Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Lee Lobbestael on January 15, 2017, 03:28:50 pm

Title: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Lee Lobbestael on January 15, 2017, 03:28:50 pm
So I'm building a book osage r/d bow and yesterday I flattened the bamboo on a jointer and cut a taper into my osage. I made the bamboo 1/8" thick in the middle and on the edges it's like a knife edge. The osage after I cut it on the band saw and flattened the back ended up just under a half inch thick at the fades and about 3/8" at the tips. I held the two together and flexed them and it seems a little bit to whippy to make a 50 pundits bow. Will they be stiffer once they are glued up or should I add a lam?
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Lee Lobbestael on January 15, 2017, 04:00:13 pm
Bamboo not book :D auto correct
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: bubby on January 15, 2017, 05:11:54 pm
I think you are probably ok once glued up it will be much stiffer
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: DC on January 15, 2017, 05:19:19 pm
Amazingly stiffer, at least boo yew was.
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Lee Lobbestael on January 15, 2017, 05:51:49 pm
Ok good I'll glue er up tomorrow
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Trapper Rob on January 15, 2017, 09:41:20 pm
The ones we glued up got a lot stiffer.
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Dances with squirrels on January 16, 2017, 06:36:49 am
1/2" of osage is enough to make a 70# @ 28" BBO bow in a d/r profile. It will get a LOT stiffer once it's glued together.
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Lee Lobbestael on January 16, 2017, 06:43:19 am
Ok great I was a little worried that I had wrecked it right of the bat
Title: Re: Bamboo backed osage r/d another question
Post by: Springbuck on January 20, 2017, 12:57:53 pm
Naw, bro!  Glued together they will be twice as stiff as either is now, and if you are gluing up a Perry R/D, it will be even stiffer still.

  Anymore, depending on wood, I add a powerlam at the handle, and maybe 1/16" reverse tip wedges and start with a 3/8" belly core, just to save wood.  With bulletwood, ipe, BL, and goncalo alves, that's plenty and if I have to play with the width I do.