Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: 2014_Trade_Runner on February 03, 2014, 03:14:11 pm
lets see what you guys are working on. post lots of pics, it helps keep these trades interesting and makes the time go by faster.
Me(B53) and JW split the list and will be dealing with only the people on our list. i signed all the messages i sent out with your victims name. if you see my name on there then i would like you to only contact me.
well, im gonna wait till taxes come in so i can get some good material.
Got my name and all I can say is.... hahaha >:D
got my name suckers >:D poor guy wont know what hit him
hurry up JW i want my name lol :P
can't wait to get my name
Got mine. Thanks for running things this year Jordan and JW
your welcome
Here is what I will be building save any catastrophic tillering failures, it will be decrowned with a flat back and a slightly rounded belly and backed with deer rawhide. I am just waiting on some specs to start. Right now it is 60 inches long and 2 inches wide and about 3/4 inch thick through the limbs.
thats got some beautiful color
Alright, here we go...decisions decisions...
Names been drawn and I've got his specs. Poor fella :( and after all of his contributions on here you would think they could have given him to a qualified bowyer.
I got my name. Will start going through my stash to see what I can come up with for my recipient.
Everyone, please keep Jordan or JW posted with your progress. It can gets pretty frustrating for them if you don't. Let them know each month and you can prevent their nerves from fraying. ;)
I got my name. Will start going through my stash to see what I can come up with for my recipient.
Everyone, please keep Jordan or JW posted with your progress. It can gets pretty frustrating for them if you don't. Let them know each month and you can prevent their nerves from fraying. ;)
+1 thank you pat lol
Got my name, here we go.
I didn't get my name :'(
WHOOOOOO HOOOOO got my name, let the research begin!
I didn't get my name :'(
me neither, JW is a lil busy right now.
WHOOOOOO HOOOOO got my name, let the research begin!
. Ahh quit rubbing it in. LOL. No name here yet.
yeah he's probably dodging giant arrows as we speak
Got my name thanks bm!got one tiller out over the weekend and half shot in ,maple lever type,gonna keep making them and send the one I want to keep the most!lol!
Got my name! Woohoo!. Its hard to decide to build something they've said they like, or something they might not have. Hmmmm. Either way, cast comes off next Monday morning, so I'll have two hands again! Yippee! Then I'll have to start making the hard decisions.
Tonite, as time allows, I will send out your willing victim's username. I doubt any of you will need an address yet this evening, so your addresses for shipping, etc will arrive over the next day or so. I will also include fax numbers and email addresses so you can fax or email your bow to save on postal charges.
Got mine to pick a stave to start on.............decisions decisions.............
Tonite, as time allows, I will send out your willing victim's username. I doubt any of you will need an address yet this evening, so your addresses for shipping, etc will arrive over the next day or so. I will also include fax numbers and email addresses so you can fax or email your bow to save on postal charges.
Jw your ability to sound so seriously when you make jokes confuses the heck out of me lol.
Going to do some research on my recipient this week and if all goes as planned I'll start this weekend.
Tonite, as time allows, I will send out your willing victim's username. I doubt any of you will need an address yet this evening, so your addresses for shipping, etc will arrive over the next day or so. I will also include fax numbers and email addresses so you can fax or email your bow to save on postal charges.
Whats the length limits for email or fax? ::)
I have my targets name, you poor poor man hahaha hahaha hahaha HAHAHA!!!
I have mine too, but no stats? Where's their draw and weight?
I have exceeded the limit for private messages, betcha didn't know this forum had a limit? Prevents spammers from working us over. Be patient, I will get your details out to you soon.
That happened to me too
got my victim!!!!!
mmmwahahahaaaaaaaaa >:D >:D >:D i got *********'s name!!! yer dead meat buddy!!! >:D >:D >:D ;D
I don't have a name to receive stats for ???
Target acquired.
Ah, there we go. Poor guy >:D
If any of the following do not have the details on their recipient, please send a private message to MY username, JW_Halverson.
OOOHHH YEAHHH! Let the games begin!
So got a stave from a trade with pearly. A beauteous piece of yeller wood. Had some time in the garage to get her started and roughed out.
Got my name! I'll start this weekend with a piece of yeller wood.
I have my name, too. Hopefully this weekend or next I will be able to make a run to some shady wood dealer I have hooked up with, LOL. J/K
For the record you need a looooong trench coat to sell bow staves in a back alley.
yay! got my name! poor guy lol
Got my name . Here we go!
well, I was asleep at the wheel this year, missed out. ::) will be watching everyones progress.
Man I wanna just wanna make this bow, like take a week off from work! Lol, I've done some research and hopefully I do the man justice. I'm still trying to kick this static kick I'm on! He's also into those so who knows. Pearly did me justice on this stick.
Wow Blafair2, did you give pearldrums real gold for that gold? Looks like perfection in every way.
Here is what I am working on. hhb, osage, and hickory.
i say keep that profile and make a fast D bow. fastest bow i ever made was real simple like that, and i really regret giving it away.
that hhb looks awesome rps
Bot those are looking sweet. :)
still thinking of a design, been watching some howard hill clips on youtube, maybe. or maybe a static recurve. or maybe ill just send the hickipe molle im working on now.
Design was easy; doesn't look like the guy has a mollegabet yet ;)
I've got one roughed, steamed, almost ready to floor tiller but no blended knocks. I'm almost considering starting again already so I can send some blended knocks :o
Sweet bows! I'll take the HHB ;0) I'm going for a simple flat bow. Probly some flex
Wow Blafair2, did you give pearldrums real gold for that gold? Looks like perfection in every way.
It was the best stave in my stash as promised Bob. I think we both did okay on this one!
still ruminatin. ???
Well, I needed some kindling for the stove so I thought I'd get out to the garage and make some. Pretty stuff. Any guesses? Don't worry, It's not ERC ;)
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Got a load full and realized I was holdin a ruffed out bow.
I can't put my hand on anything pacific... Could yew give us a clue?
Actually I don't have a guess, doesn't look like anything I use so I'm clueless ;)
The bark looks a little like juniper to me
firewood? ;D
Come on now Mr. Pearlie. You making this look easy ;)
Ive built a few doobs.
going with a high reflex i think. I enjoy making those, always another challenge. oh got my name but no other specifics other than what i was able to rumage up on my own.
used every clamp ya own..didnt ya!?
jw is gonna send out all the other info soon. but like you said, all the info you need can be found with a lil research.
going with a high reflex i think. I enjoy making those, always another challenge. oh got my name but no other specifics other than what i was able to rumage up on my own.
Wow that's a lot of reflex
Good looking starts already. Still havnt decided what wood or style to work on yet.
Holy reflex!
I pulled a nice HHB stave from my stash. It is from Twin Oaks, King Ron gave it to me a few years ago. Thinking about another ALB. We'll see how it evolves. ;)
HHB is saweeeet, my Molly was sweet I was making till I sanded through a ring and it popped a limb :'( so strong
I've done a few HHB bows and was very impressed with it.
Ink -wow- that's a lot of reflex. Gonna be a beast to brace. Love to see a video of the first attempt.
Got my victims name. Got a few ideas bouncing around in my head.
I'd like to throw out a question for you all. I've got a few really, really old fence posts off a farm my brother just purchased. I've been dying to make an old fence post bow. But, lately I've been getting back into the laminated recurve bows... So which bow would you prefer to come home to??? Just curious, and just for fun. What do ya all think?
Tattoo Dave
If it were my choice I'd rather have the old hedge post made into a bow. Nothing against laminates, I've seen some mighty nice ones, but no comparison in character IMO.
fence post...just would be a cool tale to tell.
i just glued up 56 '' long wenge belly walnut core hickory back gonna do a molly curve for my unlucky someone. there is extra wenge on the lever
Ink -wow- that's a lot of reflex. Gonna be a beast to brace. Love to see a video of the first attempt.
Haha Russ, shoulda seen all the different shades my face was turning when I braced my first high reflex bow. Prietty sure I killed a few brain cells from the lack of oxygen. :laugh:
im thinkin hickory might be good to start with....
Fence post
Fence post would be kool but if I am the target I dont have a laminate bow an have been eyeing them for a while :laugh: >:D
I hope I ink got me, I course use a yeller boomerang!! That's sweet
I'd like the fence post. I'd love to tell the guys I'm bringing my fence post next time we go shooting, then show up and out-shoot them all >:D
That's assuming I can shoot worth a bean, though
I'd take the fence post bow over a lam bow any day. Going from stave to bow is more accomplished(IMO) than building wood lam samich. ;D (I've done both so its OK for me to say that ;) )
Well, I've got the backup almost caught up to plan A on account of waiting for overlays to dry (I don't like overlays, much prefer blended tips using additional rings). This one has plenty of wood for faded rings and a bit more character than plan A, but plan A is still safer and therefore plan A.
Making me feel lazy guys.
I got a couple of black locust rouhged out and chase tonight. I also have a quarter sawn piece of sycamore that I am going to back with hickory. Still not sure what to do for my victim though. I'll post some pics tomorrow.
