Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Horn Bows => Topic started by: Tc on January 08, 2015, 08:05:14 am
Here is my brand-new magyar horn bow.
140 cm tip to tip, 80# - 27”
Buffalo horn, ash core, horse sinew, shellac finish, sinew bandage. The ears have bone, the grip has horn cover. So far my best magyar bow…
Braced and drawn..
More photo:
Very cool, well done
It's beautiful. Congratulations.
Is the horn bison or water buffalo?
Beautiful work.
That is the most beautiful peace of work I have ever seen! Bar none. Wow! Perfect tiller, amazingly finished and smooth sinew job, beautiful craftsmanship and finish all around. Superb! Im so glad to see you joined pa to share this. Thank you.
Baeutiful bow man! are the whole siyah's bone or just plated?
Thanks for all kind words. :)
Parnell: Water buffalo horn. I have no experience with bison horn......
Peacebow: The ears are just covered by bone.
Very nice bow in all aspects!!!
Is 27" the maximum draw length?
WOW!!!! That's my bucket list bow right there, nicely done. <Drooling>
Thanks :)
medicinewheel: The max. draw length is over 30", 27" was the max. length at which we were able to measure it ( I don't have a hanging scale, we used a simple bathroom-scale, but I will measure it "officially" as well )
What type of bone did you use?
Buffalo bone - about 25 cm long plates.
Thanks Tc
What a looker!!!
Any speed or distance stats, please?
Holy cow... hats off to you guys that can make these types of bows. I find them simply amazing, and so beautifully curved when they're braced. I just don't have the patience to pull one of these off.
Thanks. Yeah, definitely the most important tool for hornbow building is patience... :)
That is VERY impressive!!!
Thats awsome!!! I need to get the b!@ls to get started.
excellent tc,,,
very nice Magyar,, also your video is nice , I really like the music..keep up the good work
YOU'VE INSPIRED ME. I have everything I needed laying around for 12 or 13 years. To build a BUFFLALO BOW.
Thanks for everybody :)