Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: IdahoMatt on September 21, 2014, 01:26:03 am
Bada$$ly Bent bow.
Greg (Badly Bent) and I did a trade and his got here first.
I have been coveting one of his bows for a while now and this one didn't disappoint. Its going to be my turkey bow. Shoots great. It just goes to show I still have a lot to learn ;).
Sorry, I just couldn't stop taking pics of this bow, very photogenic ::)
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Really glad you like it Matt and looking forward to having one of your bows myself. I'd like to send you every bow I make to photograph for me, the backdrops in your pics. are amazing. Is that your setter in the picture? beautiful
Yes it is Greg, her name is Sage. She's an October setter. Very good line of English setters. Feal free to send me as many bow as you want >:D. I'll take some real good pics of the. Getting em back might be the problem.
Yup, great bow, great pics
Nice - Gregs Bows are well done. Bob
Super nice matt! You take some really great pics! Greg is an amazing bowyer and a nice guy to boot!
Yes sir Matt, You have a beauty there ;) Excellent work Greg...From unbraced to full draw I can tell every inch of that bow is working...Very nice
Very nice work Greg. Ive yet to see a badly bent bow from you my friend. Knock em' dead Matty!
That is a sharp looking bow. Nice work Greg. Good luck with the turkeys Matt
Saweeeeeet!!!! Congrats....nice job Greg ;)
Congratulations on a fine bow and your photos are really beautiful. I am jealous Matt!
Greg, there is no way he can be disappointed with that!! Really great work. After talking with you about the pressure you feel when you are making a bow for another bowyer, I was hoping to see a post today on this subject. We are always our own harshest critic. You really outdid yourself brother. The braced, unbraced, and full draw all show first rate workmanship.
Greg is a first rate guy and a fantastic bowyer. I can't wait to get his bow done for him. I've got a couple in the works and he will be getting it relatively soon. I just love trades. They are a lot of pressure though. I think bowyers are the most appreciative at the same time, because they know all the work that goes into making one of these.
Yea, Greg took it out of the museum display case long enough to let me hold it! ;D He is a great bowyer and a gem of a human being. ;)
Man am I jealous Matt! Nice job on the pics.
Greg another super piece of work buddy. Congrats to both.
Nice bow. And outstanding job with pictures.
Yeah Howard you got that right, like I told ya on the phone yesterday it is a little intimidating to make a bow for another bowyer on this site. This is the fifth one I've completed for another bowyer friend and every one of the guys I've traded bows with makes killer bows themselves and I know that I'll be getting something nicer in exchange.
I usually have to make two or three to get a decent enough one to send and then I'm still a little unsure of the finished product. My personal hunting bow rotation this year are 3 osage bows made by Paulsemp, Cody and Pearly.
And I have three more coming that will likely end up in next seasons rotation. :) I'm a lucky guy!
Thanks for all the kind words about the bow everyone. I feel fortunate to be able to trade with a great guy like Matt.
Greg...Wow beautiful bow........................Matt, shoot it with confidence....
Nice work, sweet looking bow
Man o man, love the bow and pics are beauty.
Bad ass bend on that one for sure, your a lucky guy Matt
Thanks guys for the nice words about pics. The bow is what made the pics. iPads take a decent photo. Greg I feal ya man. I am in the same boat. I hope you dig the one I send ya. I most deffenatly feal lucky to own this bow. Thanks again Greg.
Great looking bow. You'll enjoy it. Good job Greg.
Lucky!!, way too cool, bad azz is right
Oooooh, that's a pretty one. Greg can sure build a nice bow.
Oh, you lucky guy!
a great bow from a true master, congrats Matt!
Congrats to both,nice build Greg,love it. :)
No mistaking that's a Greg bow....another work of art, congrats! Awesome pics and I'll give ya bonus points for the English setter too!
Enjoy it Matt!