I know I dont post on here much. so to make this easy on whoever pulled my name. Just make whatever you are best at making. I like all kinds of bows, so just send something that you would shoot.
anyways as an update, huisme inspired me to start a backup bow just incase. I'll be starting the reflexing on that one tonight. I'll post pics of the two together when i' done
I feel pretty stupid, but what does "ttt" mean?
tip to tip............. lol jk "to the top"
I think next bow trade everyone should snap a pic of all the bows they own and post somewhere so we can try to give 'em something new. just a thought.
Worked on a BL stave today, got it almost all down to one ring. made me miss working sassafras and hickory! wrists are hurting pretty good from this one!
Well that answers my question. Thanks for the input fellas! Fence post bow will be plan A, plan B will be a laminate recurve. I've got 3 other bows i'm in the middle of. Once those are out the door, i'll start on the trade bow.
I agree with you Ink!! Whoever pulled my name, just make whatever you like and would shoot. I'll be happy with whatever I get!!!
Tattoo Dave
I know I dont post on here much. so to make this easy on whoever pulled my name. Just make whatever you are best at making. I like all kinds of bows, so just send something that you would shoot.
Ink really has that Primitive Archer attitude figured out, don't he?
Is there anyone left that did not receive the full information for their intended victim? If so, drop me a private message!
I will be one to say that anything will please me, If someone took the time to make me something I would be proud of it even if it is just a stick with a string on it.
X2 . Grady . As long as they pour there heart into making it . It is all good.
Worked on back up stave today,hic backed cherry. got it floor tillered but now wondering if the hic back might over power the cherry. anybody else do a cherry hic, or have a backing over do the core? Symptoms i should look for?
Well did some work today......removing some wood. Picked a crepe mrytle stave.
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man your lucky that you can go outside to work on your bow, right now it's -1 outside and it's dropping again, it
was -13 this morning. i went through my stash this morning and it looks like i've got a set of osage billets from cippy and a few ash staves, and some black locust, i've also got some osage that a buddy pulled out of his brothers wood pile, he said this log has been laying on the ground for 7 or 8 years and now i've had it for 2 so i'm thinkin it's maybe about time to make this hunk of gold into a bow. anyways i think i'm gonna start with the ash i cut it 11 months ago and roughed it out last summer so it's probably fairly dry.
Well did some work today......removing some wood. Picked a crepe mrytle stave.
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i want to try crepe myrtle, its all over the place here but its all city property.
awesome selection in wood beetle. Was just eyeballing some the other day. dont think my neighbor would like me pruning his tree though. May need to do a night raid to get it >:D
If you ared planning on raiding the city park for bow wood, be sure to wear all the necessary safety gear including one of those lime green reflective vests. Then have two other guys dressed the same, but make sure neither one of them is working in any capacity whatsoever.
NOBODY will think it is anything but their tax dollars at work. >:D
hahaha JW.......yep it was 74 here out and soaked up some sun. I am leaving the slight s shape to will work out to be perfect center shot. I had originally laid this out as a stiff handle a while back, but for my guy it will be a bendy handle, 63" long now.
If you ared planning on raiding the city park for bow wood, be sure to wear all the necessary safety gear including one of those lime green reflective vests. Then have two other guys dressed the same, but make sure neither one of them is working in any capacity whatsoever.
NOBODY will think it is anything but their tax dollars at work. >:D
for some reason you sound like you have experiance with this? :o ;D
Man I am Jel-Us of that weather. Been hovering around zero here for a while now. Had numb toes by the time this was hacked out.
62" t-t rhamnus cathartica (buckthorn) with 1.5" natural reflex.
Came from a 3" sapling that I cut last spring and left bark on. I stuck it in the shower for about a minute and let it sit for about 5 more and the outher bark started to peel itself off.
After that I rubbed off the inner bark with a leather glove with. It was kinda like tough dark corn silk.
Took it in the shower with me and a stiff brush and got off the rest of the debris. Hope my victim doesn't feel violated ;)
I think I thee a buckthorn buck thlayer in thomeoneth future!
I think I thee a buckthorn buck thlayer in thomeoneth future!
JWs been drinkin again lol
Thufferin thuckatash JW, I thure hope tho!!
And who was the thorry thon-of-a-thomething that put the letter "eth" in the middle of the word lithp? That'th jutht thickening!
DuBois, If you plan to use any of those Thomas Train Tracks make sure you back it...most of them have a lot of grain runoff. :)
I know this because I have found myself observing the grain patterns on all things made of any type of wood, LOL. (Hmmm....I bet I could get at least 3 bows out of the back of this church pew....)
Oh, and I have a piece of hackberry I have been sketching limb dimensions on for the last two days. I hope to have this ready as a backup just in case someone has life rare up and kick them in the teeth.
Here are a couple of BL staves, with the exception of the far left which is sycamore. I am trying to decide a plan a and b. I am getting excited about all of these staves. Especially the one that my victim gets. I will get more done soon.
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Matt go ahead and take that one second from the left and make a bendy handle bow and send it to me. Even if you didn't draw me :)
I like that one with the big ol' knots :o I haven't split a stave like that in a long time.
Looking good guys!
I'm with the others on here. If you drew my name make whatever tickles your fancy. That's part of the fun of this, the not knowing and ability to have and shoot something different that is someone else's handiwork.
DuBois, If you plan to use any of those Thomas Train Tracks make sure you back it...most of them have a lot of grain runoff. :)
I know this because I have found myself observing the grain patterns on all things made of any type of wood, LOL. (Hmmm....I bet I could get at least 3 bows out of the back of this church pew....)
I know man, I keep thinking maybe the long curved ones would work for siyahs on a composite. (Like I would need any more help messing up a composite ::))
I say go for it on the pew wood. What's the worst that could happen? >:D >:D >:D >:D
1+ on what DGF said. Don't try to tailor it to me too much. Just do what you love to do and I'm sure I'll love it.
I guess I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Sure my Vic won't mind.
That is AWESOME! You sure it's not pronounced "Dew Boyz" ? >:D >:D >:D
I guess I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Sure my Vic won't mind.
i think your getting a little off track. lol.
That is AWESOME! You sure it's not pronounced "Dew Boyz" ? >:D >:D >:D
Hey there Onebow, I may be in the heart of catholic country, but I'm no priest O:)
Had to bring everything into the house, all that cold weather everyone's been complaining about finally hit me like a ton of bricks :o
The overlays are on with a clean glue line, roughly shaped, knocked, and I'm really to start refining the floor tiller.
I guess I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Sure my Vic won't mind.
Love those flipped tips! And the nocks come pre-made!! BONUS!
Now I wanna out hooks on this thing! Lol. I'm hooked :P
Got my guys slice of gold floor tillered and I am going to do a little heat correcting this evening. . Looks and sounds like a lot are making progress .
Just had some pin knots pop out of a static area. The sound scared me silly. I do love my black locust ::)
If some random person is wondering, I'd be happy with anything, especially anything new.
Worked on back up stave today,hic backed cherry. got it floor tillered but now wondering if the hic back might over power the cherry. anybody else do a cherry hic, or have a backing over do the core? Symptoms i should look for?
Symptoms you should look for.... Start with : Snap, crackle, and pop! 8)
Worked on back up stave today,hic backed cherry. got it floor tillered but now wondering if the hic back might over power the cherry. anybody else do a cherry hic, or have a backing over do the core? Symptoms i should look for?
Symptoms you should look for.... Start with : Snap, crackle, and pop! 8)
HA :laugh:
If I remember correctly the u-finish bow I purchased from Dan Quillian years ago was hickory backed cherry. It was an amazing bow and got me thinking self bow instead of F/G. Probably the main reason I started making my own.
Plan A looks like a bow. It has knocks, a handle, levers and limbs, and there's even a string!
It's a tillering string, but it's a string.
And it's cold.
8) dang good lookin
Yep, just stalked 80% of my target's history. Mollegabet confirmed >:D
Last little update for the night: does the glue look okay?
Whooooooooooowee! whoever you have your sights on is getting hit with a fine bow my friend.
Also thanks for the BL pointers!
I'm trying, been a little while since I've used glue for anything besides leather and twine!
You're welcome, can't wait to see what you nail some poor fool with ;)
Sweet Molle, someone is gonna love it.
No doubt! That thing is lookin fine!
Last night I put black walnut on the Osage for tip overlays . Hoping to get her all tillered and shooting this weekend . So if you was getting a Osage bow from me would you want it all dressed up or just a grip and let the rest of the Osage show . I know I love the looks of an all Osage bow. By dressing up I am talking about different color wraps and maybe stained a bit. What do you guys prefer? Ideally what would "-+*; prefer? I just love the all wood look with sage
Bob, that is your call.
I personally just love bows. Bows of all kinds. Huisme that thing is looking sharp.
Last night I put black walnut on the Osage for tip overlays . Hoping to get her all tillered and shooting this weekend . So if you was getting a Osage bow from me would you want it all dressed up or just a grip and let the rest of the Osage show . I know I love the looks of an all Osage bow. By dressing up I am talking about different color wraps and maybe stained a bit. What do you guys prefer? Ideally what would "-+*; prefer? I just love the all wood look with sage
Like I tell the cook at the Mexican restaurant. Just make it how you would for yourself.
It is great to be part of this years trade, and it looks like a fine variety of bows are being made. I am personally enjoying working on 3 different bows at the same time. The hickory and hhb are trapped and tempered and the osage still in an early stage. Will see which one makes the cut.
