Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: nflbowhunter on April 29, 2014, 10:39:10 pm
Im having trouble steam bending a bow i have steam bended bows before with great success but this bow does not want to straighten I have steamed it for 30 minutes rushed to the tree and it dont do a thing any help or ideas would be great.
What kind of wood?
I built a Hackberry a while back that would not bend. I first tried it with a heat gun. No bueno. I steamed it later and the tips would take no bend, maybe 1/2 inch at most after repeated attempts. I finally broke the last 6 inches of the tip off trying to get it to bend. Cant tell you why. Other Hackberrys have bent like a wet noodle. This one was different. ??
Not quite sure but I could get a picture of the tree if that would help :-\ and.the bend is In the last 9 inche of the bow
Boil it.
Boil it.
I have had good luck with that as dry is it???
I've been boiling them wrapped in a cotton cloth/rag, it seems to help it retain the heat better
if its crepe myrtle, it does not like to be bent at all, very stubborn stuff
the stave had been split and shaped in February and im pretty sure it not crepe myrtle
It really is a good idea to ID a tree before you cut it. How do you know it will make a bow?
Then when you don't know something about it people can give you a meaningful answer!