Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: missilemaster on October 27, 2015, 10:49:46 pm
Hey fellas, just finished an anniversary gift for my parents. Roses are annealed and cold forged copper, stems are 3/8 forged steel, leaves are Forged from 5/16 round steel. Numbers are Forged steel and ribbon is hammered copper. The base is from a sheet of very pitted 1/8 steel, formed into a bowl shape. Finish is a gunblue patina and lacquer. It's about 16" tall. It was a lot of fun to make!:)
Man you really went to town on that thing. Unique idea, marvelous results.
Very cool, Cody. I'm sure your parents will love it. 8)
Amazing work Cody. That is a very special gift.
That is so cool, awesome job
Beautiful Cody, you never cease to amaze and impress
Very nice Cody ! Bob
Cool, great gift.
Can't beat the personal hand crafted touch :).
Beautiful Cody , I know they will love that. Pappy
Great looking. What a special gift.
Thanks guys!
DANG! That is some top notch work Cody. Really well done
Very cool gift, your parents will love it.
Wow, Cody, everything you touch is gold. What a wonderful gift.
Cody, you are talented in so many ways. Seeing the title of your post, I knew ahead of time it would be something real cool.
Very nice work there!
Some guys just make most of us look inept ;) ;) ;) Nice job! That will go in a place of pride. :D
Wow man nice work!
Bravo! :)
metal on metal down to the petal.
That is beautiful.
How many hours do you have in it?
Thanks again fellas. Rob, I've probably got about 25-30 hours into it. But time flies when your having fun! :)
Wow Cody Wow 8)
Sweet !
Now that's a work of art!
Dang Boy, that is beautiful! Man you can't buy anything nicer than a really beautiful home made, hand crafted gift from the Heart. Man, are you gonna get loaded with cookies, and cakes now! Great gift idea, and beautiful work.
Very nice Cody, your artistry and attention to detail and always impresses me.
Congrats to your parents. :)
Wow! You sir are a very talented man.
I made the mistake of showing this to my wife, she said to tell you were sitting on 40 😄
Wow very nice Cody.....they'll love it.
Thanks a bunch for the replies guys. :)
Exactly what I'd expect from your hands friend. Great job and I promise mom and dad will treasure that piece.
Beautiful Cody!!
I can only imagine how proud your parents are. Just think, they made, and raised you. Then a couple of decades later, you have acquired the skills to make that. Pretty amazing.
That is AWSOME! I am impressed beyond words to express.
I'm always amazed to see what you put together, Cody. It's really beautiful.