Something unique about a simple selfbow. Kinds like a woman. A good one doesn't have to wear makeup and get all dressed up to show her beauty.
I agree. I like flashy, don't get me wrong. Something about simplicity gets me. I like the old style statics the best. It's like the hot chick with glasses. Gets me every time
Well I'm sorry I've missed this one. Took some time off of the internet and just worked in the shop. Mostly just been flintknapping. But you can be sure I'm going to be watching this one. Always love the trades.
A few osage staves, a BL, a HHB, and a long Red oak board for a backed ELB style...Alright its getting to be last call, which little number wants to come home with me tonight? >:D :laugh:
Thought I better have a plan B so the previously started Mulberry bow is in the running.
58" t-t with shagbark hick overlays (got a tad of heartwood in em :D)
ooooo thats a nice plan b
If you don't end up using plan B you could always send it to me ;)
That plan B is a pretty looking number.
I like all of those staves going to be tough to pick just one.
It looks like my floor tiller was pretty close but no cigar. Upper limb is a little stiff at the inner fade which is making it a tiny bit stronger than the bottom limb. I hope to have a slight positive tiller once I correct things, but I don't know if this thing is long enough to take the weight it'll be at when that's done. It's close to seventy inches, if I'm not mistaken.
I've got those tips shaped and sanded, temporary coat of finish because it's pretty, and the tips do my favorite thing about BL overlays!
Is it a white-ish overlay...
Or definitely a brown overlay?
Either way, the levers are thin enough for now and I'm working away at the tiller.
well thats cool
That is looking good huisme . I got the tips on the Osage and all shaped and floor tiller was pretty close . She is on about a 3 inch brace right now . And pulling a few inches. Everything is looking good.
All are looking good I'm still narrowing down my wood choices, down to three elm, BL, or osage.
I don't think I've seen anybody working on elm n this trade. I vote elm (not that you asked :D)
Sure it will be cool whichever you go with.
Lookin good huisme ;)
Hmmnn... I got a huge elm stave from Flintwalker a couple of Classics ago..ya got me thinkin... Brian
Ok got my guys piece of gold all tillered this morning and shooting. Shot about 20 or so out of it. Man does it thump an arrow . I don't know if I want to send this one out to my unsuspecting victim . Might have to make another . This thing shoots to good. Lol . If all goes as planned I will have the final sanding ( that is not much) and burnish it and get some true oil on her .and a grip and she may be on the way to her new owner next week so its almost porch watching time . I am going to let %#/:;/ post the first pictures of the bow
You guys are making me feel way behind already. Have one to finish before i can start my trade bow. Have overlays drying right now and hope to start shooting it and doing final tiller adjustments tomorrow. Hopefully i can start on my victims bow next weekend.
You guys are making me feel way behind already. Have one to finish before i can start my trade bow. Have overlays drying right now and hope to start shooting it and doing final tiller adjustments tomorrow. Hopefully i can start on my victims bow next weekend.
You know the turtle wins in the end, right? ;)
I got kinda ill overnight, got plan A to a four inch brace and that's where it'll be until I feel like using tools again.
Don't feel bad turtle. I have 3 to finish up before I get started on my trade bow.
Tattoo Dave
Two bows and two knives to finish before I really get into my victims weapon. Glad Im not the only one lagging behind these speedy hares!
Hope you get to feeling better Huisme . That bow your working on is looking sweet.
Me too. If I could have gotten away with it I would have worked in bed, but I guessed shavings would be no fun to sleep with. I guess I'd have no way to check tiller either, 'cept for by looking at the brace.
I just need a tarp and a mirror by my bed >:D
Nah, I should be back at it tomorrow. Monday at the latest. I've at least got a build along, trade bow, and a bow for display to tiller, and let me tell you they're nagging me.
I just need a tarp and a mirror by my bed >:D
HEY! Let's keep this family friendly!
man...feelin a little turtleish still ruminating..but its lookin erc ish
Hey, what's the hurry?
Maybe I should just start pounding some moose legs. 8) >:D ;) ;)
My old dog Kato just got diagnosed with bone cancer in his front leg so if he gets to go swimming again we'll be doing good.
I believe one of his last wishes would be for another sinew bow (he loves scraggly scraps)
Guess I better honor his desires.
Hey, what's the hurry?
Maybe I should just start pounding some moose legs. 8) >:D ;) ;)
My old dog Kato just got diagnosed with bone cancer in his front leg so if he gets to go swimming again we'll be doing good.
I believe one of his last wishes would be for another sinew bow (he loves scraggly scraps)
Guess I better honor his desires.
Kato, like the rest of us in here, has a natural deadline. The bow trade deadline is a little more artificial. If your recipient thinks their bow is more important than Kato, their priorities need reorganizing. But I don't think we have anyone like that on this year's list.
Well I wasn't in any hurry. But did have time on my hands . So I did manage to get the bow shot in and got true oil on and a leather grip. So she is all done and ready to head north west . I might get it packaged up and ready to go tonight. Or I may just look at it for a few days. I hope my recipient likes it.
Don't worry JW, this won't stop the trade bow being made, it will just mean a longer wait for the sinew to dry ;D And, Kato already stole one moose leg when I wasn't lookin. Found him chompin away half through it.
Hey Bob, you do gotta get it done when the opportunity presents. Good job getting after it. You may be the first bow out 8) 8) 8)
well bob..think ya narrowed the expectant recipient list...less ya live at the tip of florida...lmbo
Its all Chris,s ( blackhawks) fault . I turn into a mad man when I rip into a stave. I can't stop till its finished . Its a sickness I caught from Chris.
Yeah it narrows it down just a tad there is still a lot north west of me.
Well I'm sending mine to the left of my current position. How's that for telling >:D
And here I thought I'd be the first to ship. Turns out I was a hundred arrows behind when I got sick ::)
not funny...not funny at all huisme. >:D
All I've done is picked out the stave, HHB. We have a few snow days coming up so I'll get in the shop then.
You guys look like you'll have yours sent before I even decide which piece of wood to use. I'm trying to finish 2 kids bows and a couple of my own before entering the next stage.
We just got out first snow in Grays Harbor. Not my favorite weather, and being sick makes it feel worse.
Still got a little bit of scraping done.
well i got the back up bow ready to roll after it reaclimates
still gotta flip the tips though
Good lord that's allot of reflex..
Good lord that's allot of reflex..
nah it'll lose over half of it. should keep about 3 inches or so if i do my part right
That kind of reflex and flipped tips :o
Impressive goals man.
once yah figure out the process its not really to impressive huisme. Theres a lot of good info on this forum that i have researched to help me along the way. I will say this though, they are hell to string. But the side profile is just sweet on them, and they can fling a wicked arrow. Course i've also only been successful with osage in this type of design. Elm and other white woods is a whole different beast all together. Still doing research on those woods.
Got the bow packaged in a PVC tube and the address put on. Going in the mail in the morning.
i'm still in the thinkin' mode, i'm working on a buckthorn stave and I have some mulberry, or a Blackhawk kinda sorta mollie, maybe pop a cold one and decide later got most all summer
dang hunterbob, your one motivated individual
I think I have decided to do a yew take-down long bow. I am still thinking about plan b.
I would love to get a yew bow. Never had the pleasure to work with yew.
I've had the pleasure of breaking two perfectly good staves before I knew what good tiller looked like :o
A yew bow would be fantastic, something round-bellied to go with all the mollegabets and flat character bows.
Not that that should effect anyone's decisions making a bow for me, I'd rather have a labor of love than a custom order :o
My victim might get some family art on their bow! I was working in the wood shop with my son and I (like a genius) gave him a marker to color on his board he "works" on. I look back and three stave have a very signature design on them... "look a daddy I make a lettas" so either down a growth ring or a seal of approval to the target. ::) :D :laugh:
I vote for seal of approval.
Neo, That's awesome, funny stuff. Who doesn't love kids art! I say leave the kids artwork on it, gives it a little more character. I'd be happy with it.
Tattoo Dave
Alright, Decision has been made. My victim has almost the same specification requirements as I do so this should go fairly smooth. The wood has been chosen. I do most all of my bow making outdoors so as soon as the weather begins to cooperate the journey will begin.
kid art permanently on a bow...cannot get more "personal" than keep it on where ya can!
I got no problem with kid art 😃
Well I got a ring chased on a 55" ugly, twisty Osage stave, looks like I'm gonna get lucky and have a 1/2" diameter knot hole in both limbs, and I did a little heat straightening on my plan b.
Hey now . Osage is never ugly. Lol.
Got mine on the way today. Priority and ins. Should arrive someplace around Wednesday or Thursday.
I know I didn't post pictures of the bow . Not that I didn't want to. I have to use my phone and when I try and post them it said file to big. but I am sure the new owner will hopefully post some. Are we going to start new thread to show off our new bows when we get them.
Hey now . Osage is never ugly. Lol.<snip>
...I've certainly called it a LOT OF UGLY NAMES whilst trying to harvest a bit of it!
...and then a few more after I violated the ring I had been chasing, ...for the forth time that day!
It makes a right pretty bow, and pretty is as pretty does, ...but it sure gets called a lot of ugly things on it's way to being considered beautiful!
Hunterbob: If you email yourself the pictures you can resize them. medium is the maximum size I can send in from my iphone
Thanks. Never thought about sending the pics to my email.
