Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: mullet on August 27, 2016, 03:43:39 pm
Yea, they stuck it to me good today. I have to leave for the airport at 4AM in the morning and had to take a tool on the plane we need first thing Monday morning. Paid for it to be made Thursday and shipped Overnight Air, guaranteed to be at my house at 12noon today, guess what. The truck bringing it to the Terminal which is down the road from my house will not get there today until after they close. They will not let me pick it up after hours and will sit on it till Monday. I told them I will not be here and if they want me to pay for it they better send it to Edmondton, Alberta, quick. Never again will I use them I should have stuck with DHL or FedEx.
Ups sucks and are very expensive. I started using USPS and never looked back.
Hey Eddie,
I have the same gripe with more than just UPS............Nobody cares if they do a good job or not, if the job doesn't get done it doesn't matter to them anymore...I'm glad I'm retiring soon I can't take it anymore......
Feel your pain buddy,
Pearl, I had a similar experience with USPS shipping to bubby in CA. I'm starting to get like Pappy and not ship anything!!
Pissed of DBar :) ;)
I could have got Next Day Delivery to Edmondton from FedEx but it would have cost $1400.
For 1400 you tell me where you want it and i will have it there myself!
So, what does the guarantee get you? They guaranteed it would be there by noon and it wasn't. So now what do they do as their part of the guarantee? Not that it helps you at all. I've always wondered about this.
Don't know? I do know I'm not paying for it. I told the manufacturer he made the sub Friday morning in the machine shop that if he couldn't get it to Edmondton by Tuesday morning he could keep it.
Always a big pain depending on someone else seems like at times.Sorry to hear about that.
.Nobody cares if they do a good job or not, if the job doesn't get done it doesn't matter to them anymore.
I hear that and see it almost daily.No one cares about quality or work ethic anymore and just wants to get paid and git,anymore.
Unfortunately,i am in the Farrier business and its the equines,that suffer the most from it.The same ones,we are entrusted to help.
What was ironic and I started to panic was, FedEx pulled up to my neighbors house across the street dead on 12 noon.
Might depend on the area? I get 1 to 3 deliveries every week from ups for 17 years now,always on time. And many times where I'm at the trucks can't make it down our roads, the drivers always call and go out of their way to meet me somewhere.
i won't use anyone else.
Yeah, a lot of it is regional, you have to find who's best for your area, coming and going can be different too. In a lot of areas USPS can be pretty darn reliable, but in others it's literally a crapshoot if your item disappears or not. A friend of mine runs a e-cig liquid company (any vapers in the house PM if you want to know who has the best juice on the planet) out of southwest Georgia, well USPS did a good job for them up until they closed down the regional sorting center and rerouted everything to the Tallahassee facility, after that it was a nightmare, they literally lost 1/3 of all their shipments, and they shipped all over the world. He had to switch to the UPS service that delivers to the local USPS facility and hands it off. No problems with the new shipping arrangement.
When I was at my previous job, I had a number of occasions where I hopped on a plane with machine parts to get customers up and running again. Those were always fun trips.
Still sitting here and waiting. I was told it would be here Monday. Checked tracking and it was still in Florida. Told it would be here today. Guess what? yea, tracking says it was still in Fl., 3 miles from my house at 9:30 this morning. ::) I will never order anything from UPS again. If I order anything and I'm told it is coming UPS I'll tell them to cancel the order or find another shipper.
Finally got it at 7AM this morning. ::) Almost a full week for Next Day Air. UPS will be a last resort for me from now on. I've never liked their "boot it to the back", Fragile, frame of mind anyway.
The post office isn't much better than UPS. I just found out the two cast iron skillets I shipped to Nebraska arrived with the handles snapped off. How in the world does one accidentally break a cast iron skillet? I doubt I could do it if I tried, without the use of a hammer at least. I guess for future reference cast iron should be considered a fragile material in the hands of the USPS.
I label dirt, fragile. :)