Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Lee Lobbestael on January 15, 2017, 03:28:50 pm
So I'm building a book osage r/d bow and yesterday I flattened the bamboo on a jointer and cut a taper into my osage. I made the bamboo 1/8" thick in the middle and on the edges it's like a knife edge. The osage after I cut it on the band saw and flattened the back ended up just under a half inch thick at the fades and about 3/8" at the tips. I held the two together and flexed them and it seems a little bit to whippy to make a 50 pundits bow. Will they be stiffer once they are glued up or should I add a lam?
Bamboo not book :D auto correct
I think you are probably ok once glued up it will be much stiffer
Amazingly stiffer, at least boo yew was.
Ok good I'll glue er up tomorrow
The ones we glued up got a lot stiffer.
1/2" of osage is enough to make a 70# @ 28" BBO bow in a d/r profile. It will get a LOT stiffer once it's glued together.
Ok great I was a little worried that I had wrecked it right of the bat
Naw, bro! Glued together they will be twice as stiff as either is now, and if you are gluing up a Perry R/D, it will be even stiffer still.
Anymore, depending on wood, I add a powerlam at the handle, and maybe 1/16" reverse tip wedges and start with a 3/8" belly core, just to save wood. With bulletwood, ipe, BL, and goncalo alves, that's plenty and if I have to play with the width I do.