Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: ber643 on February 19, 2008, 02:30:57 pm

Title: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: ber643 on February 19, 2008, 02:30:57 pm
Osage Self Bow: Here are the finished stats: 61" tip to tip, 59" ntn, 42# @ 25", 4" handle, 1 1/2" fades. Width is 1 3'8" at fades, 1 1/4" at mid-limb, 1/2" at tips Plains or NA style Flat bow w-character (not meant to be a replica). Has a sort of natural crown ridge down most of the back.


Back before the deer season (Early Sept here in NC) you may, or may not remember me posting the pic below and a couple others along with a story about my starting on my first Osage self bow (under the cautionary eye of my Mentor, Mike Brooks  :)). Ever since then I have been "threatening" to get back on it after the season. Well the season ended 1 Jan - dad-burn, I'm slow  ::). Finally, both Mike and I had time to get together yesterday (Presidents Day), and I flat made some yellow shavings fly - .  :D

Recap Picture (first day, probably in Aug.):


I was really pleased with how much I retained from that first session, and using my own old Draw Knife I (we) could even see some improvement in confidence in "Attack Mode". However my memory didn't improve any so I forgot my camera. I brought the stave home last night so I could record the progress after the (much postponed) second day. I had only got down to the "Back", on one end before. Yesterday I took it all the way to the other end - only to discover right at the end that there was some kind of half ring or camoflage transition that had hoodwinked us. So I started working back - had to go almost back to the original starting point - but what fun, and how well it went - and how much more I learned. On top of that we got a better looking back and it found it has streaks of almost a redish color in it. After that, Mike helped me lay out a would be bow outline - (similar to a bow of his that I had shot and liked, and that the stave looked like it might consent to - ). I proceeded to take the sides close to the outline and we split off the extra, under part of the stave. Here are a couple pics of how it looks now - I'm a pretty happy camper. We will have a little amount of character in both limbs but we will also have some heat bending to do, coming up soon. I am shooting for 58-60" and 40-45# @ 26"


Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: wolfsire on February 19, 2008, 02:42:29 pm
Looks I a great start!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: tom sawyer on February 19, 2008, 02:57:42 pm
Looks like you made some real good progress Bernie.  Won't take too much heat-bending, not by my standards anyway.

Whats the scoop on that bandsaw in the background of your first photo?  Looks cool.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Ryano on February 19, 2008, 05:26:53 pm
Lookin good Bernie. You'll be suprized how much faster you get at chasing a ring after doing a few. I think it usualy only takes me 20 minutes or so now to strip off all the sap wood and chase a ring on a full length stave. I find it easier to chase rings on seasoned wood versus green though.... ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Dano on February 19, 2008, 06:56:51 pm
Lookin good Older brother!! It's in your blood now, Rose will be finding yella dust in all your pockets from now on.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 19, 2008, 10:13:45 pm
Yep, yellow dust everywhere (I really do enjoy it - a bunch, Dano, just wish i had started way younger  ;)). Can't tell you much about the band saw - Mike did say today his wife kids him about having all the great power tools and then working by hands - and that he tells her the power tools are to make the pieces of furniture she likes/wants. Him (and I) like working bows mostly by hand (so far - for me anyway).

I hope y'all want to see more "progress" pics, and are ready to  ::). The Marines had a long weekend so Mike's company didn't have to work today either - so we were able to get together for more "larning" this afternoon. This time I took my camera. As you will see, I made a lot more shavings. You folks are right, thinking, "clean stave". Only one tiny pin knot and one reg Knot - not in the way - but yes some problems with heat bending coming up - we'll see. Really made a lot of progress today and it's beginning to look like a bow - albiet a crooked one -  at this stage  ;D:







Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Dano on February 19, 2008, 10:36:10 pm
I like the natural reflex that stave has, but getting the string to line up is going to be some real larnin. ;D You have a good mentor,  Semper fi
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Keenan on February 19, 2008, 11:04:39 pm
 Looking real good Bernie, "wish you had started while you were younger"  Heck looks to me like your in your prime Bernie. Can't wait to see it finished.   Keenan
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 19, 2008, 11:09:32 pm
Yep, that reflex is pretty pronounced and it should be a pretty zippy little bow.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Wulamoc on February 20, 2008, 12:12:05 am
Nice work, Bernie!!!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Pat B on February 20, 2008, 12:39:55 am
Looking forward to your progress Bernie. You are starting off with a primo stave. Enjoy every minute and yella shaving as you go. ;)     Pat
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: George Tsoukalas on February 20, 2008, 01:38:16 am
Good for you, Bernie. Have fun. Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: wolfsire on February 20, 2008, 02:04:10 am
Look at those shavings!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: medicinewheel on February 20, 2008, 05:53:24 am

man, that's a nice piece of wood you are working on!  :o :o :o
difficult, too, i guess...  8) 8) 8)
take your time and enjoy the ride,
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Pappy on February 20, 2008, 06:55:48 am
Looks like you are coming along nicely,nothing like the smell of yellow wood.A little
straighting and you should be good to go.Keep us updated. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 20, 2008, 08:41:40 am
Thanks for the comments and encouraging words, all. I do hope to be able get back on it again Sunday (got some knife  and turkey Wing bone Call work that needs doing too), and will be happy to keep updating the changes (they fascinate me). It always did when I read other's posts (before I ever thought of doing it myself) and even more so now.  ;D It is a really nice, clean piece of Osage - I'm pretty sure Mike told me it came out of Texas.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 09:55:24 am
Mike and I did get together at his shop yesterday afternoon to make a little more progress with my current (and first) Osage self bow. We also got to do a little shooting while the bow was cooling down. we were shooting a couple of Mike's fine osage bows and it reminded me that I've been meaning to show you some of his fine work. Kinda points up well why I trust and respect him as my mentor too. So, I'll take a short break here to show a couple pics of mike's work, before I return to my progress pictorial, - this is the "Naughty Knotty" Osage stave he is currently taming:



This is one of the bows we were shooting and it is a sweet shooting, virtually no shock, fast, piece of joy to shoot - not to mentiion a beautiful work of art that my pics can't even begin to do full justice- IMO He coaxed this one out some over a year ago (the bottom isn't really that much darker than the top - BTW):


Here is a close up of that gnarly knot hole that is the Back (target side) of his grip. Mike rests his finger tip in there, lightly (my fingers are a little long for that but it's very comfortable in hand anyway:


I'll be back to post the progress pics on my bow. Hope you'll look back in.

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Pappy on February 25, 2008, 10:06:45 am
Looking forward to seeing more,By the way that is a beautiful character bow.I love
it. Very nicely done.Love to see some more of his work. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 01:09:20 pm
Yeah, Pappy, everyone that sees that bow up close and personal falls in love with it and can hardly believe it. As I said it is even better "In hand" - LOL - I will either get pics of more of Mikes beautiful and interesting work, or get him to post some perhaps. (He really is a very busy guy working with the USMC.)

