Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Stick Bender on February 18, 2017, 04:46:50 pm
I'm splitting on some hedge today but at the rate I'm going it's going to take me a couple weeks to get threw the pile I was going to run out and get some bug spray to protect against the grubs any body got any recommendations ?
About 10 more men to help you split that pile of hedge :o ;)
Yep young men HaHa !!
You might try 'Horticulture Spray Oil'
You can buy it lots of places,Ace, Lowes maybe Walmart. Get a couple gallons pretty cheap, follow directions and you should be good.
I've seen fellas get good use out of seven dust.Think it's fairly cheap too.
You won't need to worry about borers for another couple months. If you can get them all debarked by late spring early summer you should be OK. It takes some time for them to eat through sapwood. I've tried spraying osage and leaving it under a roof and it still had borers find it.
The borer eggs are in the bark already I think. Whatever you use to kill them won't affect the eggs but the borer once it hatches. The hort oil mat coat the eggs and suffocate them.
What Pat said, it's exactly how it works. Death by suffocating :)
Thanks for the info I will get some oil just to put on ,at the rate I'm going might not get it split tell spring but I got a new respect for you guys that split hedge a lot wet hedge is like rubberized metal to split..... Lol
Have you had a wedge come flying out of it yet?
Yep right in the but out of all the wedges I bought those Estwing ones seemed to work the best for starting the split followed all your advice Clint loosing some winter fat between cutting hauling & splitting this week. You got to be in pretty good shape there bud doing it all the time.
Those ought to keep you busy for a while, nice haul
Now that's one nice pile. Aren't you in NY? I'm a great splitter, for a stave or 2 of coarse! O:)
Close just 800 Mi due west is all !
Close just 800 Mi due west is all !
What's a family, and a job anyhow? I'm on my way!!!!!!!
I saw somewhere, maybe Clay Hayes, sprays them with diesel.
Splitting logs on the ground like that killed my back. I took advantage of my sloped yard and built a splitting stand out of telephone poles. I can easily roll them down the poles until they are the perfect height to work on. It made a huge difference in how I felt after a day of splitting. What size hammer are you using? 4 lbs is my preferred weight.
I was using my 3 pound sledge to start & then choking my regular sledge short when I got wedges started I don't have a 4 lb maybe I will pick one up yes it kills your back working that low I'm 6.4 ft I propped them on a 4 by 4 helped some I will figure some thing to get them higher, necessity is the mother of invention ,Diesel wood probably work but wouldn't want to store them in the shop after.
I do this for a living...pest control. I would suggest if there are no insects present......Borax, mix a good 3 cups to hot water, put in sprayer and spray all sides to the point of run off. The mineral will last as long as you don't get it overly wet again.