Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: stuckinthemud on January 13, 2016, 06:52:54 am

Title: Mildew in stave stack
Post by: stuckinthemud on January 13, 2016, 06:52:54 am
As Dragonman pointed out the other day, it has been record-breaking rainy here in Wales for the past few months. Been to rotate my stash of staves, and have found a small amount of blue mold and some mildew - mostly on the top staves where drips have condensed off the roof.  I have opened up the stack to increase air-movement and put a board over it to catch any drips off the tin roof, but should I spray an inhibitor over the staves?  Never had this problem before and the new storage arrangement will allow the timber to dry out quite quickly which will prevent the mold growing - I do use chemicals if I absolutely have to but I really don't like to if there is any way of avoiding it. Will cleaning off the surface mold and drying out the timber be OK on its own, or will this press the spores into the grain and make things potentially worse? :(
Title: Re: Mildew in stave stack
Post by: Pappy on January 13, 2016, 07:15:14 am
I would wipe them down with some good kitchen cleaner and get them in the dry, they should be fine, I get that once in a while in the hot humid summer and especially when it rains that time of year on rawhide and staves that are out side in my shop. I keep fans blowing now whenever it get that way and that keeps it away. :)
Title: Re: Mildew in stave stack
Post by: bushboy on January 13, 2016, 07:20:59 am
Had the same problem last summer,i wiped them down with a rag dampened with bleach.last weekend I did a bend test and their staves were elm though :'(
Title: Re: Mildew in stave stack
Post by: stuckinthemud on January 13, 2016, 07:47:12 am
This pile is a mix of holly, hazel, yew and hawthorn; hopefully I've caught it early enough to avoid any real damage - it took me a long time to collect it!