Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: VicNova on May 08, 2014, 09:37:10 pm
How does the tiller on this look? I shot this for a couple hours and there were no cracks are frets or anything. But then when I string and shoot it today, it blows up!
I built it from a maple board with a flat ringed cross section. There were no major runoffs of huge knots. I backed it with burlap.
Has anyone had any kind of problem like this with boards?
how long was the bow? and did you spend time breaking it in that is very important? ohand the tiller looks pretty good to me . is the right limb longer it looks that way?
My guess on the break is the right limb about 8-10 inches out. Sorry to hear about the blowout. Some dimensions and poundage might help the investigation.
The bow was 66" nock to nock.
It was 1.5" from handle to midlimb and then tapering to 1/2" tips
Yes I spent about an hour breaking it in.
It was 45# at 28" and I had drawn it all the way to 30" before shooting it.
Is your draw length 30"?
It broke in the right limb about right in the middle.
No my draw is 28" but I usually draw my bows farther to ensure that they won't break.
Don't do that!
Unless you are going to sell it.
If it's for you then only pull to your draw length. That 30 inch draw is not good for a 28 inch draw bow!
If you benchpressed the heaviest set of weights you could then somebody started adding weight whilst the bar was still wouldn't be very happy would you?! That's what you just did to your bow.
Also 1 1/2 is a little narrow.
No my draw is 28" but I usually draw my bows farther to ensure that they won't break.
Well you won't do that again! >:D
30" from a 66" bow with a stiff handle is pushing it rather.
I normally go 1" overdraw but just dynamically for a split second.
The tiller looks pretty good but I'd have guessed right limb would be the one to go as it's bending a tad harder.
Sorry about the blow up, but they are character forming ::)
It was probably underbuild and/or under designed. It is a bit too short, especially for a 30" draw. The handle and fades are rather long and stiff. With only 1½" wide, it was also a bit narrow. All things combined result in a broken bow...unfortunately.
The tiller looked pretty good, although both fades should bend a bit more. The first four inches of the limbs on either side of the handle was basically not bending at all.
Tiller looked good so grain run out is likely the issue. A picture of the break would help us diagnose.
No, no really any trouble with boards. Pay careful attention to grain on the edge and face. It has to be straight. Check my site.
I read your post last night and 1.5 sounded a little narrow. Sure enough I went back to the bowyer's bible and 1.5 is outside the norm for a maple bow. Based on the book try one 2" wide, carry it out to mid limb 2" wide then taper to 1/2" nocks. A 66", 2" wide maple board bow should be good up to about 60#.
Best of luck.
In the book when they say 66" were they talking nock to nock length or overall length?
Also, this bow took very little set and there was no signs of it being overstressed.
I forgot to say, I think you did an excellent job on the tiller. I think it boils down to asking too little wood to do too much work. I believe it is 66" nock to nock, I will double check tonight. If possible I recommend procuring yourself vol 1-4 of the bowyer's bible, I will always treasure mine. If not, at least get vol 1 and 2. You can get all four for $90 at 3 rivers, worth every penny. (
No I definitely have those books!
Was it volume one you were referring too in the performance section?
Yes Vol 1.