Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Drewster on October 27, 2014, 04:04:34 pm
Hi folks,
This is my first post of a bow and my first bend through the handle eastern woodland bow. I had fun making this one and am fairly pleased with the outcome. Thanks for your feedback and constructive critiquing.
Two Crow is hickory, 65 1/2" ntn and draws 48# at my 30" DL. She's 1 9/16" through the handle until about mid limb then tapers to 5/8" at the diamond shaped nocks. She has a paraffin finish and I rubbed charcoal into the wood grain of the outer limbs. It doesn't show up too well in the pics though. She's trimmed out with crow feathers and chipmunk fur at mid limb. The handle is wrapped with and built up with leather.
I tired to keep it in the spirit of the eastern woodland Native Americans. She has developed about 1" of set on the lower limb and has a bit of hand shock although not bad at all for this type bow. I've had fun shooting it and people seem to like the looks. Looking forward to trying another one with black locust as soon as I get some.
Thanks for looking.
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Cool looking bow! Nice job!
Very cool! nice work
Nice bend on that Hickory Drew...Looks like a hunting bow for sure...Did you heat treat it?
Good work. Nice bends
Beautiful bow very nice work, like everything about it. Pappy
Cool! 8)
Quite nice, I like it very much.
Don, no I didn't heat treat it. I thought about it but didn't know if the "locals" would have heat treated this type bow or not. Seems to be a pretty good piece of hickory.
Great tiller :)
Like that one alot!sweet tiller and finish!
I like that hickory stick! Your tillering looks really good. A hickory bow that has had no heat treating or induced reflex that ended up with no more set than you have there is a well made bow from a first rate piece of wood. Great work.
WOW guys, I really appreciate the feedback. This is my tenth bow and I have SO much to learn. It's nice to know I'm on the right track.
That sure is a nice tiller! Jawge
Oh that's sweet! I like the simple style of it and the crow feathers. I'm planning a bow very similar to that one with a hickory stave I've got. Am I seeing this right that there are ridges going vertical with the bow on the back? Is that typical with hickory? The staves I've got are like that and I think it looks awesome!
Nice work man. You did a great job for your first bendy :)
Love the style and the bow, nice bend and cool finish work. :)
Tim, yes, the back is rippled. The tree it was harvested from had a LOT of ripples just under the bark. I made a self bow from the same tree and named her "Miss Ripples"......yeah, I like the looks too. Certainly not typical of all hickories.
Very nice. + 1 on the comment about how little set that took without any heat treating.
That thing is very nice. Perfect bend also. That is a bow that I want to copy.
Very nicely done Sir! Tiller is sweet! Josh
I look forward to seeing #11 because #10 is really a killer! Thanks for sharing.
Looks great, nice work! Love a bendy bow.
Thank you everyone for all the positive comments. I had no idea that I'd get this kind of response. Makes me want to go out in the shop tonight and work on another bow. Many cheers to all!
That's a cool bow. Well done.
Nice job & sweet bend!! :)
That's a nice bow and you did a good job on it. You would be surprised how much one can reduce hand-shock just by narrowing your tips a little. I really like the woodland style and have several of them I hunt with. God Bless
Hey Pete, thanks for the nice comments. I'll try narrowing the tips on the next one. Since this was my first woodland bow, I was trying to keep the dimensions close to what I've been reading about these bows. Wonder why our native Americans didn't figure out that wide tips would rattle your teeth???
Lookin' good Drewster
My favorite style...looks good,great bend, you did it right!
Looks really good to me
sweet bow
if you think it has to much hand shock its because it has a good amount of weight near the tips so on the next one try to get rid of some of it
if the style calls for width then reduce the thickness
to me there seems to be a good amount of area near the tips that is not bending yet so there is weight to be lost there
Its all in what you like
Hey Buckeye Guy, the hand shock is noticeable but not horrible. Thanks for your feedback and info. You guys sure are helpful to those of us making our first dozen or so bows. The tips are 5/8" wide and 1/4" thick. I looked at the full draw pic after your comment and yes, the last few inches of the tips aren't bending much. BUT, at 1/4" thick, I was concerned about going any thinner. Sounds like I could easily remove another 1/16" or so.......on the next one.
very cool, sweet
Like that one, very good tiller
I like that trick of rubbing charcoal into the grain! Sounds cool. I have often stained or dyed bows and arrows, or torched them, and then given them a rub with medium and then fine steel wool to increase the contrast like that. I'll use that in the future. I wonder if the charcoal/steel wool/stain over it would work.
Springbuck, I'm sure the charcoal would work in conjunction with a long as the stain isn't too dark and you're working with a ring porous wood. I worked the finely powdered charcoal into the wood grain with a circular motion using a soft cloth. Have fun and experiment. Just use the charcoal first before you fill the grain with any other finish.