Well, as someone said, it was time to go to a big file on my Osage. At Mike's suggestion I opted for Shure Forms (flat and curved) instead, as I had quite a bit of wood still to remove from handle area and limbs to even get to the "bendable with heat" state. Here you can see that, after I took the handle sides down closer to line, and got started on one limb:


Those rascals ("cheese grater" tools) can flat move some wood, and I was getting into it - while watching closely and judging high/low spots by running my thumb and forefinger of opposite hands, on each edge at the same time, as Mike had showed me. Of course I had to be careful to follow all the "whoopties" and twists and turns Though not too many on this nice stave - it's fascinating to me to see the bow beginning to take shape more and more with each pass:



After working the bow down in thickness enough to get some lateral movement out of it ,we were ready to attemp some heat bending. We hoped to move the handle closer to a mid-line first, so that when we get to moving the (thinner) limb areas, they won't have to be moved so far. I must apologize at this point for getting no pictures during the heating and bending of the handle area. Since it was my first attempt, I was too, too busy paying attention (and being amazed), to even think about taking pictures (and Mike was too busy keeping a watchful eye on me - LOL). I promise I will get some pics when we do the limb areas, and a twist that must be straightened out a little. Though Mike has (and showed me) a number of Cauls that he uses for various bendings, "my bends" we were able to work on by using the bench vice, clamps and wedges/shims/pads, and the heat gun. As you can see in the next pic, we were successful in moving the handle (neatly, and with only a slight scorch, which I have pleanty of room to remove) and it really puts the limbs in a much better alignment with the axis/centerline of the bow - especially if you compare it with similar pics of the stave/bow, from earlier in this thread. I'm pumped! The darkness of the handle is not the scorch (just a small one on the other side) but is from the Crisco we used to help conduct the heat into the interior wood, and to protect the wood.


Next session I'll work on the limb areas (laterally), and the twist (if it still presents a problem) .
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Ryano on February 25, 2008, 01:17:34 pm
Cool.  8) Starting to look like a bow Bernie.  ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 01:24:19 pm
Thank you, my friend - makes me feel particularly good to "hear" you say that, since your bows always look so good to me.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Gordon on February 25, 2008, 01:54:46 pm
She's looking really good Bernie - keep those yellow shavings coming!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Pappy on February 25, 2008, 01:58:15 pm
Looking good,you might just get a bow out of that yet,got a good start. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 03:09:39 pm
Ah, bless your hearts Gordon and Pappy. (Y'all know how I feel about your bows!) I really am enjoying it - just wish I could work on it every day (perhaps some day I'll get there) but then, it makes the pleasure last longer this way - LOL.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: GregB on February 25, 2008, 03:13:15 pm
Looks to me that you're doing all the right stuff to that one! You've got a good mentor it seems with a lot of talent! ;)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: medicinewheel on February 25, 2008, 05:35:44 pm
looking forward to see that piece wood of bending!

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: John K on February 25, 2008, 06:04:08 pm
Looking real nice !   ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 08:16:25 pm
Thank you Greg, Frank, and fb - I really appreciate the comments.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: mullet on February 25, 2008, 08:47:29 pm
  Looking good Bernie, man those growth rings look nice. Straightening that will be a piece of cake.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Slivershooter on February 25, 2008, 09:42:32 pm
Bernie, looking good!  It "almost" appears in the photographs that you having too much fun. :D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 25, 2008, 11:28:24 pm
I really feel like I amm sometimes, SS.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Hillbilly on February 26, 2008, 09:51:03 am
Lookin' good, Bernie!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 26, 2008, 02:20:10 pm
Thank you, Hb.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Pat B on February 27, 2008, 02:04:10 am
Coming along nicely Bernie. It does look like you are having fun. Looking forward to your process. 8)     Pat
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: PK on February 27, 2008, 02:50:35 am
Ber643, that is so nice that you can make that wood speak.PK :)Can I call ya Bernie?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: Woodland Roamer on February 27, 2008, 10:40:31 am
Looking good Bernie, can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: cowboy on February 27, 2008, 10:56:13 am
That is looking good Bernie! Have been learning a lot about straightening wood myself here lately - after having most of my fancy holding devices (strings, pulleys, clamps, etc) let go on me during the bend I just started heating and holding by hand for a few minutes, works good. Love that osage, can't wait to see her bending :).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on February 27, 2008, 08:25:42 pm
Thanks everyone (for looking and "talking") - it means a lot.

PK, did you mean, can you call me Bernie, vice ber643 - or did you mean can you call me on the phone???  :D The answer is yes, in either case  ;), I'm in the book ("listed") or "information" but the number is 252-393-6188

Cowboy, I used to purposly buy trad bows that were twisted cause I knew i could buy cheap and knew I could usually straighten them for resale (in the archery shop I worked part-time at). However my arms have never been much to talk about (I do all required by willpower) so sometimes I would have to use something for a lever - Like a partially open cresent (adjustable) wrench, etc. - worked great. But - these all woods are stronger - LOL especially before fully "taken down". Leverage (with caution) is our friend! (IMO)  ;D (I found out the other day that Mike also uses the ol' cresent wrench on wood bows/staves too.)

Oh, yeah - I usually add these days that my willpower has kind of become mostly won't power now -  ::)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: PK on March 05, 2008, 03:21:53 pm
I just wanted to call ya by Bernie, nice how ya work with that osage.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on March 05, 2008, 05:45:47 pm
Sure, PK - I've been called Bernie and/or Bern most of my life - in fact ber643 is just the spelling of Bernie with the phone dial numbers for the last 3 letters (I couldn't think of a "clever" handle when I first started hitting the forums - LOL). Didn't get to go work on my Osage this past weekend. Not onl;y did I catch a bad cold that I didn't want to "share" but also my #2 Granddaughter was in the hospital giving birth to my fourth Great Grand child (makes the third girl). Both little Riley Marie and her mom are doing fine, though she was three weeks early.

Hope to get feeling good enough to get back on the Osage this coming weekend.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: michbowguy on March 05, 2008, 06:03:49 pm
good looking bow ther bernie, i thought you would either have the ol kbar or YOUR new bowie scrapin' it!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: cowboy on March 05, 2008, 11:05:33 pm
Hope ya get well soon Bernie :), gettin anxious to see tha yalla wood bending. Congrats on all the grand's and great's ;).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on March 06, 2008, 08:45:29 am
Thanks, cowboy - and congrats to you - I will be posting your and Adam's Feb win Full Draw pics on my TBD pages soon - Maybe today.

Jamie I did take the new Ka-Bar over last weekend but didn't need to use it that day. Hoping to see the new (to me) Bowie from you either today or tomorrow (real excited about that) and you can bet they'll both see some use when I start tillering and finishing on this Osage. I also now have a sweet Hickory stave from Minuteman that will be getting some attention , good Lord willing, in the near future. I am blessed!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress)
Post by: ber643 on March 10, 2008, 04:13:33 pm
OK, Got to do some more Osage bending this past weekend, and I'll update, as promised. However, first I want to show you a little bonus of another new bow Mike is working on. I got to help him "shoot it in" some, while waiting for my bend work to cool on my stave. The new one is a sweet little Bamboo Backed Osage, Osage Tip overlays, Poplar and Massandruba handle, 51# @ 27" (it was about 44# at my 25 1/2 or so). Mike says it still shows some extra stiffness in the bottom limb (he wanted it a little stiffer than the top limb) but we both felt it behaves and shoots so well, and comfortably that he may not do much more than sanding work now. I really loved the bow's feel, quickness, and accuracy, and he liked the chance to see it shot by someone other than just him, so he could stand back and eyeball it in action.