And yeah I have called Osage a few choice words myself.
if you have an iphone just download the "simple Resize" app. allows you to lower the pixel resolution of a picture then save it to your library
Hey now . Osage is never ugly. Lol.<snip>
...I've certainly called it a LOT OF UGLY NAMES whilst trying to harvest a bit of it!
...and then a few more after I violated the ring I had been chasing, ...for the forth time that day!
It makes a right pretty bow, and pretty is as pretty does, ...but it sure gets called a lot of ugly things on it's way to being considered beautiful!
ok let's call it a high maintence, abnormaly crooked and twisted piece of osage LOL, it also sat outside for seven or eight years so it had some major grub damage, huge checks and it's super dark and heavy.
hunterbob...if you have a "crop" feature in your phone camera can crop out all the useless background in the pic..makes the file smaller..thats how i do it anyway...check your camera menu on your phone.
Thanks 4 dog . I will try that.
Ok let's see if this works. If it does it will be off the grip.
One of the tips
yup...comin through...need to practice backin off with the phone though...cause when ya crop it automatically blows the pic up a bit...which makes it kinda hard to make out...but we can see it.
We will just let the new owner show her off.
well i got the back up bow ready to roll after it reaclimates
Oh my! :o. I hope you're planning on sinewing those before you start tillering. When it comes to selfbows and reflex, there is a point where you have to much of a good thing. I'm not trying to be Buzz killer, but I don't see how those could possibly make it to full draw as a selfbow without turning the belly to mush. How much reflex have you got there? It looks like about 10" to 12". Even if you manage to keep 4" or 5" of reflex, it will only be tension keeping it there. You would be better off with less reflex and an intact belly IMHO. Not trying to be a jerk, just trying to help. :) Josh
Hey Neo, Kid art is awesome! I got a couple painted by my 3 and 5 year olds.
Sweet peep show you got there Hunterbob ;)
Fred, I don't mind waitin for the weather for what comes from those billets ;D
Josh: I dont think your being a jerk. If I got one of those in the mail Id wear a helmet and safety glasses just to be cautious! :laugh: >:D just playing around Ink, the bows look great, whoever gets one had better post pics, I am very curious about the side profile myself
my son has one of INKs osages done the same way...hard to string up but once its done it shoots very fine,its an awesome bow.
So, I feel kinda like the dumb kid who doesn't know how big a gift to get his date ::)
What do you guys think-is sinew going overboard? I am leaning toward a decrowned buckthorn sinew backed killer >:D
And was wondering also-does rawhide affect the sinew if I use it to cover the sinew?
Josh, your input is always welcome in my book. Thanks for trying to make sure we all get great bows.
Thanks Doobs. Since he's been making em that way, maybe it's just my own lack of skills showing. In my experience, once you get past 3 or 4 inches of reflex it starts becoming an effort of diminishing returns very quickly. Again, no offense meant Ink. Josh
BTW... John, you ain't right! Lol!
None taken gundoc, the trick is to tiller them extremely slowly. usually takes me a week or more to tiller one bow. Just a few inches a day. They usually only keep about 2-3" of that reflex anyways, but if i hear even one tick of wood when i'm tillering it gets sinew backed. The high reflex is just too much for some trees to take, even osage. If you get really dense osage and use a thick ring for your back, it dramatically increases your chances of not having to sinew back it. But thanks for looking out, i'll never chaste someone for just making sure i know what im getting myself into :laugh:
Starting with that much reflex and ending with that little, isn't it like hiding set?
Starting with that much reflex and ending with that little, isn't it like hiding set?
If you wanna look at it that way, then works for me. Its not a Perry design. High reflex bows normally lose a large portion of the reflex right after you get it to brace height. Theoretically it could keep at least half of the induced reflex. Has it done that for me yet? No. I am however always refining my techniques and will be thrilled when i get to that point in my building skill.
I was just curious. I'm sure u have more experience than me. It looks pretty radical
None taken gundoc, the trick is to tiller them extremely slowly. usually takes me a week or more to tiller one bow. Just a few inches a day. They usually only keep about 2-3" of that reflex anyways, but if i hear even one tick of wood when i'm tillering it gets sinew backed. The high reflex is just too much for some trees to take, even osage. If you get really dense osage and use a thick ring for your back, it dramatically increases your chances of not having to sinew back it. But thanks for looking out, i'll never chaste someone for just making sure i know what im getting myself into :laugh:
Well...that's pretty much the point I was trying to make. I obviously did a poor job of it. If you heat in a foot(just guessing) of reflex and retain a couple inches. That's 10" of belly crushing, cast robbing set. However, if you heat in 4" and retain 2" of reflex, you will have maintained the integrity of your belly wood and end up with a faster, longer lived bow. If you think about it, 12" of reflex means you have to bend the limbs 18" just to brace it. Add in your draw length and you can start to see how unrealistic the expectations are for a simple self bow. I can appreciate that you want to set high goals for your craft, but all the experience in the world can't trump the physical limits of the wood you're using. I really don't think there is a wood that can take that without excessive damage. Most would explode long before you got it tillered. Again, not trying to be offensive. Just trying to help you improve your craft. Josh
I only steamed in about an inch of reflex, and honestly it seems like it's not holding like it should. Does dry heat hold better in working limb or something? I never have trouble steaming statics, but this is annoying me.
Do you think you could get away with another inch of reflex? if you can test it out and see if its a lot of set or just the loss of reflex. I use dry heat to toast up the belly of white woods in a reflexed position. keeps a good amount of it. I dont know much about your precious locust or osage :laugh:
Probably, but mollegabet limbs are under enough stress as it is ::) I think I'll take that approach but dry heat the last half inch or so and see how that goes.
I have a BL recurve I'm working on. I steamed statics in and reflexed the limb with dry heat. It's not to the point of shooting but the reflex is in there, if that helps lol?
Yeah, sounds like what I should be doing tomorrow.
Josh, you make a valid point that i'm gonna have to chew on for a while ;) I do already know however why a lot of my previous bows did not retain most of the reflex. I was making the typical holding the bow at full draw for too long mistake while checking tiller. Kinda anxious to see how much these will retain. I also purchased a chronograph recently and an going to guage the speed of the one i'm sending to my recipient. I'm also gonna make one with 4" dropped down to 2" and check that ones speed. cause if i'm just working extra for nothing i want to know :laugh:
Ink, I think you have the most discussed bow of the trade so far! some body is getting a celebrity bow :laugh:
Ink, I think you have the most discussed bow of the trade so far! some body is getting a celebrity bow :laugh:
Just like me to always go against the grain, i'm learning a lot from the discussion of these bows. Gundoc came up with some good points i hadn't thought of.
85% or more of the set a bow takes on will happen from the center limb out. Add most all of your reflex where the bow starts to narrow, that's where set comes from. Not the working portion of the limb so much.
Good advise pearly
85% or more of the set a bow takes on will happen from the center limb out. Add most all of your reflex where the bow starts to narrow, that's where set comes from. Not the working portion of the limb so much.
Perhaps thats why im losing so much, been placing most of the reflex in the lower portion of the limb and at the tip. Yet another thing to add to my bucket list.
Its exactly why my friend. Your limb width tapers, add reflex accordingly. If the reflex is even from fade to tip that narrowed section doesn't stand a prayer against the parallel section as the limb bends. See whatta mean?
Jump out of here and start a new thread so we can have a bigger discussion on this topic with out cluttering this thread !
Im done Guy.
i 2nd that motion Buckeye!! ;D
So what would you rather have if you lived in a climate that was humid in summer? A rawhide backed or a sinew backed bow?
I decrowned the buckthorn and have goat hide or sinew to put on. I think it would be fine with hide and a little too long as is for sinew.
Or, would you prefer a mulberry self bow with bendy handle?
rawhide, sinew would be real fussy in humid wheather.
I'm in a climate kind of like that, S/W Washington, and I'd probably prefer the rawhide or selfbow since sinew is so sensitive out here.
OK, thanks ;D.
did a bunch of heat straightening on mine today, need to get some pics posted up, i'm about to start floor tilering.
Looking good Dub!! I'm all about the bendy handle bows, backed or not.
Tattoo Dave
I got a little more work done last night. I went with a narrow handled d bow, for plan A. I got it chased and rough profile done. It took a while due to all the warty pin knots. It was a good night in the shop. Cold beverage warm fire and the smell of fresh shavings :). I hope my victim likes it.
( (
lookin good from here!!
There is some mighty fine bows being made I would be proud to have any of them.
Way to go Idaho! Looks good to me.
Yes, I agree Grady.
Thanks Dave. So far so good.
I like them bows there Ink ;)
Tis is real cool. Kinda like a big multi bow build along. I think I will get more out of this than just the exchanged bows ;D
sweet, love the charactor
Thanks guys. We will see if I can wrangle her into submission. The side profile is a little wonky. I'll post a pic of it later tonight
It's so cold out its hard to get the umph to go out in the shop, I still make it till my fingers are numb
My bow room is almost like being outside just no wind. Have to put long johns and a jacket on. But the draw knife and all the other hand tools keep you pretty warm.
