Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: simson on July 18, 2014, 04:12:09 am

Title: traffic on "bows"
Post by: simson on July 18, 2014, 04:12:09 am
Traffic getting faster and faster here on this site.
I cannot be here every day, so at least for me following every thread is not possible.
I propably missed a lot of interesting bows .....

What do you think about dividing the bow section. For example in Experienced/ Newbie. Or perhaps better cut off a representation, or a reference section. Or what about cut out the FAQ, like "is fast flite a good string material?"

what do you think?
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Del the cat on July 18, 2014, 06:22:01 am
I know what you mean, but I'm not sure there is a good easily defined division. Unless maybe finished bows for show is separated out.
Many posts cross boundaries, sort of what do you think of this? Rather than an explicit tiller help question.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Buckeye Guy on July 18, 2014, 08:06:17 am
I know what you mean too
and think we should  so lets put some thought into the best way to divide things out
there may already be enough categories , we may just need to better utilize them !
Or maybe not
lets put our thinking caps on and help the mods out with some good thoughts !
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: BarredOwl on July 18, 2014, 08:23:45 am
Sounds like you guys are looking to start an "Advanced Bowyers" forum?  I think the bigger problem is a fairly poor search function.  I am a new bowyer and I try my best to find previous posts that answer my questions but I rarely ever find much when I use the search function.  Just suggestions and thoughts. 
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 18, 2014, 09:21:47 am
Perhaps a finished only bows section to goggle over and then all other bowyer related things can be posted here.. That way if you just want to see who has finished up bows you can skip right to it.

Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: IdahoMatt on July 18, 2014, 09:36:24 am
I see what you guys are saying, but the fact that there is no separation is what makes this site different from the rest.  I think a lot more knowledge is spread this way and it is easier for someone new to get help.  I know personally if there was a finished bow section that is where I would spend 99% of my time on here.  I feal I would miss out on a lot of stuff because it wouldn't be right in front of me.  So as for me I like it all lumped together.  Maybe if the new finished bows were highlighted but still lumped together.  Something like that might work, but I don't know. 
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Oglala Bowyer on July 18, 2014, 10:21:55 am
I actually never had any qualms about the site. Basically, if it's not broke don't fix it.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: George Tsoukalas on July 18, 2014, 10:26:31 am
PA once had a beginner's section but no longer. Jawge
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 18, 2014, 10:31:04 am
I would hate to see skill levels separated, that's not cool or possible. Who is the judge there? But I would like to see what I mentioned above. Just stuff everybody's  finished bows in another gallery.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: George Tsoukalas on July 18, 2014, 10:34:15 am
Well, it was just a place where people could ask questions. Jawge
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: IdahoMatt on July 18, 2014, 10:35:36 am
That's not a bad idea Chris.  Would you put all the bows of the past in there too or just stat from now on?  Like a reference area
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: blackhawk on July 18, 2014, 10:59:22 am
I'm fine with the way things are...nothing seems broke around here to me  ??? I'd be against we really need another sub forum??? That just seems to never do much good splitting things up more..I've seen it in the past with other sites
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: IdahoMatt on July 18, 2014, 11:05:03 am
What if you didn't split things up but created an archive area just for finished bows.  Once a finished bow reaches say page five or ten on the old posts.  Move it to a finished bow archive that you can not reply to anymore.  That way you aren't cutting things up but simply adding another reference.  Just a thought.  I like things the way they are too.  This would just get both sides happy (in theory)  :)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: bubby on July 18, 2014, 01:06:17 pm
I think it's fine like it is, lots of great bows in bom with links to the builds, as far as the search function it kinda sucks, if you google your ? The pa link will come up, lots easier that way
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: George Tsoukalas on July 18, 2014, 01:10:19 pm
If it ain't broke don't fix it. I agree. Jawge
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: PrimitiveTim on July 18, 2014, 01:15:09 pm
What if you didn't split things up but created an archive area just for finished bows.  Once a finished bow reaches say page five or ten on the old posts.  Move it to a finished bow archive that you can not reply to anymore.  That way you aren't cutting things up but simply adding another reference.  Just a thought.  I like things the way they are too.  This would just get both sides happy (in theory)  :)
  I really like this idea!
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Newindian on July 18, 2014, 01:26:43 pm
I think it's fine as is but if you have to have some separation perhaps some sort of highlighting or symbol placed on the title of a finished bow. Hell if you got people to agree to it they you could just fill your extra space in the title box with equal signs
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: BOWMAN53 on July 18, 2014, 01:49:21 pm
Perhaps a finished only bows section to goggle over and then all other bowyer related things can be posted here.. That way if you just want to see who has finished up bows you can skip right to it.