Mike at Full Draw:


New Bow at Brace:


Now, on with my Osage Self bow. You'll recall, we moved the handle over to make for less bending of the limbs (hopefully). Next step is to move one limb over (laterally) in line with the handle. The vice holds the other tip within it's handle area, and we shimmed and clamped near the bow's handle. We'll grease and heat the mid portin of the limb (to The right) and then clamp it a little further over than we hope it will settle after cooling:


Now greased, heated, and clamped:


That having worked out very well, we set up to work on the opposite limb. This one needs the tip moved over laterally (like the other one) but we also hope to reflex the end some (to match the natural reflex in the opposite limb) and twist (with a padded cresent wrench) the outter portion of the limb a little - all at the same time, after heating and greasing. This time I will be heating The outter portion of the limb rather than the center. A little trickier moves, and we can only hope for the best results:

Fancier (more convoluted - LOL) clamping and bracing on this limb/tip:


Again I was blessed (and well guided by Mike's previous experience), although a little more reflex might have been nice - we'll see about that later. After cooling period and unclamping, we ran a center line (using a Chalk line string), and you can see (in the the pic below) we now have a pretty pleasing center line, on a fairly straight stave, (with some "whooptie" character places - LOL) Both Mike and I were very pleased:


Next session I'll take the sides of the bow in to the layout lines, pretty much to where I would like them to be in the end.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: ber643 on March 10, 2008, 11:31:05 pm
By the way, the blurs in the picture of Mike are because his wife and he were also burning leaves and fallen limbs that day - LOL.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: cowboy on March 10, 2008, 11:43:32 pm
Coming along nicely I see :). Like that bow of Mike's too - that is a unique looking grip area ;D.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: ber643 on March 11, 2008, 01:31:02 am
Yeah, Paul, His wife mentioned that too. I'd call it Twin Beauts - - - - er, Buttes, but I think Mike has a earthier name for it.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: cowboy on March 11, 2008, 04:11:51 pm
Yeah, I thought it kinda reminded me of a girlfriend I had this time :D ;D...
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: ber643 on March 11, 2008, 07:16:02 pm
AND, as i mentioned, it really is a sweet little bow  :-* in all ways. It's gonna be a pretty one when he finishes it.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: cowboy on March 11, 2008, 08:04:37 pm
Just couldn't resist ;D ;D.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: ber643 on March 12, 2008, 10:09:55 am
I don't see it as a problem, Paul - LOL.

On the serious side though, Mike purposly kept the vally of the handle necked down, and made the bottom swell larger to fit into the heel of the hand without having to bear down. For instance, he knows I like to not bear down with my heel (hand) but want to feel something in the palm, so normally like a bigger handle. This design however is very comfortable and easy to hold and shoot - to both of us. Interesting to say the very least, innovative and, I humbly think, worth a try.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/10)
Post by: ber643 on March 24, 2008, 12:36:23 am
Well I did get to go over and Work on my Osage Bow today for a few hours but again I'd like to show you the progress Mike has made on his real snaky stave that i showed you at the begining of this thread. He is pretty much at the point I am on mine (or a little further) but close to floor tillering. In this pic you can really see the character running rampant in this osage and the three (count 'em three) knots that come all the way through (holes) - small one near the top, large one in the center, and medium near the bottom. It is a beaut though and I'll bet is going to be a fine shooter in the end.


Now back to my First Osage Self Bow. Today, using Sure Forms (flat and curved), 4 in Hand File, Draw knife (as scraper), and Ka-Bar, (as scraper) itook the sides of my stave into the outlines of the Bow shape I am looking for. Here is a couple of pics (not much difference in them - except the flash spot) of how the stave has (perhaps miraculously) turned into a Bow Shape. Now the bow is ready for belly wood removal to get it bending for Floor Tillering - next session. I really enjoyed this session too, BTW - most satisfactory use of tools and results.


Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/23)
Post by: Pappy on March 24, 2008, 12:53:50 pm
That snaky one with the holes is going to be one cool bow,I just love that kind of stuff.Looks
looks you are making some progress on yours also.Can't wait to see it bending and am sure
you can't wait either.Keep us posted on the progress.  :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/23)
Post by: ber643 on March 24, 2008, 04:11:56 pm
I agree on all counts, Pappy, and thanks.

Quite a pictorial spread on the TN Classic, in the current PA. I'll tell you, if you and Pat don't quit getting your pictures in all the mags, those beards are not gonna be enough to keep you secret identities - secret -  ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/23)
Post by: cowboy on March 26, 2008, 12:02:39 am
That's comming along Bernie - still can't wait to see her bending and like Pappy said, bet you can't either ;D..
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 03/23)
Post by: ber643 on April 07, 2008, 02:28:39 pm
OK - Onward and upward (I hope). Mike and I were finally able to get together at his shop again, yesterday afternoon. the plan of the day was to take belly wood off the limbs of my Osage self bow to try to get the limbs bending for a suitable floor tiller. I used my draw knife but more often as a scraper than as a draw knife. I was haveing to be careful that I paid attention to following the caracter "whoopties", in regards to consistant thickness. It was a good feeling to find myself becoming more and more comfortable with this process as I progressed. a most enjoyable and productive 4-5 hours. We did get satisfactory floor tiller on both limbs but the bottom limb can stand a little more thickness removal in a couple places before we move on to tree tillering. Baisically just refinement though.

Working it out - first (presumably upper) limb:


Bow switched around in vise to start on second limb:


A pic down the length of the first limb, after floor tillering:


This pic taken at some point during the floor tillering. I couldn't bend it quite as well as Mike could when he tried it. He figured we are probably at about 60 - 65# ... (at about 20" - LOL) but that's down qite a bit from 100 plus. It's looking more like a bow at every stage.


At the end of the floor tillering of both limbs (and the session) I could feel the difference real well and also that both limbs were bending in nice, relatively even curves. We are seeing now that we will have to induce a little more reflex into one of the limbs at some point soon.

After my last sessions posting, one of the folks watching along asked me what stats we were shooting for. I had to admit that, not having a memory for figures and facts, I would have to write them down at the next (this) session. I did that but please remember it's all pretty much only figures to me. I am not into "bow design" (yet anyway, and maybe never - LOL), so don't nail me to the barn door. However for those who like, or can visulize better with, facts and figures. Here is what we are shooting "more or less" towards (depending on "It" being in agreement).

A Sort of Plains/NA Flat Style bow (w/character) 4" Handle (so C bow), w/ about 1 1/2" fades. Limbs are 1 3/8" wide at the fades and tips will be under 5/16" (or close) wide at finish. Most of the width taper will take place in the outer third of the limbs. Tip to tip length is 60 3/4". That's about "It" (the name of the bow - so far because I think it will be - LOL). Thanks for looking.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: Dano on April 07, 2008, 10:03:53 pm
Dang! you still workin on that ol piece of hedge?? ;D  Lookin good Bernie.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: ber643 on April 07, 2008, 11:05:26 pm
Yeah, Dano - I have a love affair with it and actually do more "strokin'" Than sraping  :D I know - my progress is more like digress, i reckon. I enjoy the slow pace though - you know how much longer it took you to shoot the courses at ATAR when you were shooting with me -  ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: huntertrapper on April 07, 2008, 11:09:18 pm
wow lookin good sir. that will be a nice bow. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: Dano on April 07, 2008, 11:32:23 pm
Those were some fine times my friend, carry on  ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: Rich Saffold on April 08, 2008, 12:06:48 am
Looking good Bernie. Nothing like a little work-out with the draw knife to keep that youthful appearance. ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: ber643 on April 08, 2008, 12:35:05 am
Hmmmm - I think I'll go in my "Gory Hole Room" and scrape/shave on some of my scraps right now, Rich - LOL

BTW, I noticed that "hinge look" in the picture but you don't see it when there in person. I looked at it while Mike bent it and he looked at it while I did. I am not sure if it is the angle of the pic, or the background of my troser leg edge, or what is making it appear that way in the pic but thankfully (so far) no actual hinge on either limb. I was wishing I had taken more pics, after I saw the pic, but I was into it too much yesterday, and Mike doesn't think about the camera unless I ask him to - LOL.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: cowboy on April 09, 2008, 11:36:36 pm
You got her bending now - it's gittin there ;D. Lookin good.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - More Pics 04/07)
Post by: ber643 on April 14, 2008, 07:42:19 pm
Well, Made quite a bit of progress on "It" Yesterday (Sunday PM), and will get to that, with some pics, shortly.

