Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Rogy on June 02, 2016, 09:20:47 am
Hi all, this is technically my second attempt at making my own bow. The first time I'd read quite a bit and have a lot of experience with wood as a woodworker making furniture etc and thought it wouldn't be that hard so jumped right in, got to tillering and one limb snapped, one positive is seconds before the break I'd marked that spot to make sure I took no more material from there as it looked weak so at least I knew it!
So onto my second attempt I'm up to tillering on a long string, I'd just like some people's thoughts to see if I'm on the right track or not.
The right hand side is the upper limb.
I know the bottom limb should be a bit stronger than the top on a longbow but by how much I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure judging from the tiller that it is. I also think the upper limb is perhaps a bit straight towards the end? Any help would be appreciated alot.
Thanks, Rogy.
Sorry couldn't get picture to upload at first
Welcome! My site has info and buildalongs.
The inner third of the top limb is two weak, a hinge is developing there ! The bottom limb should be a bit stiffer but here it's seems that it's still too stiff in comparison with the top limb.
What I would do now, is to ease off the weak part of the top limb i.e. make bend a bit more the middle/outer limb (but not too much to avoid a whip tiller), and also to ease off the bottom limb a bit to get a nicer balance between the two limbs.
You should probably be bracing it about now. Going to the short string can change the shape quite a bit. Be careful and start with a low brace because that bend in the upper limb will probably get worse when you brace it. Maybe some scrapes on the bottom limb first would be a good idea.
I'm with Ben. It isn't awful yet, but you are overstraining that area right off the fade of the right limb, that first inner third.
One good trick is to take your picture, copy it and mirror it on your computer or device, and look at them side by side. Gets 4e ally obvious.
Also, take some masking tape and mark off that area which is bending too much, so it's easy to stay out of.
I also think your handle is fine, hut longer than necessary, and without a frontal view picture it's hard to REALLY tell how your bow should be curving. Amount of appropriate bend in any area of the bow limb relates directly to width.
Thanks for all your replies, helped alot.
This picture is the bow braced and drawn to 28" it's only pulling 30# but my actual draw length is closer to 31".
I know it's not right but I'm really not sure I can do anything about it now.
Overall as my first bow that didn't break I'm fairly happy, it will shoot an arrow I'm sure and that's good enough for now!
Would somebody be able to give me an idea of what is actually wrong with this bow, to me it doesn't look to be bending enough towards the end of the limb.
its not good for the bow to leave it pulled like that
the bend is pretty good,, if it shoots for you great,
your eye will get better the more bows you make,,the tips need to be a bit stiff so you are ok with that,,
each bow could be tillered a little different, main thing is getting bending even and keep the taper even so no part is overstrained,, :)
It's not bad at all. The handle is quite long which in turn means that the limbs have to bend further than otherwise necessary. Normally on a wood bow the handle itself is 4 inches then the fades are 2 inches long = 8 inches.
Look up how to make a pyramid bow if you have an inkling to make another.
Your doing ok.Slow and easy most times is the key till you get a better hang of it.It's up to you how much positive tiller you want and what you want your bow to look like braced.By looking I'd say you've got plenty there.Your bow should shoot lighter arrows very well.
I thought the outer limb of the right limb seems stiff too.. do the more experienced think the outer limb should be scraped a bit?
Thanks again everyone, I've had a bit of a test with it and it seems to be shooting ok. Only tried with some rubbish string and a very quickly knocked together arrow to check. Had time today to make a proper string out of some Irish linen which turned out really well. Also have some arrows that should arrive within a few days.
I've already got a stave for a flatbow ready so that's next and I'll try and aim for a heavier draw weight and a shorter handle like some of you have said. In my head I'm scared that when the wood is too thick it will just snap before it bends much which is why I think this one ended up a bit on the low side. I guess its all experience.
Everything looks stiff because the handle and fades are twice as long as they need to be. Like Mike said, you are making the outer part of the limb work too much.