Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: rockrush69 on April 30, 2014, 09:01:25 pm

Title: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on April 30, 2014, 09:01:25 pm
hello I have not been on here in a long time however I am half Cherokee and I have been building bows for several years and suddenly it hit me, I have never built  A D BOW

Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: Danzn Bar on April 30, 2014, 09:20:43 pm
I'm sure someone will have some info on that after this weekend ....
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on April 30, 2014, 10:10:11 pm
I really just wanna know how wide they need to be at the handle and at the tipsthen again I probably should just let the boby come the bow work with the wood start of wide and work it down as small as I can get it that's probably how it was traditionally done I know for a fact that they did not have tape measures a thousand years ago lol
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on April 30, 2014, 10:52:12 pm
I have not cut the dimensions of the bow in yet but I have laid it out with a pencil and this is what I have so far I have 2 inches at the handle and then this it remains the same until 9 inches before the tips then it fades gradually  To 1 inch at the tips I buy a rated the growth rings at the end of my staVe so I had to cut the stave down from 58 Inches to only 50 inches (I did this rather than chase a new ring :(  ) .. hopefully I am still able to make a good d Bow from this piece of mullberry the last mulberry bow I made was 57" and had a sudberry style handle and it pulled to 26" draw and was 55# soooo... I think with the bending handle this will work.  I will post some pics tomorrow :) once I cut it out to ruff shape .
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: bubby on May 01, 2014, 03:36:59 am
mulberry is osages little cousin and just has to be a tad wider, personally I wouldn't go wider than 1 3/8" especially at that length, most of the native bows I've seen had tips close to 3/4" wide and a  rectangular cross section, I have a halfeye bow and it's ash and 1 1/4" at the handle so 1 3/8" should be plenty
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: Peacebow_Coos on May 01, 2014, 04:35:27 am
I've always heard that, that mulberry is good stuff.  Try it out man, if bubby says.  What kind of thickness taper are you thinking?
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on May 01, 2014, 09:01:42 am
OK cool thanks for the measurements !!! I was thinking it was gonna be to wide . And yep this will be about my 7th mulberry bow I was lucky enough to ask ally friends on Facebook if anyone had a mulberry tree I could come cut on. 3 people replied 2 had nice trees I ended up with like 14 staves about 9 of which were good for bow making lol and only about 2 that were a lot of heart wood.  This stave is one . I chased a ring about 4 rings down and found some heartwood mixed with sapwood on that ring so I exposed it :) I must say though a lot of the myths about you can only use the sapwood have proven to be wrong yes the sapwood might be a little harder but 6 out of 7    Bows       I have made have been all sappy wood and shoot    incredible
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on May 01, 2014, 09:03:44 am
As for thickness I don't know yet I'll have to let the bow tell me that I guess I'll reduce until it tillered and at my goal weight hopefully 50#
Title: Re: mulberry Cherokee d bow measurments ?
Post by: rockrush69 on May 01, 2014, 09:06:58 am
I meant heart wood is hardeder . Pffft my phone does not like typing on this sight