First though. Mike hasn't had a chance to get any further with his bow with the three knot holes - will get pics when he does. However he did break out what he calls his "Painted Bow", so we could shoot it some during breaks in working on mine. Part of the reason is because this is basically the shape and type that I am shooting for with mine. Main difference is mine will be lower weight, and does have a few more character features. His bow will show what I'm after, and it is a real neat little bow. It is A 58" Osage Selfbow and is quick, and darned near dead in the hand for such a short little sweetheart. Also pretty strong, 56# at 27" (or 28", I forget), for as thin as it is (front to back). I, of course, can not pull it as far as he can and therefore had to use my thumb nuckle as my anchor point. Even at that, it shot real well for me, and with nice authority and litle to no hand shock. I was always impressed with the looks of the bow and even more so now that I've shot it some. Makes me sure how well I will like mine if it turns out as much like the "Painted" one as we think "It" will. BTW, Mike painted the center of the bow, put some NA design bands near each end of the painted area, and painted an arrow on the back in the painted area.

So here is a preview of "It" (we hope) in the form of Mikes "Painted Bow":


Mike with "Painted Bow" at Full Draw:


''Yours truly" with "PB", at my abreviated draw - what a nice shooter it is:


We did that shooting mostly while my bow was cooling off after we had dry heated it to induce some more Reflex in the one limb - to match the natural Reflex in the other limb. However, before we did that, I thinned and narrowed (taperd the tip) the other limb some. I knew I would need to do that with both limbs but not untill after the bending process on the one - just in case I needed more "room" to correct any miss-cues. After shaping the one limb a little we set up for the bending. You will notice the "High tech" "Caul" I brought along (in the form of chunks of Osage log pieces, to be cut up for knife handles, bow parts, etc.). It just happened to fill the bill perfectly. We will try to take the tip down almost to the work bench, to allow room for a little relaxing after the heat and cooling period:


Once the heat was applied (Mike demonstrating how to heat without Crisco and still not scorching the limb, as I did a little last time - LOL) the squeeze clamp was tightened down on the tip:


We couldn't have asked for better results, IMO:


After that I worked on thinning the belly (mostly scraping with draw knife and using course sandpaper) and narrowing the tip of the limb just bent, and then both limbs, to bring both tips to more similar floor tiller. Later, following more belly thinning, it was time to start tree tillering with the long string and then plenty of belly thinning, exercising limbs, and checking progress. AT one point I took this pic and Mike figured we were about at 40 -to 45# - at brace height - LOL. During this work I was also rounding and shaping the edges some - for looks and safty for the wood:


More thinning, exercising, and checking followed and at the end of the afternoon both Mike and I were feeling I'd had a good afternoon of progress. He told me he felt I had reached the point where, if I felt up to it ("at my own speed" he cautioned), I could take it home with me and continue those processes, and start shaping the handle a little. I told Mike he could count on the fact that, if I got scared or uncomfortable with any part of it, - I would STOP! I'm liking this bow too well to do something dumb and blow it (please, Lord). I took a couple pics this AM, just to show where I ended up yesterday. The pics are taken from a little above to show more of the character of the limbs, I hope. I thought the first one might have a little to much clutter in the background for easy eyeballin', so I took the second on my wife's dinning room table (before she got up - LOL):


Bernie - "Hunters Are People Too" (my web site Premise)

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: ber643 on April 15, 2008, 09:33:50 am
Sorry, the update date didn't take on the first post i guess - Duh!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: Pappy on April 15, 2008, 12:11:06 pm
Nice bow and looks like you are coming right along on yours. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: cowboy on April 15, 2008, 12:16:10 pm
About time for some nocks and a string :).. Ready to see it fling some arras..
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: OldBow on April 15, 2008, 02:10:20 pm
Does Mike want to have his bow considered for BOM?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: ber643 on April 15, 2008, 04:14:26 pm
Thanks, Pappy and Cowboy - getting closer all the time. (Getting a little antsy myself - LOL)

Oldbow, I don't think Mike is into competition all that much. It's just that folks ask me about his work, and I am personally impressed with his bows and love shooting them  - so I make it a part of the post, as we go along. I will ask him about it though and maybe one of these days I can get him to post one of his for consideration. I don't mean to make more confusion for you though, so thanks for asking first. The answer, for now anyway, is, "No."

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: recurve shooter on April 15, 2008, 10:43:04 pm
looks good. what did the orange shirt say? i have one that says "vegitarian: an old indian word for bad hunter."
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: ber643 on April 16, 2008, 10:12:34 am
Thanks, rs, it says something close to, "I'm not a hunter, I'm a Wildlife Population Controll Agent" - though I wasn't much of a one last season - LOL.

Starting to work on the bow here at home a little now (between other "chores" - like cleaning the dinning room table off  ::) ), so I will be posting along and along now as it comes up also. No more "Mr. Nice Looking Shop" (at Mike's) for awhile (except now and then - when needed  ;) ) - just my ol' Glory Hole Room. Like this AM, I stepped in there early to do a little roughing in of the handle. So check back, "ever now 'n agin".

Setting up here to use my Farriers File/Rasp (smoother side), and timed release on the digicam of course. I love how the file works and it has good Mojo. It comes from a gent here in NC that does Farrier work for the US (and Canada) Olympic Equestrian Teams. I met him later the same day that his friend and mine, Matt Edwards, gave me the file:


And applying the ol' hands and elbo grease to "stroke" it with the sweet, big file:

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/14)
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 16, 2008, 10:44:26 am
Lookin good, Bernie. ice on. Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/16)
Post by: ber643 on April 16, 2008, 06:53:01 pm
 :D Thank you, Jawge. ("Ice on"? Is that an old New England saying that I should remember and don't seem to?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/16)
Post by: Dano on April 16, 2008, 07:49:16 pm
I just love this thread of yours Bernie, I could watch you work all day ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/16)
Post by: DanaM on April 16, 2008, 08:47:54 pm
Lookin good bernie, gotta ask whats the story with the horse collection :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/16)
Post by: ber643 on April 16, 2008, 09:47:11 pm
That figures, Dano -  :D

Thank you, DanaM, and no problem - I have been a horse lover since a youngster. Ran my own small riding stable when I was 16. Always thought I'd get back to it some day but I kept getting more poor and owning horses kept getting "richer" -  ;D So I collect second hand horsey things instead (that's a small portion of them, they are all over the house). I have a Granddaughter who loves them also, so someday the collection will go to her, I reckon. If you go to the indexand menu page of my web site, one of the first things you'll see is one of my favorite types, an Appaloosa. (Uh - watch your ears, if your speakers are on  ;).)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/16)
Post by: ber643 on April 19, 2008, 09:27:22 am
In the process of doing some belly thinning and further shaping, for floor tillering, as time permits. Using mostly draw knife, Ka-Bar, and sand paper.


