Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: turtle on March 06, 2016, 04:04:29 pm
Yesterday I was asked to make a bow for a benifit auction to help a man that was diagnosed with cancer. He was a good friend of my stepsons before my stepson passed so there was no way I was gonna refuse. I was asked by a couple of members in the open bow trade to keep my progress posted so I started this thread for it. Bow needs to be done by april 30th. I chased a ring on an osage stave yesterday and roughed out a bow only to find a couple of checks that were hidden. It will still make a nice bow but I decided to reject it for this project. Today I dug deeper into my stash and pulled out this belly split I had been saving for a special occasion. It's 80in long by 5 1/2in wide by 5 1/2 deep.
I went ahead and took another belly split off and then split the top half to give me three staves to choose from.
I then chose the best looking one and chased a ring. It had a little damage in one spot left by a wedge when it was split the first time. But it all came out with only one ring removed.
I will try to get it layed out tonight so I can rough it to shape tomorrow.
That is a very clean looking stave sir....cant wait to see what you have in mind
Nice looking stave turtle.
That stave is a keeper. Looking forward to progress.
3 very nice staves
Roughed it out today and got the limbs bending a few inches on the floorSo far its 68" long 4" handle 2" fades 1 1/2" wide first 4" then straight taper to 1/2" tips. I left handle full width for now.
Man Steve, that is looking good. I'm curious if you are going to leave the small amount of character in it? or do you cook 'em on a caul so they are flat and straight? Aint none of my business just wanted to comment on how nice both the profiles are with some "wiggle".
Man Steve, that is looking good. I'm curious if you are going to leave the small amount of character in it? or do you cook 'em on a caul so they are flat and straight? Aint none of my business just wanted to comment on how nice both the profiles are with some "wiggle".
I rarely straighten side to side exept for string alignment. So far alignment looks almost dead nuts so by leaving the handle wide for now I dont think any lateral adjustment will be need. I will put it on a caul though to remove some twist and add a little reflex. In the past I have had people unfamiliar with wooden bows be skeptical about twist and uneven side profiles. So since this will be auctioned off to who knows who I will try to eliminate what I think might cause skepticism. I dont think the front profile has enough wiggle to cause much skepticism so I will leave it. Might even look good with some skins on it.
You are absolutely right about considering the end user.....Guess I got carried away with the looks of it as is......but you got to deal with the carbon fiber dudes for sure......ignore my ignorant question.
I still say good on ya for making the bow, sir
Coming along nicely.
That's inside your new shop I presume, looks good :)
That will be a special bow Steve.
Very clean
Looking good . Arvin
Put it on the caul this morning. Took out the twist and added a little reflex.
This afternoon I got it worked out to low brace. Apparently when I took out the twist it changed my string alignment. The string barely catches the edge of the full width handle so it looks like I'm gonna hafta tweak one limb a little. Will try to do that tomorrow and maybe get it out to full brace.
Coming along nice Steve. Looks good
Corrected alignment rough shaped handle and took it to full brace. Wont get to work on it any more untill next week.
It's looking real good so far.
Got it pretty much tillered out. Its 47#@28" right now. Applied some faux snake skin I've been wanting to try and dogwood tip overlays. Doesn't look like I'll have any more time to work on it for at least a week.
Awesome bend!
Somebody is gonna get a very nice bow sir.....Like everything about it Turtle
Nice job little fella 8)...somebody is going to be very happy!
Somebody's going to get a real nice bow!
Nice tiller turtle............that's hard to say three times fast..:)
That is a fantastic looking bow and the faux skin looks surprisingly good. Great work, for a great cause sir. :)
Got it cleaned up and the first coat of finish drying.
Man that is coming out most excellent sir
Wow that's looking nice!
I admire the efficiency of the process. First getting three decent staves out of that bigger stave, chasing a ring, roughing out the profile, heat corrections, tillering, finishing, all this in a few days, probably in between a lot of other things to be done.
I never seem to be able to muster such dedication.
And the faux skins fool the eye very well, at least on computer.
Looks fantastic Steve. Gonna make someone a nice bow. Great for you on taking this on.
You've done a fine job of that one, Steve!
Looks great man...those skins add a nice contrast with the belly and those bone white tips
What kind of overlays are they?
Thanks guys.
Looks great man...those skins add a nice contrast with the belly and those bone white tips
What kind of overlays are they?
The tip overlays are flowering dogwood.
Nice bow, man :D !!
I finally got around to putting on the final touches friday and delivered it yesterday.
Dang Turtle, that bow looks outstanding sir.... 8) I have to believe anyone would be proud to own that
Great job turtle!
Turtle, fine job for sure. That is a fantastic looking bow and an exceptionally generous gesture by you sir.
Love everything about it, whoever receives that is gonna be one happy camper.
A very worthy bow for a very worthy cause hope it raises enough to help.
Great work turtle, it turned out very well and for such a wonderful cause. 8)
Nicely done my friend and good on ya for doing it! Josh
Very nicely done