Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: SKansasC on March 03, 2016, 08:15:10 pm
I'm in the process of getting this bow ready for sinew this weekend. It's 55" nock to nock, and pulls 46 lbs at 19" as of right now. Looking for mid 50's at 26" when done. There is a little "kink" towards the tip on the left side that's given me some tiller trouble, and need some fresh eyes to look at it. First bendy handled shorty I've tried, so any help is appreciated!
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Man, thats lookin good to me. Have never made a bendy before so i really aint got no say . But kinda looks like ya want more bend out towards outter 1/3. Again sir i've never done one, just my 2 cents. But looks sweet.
I would get the mids to work a little more so you don't take set in the handle area. Just a bit.
Thanks for the advice!
When I do the sinew this weekend should I try and get some reflex and reverse string it, or just leave it unbraced?
I always add a bit of reflex before sinewing. Reverse stringing slightly works well.
How much sinew you planning on putting on there?
I know I have enough for 2 courses, maybe a third if I have enough extra.
Being 46@19" you'll have yourself one heck of a bow there as far as poundage goes is all I'm saying.If applied evenly to both limbs it won't change your tiller none.Maybe you've done this before.I usually do the courses a week apart & sand in between.That's just me.Reverse stringing is what you put into it.Reverse it to 5" it'll give you that and probably 3/4" more.It won't take much of a reverse stringing to get 5" either with the flipped tips.Ought to be a nice bow for ya.Enjoy seeing it later done and decked out.
I was anticipating some tiller adjustments after sinew, but the heavier the better. This will be my first time sinew backing as well, so thank you for the advice! I was under the impression the you could do two courses in the same setting, but I'm in no hurry.
Add an extra course in the handle area. Mine always seem to bend too much there if I don't. Also, put one course just down the center as your first course. I think I would reduce the weight a little more from midlimb out prior to sinewing. You could safely take another 10# off and still make weight easily.
Tiller is looking pretty good. I think the left limb is a little behind the right. I might give it a few extra passes with the scraper. Left limb is on bottom in this pic.
To me, the area just before the tips looks a little stiff on both limbs. On such a short bow, I'd have it bend to right before the curves. Matter of taste, though.
I agree. That is what causes handle set. Gotta' get every stitch of working limb, working.
Thanks guys, I'll get to work!
You can sinew everything at one time.Did'nt say you could'nt.I was just saying what I do and yes there is a right way to apply sinew and an average way.Put more where it will work the most and less towards the tips.Crown it and make it do it's thing.Did'nt hear mentioned how wide your limbs are.That'll make a difference too.
Limbs are 1 3/8" wide tapering the last 1/3rd to the tips.
OK.Nice width.I like it.I'm sure you've planned for some time on this one since it's your first sinew job.Since it's a bendy handle it'll take less sinew to hold a lot of reflex in the limbs.600 to 800 grains.Half on each limb.You'll have a 75 to 80 pound bow for sure but you said the more the better.All depends on how much sinew you put on her.There fun to tiller and challenging those highly reflexed bows.Like any other the sooner you get a short string on here the better.Then you can align tips if needed.She'll be spunky for ya.That tip kink should'nt be a bother at least it would'nt bother me.Hope to see it later finished up.
I have one very similar to yours hanging on the wall with sinew curing , mines 62 1/2 ntn & hickory ,I put on about 800 grains of sinew in 2 layers a week apart I don't think it makes much difference if you put it on all at once or in separate layers I think it looks nicer if you sand in between I only reversed braced mine about 2 1/2 in it has picked up another 1/2 on cure so far, good luck with yours it's a beauty !
Took a little more weight off, evened it up, and added about 750 grains of sinew. Now what do I do for a month?
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Like Beadman says it's like waiting for Xmas , I'm like a kid I take mine down every day after work & check the sinew induced reflex , I just started another bow while I'm waiting ,looking foward to get your future reports !
What is the best method to know when the sinew is cured? I have been weighing it daily just to check moisture loss, and it has pretty well evened out. Is there more to curing than just drying? I'm in no hurry, but am just curious.
I have been told 6 weeks is safe it realy depends on your climate & air movement , I jumped the gun on my curent sinew bow & between that & my iffy tillering skills ended up with more set than I should have ,my limited advice wood be wait the 6 weeks .
Patience Grasshopper... :)
Start another bow while you are waiting or come on down to Ojam and start another bow.
Oh, I have plenty to do! Working on a hackberry pyramid, and trying to get all the bark and sapwood stripped of these staves I cut this weekend. Got 6 done so far....only about 25 to go. When and where is Ojam?
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Man, I'm working on a black walnut not near as short as yours is. I wish my tiller looked that good. Nice job!!!
Now I don't feel sorry for you having to wait on that sinew with that pile (lol) lucky dog !
Looks good.It can seem like your trying to bend a 2"X4" when it's cured in the beginning.You may have done these I don't know.I usually have to put overlay horn on tips to get started.I've torn the nock wood before.
Your really better off to wait.Don't have to retiller then later and it will take less set too.I've weighed them too and after a while it can take over a week to show decline in weight.Don't be fooled by that.Best thing is after a few days is to put it somewhere warm with some light air movement on it.Does'nt take much.Just like drying clothes on a line.
Ojam is the Oklahoma Selfbow Society camp/build/shoot/socialize...etc , event this weekend down by Stillwater,Ok. It starts Thursday.
Details are in the Events Forum.