Here is a level pic of "It" after some short sessions. Just about through with floor tillering - will set up my tree tiller rig this weekend and start checking progress with that (hopefully)


I'll get Mike to take a look-see (at his place or mine) before getting too carried away - LOL. Sure is nice to have a guiding hand close by.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/19)
Post by: ber643 on April 21, 2008, 10:25:58 pm
Sunday I cut the string nocks in (chain saw file) "It". Last evening and this nasty, rainy day, I did some more shaping on the handle (almost done with that, I think), and some outter third limb tip thinning (believe I still need to do just about that much again there - but I'll do it in two sessions just to be sure - LOL)

Here's the handle pics:



Between rain drops I got my Tillering rig set up (I can quicklyly take the apparatus down and place it in the water proof ammo can on the table, between uses - leaving the bow clamp at the top, and the screw eye at the bottom). A real honest to dickens Tillering "Tree". I may move the rig into the carport later but right now I can't get to the posts, for the "stuff" in the way. "Animal" generously supplied the bow rest/clamp (his discovery) for me, as he had an extra (Y'all know Animal, he was the Drummer for the Muppets Band - LOL). Below is my first use of the rig, and it does real well. BTW, Animal, if you'll put a pully at both top and bottom, as I did, you may not feel like you need a "better", or "ball-bearing", type pully to replace the one you have. It'll double your pull, or half your energy expended, whichever way you want to think of it. The string I'm using here is a 62" (and should be about a 56") so it is still like a "long string" tiller (playing it safe for first try on this rig). Scale read about 35#, and that looks like it would only be at about brace height or a tad more, to me.

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: david w. on April 21, 2008, 10:42:31 pm
looks real nice :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 21, 2008, 11:17:52 pm
Bernie, I would go for more movement mid limb on -on both limbs. Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: ber643 on April 22, 2008, 01:20:16 am
I agree, Jawge. Still a fair amount of wood that needs scraping in those areas. Did a little tonight but had to stop, 'cause couldn't go out to check it - without drowning. I'll get back on it tomorrow but still got to be between the raindrops they say, untill day's end.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: Pappy on April 22, 2008, 07:12:27 am
What jawge said,looking good,won't be long now. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: ber643 on April 22, 2008, 12:30:54 pm
Yep, Pappy, getting down to the short rows now (discounting the "finish" stages  :P)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: Pat B on April 22, 2008, 12:46:10 pm
She's looking good Bernie. You better hurry(don't rush ::) ) Hickory will be here before you know it. That bow will win you first place in the primitive class! ;)     Pat

ps. I'm bringing stave end cuts for you to Hickory for knife scales.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: Keenan on April 22, 2008, 01:01:11 pm
 She's coming along real nice Bernie, It's been a real pleasure watching this bow come to life. Enjoy those last few strokes as you bring her into the final stretches ;)  Keenan
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: ber643 on April 22, 2008, 02:46:34 pm
Bless your heart, Pat, I'll appreciate the wood pieces. LOL - I don't know about any winning - the shooter has to do his part too, I understand. I do hope to have it ready for Hickory though, in fact i hope to take it to Baltimore the weekend before that = if my rides will quit falling by the wayside.

Thank you so very much, Keenan - she's looking and feeling real good this Noon. I'm hoping this afternoon I'll be able to look at it on "The Tree" again, and see more about how good/bad I'm doing bringing it in.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/21)
Post by: ber643 on April 22, 2008, 09:41:09 pm
Last night and todays progress - when I could finally get it out to the tillering tree - LOL. Looking a little better  :). I also did some more fine-tune shaping of the handle, though it doesn't show in the pic, of course. Using the same 62" long-string. Still only reading about 36# on the bow scale but you can see that the bottom of the scale in this pic is almost down to the bottom of the tree - I'll need to make a 57" string for "It" tonight. I also still need to heat and twist both tips a tad before stringing the bow.


Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: cowboy on April 22, 2008, 09:48:49 pm
Lookin good Bernie - that left limb is lookin stiffer to me. Man, I'm seein bows all over those woods back there - not to mention your tillerin tree ;D.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: ber643 on April 22, 2008, 10:11:48 pm
I believe your right, cowboy - on both counts. No Osage in these woods though,  :D Hickory, Holly, Oak, Sweegum basically.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: Dano on April 22, 2008, 11:08:37 pm
Lookin good Bernie, I'd get that left mid-limb bending the same as the right and put a short string on her.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: ber643 on April 23, 2008, 09:16:34 am
Hopefully I will get both of those items accomplished today, Dano. (I can't hardly stay away from it - my wife says it's getting as bad as the computer - she just doesn't know it yet - it's worse  :D)

Oh yes, cowboy, we also have lots of Loblolly Pine (the kind the "tall ships" used to put into the NC coast purposely for - to make their spare masts), and quite a bit of Cedar but I haven't noticed any of that big/straight enough for bows in this area. Of course I'm not what you'd call "practiced" at looking at it (Cedar) for possible bows.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: DanaM on April 23, 2008, 09:23:49 am
Coming along very nicely bernie, I must say that you have amazing amounts of patienence :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: ber643 on April 23, 2008, 11:27:14 am
Thank you, Yooper - I think it's an age thing -  ;D but whatever it is I'm glad it caught up with me before i started working on bows  ;)

This might be a good place to mention that when we started, Mike was kidding me that it was such a pretty, straight stave with no knots, etc. that he felt he had to apologize, as it would be so easy I wouldn't learn very much. However, after we got into it, "It" has turned out to be quite a learning experience after all - IMO. Although it was sans knots (probably a good thing  ).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/22
Post by: ber643 on April 24, 2008, 12:51:40 am
Now we're loggin'!:


Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will twist (with heat) the tips into position, let her cool, and then get the short string on her to see where we stand.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: Pat B on April 24, 2008, 01:05:26 am
She's coming along nicely, Bernie. The tiller looks great! ;) 8)    Pat
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: cowboy on April 24, 2008, 01:07:07 am
Yessir! Ber - that's lookin good. That left limb looks a lot thicker than the right for some reason - but I'll be durned if they don't look like their bending the same :). Such is a self bow :).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: ber643 on April 24, 2008, 09:39:52 am
Thank you Pat and cowboy. On the preceived thickness, cowboy, I think it is because that tip is a little more twisted than the other so we are seeing a part of the limb surface also - but since it was getting into the evening the flash was brighter and washed out the edge, so you can't tell that. When you run your "pinchers" down the edges (and surfaces) of the limbs they feel pretty close (for a gnarly ol' stick -  ;)). It fools me too when I look at the bow quick, and has given me more than one start - I'll be glad to get them straightened today, especially that one -  :D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: Pappy on April 24, 2008, 10:45:25 am
Looking good so far,can't wait to see that baby finished.  :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 24, 2008, 11:56:01 am
Bernie, looking better. What I would do is make a heavy pencil line at the end of the fades where you want the bending to start. Work there. Looks like you have a lot of near handle wood not bending. Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: ber643 on April 24, 2008, 12:19:42 pm
Thanks, Pappy and Jawge. It sure does look like that, Jawge, now that you mention it - I just imagine that will really show up under the short string (and in the current bow weight), huh? I probably will be lucky to be able to string it with the short string -  ;D.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 24, 2008, 05:26:59 pm
Bernie, this is your first. Getting bow weight should not be much of a concern. Getting a good tiller should. :) Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: ber643 on April 24, 2008, 06:53:35 pm
You are right of course, old friend - I was just thinking (playing - tongue in cheek) it'll be hard for me to see the tiller, if I can't string "It". Heating and twisting the tips, even as we speak (one of them cooling right now). It just dawned on me - or are you saying that I should work those areas before I put a short string on it?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 25, 2008, 01:12:06 pm
LOL, Bernie. I don't know what you should do but I almost I never string a bow with the short string until I get the bow limbs bending well. I would get that near handle wood moving a bit more and then go ahead and string it. Post another pic when you think the stave is ready for the short string. You are doing well. I'll be in and out until this evening. Joni and I are getting ready for Easter this Sunday. Jawge
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/23
Post by: ber643 on April 30, 2008, 11:05:23 pm
OK - time to catch up on this "learn-along". I have been very remiss about posting lately but I have been working on the bow and taking pictures right along. I also have been busy with other postings and springtime "outside chores" - (you too, huh? - LOL).