i agree, itd be nice to have a "bow gallery" so to speak. i still go through pages and pages in the bow section just looking at all the cool bows from all the past years.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Del the cat on July 18, 2014, 01:52:26 pm
Sounds like you guys are looking to start an "Advanced Bowyers" forum?  I think the bigger problem is a fairly poor search function.  I am a new bowyer and I try my best to find previous posts that answer my questions but I rarely ever find much when I use the search function.  Just suggestions and thoughts.
Yeah, got to agree the search is about as much use as a torch (flash light?) without batteries. Oddly the search engine on my blog works pretty well.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: BOWMAN53 on July 18, 2014, 01:55:52 pm
Sounds like you guys are looking to start an "Advanced Bowyers" forum?  I think the bigger problem is a fairly poor search function.  I am a new bowyer and I try my best to find previous posts that answer my questions but I rarely ever find much when I use the search function.  Just suggestions and thoughts.
Yeah, got to agree the search is about as much use as a torch (flash light?) without batteries. Oddly the search engine on my blog works pretty well.

lol yup, flashlight.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Ron Wright on July 18, 2014, 01:58:15 pm
As a newbie I would vote for a board bow section. As far as searching I just use google to search, it's faster and easier. The captchca is very difficult on this site, it takes me a few tries to get
Great community though!
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: JoJoDapyro on July 18, 2014, 04:19:24 pm
As a newbie I'll throw in my 2 cents. I get a lot of ideas and information from every level of builder here. To split them us kind of gives a beginner a "Us vs Them" feeling. It is hard enough for some people to ask questions to begin with. Also, who is the judge of who is advanced and who is not?
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: soy on July 18, 2014, 04:32:32 pm
IMHO traffic is good ....questions and other things could be left by the wayside if subcategories were introduced
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: redhawk55 on July 18, 2014, 04:58:35 pm
I would like to see a Primitive Flightbow- subforum here. The Paleoplanet flightbow- sub has gone down to almost zero traffic. A pity but a fact.
Some of the PP flightbowyers are posting here too, primitive flightbowery is an affair of my heart.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: BOWMAN53 on July 18, 2014, 06:09:43 pm
i love how not a single mod or admin has commented on this lol
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Zion on July 18, 2014, 06:13:26 pm
i think it's good to have everything mixed up. That way any skill level, whether beginner or advanced, can voice their opinion. I think splitting things up would kinda segregate that. I also think a finished bow gallery thing would be pretty cool, just as something you can go look at for inspiration, etc.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Cameroo on July 18, 2014, 07:50:48 pm
For those who are unhappy with the forum's search function, here's some advice:

Go to google and type "" before your search criteria.  It will only search the forum and leave other junk results out.  For example, type "new forum"

Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Badger on July 18, 2014, 09:15:01 pm
 Red Hawk, I would like to see an international primitive flight club formed with slight changes in the rules. If you or anyone else is interested let me know. We could hold flight shoots near our own towns as often as we wanted instead of once a year at bonneville salt flats.

  As for the forums here I would vote for no changes unless they wanted to add a flight forum of course.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Weylin on July 18, 2014, 09:44:55 pm
I think there should be no more subforums. It's just a good way to get ignored. The only idea that I like so far is a finished bow gallery.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: mullet on July 18, 2014, 10:16:02 pm
I started out on PaleoPlanet when it started up and was a Mod for awhile. After awhile they started adding more and more forums and it get really tiresome checking them all out and I very seldom go there anymore. I liked the simplicity of Primitive Archer, even back in the day when it was like arguing with your brothers and cousins ::) ;). I'd really hate to see it get as busy as PP.

