Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Pappy on June 09, 2014, 06:35:26 am
Had a good friend that shoot a Howard Hill style long bow ask if I would build him a bow several months back. i thought on it,don't do much of that and decided I would. i finely got it finished up and he drove in from ILL. Friday to pick it up [yall know I don't ship] ;) :) :) :) He has a long draw 29+ so I went with about the cleanest Osage I had every seen,it is 68 n-n 4 inch handle 1 1/2 fads, 1 1/2 about
12 inches out then tapered to less than 3/8 at the tips. Deer horn overlays. Pinned,never done that before but looks pretty cool.Kind of like knife scales. :) Snake skins,didn't have 2 so made do with one long one. Not sure what kind,we call them all Chicken snakes around here. ;) :) :) Jute wrap grip with leather added to the front for some handle build up.12 strand FF string with Beaver balls.54@28. 8 coats of rub on tru Oil finish with 2 coats of satin polly over that to dull it a bit. Hope you like. Miss Joanie really likes Paul and daughter Molly so she added one of her bow socks. :) :)
Few more pictures.
And the last ones. ;) :) Thought I would add this,I told yall he could shoot,won the IBO Trad. world/Primitive Class and also 1st in the Hunter Challenge with it this passed weekend at Cloverdale,IN. :) :)
Nice one, Pappy. Bet that's a sweet shooter.
Thanks Greg,ya it shot good for me and even better for him,cause he uses all the string as they say. ;) :)
Very nice Pappy. Great shape to it and I love the skins done like that.
Sweet bow!
Bet Paul's going love it !
That bend looks perfect. Looks like you set your big friend up nicely.
Nice one Pappy. I bet that guy can yank a stick back mighty fast!
Aw what the heck..I'll "waste" my 5000th post on this one....
Nice rig...fits him perfect... Nice bends too pappy.... :D... now where's my pappy bow? ??? I'm still waiting for one 8)
Pappy, that is a sweet bow, looks to be bending just right.
nice bow, look's great all around, bub
That one turned out great Pappy, the bow looks like it'll handle that long draw with ease. Not sure I'd ever wanna attempt to make a bow that could draw that far, I always flinch when I'm standing next to someone when they pull one that far back. :D
Sweet bow pappy!
Sweet looking bow! That turned out real nice.
I like it ! Nice job ,Pappy! Just finished reading your "Gator " article in this month's mag . Great stuff ! Thanks for sharing. 8)
Real nice bow. What an honor! Are those pins in the tips?
Classic lines Pappy - NICE ! Bob
Thanks Guys,ya Greg I hate building one with that long of a draw,but after 100 or more shots by him Friday it seemed to be still holding up nicely,take the flipped tips out of the mix and still had 1 1/2 of reflex and started with about 2 after I finished it and shot it in myself ,trying to overdraw it. :) Peacebow_Coos,yes they are pinned like a knife scale,I had one come off which usually don't happen but decided since it was for someone else I would be sure it stayed on,turned out looking pretty cool,at least to me and he really liked it so I guess that is all that matters. One of theses days Chris ;) :) Thanks lostarrow glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks again for the comments. ;) :)
Saw it on life is good and thought it was very cool! I like pinning the overlays idea ;D
Great job Pappy that draw is sweet. I'm working on one with a longer draw than I'm used to right now. I'm with Greg, but I have to try ::). Hope it looks a quarter as sweet as yours when I'm done. Great job again ;)
Man! That's a beauty Pappy! Lucky feller! Josh
Beautiful work on that long draw stick...Looks like you got a happy body guard there to ;)
That one turned out really nice.
That one sure turned out nice. We've got that same kind of rat snake down here. Those skins go good with that style of handle wrap. I have let them pass by in the past since I considered them a "good snake". After seeing this bow, they better crawl a little faster. :) Great looking bow Pappy.
Ya H Rhodes I usually do also, just needed this one. ;) :) Thanks guy for the comments,much appreciated. :) He called yesterday and is loving it,he plans on shooting it in Cloverdale this weekend. :)
Nice one
Nice work! I have a piece of osage I have been looking at making that same design with. Does osage lend its self that that howard hill style bow? Would you do it again?
Osage will make most any kind of bow,yes I have built a few with this kind of draw and will probably do it again,just don't care for it,most I build at least for myself is around 26 draw, and to be honest when I measure folks that want to build a bow they almost all say 28/29 but most come in at 25/26/ 27. Lots of folks say the draw 28/29 but truly very few really do,at least from what I have seen. ;) :)
Smooth, flowing lines that even a neophyte like me can see Pappy. Bows that are made to the shooter should last as long as short draw bows that are made to shoot and look pretty, especially with experienced bowyers like you crafting them. Superb work!
I added a picture he sent me this passed weekend. Pretty cool. I always said Paul could shoot and he proved it thid passed weekend,1st in IBO Trad. World Primitive Class and 1st in the Hunter Challenge they have at the event.Congrats Paul,proud of you. ;) :) :)
Very cool!! Congrats Paul! And congrats to you as well Pap ol buddy :) that was one fine piece of Osage expertly tillered.
quite an accomplishment for both of you !!
Bet that really warmed your heart! Good deal all around.
Ya Greg Paul is a great guy and good friend,glad he was able to put it all together for a weekend. :) :)
Good job Pappy, that was a pretty heavy bow for a target competition. He looks like a good size guy.
Ya he is about 6 / 2 or 3 and is use to shooting 60/65lbs so he is a little under bowed from what he is use to. ;) :)