You will be happy to know, though not as happy as I am, chances are, that I am very close to finished with "It". In fact all that remains at this point is some decorations I plan, and final finish. The best part is that I now have a very nice little shooter that looks and acts pretty darned good, in my opinion. However it was not without a scary moment or two and a couple set-backs or at least slow-downs. I will take you patient folks along with me, from where I left off above.

The next step was to heat and twist (or untwist) the tips. They were twisted in opposite directions, which ment I had to twist each of them clockwise a tad to align them with the limbs and centerline better. I did that by dry heating and twisting with a cresent wrench, tied down to the handle of my (heavy) belt sander, while cooling took place:


The next day turned out to be a hectic day, at least for a beginner like me. Well, I twisted the tips that Thursday night, with no real problem. I did still have that weak spot (blue tape - to say, "Stay away!") to deal with. I did a little work on the inner portions of the limbs (to get the area close to the fades working more) and blended the scraping into that weak spot better. I put it on the long string once more to see how she looked. Looking pretty darned good - but still "strong". So I went to work on her. Looked something like this - at the end of my hectic day:


I started working a little more on the Inner Limbs and then put a short string on it. "It" still looked pretty good on the tree, discounting a few areas that could use a little touch-up work:


(Actually those two pics were taken at the end of that day - but it was pretty much the same all day - to different degrees as I progressed - going crazy!)

What drove me crazy was that the first time I strung "It", with her short string, one limb (the right one) wouldn't curve hardly at all. Kinda like the following picture - except that pic was also taken at the end of the day and looks a little better than it did at earlier stages:


I mean, at first, the string at the flatter end (right) was only about 2" from the limb, while the other was about four inches. I did everything that I thought "It" was telling me to do - but nothing seemed to change it. Neither in just the stringing of it, or in putting it on the tree (yes, after each scrapping, I was exercising it about 20 times, each time before I strung it, and again each time when I put it on the tree.) The situation, of course, was making no sense to me - but I swear I couldn't stop myself from trying to correct it anyway. Towards the end I measured my string, and it had stretched out a little, so I twisted it back up to 57" (it probably' could be 56 1/2") and that is where it is set in the pics above. By this time I was really frustrated. Then all of the sudden I noticed, for the first time, what I thought might have been the problem, and what had been driving me to distraction all day. My beautiful reflex was just about gone from the end where it had been heat induced (left end/top limb)! Not only that - but I wasn't so sure there was not even as much on the other end (right/bottom limb) as there was originally - but there was enough there to make the difference in the tips in the "Brace" pic above, I think. That blew my mind, and I thought, "How in the world ......???" Then it dawned on me - probably when I had heated the tips to twist them, the night before, I most likely relaxed the reflex all to blazes, especially in that one end, where it was heat induced in the first place. So here is a picture of the unstrung bow at the end of that day, so you can see the difference from what it was before a beginners mind-bending day:


I hoped all that was needed was to heat her up and induce some reflex back into it, at least the one end, and perhaps both. I had no idea what the weight was at that point (maybe a ten# bow for all I knew - I hoped not) but I never at any time went over 38#s on the tree bow scale, with either long or short string. At that point, I put it all to bed, and went out and worked up a sweat blowing, racking, and hauling leaves in the dog pens and back yard - to calm my damaged nerves and frazzeled state of mind. It only worked marginally ;^).

I aprised my mentor, Mike, of the above day in a message, with pics Saturday night. I had decided to let "It" rest Saturday, as I knew Mike was out of town, and take her over to his place Sunday to let him help me make sense of it all - and maybe take the scare out of me.

As soon as we strung "It" Sunday AM, and subsequently put her on the tillering tree, Mike was sure that I had worked on it after the message - and I wasn't so sure myself that I hadn't "sleep-worked" on it during the night. It looked pretty "normal", and darned good, except for fine tuning areas, as noted above. I think the bow has got a little magic in it, or just wants to be a good bow, very badly - LOL Mike had thought about it some, after reading my message, and felt that the weak spot in the one limb had made the string look closer, and thus the limb look/act flatter, at the other end of the bow. As I got the stronger tip closer to the weaker one in my work Sat, it had got better - but it evidently needed time for the wood to compleatly take it's new shape - it got that time Saturday. much to my shock and pleasure Sunday:


So - I had a bow with weaker tips than planned for perhaps - but at least, my beautiful, slightly magic, bow was safe, and looking good:



After some very minimal fine-tune scraping and sanding, Mike said it was time to shoot her in and see how she would do:


I spent most of the afternoon shooting "It" and enjoying her. Mike spent most of it shaking his head and proclaiming he had no idea why a bow with those weak looking tips would shoot so fast. We decided that perhaps the crown ridge that runs down most of the back may have something to do with it's surprising performance. We did wind up swaping ends and uping the brace height about 1/2" I found "It" to be, not only quick but accurate, well behaved in hand, consistant. and packing punch with plenty of arrow penetration. "It" was checking out as 41# @ 25" Both Mike and I were hugely pleased and satisfied. Mike also shot about 18 arrows through "It", with the same findings on his part. I shot somewhere around 150- 200 arrows. I was a tired but happy student when I left for home.

That evening at home, I took a couple pics to show how the string, while the limbs go both ways from center, still follows the center line of the handle:


and to show the loss of the heat induced reflex, which I would try to remedy in the final steps (although it didn't appear to be really needed for "It" to be the bow it had promised to be):


The next day I proceeded with progressive grit sanding and at the same time preshaped some Purpleheart tip overlays, affixed them (with epoxy), and finished shaping them. The following day I would try to heat my reflex back into the tips. I found my work-bench wasn't long enough, so I had to commandere my wife's glass dinning table - again (she's so understanding, bless her heart):



The heating/bending worked beautifully and I wound up with my 3" reflexed tips again, after cooling:


I started the burnishing process of my bow, using a glass bottle, I'll do that often in the next few days, prior to applying finish.

That evening I went outside to check and see how tillering stats/looks, and actual shooting had or hadn't changed.

