Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: penderbender on June 23, 2016, 02:04:55 am
These are just the most recent pieces of ocean spray I cut. Roughed them out to the pith, and cut through the handle area, to the pith, and sealed. The two pieces on the right are service berry, couldn't pass it up. About 10 1/2 feet clear of branches, 4 1/2 " thick. The shortest piece of OS is 58" long, 3 " wide (right), and the longest 81" , 1 1/2" wide. Just thought I'd show you what I was up too the past couple of weeks. Cheers - Brendan
Soo nice, I hope I can find some large ocean spray like that and cut some one day (live in SoCal)
Nice haul!
Good for you! Jawge
Nice! Have you split the Serviceberry? I'd be curious to know if it has much twist.
DC I haven't split it. Looks like it has some twist for sure. Was thinking of sawing it in two. I have heard service berry can take a bit of run off. I might split the smaller on first see what's it's like.
Never have layed my hands on any Ocean Spray, but I have seen some beauties made from it. Looks like you been busy.
Don I sawed the the service berry, as I suspected it was twisted.
Slim Bob you want your name on one? Gotta wait til' there dry as shipping would be pricy.😉
Nice load! I haven't found service berry yet. One day!
Blayne, service berry is one of those ones you walk by a million times, once you know it, you see it more and more.
Keep me in mind. May take you up on that.
Nice load! I haven't found service berry yet. One day!
It grows in the same area as OS. The Saskatoon(Serviceberry) bow that I have was cut as OS. It was growing in the middle of a clump of OS. I thought I'd found the longest straightest OS in history. It was also covered in moss. It wasn't until I got it home and was running it through the bandsaw that I noticed there was no pith and the wood was all red stripes. That's why I asked if Penders Saskatoon was twisted. I can't tell by looking at mine if there is any twist to it. Shoots nice though.
Don, I'm at work right now but most of the Saskatoon that I've seen here, the bark tells the story. I'll take a close-up of the bark when I get home from work. It has black vertical strips going up it, usually in a twisted pattern. Also if you try to peel the bark it peels like a twizzler.
Yes it has very distinctive bark but with the moss and lichen and wet glasses I just missed it.
Yeah mostly all of ours is twisted. First pic is a nice straight piece (straightest that I have found) you can see the dark lines running near true. Second pic is the short piece from the start of the post. The dark lines are not as easy to see but still there, you can see how bad it's twisted from where I started to split it. I went almost 90 degrees in about 8 inches. Might saw it for billets.
I have a piece of saskatoon a friend gave me that is as twisted as that, can a bow still be made from it?
From what I have read with Saskatoon it doesn't matter as much. I'd say saw it in two and go for it!