Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Benedikt on April 28, 2017, 12:52:36 pm
Good evening everybody (or good morning, depending on where you are from ;) ),
It's been quite a long time since I last posted something here.
But don't you worry - I used the time to both step up my bowyer game and improve my language skills :D
Just wanted to share this bow I recently made with you. :)
Material: Black locust with a maple handle glued on and white-to-transparent horn tips
Length ntn: 64"
Drawweight: 38#@28"
Weight: 418 grams
Set: round about an inch
Finish: Boiled Linseed Oil
Width at the Tips: 4mm ;D
As you might notice, the bow has been fumigated fumed :D( is that the correct expression? ) with ammonia, making it really nicely dark-brown.
Don#t get confused if the bow looks a little bit greenish-yellowish, this usually disappears a few weeks after fuming it and turns into a nice, dark brown colour.
But enough of the talking, here are some pictures :) Feel free to tell me your opinion about it!
Uhhhhm.......yeeeaaaahh....sorry for the sweatpants :D I had my english school leaving exams earlier this day and couldn't quite find any motivation to dress different yet :P
Hope you like it!
Great looking bow, good work.
Nice shooter.
Nice looking bow, Benedikt. It does look like it is braced a bit high.
Good looking bow.
Ausgezeichnet! Das ist ein schöner Bogen. Darauf darfst du schon stolz sein. I really like the color and the transparent tips. good work
Thank you everyone :laugh:
It does look like it is braced a bit high.
You think so? Brace height is about 7" measured from the back to the string.
Great looking bow!
Good job buddy!
Nice job! Fuming works great doesn't it. Fumigating is to get rid of insects and stuff. :D :D
Nice job young man, very nice job!
That is a beautiful bow! Nicely done. Jawge
Excellent work
Thank you everyone :laugh:
It does look like it is braced a bit high.
You think so? Brace height is about 7" measured from the back to the string.
Yeah, that's pretty high for a selfbow. They're usually 5.5" to 6"? But it's a matter of taste too. If it's not taking any more set, the extra forgiveness could be worth it, or it could still shoot better that way?
That looks great, nice work
Nice job. I really like those translucent horn tips. Cheers- Brendan
Nice bow mate. Really like the translucent overlays on the super narrow tips. Great photography on the moss too. But those pants...... sheeeesh! Hehehehehe.....
Good looking bow, nice color.
Very nice job!Yer anglish seems lfine to me.
Love the fumed look on that locust and the horn tips, it all blends together nicely. Very nice bow, keep 'em coming. :)
nice work! great lookin bow
Nice work! I wear sweatpants whenever I can...
Did you fume the maple too or glue it on after?
What is fuming with ammonia all about? New one to me.
Look up Simpsons posts. Some wood turns dark if exposed to ammonia.
Good Morning,
Thank you to everybody :D
What is fuming with ammonia all about? New one to me.
Fuming turns wood which has a high amount of tannin dark brown, if exposed longer even black, because of a reaction of the ammonia with the tannin.
This works for expample with black locust, osage, oak, elm an chestnut. But I've only tried black locust so far.
Did you fume the maple too or glue it on after?
The maple was fumed too, but since it lacks of tannin it doesn't significantly change colour.
Btw., black locust sapwood does not aswell, so if you leave the last ring of the sapwood on your bow (if its not too dry), you can make some pretty cool looking bows.
Check this out! (Not my bows, credit goes to the user Snake-Jo in my german bowyers forum)
very nice bow and high quality pictures too
the arrow point near the bow tip is self made? it's a nice one
Sadly its not. Its only self-bought ::)
Very nice bow Benedikt, your English is also very good. I would like to try the fuming process some time, I like the look. Does anyone know how it works with HHB? Hope to see more of your work in future.
Very nice bow! I too have fumed a few Black Locus bows they sure do have a pretty color when finished!