Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: streamflyer on May 20, 2014, 09:48:08 am
Hey all. Just wanted to show off my very first bow. I dedicate this bow to JW Halverson who introduced me to this art. Thanks bud. Just in case you were wondering, no those weren't my first shots and no I probably can't repeat it. It was at 20 yards and after that I decided to stop for the day
Congrats man...what kinda wood? Stats?
Very cool. Even with JW help you manages to get a shootable bow. ;D (John knows he's loved ;) ) Keep those first 2 shot in your minds eye. They may come in handy again some day.
It's always great to see photos of people's first bows. You beat me by a mile!
Keep up the good work!
Very nice bow. Im surprised J-dub pulled that off, it doesn't have feathers or a beak! :)
Very nicely done, sir. Makes my first bow look real bad 8) It is amazing what ya did even with JW's "help" ::) ::) ::)
Dude, that's GREAT! I had to sweep up my first bow in order to throw it away...
great job on your first bow man. I'm curious what kind of wood and the specs. Nice work.
Suweet! My first has long since turned to embers and ashes :'(
Yep that's a bow, and a nice one at that, tell us more about the bow and building it with jw
Right on! Welcome. What wood is it?
Nice first bow. And you made it with JW's help....way to overcome the odds ;D Nice shooting too!
I'm guessing vine maple? If you peel the bark and let the sap dry it turns that golden color.
Looks like a great first bow to me!
Wow and WOW! Nice first bow awesome first, or four hundreth shots! JW was rumored to have once known a thing or two about bowyering. I see he gave some of those bits of know how to you!
Beautiful bow! Congratulations. Jawge
Good lookin stick..Nothin like your first shooter bow..Now we need to see JW finish one up... ::) ::)
Good job on your first, looks great. So that was our JW that helped ya? ???
Very nice wish my first looked that good!!!!!
Thanks guys. It is a hackberry bow that is 45lbs at 28 inches. I felt like a brain surgeon for a while there.
Impressive, first bow or tenth bow. Nicely done Sir! Josh