I was in a t shirt when it was like -8 lol. Chasing the grain and profiling get ya sweating.
ttt, that bows shaping up nicely idahomatt
So my first plan of a simple flat bow is out the window. U guys are making me look bad ;0) so I'm gonna shorten this a little and add some curves. And reflex it more towards the tip and gradually more at the taper like discussed before.
Well here are the bends I've put in it so far.
That one is shaping up real niiiiice. I dig them curves
Dang Laflair!
That is awesome. Now who's makin who look bad?
My poor little buckthorn is feeling ugly :'(
I was going simple but simple don't cut it for me. I just wanna give the guy my best effort. About 2" of each recurve will be cut off after reflexing. Going for small fairly sharp curves
looking good man.
Nice curves man!
Alright, so the steamed reflex is completely gone. It's returned to its original deflexed state, which I usually like but for a trade bow I'd rather at least ship something with no string follow.
I'm putting it through more heat treatment, so do you think I should try to induce reflex again and bend the levers a little this time? Really the bottom limb is flat relative to the handle, it's the upper that's got deflex.
Alright, so the steamed reflex is completely gone. It's returned to its original deflexed state, which I usually like but for a trade bow I'd rather at least ship something with no string follow.
I'm putting it through more heat treatment, so do you think I should try to induce reflex again and bend the levers a little this time? Really the bottom limb is flat relative to the handle, it's the upper that's got deflex.
Shoot, if it was me, I would call it a bow, it don't look that bad to me. ;D
Nothing wrong with a little follow.
Was hoping to start on my trade bow tomorrow.........but the bow i was just shooting in blew on me today. So off to chase a ring.
That's not bad
If you want the reflex to remain(as long as you do your part) use dry heat and temper the belly while you're at it.
nothing wrong woth a lil follow
is it all right if what we build is a bow that is meant to have a slightly shorter draw? if that is not i have no problem with crafting something that is longer
build what ever your comfortable with building. your recips specs are their preference but no one minds getting a short bow.
My 30" draw doesn't like short bows. Lol
I agree Blaflair2, I think you should get as close as you can. One of the reasons I don't build short draw bows for myself is that I can't break the habit of coming to full draw. I have built them for others that fit them though and wished I could get accustomed to shooting them.
Huisme, i think that it matters less how much string follow it has and more how well it shoots. If it shoots good, theres no reason to change it. Unless your just plain silly like me and get reflex happy ;D
Huisme, i think that it matters less how much string follow it has and more how well it shoots. If it shoots good, theres no reason to change it. Unless your just plain silly like me and get reflex happy ;D
i dont think anyone gets as reflex silly as you jason.
Huisme, i think that it matters less how much string follow it has and more how well it shoots. If it shoots good, theres no reason to change it. Unless your just plain silly like me and get reflex happy ;D
i dont think anyone gets as reflex silly as you jason.
The bad part is i still enjoy doing it. Even if it is just a waste of time or just plain scary >:D. Gonna incorporate sinew into my designs. Just to be on the safe side, don't want to be responsible for someone losing an eye.
Well, I heat treated it on its back hanging off the table with a ten pound weight on the lever, so it's god some reflex I'm pretty sure should be permanent.
I'll bend the levers a little too, I'm just wondering if you think I should wrap the overlays in anything to protect the glue ???
If it loses reflex again I'm just going to call it good, it shot five arrows with a kinda-low brace alright, should be great when the levers are their final dimension and and brace is right. I'm thinking she'll get one of my skinny strings with double serving and uh... Well... I don't know what I'll make silencers out of, I ran out of rabbit a while ago :o
I went to an antique store and got a mink hat for 10$
I went to an antique store and got a mink hat for 10$
Ah, perfect, should have thought of that.
A little string follow is no biggie. Anyone of us would be tickled to death to get that puppy :)
Going up >:D
Whoa, no page two business here, back to the top!
I'm letting mine rehydrate slowly, I'm not sure of any adverse effects from keeping it in the shower room but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Just a couple of scrapes and a slight tiller adjustment to the lower limb if the heat didn't change too much and he'll be ready to polish, shoot in, and ship ;D
That's looking good. Nice grain 8)
I like that toasted pic Marc.
Ok, potential candidates...Hickory, Winged Elm, Buckthorn, Yew, Cascara, Bamboo/Ipe, SeaGrape, and...Osage. I've got an Osage going now that will be the back up bow. Thoughts, comments?
Very pretty wood there Parnell. love the hanging wood racks too!
I chased a ring on a stave from Osage Outlaw's monster tree and laid out the bow. Last weekend I purchased a new to me band saw that I was hoping to pick up this weekend and put to work but it doesn't look like that will be happening. I may have to break out the farriers rasp and a hatchet and bring her down to the lines the old fashioned way.
whats a sea grape?
Parnell . I love the bends on those tips . Its time I give that a try. Never made much more than a flat bow. With flipped tips.
I'm with ya Bob. I think I need to give that a try soon too.
DGF, I am getting osage envy. Not sure my buckthorn is adequate.
And what is a sea grape ???
Sea Grape ? Do you have to go diving for that?
I went to an antique store and got a mink hat for 10$
I just bet it looks faaaabulous on you!
Sea grape is a tropical plant that grows in southern coastal Florida. It has large glossy leaves with clusters of grapelike fruit. I believe it is a protected plant in the wild but Steve gets unwanted plants from landscapes.
I've changed my stave 3 times now. At first it was a 63" osage then a 66" persimmon that I almost screwed up on the band saw, then a 60" locust until I reread my recipients stats and decided the persimmon wasn't screwed up that much. :-\ So now my trade now is a 66" persimmon Molly/Holmsgaard kind of hybrid sort of thingy bow. I love it when a plan comes together. ::)
Your thinking is right on for bow building Pat......., plan on being able to change plans at any time and everything will then come together. :)
Added a Plan C to the mix. A longbow with 4" of reflex, increasing the reflex with the taper of the bow. Also going to add sinew to Plan A and B. Whichever one turns out the best will be going to my recipient.
I kinda like those molly/hollmie hybrid sorta thingy bows Pat
After looking back at the specs, this persimmon bow is for the TradGang bow trade, he has a longer draw. My PA recipient is getting the 63" osage. He has a shorter draw length. The 60" locust is going to be a surprise for someone later. ;D
I'll post pics of them all when done.
here's my choices, from left to right elm, hackberry, and osage. Pretty sure the elm is the one, good reflex pretty straight. The osage has major side bend, not sure I want to tackle it right now. Hackberry will be backup.( ( ( (
Looks like you guys have some great choices at the ready.
I just went to blackhawks place the other day and come home with 11 staves.
just checking in.i'm still making chips,experimenting with design and gonna ramp it up when this blasted winter decides to let far i've made 4 bows in -30c temps this winter! :o!
I know how u feel. The only way I stay warm in my shop is chasing grain, so I have like 4 bows floor tillered. I can only go on my shop after work usually, at midnight. When it's cold cold.
Soooooo... Do I have to wrap it? ;D
The golden bow from hunterbob has been smooth as butter and a real joy to shoot, this is my fourth time shooting her, first time from forty plus paces, and this was the first group of the day.
Killerduck might notice one of the arrows is missing. I actually didn't miss, I was a little too accurate from twenty paces and the knock of an arrow is no more :-[ That was the fault of the dastardly mollegabet at twenty five paces. At least I know it'll shoot well for ******** ;D
Looks like its shooting well huisme. Are you going to repair your damaged arrow?
I'm going to try, but the nock is pretty busted. I'll probably have to sand it smooth and whittle an insert. it's a good think killerduck wrapped up to the nock.
I think I'm going to do a simple jute wrap. All I see is off-the-hand shooting by my victim, so if he doesn't want the wrap it won't be too hard to pull it apart and expose the handle. I just really hate covering up the wood.
I use jute wrap a lot easy to do, easy to fix
Let the wood tell you what to do huisme .
Looks like the molly is shooting great for you.
Glad the Osage is to your liking also.
8) I'll guarantee you all, this is going to be a long road and thread before it's over. For you guys that are almost or already done I'd like to thank you for your inspiration (since I'm so old and ssalow).
I'm still leaning toward an osage sleeve T/D. Think I just purchased an old rack of ebony and ivory piano keys made back in 1909. Should have some nice 3 to 5 layer overlays to add to my victims demise.
awesome fred, Great find on the piano keys
Piano keys. That would be a sweet touch.
I went into the bow room to start another bow . My mind wanted to but could not get the old body to cooperate. Still a bit sore from the last bow. LOL . Didn't even pick up a tool.
I'm going out tonight when I get home and reflex and narrow my tips a bit. May even cut off some of my recurve. Well see
Got the jute on. No shelf, the good sir can continue shooting off the hand. The string is made, served, nocked, and the whole thing just needs to be shot in now.
It didn't retain as much reflex as I wanted. It doesn't have as much string follow as the stave did to start, only about one inch after stringing now, so I'm happy. Would have been happier with no string follow though ::)
Still shooting like a champ. Hit my target weight with an ounce or two to spare, and not a chrysal in sight.
Well I didn't reflex the limbs, got inspired and starting working on plan b some more. My glue line isn't as bad as I thought. We shall see! I found a 1943 silver nickle today, I wanna use it as a badge I think. It is awesomely worn smooth in places. Looks cool. Am I nuts?
