 pm
I started this bow several weeks ago, first waiting for the stave to season, then waiting as I tillered it, and then waiting for the string material to arrive. Finally got the B-50 yesterday and got her finished up :). A plain long D bow with walnut husk stain and floor wax for finish.

I made this bow as a back up to my hunter. It's 70" overall, 1 1/2" wide at the center 2' tapering to 3/8" half pin nocks, 75# at 27". Very smooth, but with tension. It shoots one of my brother's 700 grain arrows quite well, so I have to make a good batch up just for her. It stretched every other string material I had on hand before I ordered the Dacron, and took a good bit out of that. I didn't bother with a handle and just glued on a little leather strike plate.

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Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Justin Snyder on March 22, 2008, 05:12:28 pm
Great bow Kegan. I'm glad you finally slowed down a little.  You were making me tired just seeing all the bows you were making. Justin
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Kegan on March 22, 2008, 05:38:39 pm
Great bow Kegan. I'm glad you finally slowed down a little.  You were making me tired just seeing all the bows you were making. Justin

Thanks ;D. I'll start back up when the weather warms up though... this time on arrows >:D!
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: tpoof on March 22, 2008, 06:06:40 pm
Hey Kegan! Nice bow dude! :D
Man!, your skills are steadily improving! ;D

At first I thought the tiller was off a touch on the braced pic.?
Then I seen her at full draw and seen it was a thing of beauty!!
Nice job!
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: George Tsoukalas on March 22, 2008, 06:30:44 pm
Beautiful! That is a classic tiller. Well done. Jawge
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: NOMADIC PIRATE on March 22, 2008, 07:01:09 pm
nice simple selfbow !
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: bootboy on March 22, 2008, 07:24:19 pm
hey kegan Im sort of doing the same thing right now. Can you give me a close up photo of your nocks.
I fooling around with the idea of using elk tips, but Im looking for inspiration so to speak.
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Hillbilly on March 22, 2008, 08:00:14 pm
Great looking weapon-looks like it should be a good hunter.
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: david w. on March 22, 2008, 08:18:09 pm
nice bow i like it

but dang this is your first bow in a while you need to make more  ;D
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: DanaM on March 22, 2008, 09:53:50 pm
Ya nailed the tiller Kegan but there is a serious lack of pictures which we will hold against ya ;)

Well done.
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Pat B on March 23, 2008, 01:59:06 am
She's a beauty Kegan. Ought to send an arrow(700gr) through anything you shoot. ;) 8)   I love the simplicity of your bows! 8)    Pat
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: OldBow on March 23, 2008, 01:59:40 pm
Very nice long bow. Great tiller. Maybe too long for a hunting weapon. Bookmarked for March Self Bow of the Month.
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: bowmunky13 on March 23, 2008, 02:04:19 pm
truly a thing of beauty... drop'em dead with it... and if you got a stave of the same stuff. i will be glad to sell my left leg for it.... ;D
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Coo-wah-chobee on March 23, 2008, 04:03:07 pm
Very nice indeed thar youngin' ! Dont think its too long fer a huntin' weapon unless ya crawlin' in palmetto er rhodendron thickets and then 36 " is too long ! :o Nice work Kegan......bob
Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Kegan on March 23, 2008, 04:42:01 pm
Thanks everyone ;D! For the tall, open timbers around here, it fits quite well- and doubles my effective range. My brother is working on a bow from its sister stave, so he should get it up sometime in the next month or so. Sorry for the lack of pictures- this bow is little more than a brown stick so I couldn't get alot of nice pics of it with all the clouds out yesterday. Next one is going to be a "cosmetic" bow, so I promise lots of pictures then ;).

bootboy- my nocks are little more than the shoulders cut off.

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Title: Re: White Oak Back Up
Post by: Pappy on March 24, 2008, 09:09:01 am
Nice job Kegan,you done it again,looks great. :)