And with all of the talented newer people on this site answering some of the same questions some of the older members have answered a dozen times it is kinda relaxing. :)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: J05H on July 19, 2014, 04:11:19 am
I think the Bows section should stay the way it is. Its good that people of all skill levels are all in the same place. It means that there are  experienced guys around to answer novice questions and the novices get to learn without asking by following the discussions of the experienced bowyers. It would be cool to have a sort of gallery archive of completed bows to peruse for inspiration, but I think they should still be posted here first.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Crogacht on July 19, 2014, 04:30:20 am
You could do some cool things if the forums were a bit more advanced.

Keep everything in the same place, but tag finished bows as "finished bow", with the option to filter the "Bows" section to show only "finished bow".

Functionality that probably doesn't exist though, I guess.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: TRACY on July 19, 2014, 07:15:16 am
Bow section has gotten a little cluttered over the last few years and that's why I kind of quit going to it :-\

I think a bowyer's question sub forum and finished bows would be plenty and would not separate newcomers from old timers.

It seems like a lot of good advice gets typed in and then two weeks later the same question arises and the post is buried and hard to find with search function for the site. No sense in reinventing the,wheel so often on fast flight string and heat corrections ;)

Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: wapiti1997 on July 19, 2014, 07:42:12 am
I think a tree ID ? subforum would be good too.  Just my opinion, but those questions come up very frequently and often are repeated within days.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: redhawk55 on July 19, 2014, 08:07:59 am
I second the idea of a much more detailed search- function, would help a lot.

Steve, I like your idea of an international Primitive flightbow club very much. I guess thereŽll be a forum/network included? If so, I would propose to use the RED MATRIX- network, it is free you can even set it up selfhosted. It is working like the common social networks but much more secure. I' ve set it up as a private network for our family. For the RED MATRIX go here:

I could set up the internet presence of an international Primitive flightbow club based on the RED MATRIX.

What should be the next steps?

Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 19, 2014, 09:18:43 am
Primitive Archer would not go for a gallery, it would use up too much bandwidth.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on July 19, 2014, 09:47:48 am
PA is lean and sleek.  I like it that way.  If it were bloated with tons of subforums I would miss out on too much.  It would also mean a ton of work for our great mods moving topics that don't fit in where they are posted.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: okie64 on July 19, 2014, 10:00:57 am
I like it the way it is. No need to clutter it up with more subforums. I use the search engine quite a bit on here and even if I dont find exactly what Im looking for it usually gets me pretty close. Just my opinion :)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: campx on July 19, 2014, 10:37:26 am
So, is osage a good bow wood? :laugh:

I like this forum the way it is.  A couple times a week, I read through every post on the first page of the bows section; I have learned a tonne by reading everything I can.  Keep it.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: koan on July 19, 2014, 11:57:50 am
I like PA the way it is... I dont go to the "other" sites anymore because its easier for my hillbilly arse to navigate this site, lol.. Our search system definately needs improvement but I do understand that this site is a free gift and only limited time and funds can go into it.... Brian
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: bubby on July 19, 2014, 01:23:21 pm
come on guy's I know there is always a cycle where the same old questions get asked over and again, don't y'all remember when you were asking the same questions, were they old then, I think so, do we want to discourage the newbies , if you find a post you like pin it or bookmark it it's that simple, this site is pretty easy to get around on as is
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: IdahoMatt on July 19, 2014, 01:39:06 pm
Good point Bub.  Never thought to bookmark my faves.  That seems like such a no brainer now ::)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: DuBois on July 19, 2014, 01:52:26 pm
I like things the way they are. The only thing I thought was like wapiti said about the tree ID section maybe but not really a need.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: 4dog on July 19, 2014, 01:58:00 pm
been coming here for a little over a year now...what i knew about bow building could fill a,,yeah some questions get old but now you very experienced guys can pass on em and let folks like me take a crack at em .. if guys like me are steering someone in the wrong direction yall step in and point the right way out...this site is closer to a real little town than most or all others ive been to....i guess what im trying to say although not very like it the way it is engine could be better but as ive learned more..i pass it on like you experienced guys did for me ..its self replicating ...i dont answer questions like whats a good bow wood cuz i know  someone else will...if i see noone has given an answer for some time then i will try to help...seems a very homogeneuos way and like a COMMUNITY ...which is what we are folks...sorry for the ramble...carry on.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Buckeye Guy on July 19, 2014, 04:54:21 pm
I guess the bottom line is if I would just learn to read faster then I could get thru them all when it gets busy
but the down side would be when I can't go to the Classic then I would really be board and might end up taking on another hobby  :laugh: :laugh:
this thing about dies during the Classic
have not seen anything here worthy of bothering the mods with yet,  carry on
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Marc St Louis on July 19, 2014, 05:02:08 pm
The tree ID forum may be interesting but it's also too location specific and really there are great sites out there for identifying trees of NA, at least there used to be.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Badger on July 19, 2014, 05:13:35 pm
  The warbow forum worked out really good, has there been any consideration for a flight bow forum?
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: toomanyknots on July 19, 2014, 05:57:15 pm
The tree ID forum may be interesting but it's also too location specific and really there are great sites out there for identifying trees of NA, at least there used to be.