At Brace:


and at 42# @ 25":


I then shot her on my range using my Cane arrows (she liked them) and found everything still as satisfying as it had been during the shooting on Sunday.
After shooting, I got my wife to take some Full Draw pics for me (without canting the bow), with a light background (my neighbor's garage/house) and a dark one (one of our bushes):




I have labled and signed the bow, "It", I am still burnishing her, and will do a small amount of decoration, dressing, plus finish in the next few days, and will be back with the final pics. This one should  (finally) be ready for May - LOL. Today "It" is taking a well earned rest, while I play catch-up here - LOL.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: cowboy on April 30, 2008, 11:32:37 pm
Wow!! Bernie - after reading all of that it sounds like you had a harrowing experience ;D. But looks like a fine - slightly medicined bow evolved from it all ;D.
 I can tell ya that steam/heat will take away any heat induced bends you've made - I learned that the hard way too :).. Fine lookin bow ya got there!!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: ber643 on May 01, 2008, 12:19:47 am
Thanks, cowboy. It's been a heck of a ride, and still is, and I've enjoyed all of it - even the "harrowing" parts -  :D I also really feel like I've learned a great deal (thank you, Mike Brooks, and others).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: medicinewheel on May 01, 2008, 03:44:47 am

hey bernie! - congratulations to your first bow!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: Keenan on May 01, 2008, 04:33:43 am
 Wow Bernie that came out great ;) . You did a really good and looks and sounds like a little rocket launcher. Those are some sweet full draw pics worthy of being in a famous full draw album that this guy has going.

  Here is the link  ;D ;D
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: ber643 on May 01, 2008, 10:53:34 am
Thank you so much, Frank. I did do a Laminated Bow last year (HBMassa) but this is my first self bow - and what a ball!

Keenan, thanks. LOL I think I've heard of that "place"  ;D (Actually I did slip one of my shooting pics (canted bow) with "It" in there just the other day - I know a friend of a friend of the editors, girlfriend -  ;)) Only mine is on Page 16 (growing all the time).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: Dano on May 01, 2008, 09:23:15 pm
Way ta persevere brother!! I knew you had in ya.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: ber643 on May 02, 2008, 09:34:14 am
Thank you, dear friend, Dano. I must admit, that i wondered at times - LOL -  but that I am very pleased with the (almost) final results. It isn't as pretty as my "Sneaky Snake" that you made me but the shooting/performance is very similar to me - so that gives you some idea how pleased I am with it, eh?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 04/30
Post by: ber643 on May 11, 2008, 11:22:02 am
Ran into some slightly "rocky road" with the finishing - a bad acting can of Polypro. First (I didn't realize) it was spraying more propellant than product and after waiting the 72 hours, I had to start over - Duh! Next, it behaved fine and I was well on my way again. Then on what would have been the last coat, the durn thing started spitting, and I didn't notice that quick enough either  ::). First time I ever got a bad can, though I've heard others speak of it now and again. The bad news is I didn't finish with my bow as early this past week as I had hoped. The good news is it forced me to do more coats and steel wool buffing than I usually have the patience to do - LOL. Anyway, with any luck at all I will finish dressing "It" this afternoon and post pics today or tomorrow.

In the meantime here are pics of the arrow shelf I decided to make and will use on her. Got the idea and instructions (long distance) from Dano Gren - because i like the one he put on the bow he made for me. This one is ready, except for perhaps some final tweaking as I go to afix it. Dano says he got the idea from others, or at least others use it, (maybe they got it from him too) - so you may already know that it is made of stacked and glued (super glue) leather scraps. Then you sand, file, sand, carve (if you like) to the shape that fits you and your bow. Thank you, Dano.

On its back:


On its edge:


I'll be back with pics of the tip overlays, which I can take before I do final steel wool buffing, waxing, and dress-up of the bow, at "High Noon".

Purpleheart Tip Overlay:

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 05/11)
Post by: Dano on May 11, 2008, 09:08:02 pm
Your welcome Bernie, what's a brother for? She's lookin good.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 05/11)
Post by: ber643 on May 11, 2008, 10:12:58 pm
Bless your heart, Dano.

I finished "It" this afternoon, took final pictures and am going to try to post and finish this out now (or later). I said, "or later," because at this time bad storms (severe thunder storms, hail, tornados, etc. are moving in and around our area at this very moment. All we can do is pray and sit it out, so I'd rather be doing this while we do that, if you know what I mean (rather than sit around and worry).

OK The TV (and Rose) is telling us to shut down computers, etc.. I'll be back after this one passes, good Lord willing.


It is too late for me to start (to finish this) now (on four forums), so I will do it in the AM - just came back to let y'all know that we were blessed with skating all the worst parts (just got bad wind and rain and broken limb tips all over the place). There were problems around us, and some close by, one tornado touched down not ten miles up the road, but as I said we were blessed, Thank you, Lord. Also NC, as a whole, fared a lot better than the midwest did with that same storm front, earlier, so bless those folks out there.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Updated 05/11)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 09:01:06 am
OK, friends, it's time to finish up this (forever-long) thread - LOL.

Here is a pic of the handle of "It" with her (Dano Type) arrow shelf/rest afixed, and a Seal skin arrow pass above it. I know, it looks like a portrait of "Ziggy", or "Mr. MaGoo" in this pic, but the bottom part of the "face"
will be covered with a leather handle wrap.

The Seal skin arrow pass I shaved the hair off of, and then shaved and sanded the back to thin it down considerable. The face of Seal skin is pretty tough and durable stuff, the back is pretty soft (and surprisingly thick):


Next is a design I "painted" on the back of the bottom limb. I used an indelible brush/pen (art supply stores). The bar designs are standard Native American symbols. The bar depicts water, waves, direction of life flow, and the ever-renewing force. The bear is one of the most important, oft-mentioned "First Helpers" of many tribes, and the arrow within the animals depicts the line of breath and life force (as all arrows do, more or less). One more thing, My name is Bernard which means, "Brave and bold as a Bear":


This pic is of the design on the top limb, and the same things apply to it, another very important "First Helper" mentioned in many tribes beginnings of NA lore and history, The Whitetail Deer:


Here is the bow Unstrung, also giving a shot of the entire back of the bow showing the designs, with the handle wrap applied, and also a talisman/wind indicator of a red Hackle feater, and a small wooden bead on each side of the limb, tied on with yellow, silk, fly tieing strands. I used a red (dyed) feather and edges of the handle wrap to set off the black designs. Also Red means a number of things in NA lore/design, like South, Heat of the sun (I love the sun), and I've also heard courage, good fortune, and blood. (In some oriental applications red means fire,flame,South, and good luck, and black means water, knowledse, wisdom,career, and North). All of this info on designs and colors are my understanding and reading/research and I'm sure many other applications/meanings are/can be found. Oh, the wind indicator is also used to point up the top limb "Whooptie", which it is tied around - LOL:

A  closer shot of the designs and handle area - I wet the leather wrap before applying it, to help mold it around the rest:


Here is "It", at Brace (Beaver Fur silencers):


Finally a Frontal, uncanted, Full Draw, that I seem to recall some folks indicated they also like to see of a bow:



I said "finally" but after the storm last evening I walked by my "Glory Hole Room" and saw my bow, where I had hung it up. I couldn't help but think how much I liked the look of "It" - even hanging there in front of all that clutter. I felt like I had to try to capture that feeling/look, and so i wanted to share that with you folks too. An Unstrung side view:


Thanks so much for looking/listening/reading/helping - it's been a great experience for me.

Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: DanaM on May 12, 2008, 09:17:48 am
Looks great bernie :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Pappy on May 12, 2008, 10:36:48 am
Glad to see you got her done,looks great to me,well done. Love the art work. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Mechslasher on May 12, 2008, 10:45:55 am
a fine looking bow bern!  how much weight did it gain after reheating some reflex in the tips?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Hillbilly on May 12, 2008, 11:01:22 am
Bernie, you did an awesome job on that bow. Are you sure you haven't actually making those things for years? Great looking bow, great looking artwork and details. That one's definitely a keeper.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Ryano on May 12, 2008, 11:26:11 am
Very nice job on finishing that up Bernie! Sometimes the finishing touches are what make the bow something special. That is undoubtedly the case with this one......Congratulations Bernie.  8)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 11:53:11 am
Thanks everyone. Your comments are very heart warming and meaningful. Sorry I forgot the final stats (not that different). About an inch longer (overlays) and one lb. increase - even that may just be a difference between Mike's and my scales. I haven't got back over to check on his yet. Wanted to (and show it to him) but didn't finish early enough and then the storms hit. I'll take "It" to the Baltimore shoot this coming weekend and the Hickory, (NC state Trad Shoot) the following weekend. i too think she is "a keeper" and a shooter. It's like my hat, it has a lot of "me" in it.

Here are the stats: 61" tip to tip, 59" ntn, 42# @ 25", 4" handle, 1 1/2" fades. Width is 1 3'8" at fades, 1 1/4" at mid-limb, 1/2" at tips Plains or NA style Flat bow w-character (not meant to be a replica). Has a sort of natural crown ridge down most of the back.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Dano on May 12, 2008, 11:58:02 am
Congratulations Brother, "IT" looks great, Love the artwork. What a journey huh? Are ya ready for another?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: OldBow on May 12, 2008, 02:02:32 pm
Anybody would be proud of this bow. Great pictures and absolutely bookmarked for May Self Bow of the Month.  Good luck at your shoots!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 02:16:19 pm
You know, Dano, I really am (wish Osage grew arond here - LOL). I do have a nice Hickory stave from a generous gent on this site. May be a while before I get started again but I hope not too long. Thought you might like the artwork, buddy.

OldBow thank you too, very kind words. I don't shoot as well at shoots as i do in the back yard or when hunting (concentration i guess - LOL) but I sure have a good time with old friends and friends I haven't met yet.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Hillbilly on May 12, 2008, 02:32:13 pm
Looking forward to seeing it (and its maker) in person at Hickory.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 07:00:35 pm
Good Lord willing, Hillbilly  :)  We've been "talking" about three or four years now haven't we, and not both made it at the same time yet -  ;)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Dano on May 12, 2008, 08:39:53 pm
SOOOOOO!! Where is the all important full draw side shot?? inquiring minds wanna know.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 09:34:46 pm
Knock, knock, knock ........ are ya in there, dano, ol' buddy? There are three of them at the bottom of page seven, taken just prior to applying finish and dressing. BUT I'll give ya one with her new "dress" on if you want. If you can stand another one, I'm happy to ham it up ... er , I mean do it for you -  ;D Give me a few minutes (it might be nice for it to be near the end also, now that you mention it  ;)) gotta confer with my photographer -  ;).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Dano on May 12, 2008, 09:42:40 pm
WELL DUHHH!! do I feel like a knothead. ::)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 10:37:39 pm
 :D Well, gee, Dano, I didn't mean to make you feel that way -  ;) So here's your pics anyway (it's too late now - LOL) After I interrupted Rose's Crocheting to take the pics - you think I'm not gonna post them - huh-uhhhh!


Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: mullet on May 12, 2008, 11:26:06 pm
  Tiller Look's sweet Bernie. Those your elephants?
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Dano on May 12, 2008, 11:30:48 pm
Sorry Rose  :-*
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 12, 2008, 11:37:53 pm
Thanks, mullet. Would you believe we have well over 1,000 elephants in our house, and I have no idea what any of their names are? (Actually we've been collecting them for my wife for eons - mostly statue type but friends and relatives give us odd-ball ones too - and you can't turn them out in the cold, or heat).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: medicinewheel on May 13, 2008, 04:50:03 am

hey berni!  -  well done!
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: DanaM on May 13, 2008, 09:14:06 am
Looks like a keeper to me bernie, I have to admire your patienence in the crafting of this bow,
very nicely done, now do you #2 started yet :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 13, 2008, 09:29:11 am
I saw you kissing my wife, Dano -  :) It's OK though, wives need extra kisses too  :D.

Thank you Frank and DanaM - all of you guys comments mean so much. Already thinking on the next one and was "conversing" with Mike about it some this AM, even - LOL. Don't know (just what) yet. We are both pretty tied up for the next two or three weeks - and St. Jude auction (on TG) kicks off end of the month - already listing stuff. Baltimore shoot this coming weekend and Hickory, NC the following weekend. So many fun things to do, so little time - again  ;)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: Marc St Louis on May 13, 2008, 09:39:08 am
Nice bow Bernie.  Turned very well. I bet you are happy
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 13, 2008, 11:21:05 am
Happy is a very good descriptive, Marc, thank you  :D. I can't help but smile every time I look at her or pick "It" up.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - Finished up 05/12)
Post by: ber643 on May 20, 2008, 11:13:30 am
Got back from Baltimore Trad shoot Sun. Eve (now getting ready to leave Fri. AM for Hickory, NC State Trad Shoot). "It" behaved herself very well at the Baltimore shoot (her first real outing -  ;)), and made me so proud of her (I was really pleased with her performance). Only problem is that she is a bit of a showoff   ;), and she shoots sooooooooo much better than I do, most of the time.  She also drew many nice compliments from shooters and bowyers alike, and made a lot of friends, I think. Oh yeah, she got rested up quicker than I did too, after we returned - smart alecky "youngsters" anyway -  ;D

Two guys (off another forum) were up there taking a three day course to compleat a self bow, from the MD Primitive Ancestral Knowledge Group, up there. It pleased me to know that they had signed up for the course because of following my build-a-long. Gosh that feels good! They were making pretty Osage self bows too, by golly. I stopped by quite a few times during the weekend to watch their progress and chat with them and their instructor (he was rather taken by "It" too, and was flirting with her  ;)).
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: Pappy on May 20, 2008, 12:09:01 pm
Nice job Bernie,glad to see you got her finished and it turned out so nice.  :) Well
done. :)
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: Pat B on May 20, 2008, 12:19:26 pm
She's a real beauty, Bernie. The tiller looks perfect. Hope to see her(and you ;D) at Hickory.     Pat
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: OldBow on May 20, 2008, 01:29:43 pm
Been looking forward to this one for a long time. Got your fine weapon all bookmarked for May Self BOM, Bernie
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: ber643 on May 20, 2008, 03:40:02 pm
Thanks, guys -  "It" has been hanging around a long time hasn't it?  I sure am pleased with the results though, now if i can just please her - :D. Pat, looking forward to seeing you again also
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: DCM on May 20, 2008, 04:55:00 pm
Nice job Bernie.  Full draw looks excellent.  You should be proud. 

"I can't help but smile every time I look at her or pick "It" up"

I remember that feeling.  Enjoy, that's the actual payout in this game.  The peanuts and beer is just to keep you at the table, so to speak.
Title: Re: First Osage Self Bow (progress - First Big "Outing" 5/20)
Post by: ber643 on May 21, 2008, 12:54:43 am
 :D Sounds about right, DCM, and thank you.