Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Del the cat on August 14, 2014, 01:41:38 pm
I forgot Monkey Bow was 26" draw and a tip snapped off when I drew it to 28" ::) >:(.
I spliced on new slightly longer levers giving it a 28" draw 'cos it's such a fun novelty bow.
Now you guys are always posting pics of your cute litte daughters and grand kids with bows.
So here's my 'little girl' at full draw.
She gets hitched at the end of the month :o... I expect she'll have some shoes by then :laugh:
The picture was all weird :o... I've saved it at different resolution rather than re-sizing it. Seems to have fixed it.
Cool design Del, love the siyahs. How does it shoot now?
Cool design Del, love the siyahs. How does it shoot now?
He shoot pretty smooth and sweet. I haven't checked the draw weight (I'll nip out and do it now!) or speed,I just wanted to salvage it as a great bow for demonstrating and have a go days. Kids love it when I shoot a whistling arrow.
Dunno if I posted a front view to show why he's called Monkey bow.
This is what the stave looked like when I cut off the odd branches...
kinda looks like E.T to me lol
Just weighed it, it's only 36# @ 28". The stave has a ton of natural deflex. I could take that out, but I don't want to risk smashing it a third time!
maybe I could pull it 32" now? ::) >:D :o ... just kidding.
So lovely to be too disruptive. ;) Can you show us how you attached the siyahs and with what?
So lovely to be too disruptive. ;) Can you show us how you attached the siyahs and with what?
Yes, it's all in my blog starting here:- (
It's basically a V splice but done round the other way to a wide limbed Asiatic bow due to the narrow limbs and a binding of linen thread with low viscosity CA on it.
Mind if you seach for monkey bow and Elder you can follow all the way back to when I found the fallen limb of Elder!
what was the draw weight and arrow weight for the chrono test,, nice set up,,
what was the draw weight and arrow weight for the chrono test,, nice set up,,
That chrono' test on the blog was the 70# Yew ELB, the 11/32" arrows weigh 450gn the 5/16" shaft arrows 380gn
Cool face, like some plant spirit from the ancient time or something! :o
When I saw that face, it made me think of this one:
( (
However, I fully support your naming it Monkey Bow, cause that is way more fun!! Good save; very cool.
John D.
The monkey bow face is just like the picture !!! kinda spooky !!
Good save Del, the bow looks good and so does your cute 'little girl's' archery form. Also congrats to her on her upcoming wedding, it will be a proud day for old Del. :)
Nice!!!! Long live the monkey ;)
When I saw that face, it made me think of this one:
( (
However, I fully support your naming it Monkey Bow, cause that is way more fun!! Good save; very cool.
John D.
Dude you should totally paint that on there! Just a tiny painting to give the idea... like paint or ink on hands to the face...
Very cool Del,nice save,tell you little girl congrats on the up coming wedding. :) But to have a Father in law like you,well I ant sure about that. ;) :) :) :)
Very cool Del,nice save,tell you little girl congrats on the up coming wedding. :) But to have a Father in law like you,well I ant sure about that. ;) :) :) :)
Cheers.. :)
Her fiancée had to pass 'the test'... (that's shooting the Chinese repeating crossbow :laugh:)
I'm hoping to maybe get a shot of her in the wedding dress with a longbow at full draw... not sure Mrs Cat will let that happen tho' ::)