Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: sieddy on February 12, 2017, 11:34:56 am

Title: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 12, 2017, 11:34:56 am
Hi guys
I discovered a hidden Jem of a joinery yard in my City the other day and they are going to let me have a look through their wood piles next week which includes a number of very nice looking old Elm boards!  :)
I need to drag them out to see what they're like but I'm hopeful there will be some potential bow wood in there. If love is really with me some might not need backing but chances are; so my question for the forum is what is the best backing for elm? (bearing in mind that Hickory is nearly unobtainable in the UK)
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: WillS on February 12, 2017, 11:52:55 am
Bamboo works great over elm.  Hazel is a good backing for most things, too.  I know it's been used to back yew and yew-like laminated bows, so it would likely work for elm also. 

Ash is great as a backing wood, especially with it turned so the edge grain faces up.  Pretty much bulletproof like that.  Wouldn't overpower elm either.
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 12, 2017, 12:34:05 pm
Hi Will thanks for the input. I had thought that Bamboo would be too much for elm but great to have as an option. The edge grain Ash sounds like a good idea its easy to find straight grained Ash boards right! But I cant imagine how you would go about using hazel for backing?!  ???
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: bubby on February 12, 2017, 01:12:27 pm
I have backed lots with hard maple, even epe with great results should work great on elm
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 12, 2017, 02:40:39 pm
Cheers Bubby I was thinking about Maple too - but I dont know what kind they have in timber yards here in the uk? I didn't know that ipe could be used as a backing?  ???
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: willie on February 12, 2017, 02:58:34 pm
have used maple for backing also, but it was edge grained. perhaps someone will comment on if elm boards would work without backing if quarter sawn?
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: dragonman on February 12, 2017, 03:59:04 pm
ash works as a backing for elm too , and pretty easy to get in the uk

can you pease explain the Irish proverb at the bottom of your posts....I've been trying to work out what kind of weird Irish logic could extract any meaning from it,,,, ;)


Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 12, 2017, 05:33:32 pm
Hi Dave thanks for your second vote for Ash. So I should find a dead straight grained Ash board and cut a 5 mm strip off the face or side and glue that up with the Elm?
Sadly to say my Irish proverb don't mean a huge amount to me either i just wanted an Irish/Gaelic quote related to archery. I just take it to mean- one mans waste is another mans profit!  8)
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: Jim Davis on February 12, 2017, 08:42:29 pm
As hard as it is to split, I would think elm is one of the best backing woods there is. Unless your board has heavy run-out, why not try it unbacked, or backed with rawhide, or denim, or fiberglass wall board tape?

Jim Davis
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: bubby on February 12, 2017, 11:35:56 pm
Cheers Bubby I was thinking about Maple too - but I dont know what kind they have in timber yards here in the uk? I didn't know that ipe could be used as a backing?  ???

Sorry i meant i have used maple on epe not used epe as a backer😉
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 13, 2017, 01:58:15 am
Hi Jim. Right on man- unbacked is definitely my preferred option. Much less hassle and what's the point of finding great wood if you can't use it as is!?!
As I say I don't know what these Elm boards are like but I'll be coming back here with pictures for an opinion when I get too em. (unless I could measure the grain with a ruler!)  8)

Bubby- Thanks for the clarification- I see what you meant now! It's amazing that maple is strong enough under tension to hold a wood as dense as Ipe together!
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: dragonman on February 13, 2017, 08:41:34 am
I agree elm is pretty flexible wood and probably be ok without backing unless grain is seriously compramised

ash backing would be better 1/4 sawn and only 1/8" thick max.  IMO

I got lots of ash backings already cut if you want one and dont mind to pay postage

Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 13, 2017, 09:30:17 am
Thanks for the input Dave and yes I'd be very interested to take some Ash backing off you. I'll see how the wood looks and take it from there.
Ta. Si   :)
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: Onebowonder on February 13, 2017, 10:28:52 am
Working on an elm board bow now that I'll be backing with a super thin Bamboo backing.  I'm only going for a very light target bow for a disabled patient on this one, so I've room to play with.  I had thought to use hickory initially, but when I found out how very light the draw weight was going to need to be, I switched up to use the super thin bamboo.  Also, the look of boo as a backing is kind of nice.

One thing I have been very pleased with in using this Elm is how very well it responds to steam and boil bending!  Once it cools off after bending, it seems to LOCK into place to where ever you moved it.  I got nearly no 'give back' off of the caul.   :laugh: :o :)

Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 13, 2017, 11:22:23 am
Thanks for your input Onebow. That sounds great man- I'll look forward to seeing some pics on here sometime! :)
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: Springbuck on February 15, 2017, 02:33:39 pm
  I've only backed elm with linen, but any wood about the same weight, like maple, or ash should work fine.  Just follow the same design rules.  Elm isn't all that dense, so make the limbs pretty wide, and maybe trap to a backing...
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: Springbuck on February 16, 2017, 07:40:02 pm
You know what, I lied.  I have backed elm with rawhide.
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: sieddy on February 18, 2017, 03:51:01 am
Thanks for you input Springbuck it's good to hear you've had some sucess with soft backing. I will bear it in mind and I might give some type of fibre (hemp or sisal etc) a go. I am really hoping to discover that the boards will be ok without backing though- fingers crossed!  O:)
Title: Re: Backing for Elm boards
Post by: Springbuck on February 18, 2017, 12:16:11 pm
 For the record, despite elm, with an intact growth ring, being extremely tough and really resistant to breaking, you don't see many backings made of it.  And, wood backings come from perfect boards, you know? 

 Unlike Tim Baker I DIDN'T have particularly good results decrowning small diameter elm staves, except in some kid's bows.  But, that was a long time ago. I may not have been good at it then.  I'm just saying, take a long look at the board-stave, really understand the grain, then choose and trim out your rough bow carefully.  Leave extra width and length, etc.

Good luck.