Going up :)
Well, the osage envy got to me. I had to chase a ring at 1 am last night on an old fence post from Kansas with a couple nail holes in one limb. Ended up with a twisty little 65" stave I now have on the stove steaming to straighten a little and then plan to flip tips some next. Can't hurt to have a plan C when you are me. ::)
Lots of great progress guys.
From what I've learned of crepe myrtle I can speed dry in two months. My guy will probably get a bend through the handle cm.
Man that fence post is full of character.
I got the osage relatively straight and took out most of about 45 degrees twist from tip to tip. Flipped one tip and will do the other tonight after work.
I used steam of the first limb and ended up with some cracks that follow the grain and are anywhere from 1" to 1/4" from the edge for about 6" long.
From what I have read here, should not be a problem once filled with super glue.
I may rawhide back it but just wondering about a big knot that is raised about 1/4". I will post some pics tonight.
No second page here
Well, that settles it, no matter how nice of a bow you use if you're a poor shot you're a poor shot ;)
This is it for the tease pics until the owner posts. I have to work on the finish a little and sign it before I ship, but I've messed with this thing enough!
Edit: Oh, and I'm waiting for Blaflair2's mink pieces to get here so I can silence this already quiet thing. Big thanks to Blaflair2 ;D
No prob man, actually just picked up another hat and a piece of mink. No idea what the hat is but it'll make like 50 silencers
he is an avid collector of old lady hats! :laugh:
he is an avid collector of old lady hats! :laugh:
Try buying used ladies skirts :o Get some funny looks then >:D
I'm almost thinking of buying a few and stitching them into a quiver! Gotta get it where ya can
Not sure what you are getting, or where you are getting it! :-\ Just the idea that when you get it, it makes you quiver....I just don't wanna know!
well im on too plan two now had a big blow up
That sux man. I haven't worked on my trade bow lately. My BL recurve was calling me. That's my plan b, maybe plan a. I dunno. I'm just gonna finish the two and the nicer one goes to the victim! They are almost twins, ones a little wider if u know what I mean ;0)
he is an avid collector of old lady hats! :laugh:
Try buying used ladies skirts :o Get some funny looks then >:D
I meant silk skirts ::)
got the osage bent as good as it will be but pics wll have to wait.
Plan b, Well decided I didn't vibe with the handle block I glued on after the ring split. Also had the twist come back in the handle. She's a tricky old girl. But we're getting along a lot better than the first few dates. If all that is said about BL is true and she spent Chrystal, she's gonna be a rocket. We will see.
What do u think I should put on the handle? Fancy or no? It needs a little block of something
Build it up with cork or leather
+1 Bubby, I think this would make a great bendy handled recurve. This thing is just waiting to be outrageously fast and light.
It's too long for a bendy handle @ 68"
2nd page?!? Ttt
Sorry I haven't gotten back in awhile, it's been a busy week. Pat got it right, Sea Grape grows natively down here as a beach break. The stuff I find is landscaped out of people's yards and legal. It is very light, fast and flexible if done right. Feels like a sinew backed bow without the sinew when bending...
Sorry I haven't gotten back in awhile, it's been a busy week. Pat got it right, Sea Grape grows natively down here as a beach break. The stuff I find is landscaped out of people's yards and legal. It is very light, fast and flexible if done right. Feels like a sinew backed bow without the sinew when bending...
makes you curious what it would be like if it was sinewed
Some mighty fine looking bows being posted thus far. Our weather has been terrible with a few nice days popping up between the bitter cold and wind. I do most of my bow building outdoors (I'm getting old and can't see without natural light). I've made some progress although not sure my first choice of wood is going to work to my satisfaction. As soon as this weather breaks I'll hunker down, get to work, and post some progress pics.
It's too long for a bendy handle @ 68"
huh, no its not
+1 bubby, I made a red oak bendy handle that was 70". kind of miss her since my brother took her home...
Warbows are pretty long and bendy handled. :)
Things are running pretty smooth so far. I like that. I like that a lot. But I also know we are not into crunch time yet, either.
Plenty of time to get things straightened out if something goes wrong with your Plan A. Get'em folks! Show that wood who is in charge!
And then once you have learned that the wood is in charge, shut up and listen to what it wants to be!
Thanks everyone!
-John (a.k.a. J Dub)
Lmao great words of wisdom Jdub.
Yeah, I should live up on a high mountain top and wear a long beard and a diaper. Then you can all climb up and learn wisdom at my feet.
The first thing I would learn you all, is not to wear nothing but a beard and a diaper at high elevation. That's just stupid and WRONG! Thus ends the lesson for the day.
And you would charge everyone a six pack.
Working on four bows right now. Not set on anything yet though. Sorry but no pics till the recip posts them. It will be yella fo sho!!
Yeah, I should live up on a high mountain top and wear a long beard and a diaper.
guess all you need is the beard then huh JW
I got the wonky ness out of the bow last night with a little dry heat. Just need to flip the tips slightly and start the tillering process. :). I have a couple others started for additional plans ABCD.
well I'm on a 10 day ciesta in Hawaii so il post some pics of what I'm up to then its a hickory recurve getting ready to canvas back it it is too limbs spliced in to a wedge handle section
well I'm on a 10 day ciesta in Hawaii so il post some pics of what I'm up to then its a hickory recurve getting ready to canvas back it it is too limbs spliced in to a wedge handle section
Look for some guava to bring home. It makes some incredible bows!
Yeah, I should live up on a high mountain top and wear a long beard and a diaper. Then you can all climb up and learn wisdom at my feet.
The first thing I would learn you all, is not to wear nothing but a beard and a diaper at high elevation. That's just stupid and WRONG! Thus ends the lesson for the day.
JW, may you live long and someday wear a beard and diaper.
I put these overlays on a month or 2 ago and used 2 ton epoxy. For some reason I can't really recall put some sawdust with it and ended up wth a brown glue line. It is in one way interesting, but also not as fine a line as could have been.
What do you think of this. I don't doubt it for strength but would it be better to remove and start over? I like the hickory and would reuse them but I just don't know if it is worth the trouble.
What would you do????
Yeah, I should live up on a high mountain top and wear a long beard and a diaper.
guess all you need is the beard then huh JW
A beard I already got....
doobie, i personally dont use epoxy for that exact reason. loctite super glue works great.
JDub!! i was under the impression that was how you looked already...dang just blew my mental image of ya!!! :'(
Personally I'd cut it off and grind an angle on the tip and then super glue them on.
guess your all set then dubya
Hope whoever is getting this likes it boo backed walnut core & osage belly not sure yet what wood I'm going to use for the riser then I'll put cow horn tips on it.
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I'd love a boo backed bow, I ordered stuff to make a boo backed osage.
That's Gonna be a sweet bow Robbie.
Wish i had the equipment to make laminates. Oh well, Was able to get Plan A sinewed today. Turned out nicely, i'll post pics after it dries up a bit. Also managed to Quarter up a 16" hickory log, it was a productive day. Might speed dry some of that hickory and make a plan D
Wow someone is going to be stoked. I sure would be :). Looking really nice.
Looking good rob, that the bow you were working on at the bownanza?
Uh, let's see here Rob???
YES!! That would work jus fine!
thats looking real good trapperbob
Oh yeah, Rob who wouldn't want that. That looks like it will be one fine shooter and a beauty to look at as well.
Well made my first string! Boy was that a frustrating mess. Now I can put the bows up on a long string. How's my loops look?
make sure you twist those strands together or itll untwist on you.
Bubby that's one I was working on for the TG trade but I did all the same woods for the one here also.
cool Rob it's gonna be a nice one
That tried lam is going to be sweet. Can't wait till it shows up. LOL . I am going to have to try my hand at a lam bow soon.I just came home from blackhawk picking up some more Osage and was checking out his lam bows . They are sweet. I am sure he will be posting them up soon.
I really wanted to start tillering tonight, just too whooped. 12hr overtime at 5 am always kills me the next day. And it dropped back down to the teens. Yay! Tomorrow is another day. Have a good night.
straight up!!! >:D
Just gotta trim the tube and wrap it in something for the trip. Should be out within the week!
man im acking to get back to work on my trade bow but o'well 3 more days in Hawaii >:D
Oh wow how tortured you must be pincushin! >:D its at the high of about 20 today with the low at 1 here in good ol' NY!
well i just double checked my victims specs and looks like their draw is too long for the crepe myrtle i was gonna use.
Well I guess you better just stick with the cottonwood sapling you were workin on >:D
I had 3 bows in mind for the trade and wanted to pick the best one. Here is where I am at now. The hhb and hickory, trapped and heated both shoot great, but the hickory maybe a bit better. The hhb has more character though. I have the osage bending to brace right now. No hurry here, I will shoot them all for a while and then make up my mind.
All three look like sweet shooters
Woohoo. Last weekend I was able to make it to a place called Bristol Valley Hardwoods and get some great pieces of wood. 24' of 1x5.5 arrow straight grained ipe should make me a lot of nice bows including my trade one. I also got a beautiful piece of ash to back it with.
Now if only I could get some weather I could work with, lol. High of 19° today and 15° tomorrow. Oh well, more time to think of ideas to try on it, lol.
Can't see how you could go wrong with any of those!
