Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: lukelawrence171 on April 07, 2014, 08:39:35 pm

Title: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: lukelawrence171 on April 07, 2014, 08:39:35 pm
Just within the past few days I have chopped and split over 45 osage staves but I have some questions on how I should store them.

What is a cheap way to keep the bugs out of the staves ?

Is it safe to store some in my attic?

Would paint work to seal the ends to stop checking?

 Just want to take extra care because the last batch of staves I had got messed up by bugs
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: SLIMBOB on April 07, 2014, 08:52:19 pm
Nice haul!  I don't have any bug problems on my Osage when I store it inside the garage. I don't put anything on it. If it's outside in an open shed I can't spray it often enough to keep the critters off. So I keep it all indoors. I will typically use Elmer's glue to seal the ends. I have used latex paint and various other sealers and most anything that will form a moisture barrier will work.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Bogaman on April 07, 2014, 09:45:40 pm
Elmers is good if it's kept in a dry area. I use the waterproof titebond on about everything now. Shelac and paint will work. I know it would be a lot of work with that many staves, but I would peel the bark and sapwood before storing. It'll eliminate most of the pest problems. Like slimbob said, try putting it inside if possible. You're asking for trouble if you store it in a shed. Some attics have wasps in them. They like laying their eggs in staves with bark on them. The larva will bore holes in your wood. I don't like using pesticides so that is one of the reasons I debark and remove the sapwood. I will then also seal the back as well as the ends.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 09, 2014, 07:14:20 pm
I am with Bogaman on this one, peeled and sealed its the only way to insure you won't have bug damage. I mix Diazanon spray strong enough to have the EPA come after me when I have staves I don't feel like removing the bark and sapwood from, it keeps bugs at bay most of the time but there are exceptions.

After going crazy cutting osage early on and working one full month debarking and removing sapwood from one pile I cut, I changed my game plan; I never put more osage on the ground than I can split and peel in a few days. Sure makes things a lot easier and I never loose a stave to bugs.

More advice; buy a quart of shellac, best sealer bar none and super easy to scrape off the backs of your staves when you want to make a bow.

Your attic will be too hot this summer to store green staves in, I tried it and lost every stave to cracks. Of course this was an Alabama summer and it gets HOT.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Pappy on April 10, 2014, 06:11:32 am
I'm with the others,peel and seal,not easy but you ask for cheap, I use watered
down wood glue for sealing and it works just fine. After it is seasoned and I get ready to steam or bend I scrap off the glue and seal the back wit polly. Looks like a nice haul. :)
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Badger on April 10, 2014, 06:47:23 am
  That is some valuable wood, I would peel off the sapwood and bark, seal the back and ends. Once you get going it doesn't take all that long.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: lukelawrence171 on April 11, 2014, 07:33:18 pm
Thanks guys , I forgot to mention I also cut down a bunch of mulberry  is there anything you have to do different with those staves
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: BOWMAN53 on April 11, 2014, 07:48:48 pm
well the best way to store them is in my closet. lol
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: chamookman on April 12, 2014, 05:18:41 am
Treat the Mulberry the same as Osage. Bob
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Del the cat on April 12, 2014, 08:24:09 am
Send it all the me in the UK >:D, our bugs are far better behaved don'cha know? O:)
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 12, 2014, 10:01:44 am
One more thing; If you have thick staves you can split off the bark and sapwood much easier than you can peal it with a draw knife. You might loose a ring or two of heart wood  but it save you a lot of back breaking work.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: lukelawrence171 on April 12, 2014, 09:37:00 pm
thanks again guys ill try a little bit of everything because and see what works best id like to make a few sapwood bows so ill leave a few with the bark on and throw some diesel on the back i heard that works good.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Hamish on April 13, 2014, 09:30:41 pm
You will be pretty safe if you roughly axe off the bark then give the backs a couple of good coats with pva glue. Bugs can technically still get in the sapwood but usually don't, if you keep them indoors. Its the bark where the bug's eggs hide.
If you look over the staves once a week or so you can pick up any problems before they get serious, as sapwood is pretty obvious when a bug attacks.

Over time you can either work some staves down to a chosen ring, or sell them off with still healthy sapwood.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 14, 2014, 12:27:54 am
Don't leave the sapwood on with the bark off, you will be sorry. I should have taken pictures of all the well sealed sapwood that checked on me over the years. I do have a complete haul under the house with sapwood left on under 4 coats of shellac, all of it checked.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Pappy on April 14, 2014, 08:14:45 am
That is what I have found also Eric,If I remover the bark I always remove the sap wood at the same time. :) Some folks use the sap wood and I have on really small trees but not unless I have to. :)
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: SLIMBOB on April 14, 2014, 08:30:14 am
Yep, leaving the sap wood is no bueno in my book.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Hamish on April 14, 2014, 08:49:23 pm
I have had no trouble with sapwood left on  provided the quarters weren't from a large dia log, and left that way. I always split into staves/billets, piggy back splits,  to minimize tangential shrinkage when drying, rather than leave oversized quarters. I also prefer PVA rather than shellac, as its thicker yet has  more flexibility.
 The problem you potentially have is that you have quite a few staves and that is a lot of work, unless you leave the bark on and hope for the best regarding bug attacks. Never tried the diesel on bark, hope it works good. It can be daunting to do a lot of staves in one hit if you haven't done it before. The more experienced you become the quicker you get. Admittedly I usually end up taking all the sapwood off eventually if there are good heartwood rings below. I only really leave the sapwood on because it gives me a bit more time without having to worry about bugs starting holes, before taking them down to the final growth ring, if I don't have the time right there and then.
 A lot of successful seasoning comes down to the climate of where you live, and how you store the wood.
A friend of mine lives about 50miles away, but is at a much higher altitude. He has no trouble drying timber without checking, pretty much seals the endgrain and leaves in large sections. It is significantly hotter in summer where I live, 10-15 deg Celcius  and doing the same thing without extra precautions of breaking the timber down into smaller thicknesses results in heavy checking for me.
     You will do fine.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: lukelawrence171 on April 15, 2014, 04:19:18 pm
Thanks like I said I will try some different things because I would like to try some different bows but I think I will be ok leaving the sapwood on if I keep it in the shed I don't even seal all of my staves and I had never had one crack so I think I will be ok if not I'll only do It once :-\.
Title: Re: Questions on seasoning osage staves
Post by: Bogaman on April 15, 2014, 09:58:02 pm
Luke, If you take off the bark to the sapwood and don't seal the back you will be sorry. The sapwood will check in a heartbeat if not sealed while it is drying out.