Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: sleek on September 16, 2017, 05:52:36 pm

Title: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: sleek on September 16, 2017, 05:52:36 pm
My recurves when I bend them keep cracking on the belly side. I use dry heat and bend it around a caul. I have rounded the edged and even chased a belly ring. I am trying to get 90 degree hooks on it. I have left them thick and made them thin hopung for a dufference. I need help.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 16, 2017, 06:08:29 pm
What kind of wood?
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: sleek on September 16, 2017, 06:31:50 pm
 Sorry, its osage.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: bushboy on September 16, 2017, 07:16:31 pm
Try localized steam using only slight hand pressure .let it sit overnight on the  caul and then lock it in with dry heat
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: bubby on September 16, 2017, 07:16:38 pm
I think if u want a 90 deg bend and you are having this much problem boil them
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: osage outlaw on September 16, 2017, 08:23:15 pm
Get a wall paper steamer sleek.  Works great for bending recurves. I got a used one off the big auction site for around $25 shipped.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: upstatenybowyer on September 16, 2017, 08:26:27 pm
Steam for sharp curves. I've never had recurves crack when steaming osage.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: sleek on September 16, 2017, 08:47:35 pm
Well I went with a big pot and boiled. You gadda be fast. But i got one tip bent. Boiling the other now.

How does a wallpaper steamer work?
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: loon on September 16, 2017, 09:36:41 pm
Anyone had experience with putting something on top of the belly to help prevent it from lifting splinters? (am curious too)
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: osage outlaw on September 16, 2017, 10:56:49 pm
Well I went with a big pot and boiled. You gadda be fast. But i got one tip bent. Boiling the other now.

How does a wallpaper steamer work?

It's a plastic water tank with a heating element.  The steam comes out of a hose.  I steamed for 25 minutes before bending it.  This was a temporary set up.  I'm going to use a steel pipe next time.  Danznbar has been using one to steam recurves for a while now.  I got the idea from him.


Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: Del the cat on September 17, 2017, 01:42:29 am
leaving them thick may be counter productive, it's just increasing the tension on the belly.
The strip of thin steel (old tin can etc) over the belly during the bend may help.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: upstatenybowyer on September 17, 2017, 07:18:28 am
Before I steam, I clamp a thin piece of metal (old bandsaw blade works well) onto the belly with a small C clamp. It stays loose at the tip end. Then, as soon as it comes out of the steam the tip end goes into the caul, which secures the metal strip against the belly, and I bend and clamp.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: DC on September 17, 2017, 10:13:22 am
OO, if you shorten the hose and leave a good vent hole in the PVC it will work better. I cut my hose down to two feet. You need a good steam flow to keep the heat up. I just loosely stuff rags in the gaps. The hose clamps are a little to much I think. A metal pipe might absorb to much heat. To double check I stick a cooking thermometer into the steam box. It should be 210-211 degrees.
PS at least at sea level, will be lower for you mountain men ;D
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: Cloudfeather on September 17, 2017, 10:25:39 am
Rub it down with some canola oil. A few minutes of constant movement heat with the heat gun, and it'll be a noodle.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: Aaron H on September 17, 2017, 10:26:45 am
I do the same as DC,  6" pvc pipe with a garment steamer from Wal-Mart.  Works great.  I shortened the hose like mentioned, and my pipe is long enough to do one limb.  I've been meaning to make a shorter pipe with 2" holes on either end and use it for localized bending.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: SLIMBOB on September 17, 2017, 12:21:34 pm
This may be just a perceived bias and I accept that I can be proven wrong, but when I am bending something with dry heat, I sand the belly several times throughout as I go.  It seems to keep these tears from happening.  Or so I would argue.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: bushboy on September 17, 2017, 03:16:41 pm
interesting point about temp and altitude!if I remember correctly,2 degrees f is lost for every 1000' of rise.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: DC on September 17, 2017, 03:31:30 pm
Denver is about 205f I think.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: mikekeswick on September 19, 2017, 04:26:19 pm
For the really sharp bends soak the staves end in water for 3 days or so. Then boil it.  Thin steel straps are useful too IF you work out your jigs so it doesn't take more time.
It may take a little longer with the soaking time but for the tightest of tight bends there is no other way ;) and of course green wood with the sap up makes a lot of difference if possible.
Title: Re: I need help. My recurves keep cracking
Post by: loon on September 19, 2017, 05:20:01 pm
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