Woohoo. Last weekend I was able to make it to a place called Bristol Valley Hardwoods and get some great pieces of wood. 24' of 1x5.5 arrow straight grained ipe should make me a lot of nice bows including my trade one. I also got a beautiful piece of ash to back it with.
Now if only I could get some weather I could work with, lol. High of 19° today and 15° tomorrow. Oh well, more time to think of ideas to try on it, lol.
Protect yourself from the dust, I developed an allergy over time!
Here is a little teaser for y'all. >:D
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I would feel more teased if I knew what that was. Looks cool. Is it rawhide?
Rawhide with leather dye pattern on it. ;)
I have never used rawhide. That has a good look to it.
Have quite a few ideas milling about,only problem is my drawknife is frozen to my work bench!I'm wanting to see a robin. Soon!
You know here in Ohio we are seeing flocks of robins for some reason. And it is way below normal temps.
Got mine on the long string today, I'm debating whether to back it with sinew or yucca, it's 55" long so for the draw length I need it's long enough that the sinew wouldn't be working that hard, I've kinda got 2 options I can shorten it 2-4", put some setback in the handle and sinew it, or I can leave it the way it is and put yucca on it. What do you guys think, Would you rather have a an Osage and sinew or Osage and yuccu? Either way I might put some prairie rattler skins on it.
You know here in Ohio we are seeing flocks of robins for some reason. And it is way below normal temps.
I saw three of the fatest robins i ever saw two days ago. They. were hanging out under the bushes outside of McDonalds. Was only 22 deg.
Cool pattern on the hide Pat! Somebody's gonna be cheesin in the photos.
I haven't seen anything but crows, bluejays, and little birds on the feeder my wife puts out. -17 this am.
Doing all I can inside with the buckthorn and think I will sinew it after all and try to pull it into some good reflex.
Removed overlays on mulberry and reglued them back with lock tite and got a better glue line.
Workin on a couple other bows too. One a redo of a hickory with sinew and the other a short sinewed HHB.
Can't finish much anyway with all the cold cause of fumes in the house.
I haven't been in my shop in over a week! I get outta work at basically midnight and it's so cold out. I keep telling myself to get out there and then when I get home I'm like forget that. I do have a gameplan on my bow, gonna get it on the long string and get it braced then take it to like 20" draw. Once it's bending nice ill heat my reflex in and treat the belly. Should be sweet
Woohoo. Last weekend I was able to make it to a place called Bristol Valley Hardwoods and get some great pieces of wood. 24' of 1x5.5 arrow straight grained ipe should make me a lot of nice bows including my trade one. I also got a beautiful piece of ash to back it with.
Now if only I could get some weather I could work with, lol. High of 19° today and 15° tomorrow. Oh well, more time to think of ideas to try on it, lol.
Protect yourself from the dust, I developed an allergy over time!
I always wear a mask when I sand/saw...I got tired of all the saw dust boogers, LOL.
I have a picture of myself (possibly the only "selfie" I have ever taken) of me wearing 2 long sleeve tee's, a flannel jacket, and a cinched up hoodie, with a dust mask, trying to work in the cold garage...I look like someone from a B serial killer movie, LOL.
I would feel more teased if I knew what that was. Looks cool. Is it rawhide?
My first guess was orange peel. Has anyone tried an orange peel backed bow? Terrible in tension, but they smell really fresh.
Rawhide probably a better option. Good call Pat B. LOL
Woohoo. Last weekend I was able to make it to a place called Bristol Valley Hardwoods and get some great pieces of wood. 24' of 1x5.5 arrow straight grained ipe should make me a lot of nice bows including my trade one. I also got a beautiful piece of ash to back it with.
Now if only I could get some weather I could work with, lol. High of 19° today and 15° tomorrow. Oh well, more time to think of ideas to try on it, lol.
Protect yourself from the dust, I developed an allergy over time!
I always wear a mask when I sand/saw...I got tired of all the saw dust boogers, LOL.
I have a picture of myself (possibly the only "selfie" I have ever taken) of me wearing 2 long sleeve tee's, a flannel jacket, and a cinched up hoodie, with a dust mask, trying to work in the cold garage...I look like someone from a B serial killer movie, LOL.
sawdust boogers are the best, that ipe will make em look like chocolate.
I got my plan a all straightened out last night. I might not flip the tips, just a bit of reflex maybe a couple inches. :). If it turns out it will be very hard to let go.
wow I wonder if I should get started ::) :laugh:, got a few irons in the fire I have to finish first
well i was able to get a Plan A to low brace height today. Hopefully i can get it shooting by next weekend.
this post is slowly starting to get very quiet
And that's where the fun begins Jordo!
I could post one of my long winded half baked theories on here if you would like Jordo. >:D At least everyone snoring would chase away the silence! ::) Josh
I could post one of my long winded half baked theories on here if you would like Jordo. >:D At least everyone snoring would chase away the silence! ::) Josh
please do lol
And that's where the fun begins Jordo!
pm's will start going out in a week or two.
I'm still in here. Just haven't been able to get to the shop, it's too damn cold!
im not pushing anyone to hurry, heck i havent even started yet lol.
I'm still here too. Just got back from Boise to see some family. I'll probably get back down to the shop in the next couple of days.
I've got my bow rawhide backed and put 60 arrows through her. Will start adding finish soon and shoot another 40 or 50 arrows and I think she'll be ready for her new home.
How's that, Jordan? ;D
I've got a start but the weather is going to have to cooperate better for me to reach any advanced stages of bow building.
I've got my bow rawhide backed and put 60 arrows through her. Will start adding finish soon and shoot another 40 or 50 arrows and I think she'll be ready for her new home.
How's that, Jordan? ;D
im glad you spoke up pat i didnt wanna have to send you a mean pm telling you hurry up lol :D
I got one raw hide backed yesterday . Needs final tillering. And I just finished one. And I run a ring on another stave and marked a bow out on it. Wait these are not for the bow trade I sent mine out already. But that's what I have got done since I mailed the trade bow out.
Ive got several rings chased and a couple roughed out but i gotta get my wedding outa the way before i can focus to much, lol...12 days and counting ;)..... Brian
Ive got several rings chased and a couple roughed out but i gotta get my wedding outa the way before i can focus to much, lol...12 days and counting ;)..... Brian
Congrats Brian
Thankya Bob!
Hope to finaly get started this weekend.
I took some pics today, ill get them posted up tomorrow
I took some pics today, ill get them posted up tomorrow
Pictures of a bow you received? Or the one your working on?
I took some pics today, ill get them posted up tomorrow
Pictures of a bow you received? Or the one your working on?
The one I'm making, I tried to post pics today, but somehow my sleep deprived, computer challenged mind couldn't make it work. But anyway I think I'm gonna sinew it, I cut it down to 52 1/2" and I'm planning on putting in a couple inches of setback in the handle.
heres a couple pics, i've got her on the short string and tillered to about 30#@12" so it looks like i'm right on target, its 52 1/2" long and about 1 1/2" wide at the handle tapering down to 3/8 pin nocks.
I love it. I'm working on an osage T/D at the moment with those same type cracks in the back. Sure makes it easy for an old man with bad eyes to follow the grain LOL. I'm thinking this one will be special.
thats awesome ducky
Nice looking stave, should make a beauty of a bow.
I'm gonna try real hard to get into the shop tonight, im itching! Sweet looking bow Connor
That's lookin good KD. Love the curves ;D
I'm working on a couple of different bows at the moment, with the intention of sending out the best one.
Started tillering my plan A tonight. I didn't get too far but little by little :)
50 long 50 at 25 hicory canvas back this is plan c
Top outer limb needs to bend more. What's the front profile look like?
+1 jordo
8) I like that bow!!!! Could you take another shot gripping the bow 1/2" to 1" higher. I think that is one sweet little bow.
That's a good looking bow, your getting a lot of bend out of it.
Nice plan C there Brodie.
Shredding sinew....
Just sent it off! It's headed to the left of my current position >:D
I took some pics of the finished bow but I'd rather my victim post theirs.
Just sent it off! It's headed to the left of my current position >:D
Overachiever Award goes to......HUISME!
Ok, who ships next???
Sized up the back tonight and sinew going on tomorrow night ;D
Chippin away as I also mess with a couple of re-do/save bows I can't give up on.
Well I made it out to the garage. Couldn't get it to low brace like I wanted, so no pix. I'm on the hunt for some birch bark. I'm gonna try it as a backing. It'll be just for looks. Got my plan c almost tillered though. May come in shy. I'm chipping along
I got enough sinew shredded it's all antelope and muley. I also put about 4" of setback in the handle, I'm gonna try and get it backed this afternoon.
Sinew is on ;D
Bison and moose. >:D
Put a notched dowel with a point widdled on the other end on the string to hole it into some reflex and then sinewed around the point.
Used the Pat M wrap method to get it smooth but put a layer of plastic coated meat wrap paper against the sinew before wrapping and heating. Lots of glue oozed out and the paper wrap peeled right off after it re gelled ;D
Its lookin' good Doobs! Josh
Thanks Josh and Jordan,
Hoping to get to about 5" reflex when dried. It is pulled to only 3-4" now. Think that will work the sinew enough at 60"?
you should be good man. cant wait to see that one finished.
That's looking better pincushion.