I think that would be a good idea just because it is a topic that comes up over and over again. I personally like how there is so much traffic on this site, your questions get answered real quick around here, and there is always someone to give advice.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: JonW on July 19, 2014, 06:47:08 pm
I would like a flight bow forum myself. Never dabbled in it but if I took on a new direction of bow making, flight bows are what I would try.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: bushboy on July 19, 2014, 08:18:46 pm
I like PA the way it is,the only thing I can would like is a BOOBOO area were people show there mistake so new guys can learn from them. IE.popped off handle,violated backs,fretts,bad use of tools, ect.....
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Joec123able on July 19, 2014, 08:32:02 pm
As a newbie I'll throw in my 2 cents. I get a lot of ideas and information from every level of builder here. To split them us kind of gives a beginner a "Us vs Them" feeling. It is hard enough for some people to ask questions to begin with. Also, who is the judge of who is advanced and who is not?

I agree with this then all "newbies" will be on that page while "experienced" on another I don't think that's a good Idea
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: owlbait on July 19, 2014, 09:32:55 pm
I like the mix here. I get answers and suggestions from the "Elite" and from everyone else like me. That makes me feel welcome. The search function is difficult for me, but I'm a slow learner with the computer AND building selfbows. :)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: paulsemp on July 19, 2014, 09:46:56 pm
Been on here for 4 years.... You can bookmark posts? How? I must not be to bright!
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: bubby on July 19, 2014, 10:57:58 pm
Been on here for 4 years.... You can bookmark posts? How? I must not be to bright!

I know better than that, with windows 7 you right click and a bar pops up at the bottom, theres a icon that look's like a pin, you click on that and it says pin to start or add to favorites
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: simson on July 20, 2014, 06:34:13 am
When I started this thread I never had in mind to seperate this site in a class A and a class B bowyering.
Just searching to get an easier follow to interesting threads.

I see most of you like it as it is, now then it should be as it is

Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Buckeye Guy on July 20, 2014, 06:08:59 pm
  The warbow forum worked out really good, has there been any consideration for a flight bow forum?

I can see that would be a good thing
they are 2 differant critters for sure
Title: re
Post by: Ink on July 20, 2014, 09:12:01 pm
I would also like to see a flight bow section. this last saturday i got to participate in my first clout shoot. Had a blast and was gonna look on more info about flight bows and such, rather difficult since my search engine thing has disappeared of the web page.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: dwardo on July 21, 2014, 11:30:06 am
I would like a finished bows sub section too. Would make it so much easier to search for inspiration as others have said.
Often a search for "white oak bow" for instance will pull up a load of threads not relative. Half of this is down to folk naming a thread "oak bow" when all it contains is a question "can a bow be make from white oak.

Not then end of the world if it doesn't happen. But it would leave the main forum for everything else.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Dances with squirrels on July 21, 2014, 10:08:28 pm
I like it the way it is. It's a good healthy mix, IMO. It doesn't make much difference to me, but if finished bows or flight bows were moved, I doubt I would ever go there.
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Pappy on July 22, 2014, 07:51:48 am
Getting it all hashed out I see. ;) :) Yep I like it the way it is, I didn't even like breaking out the cooking section,just one more thing to go to. ??? Flight section might be interesting,not sure how much traffic it would see,sure don't see much about them on here now. ;)
Title: Re: traffic on "bows"
Post by: Badger on July 22, 2014, 10:34:36 am
      I think you might see an entirely different group of posters along with some of the regulars in a flight shooting forum. It did play an important role in the resurgence of wood bows.