Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: keekeerun on February 29, 2008, 10:16:21 pm
I got some novaculite and obsidian spalls on the way, just wondering is there any good videos or advice on getting the spalls to a platform size. I have knapped some glass before and my pressure flaking come out alright, but before I break all my spalls, if they are too big whats the best way to get them ready for pressure flaking. thanks
Go to You Tube and search for Knapping. Good stuff there. Practice a lot, and you'll get better. Pay attention to making platforms and don't forget to grind.
I did a little knapping myself today. I'll post pics here in a little while.
Keekee, you can't get your spalls to platform size that I'm aware of. There is a good book out there (well thiers many) but the one I bought and read was DC Waldorf's "the art of flintknapping). This book is great for starting out, will walk you through the process of finding the rock, heat treating, spalling, bifacing, preassure work - the whole nine yards, and is loaded with lots of pictures to boot :).
The best training in my experience is "well experience ;D", and that takes lots of rocks. If you can find a way to get with a knapper - you'll be lightyears ahead. Happy knappin!!
Thanks I'm going to make an antler billet tommorow. It did'nt bother me too much when I broke some glass while knapping, but I would hate to see it happen to the rock I just bought but I'm sure it will. I just finished a couple rose shoot arrows that I'm sure would like to wear some flint out front. Is there any knapp alongs held in central Pennsylvania this year. Otoe I would like to see some of your points. Cowboy I saw some of yours on another post, you sure break alot of rock
Hey check out paleomanjims youtube video's.He's an abo knapper and very good.Your obsidian will knap much like glass and if you bought flint of chert that is already heat treated,it won't be greatly different.I am an abo knapper and have learned to quit rapping so hard in the percussion part,I've been using a lap pad and have quit breaking my big pieces in half.Platforms and grinding is good advice,it took me awhile to learn to grind not alot but often.Good luck ! Frank
Frank what is abo knapping
Abo knapping is usually considered to be knapping with organic/natural percussors-antler, wood, stone, etc. Most knappers nowadays use copper, both styles work well, but require somewhat different techniques. I fall somewhere in the middle: I do all my percussion with rock, antler, or wood, but I use copper pressure flakers more often than antler ones.
thanks hillbilly
Copper appears in the archy record for the mississippi,great lakes,columbia river and the northwest coast (and lets don't forget about the ice man),But you are right,most don't consider the use of copper to be pure abo. Frank
Frank, I saw a pic of a probable copper pressure flaker that was found in a mound here in NC. The Mississippian sites here are full of copper ornaments like earspools, earrings, and stuff. It was apparantly highly valued for things like that, so using copper for tools then would probably be like one of us making a solid gold billet to knap with.
I used an antler tonite to knapp some obsidion. I enjoyed using it. I pressure flaked some with it and the rest with the copper. Hillbilly you stated above that there were different techniques to using the copper vs. the antler tip for pressure flaking. I could'nt notice any diference am I missing something. THANKS
You generally need stouter, more abraded platforms for the copper flaker, a little sharper ones for the antler to grab on to. Little semi-isolated platforms are perfect for antler. Oddly enough, the tougher the rock is, the more likely it is to pressure flake better with antler than copper. I like an antler tine better than a copper flaker for really tough stuff like quartzite and grainy rhyolite.
thanks hillbilly, I'm sure I'll have more questions as I knapp along the days to come.