Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Horn Bows => Topic started by: Magyar Blood on January 20, 2015, 10:55:21 pm
Hey, I'm a newbie here, and i would love 2 know if there is a build along for specifically a MAGYAR BOW here? Or if anyone has any info on how one is made. I do have experience in making self bows and pvc bows, in fact, i made a pvc Magyar bow, but wild more like 2 make a horn bow. Any knowledge isis welcome, than you!
Sorry people, "is" not the other :o
I'm moving this to "Horn Bow" for better response.
Thank you sir, and almost neighbor! I'm from the Haywood Co area just a ridge over! :laugh:
Making hornbows is a complex, involved process with each step being pretty critical to the success of the whole. I don't know of any 'buildalongs' and think you will really struggle. My advice is to try and get a copy of Adam Karpowzi's book - it has everything you need to know. There is really too much information to put in a post here on how to do it from start to finish.
I'll try and help with specifics though.
If you spoke Hungarian I could recommend 2 webpages .....
Welcome to PA, MB. Its nice to have another Western NCer here. Where in Haywood Co?
Isn't that book almost impossible yo find? I shall keep my eye out for it though. Thx :laugh: i can translate the pages if u link them for me, and i am in the prossess of learning Hungarian :laugh: and to Pat, i live in the Cruso area if ya know where that is
Thank you so much! The info on that die is amazing! Can't believe i didn't find it b4!