I got my plan A to full brace last night. Looked over my victims stats and it is going to be at the low end of his stats. I don't know if I should keep it or go forward with it for my trade bow. I might go to plan B. Which would be a far more difficult build.
yep that looks real good pincushin. i put about 3 1/2" of setback in the handle of plan A i'm gonna try and get it sinewed pretty soon, i also got plan B floor tillered.
no second page for this thread
got mine sinewed today
Working slowly at it, got bow roughed out, should have it on the long string this weekend.
got a bit done,&now its gettn warmer i can work on em more!
I've got the floppy rest and hemp handle wrap on and sealed with epoxy, 6 coats of Tru-Oil plus satin poly spray. I need to put a few more arrows through her and so far she still holds good reflex. 8)
sinew looks cool on bow but waiting...
Hey Marco, I'm wondering, is that sinew back bow your making buckthorn? If so I'll be curious to see how it performs with the sinew. I know the stuff is very light in mass but strong in compression so I would think thats a good combo.
Never sinewed a bow myself yet and a lot I don't know about it so I'm watching this one.
So what ever happened to huismes bow? Didn't it get mailed out like a week or so ago?
Yes it did.
Why dont ya go ahead and get started on another one, I could use a good example for a BL bow! >:D :laugh:
3 contenders all shooting now. The one I most wanted to work out did. I just don't want to send it out yet. Soon.
3 contenders all shooting now. The one I most wanted to work out did. I just don't want to send it out yet. Soon.
Feeling a little regret when you consider sending it off, eh? That is a good sign, means it meets or exceeds your expectations. And folks, that is kinda what this is all about...pushing yourself, giving your best, paying it forward with no expectation of recompense!
Love it!
Hey Marco, I'm wondering, is that sinew back bow your making buckthorn? If so I'll be curious to see how it performs with the sinew. I know the stuff is very light in mass but strong in compression so I would think thats a good combo.
Never sinewed a bow myself yet and a lot I don't know about it so I'm watching this one.
Yes it is.
Decrowned sapling about 3" diameter. I sure hope I can prove it is a good combo cause I agree, it seems light and like they would be sweet together. We will see ;)
I hear ya JW. I look at the ones I am working on and if they turn out they will be hard to mail out. Don't want to send out no junk fer sure.
Sounds like everybody's got some nice stuff workin >:D
You got it JW, but I will be pleased to send it as soon as I let my buddy fling a few arrows with it... and maybe a few more for me too.
8) I'll guarantee you all, this is going to be a long road and thread before it's over. For you guys that are almost or already done I'd like to thank you for your inspiration (since I'm so old and ssalow).
I'm still leaning toward an osage sleeve T/D. Think I just purchased an old rack of ebony and ivory piano keys made back in 1909. Should have some nice 3 to 5 layer overlays to add to my victims demise.
EDIT: That is really a good find. If you cut up the keys into guitar saddles, the saddles are worth around 30 bucks a piece. So say you get 4 saddles a key (which you could probably get more), that is 6240.00 bucks, that is if you pieced em out for 30 a piece. Although I don't think you can sell pre-ban ivory legally without papers. Great find though. I would take a couple keys for guitar saddles and nuts if you are wanting to trade or anything...
TMK, I couldn't get on the road to pick up the keys and the guy wouldn't ship them so I missed out :(
On a good note I'm finally making some progress on the trade bow option.. I took the wood down to good growth rings thinking I had gotten a matched set of billets but that proved not to be the case. Stature of the billets that I showed in an earlier post looked identical side by side and really amazed me that they weren't a match. They may have come from the same tree although I can't say for sure but the growth ring structure is completely different. One with tight rings and the other medium. It's still going to make a bow though not sure if it will be trade bow material.
Getting ready to splice it together before proceeding to the next stage. Nice looking old yeller wood.
have afew ideas going on,just wating for it to warm up a bit so I can get going!
Here is a red elm stave roughed out, cherry accents. 1 3/8'' at the fades tapers to 5/8'' tips. Long ways to go yet.( ( ( (
Sweet man!
Hey Fred, that is looking like it may make a great bow man! Too bad about the keys.
Sweet man!
So she's coming along slowly. What y'all think of the bend so far?
It is looking sweet blaflair2 .
Yes it did.
Hmmmmm must be headed out of the country.
Nope, word is the weather is bad so we'll have to wait a little for pics.
Finaly off to a slow start. Picked out a poor looking osage stave and chased a ring today. Now to decide what kind of design this poor stave can handle with the problems it has.
First problem - length
Only 80" to work with.
Second problem - width
Only 3" wide.
Third problem- thickness
Just under 1 1/4" thick
Fourth problem- poor ring count
Only 6 rings in the whole 1 1/4" thickness
>:D >:D
WoW! Perfect! 8) What do you want to do with it? I'd cut it in quarters and make 4 kids bows :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
WoW! Perfect! 8) What do you want to do with it? I'd cut it in quarters and make 4 kids bows :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Hmmm...... Not sure if my victim has 4 kids. :D
He doesn't need 4 kids to pass it on. Great looking stave and you shouldn't have any problems meeting the lucky guys specs with that one.
Hey Turtle . I wish I had some staves with that kind of problems .:-)
Hey Turtle . I wish I had some staves with that kind of problems .:-)
If you ever make it this far south i will let ya pick one out to take home with you. ;)
She's all done. Just needs a little more shooting then off she goes to her new home. Might even be another little surprise in shipping tube to keep the bow company on the trip. ;)
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That's a beauty pat, how did you do that stain job on the rawhide?
leather dye and a dry sponge.
Ah I see, ill have to try it sometime.
Looks like a shooter pat. Nice ...
DAMN, it's a righty, someone is gonna be happy pat, bub
Man Pat you are going to make someone's year in the third month. That thing looks great. Can't wait to see some shots of her when she arrives at her new home.
Your sponge and leather dye pattern on that bow is fantastic, Pat. Really looks primitive and it is very effective.
That's beautiful pat.
Thanks for all the kind words, guys. Different types of sponges will give different effects. We used to use this method for dying leather belts and bags when we had our leather shop in the mid 1970's.
Hmmm, I wonder how this would work using a feather instead of a sponge????
Do I smell a staining build along???
Buckthorn is at 4 1/8" reflex all by itself and I will get to tillering n the next week or 2 ::)
Still got the mulberry to tller too but got sidetracked by a couple reworks of past less than awesome bows. Seemed like a simple idea at the time and then opened up some worms.
Will be posting them in a short while (week or 2 ;))
JW, you could probably get some pretty cool designs using a feather.
here's a feather camo tech. that I've used, dirtydan's how to JW,9142.msg129646.html#msg129646
I remember that thread. I think Dan was the first person(that I know) that made a turkey feather bow backing too. I think it is his artistic brain coming through. Haven't seen Dan around here lately.
yep Pat the guy is an artist for sure, I've used this several times and it makes a fantastic camo
And Pat. That is one awesome bow. I could sure live with my bow trade suspense being ended by that one at the door 8)
Well, it was up over 30° in my shop this evening, so I decided to take advantage of the "warm" weather and get some work in. So I grabbed my trusty sidekick, and got to it.
LOL, he was not really frightened as he looks in the picture. He is my trusty board catcher.
Finished tillering mine today, I'm not 100% happy with it but I'm still gonna fiddle with it quite a bit, it's 52" ntn and came out at about 60#@27" , I need to whittle down the tips some more and hopefully get rid of a little bit of hand shock, but overall it's quiet and a pretty dang good shooter.
Well got mine floor tillered enough for brace. Gotta make a string tomorrow. What do u think of the tiller so far? Thinking about trying some grumleys
I know I have work to do on the left. The stuff part mid limb. I'm digging it so far
Yep, it looks like the left mid/outer needs a few scrapes. The shorter string will help show the bend better, but it looks like you're getting close and she's going to turn out gorgeous!
Thanks man.
I dont want to show too much right now, but here is plan B, the stave I started with had a slight natural reflex in one limb and a very even naturally deflexed handle area. I matched the un flexed limb and took out some o the deflex in hooes of letting some come back as I shoot it in. BL 61 1/2", 1/4" cherry on wenge tips. I am planing to slightly recurve the ends as they start to taper to the tips. more pics as I finish another project I have been battling for a while now.
oops only loaded one pic
Good looking bows. I got a new nephew in Boise on St. Patty's day (Porter James) another little red headed leprechaun :), just like mine. I will get back to work tonight. Almost done tillering. I'll post some pics soon to get y'all's advise on weather I should send it out :-\
Congrats Matt!
Thanks man. He is too darn cute. It's going hard to be 175 Mike away from that little guy. Just one more excuse to go to the city. It is my home town and all.
So this is where I got, I'm getting frustrated. What would u guys do?
outer on the right limb and mid to outer on the left limb are stiff. dont touch the inner limbs anymore untill you get those stiff spots moving more.
outer on the right limb and mid to outer on the left limb are stiff. dont touch the inner limbs anymore untill you get those stiff spots moving more.
outer on the right limb and mid to outer on the left limb are stiff. dont touch the inner limbs anymore untill you get those stiff spots moving more.
I get it >:( thanks guys
It was getting late and I did a little too much before checking it again. Gotta learn when it time to say quits
I get it >:( thanks guys
Don't worry . I am in the same boat . At least a couple times and both times in the end they were great bows when the tiller came around.
It was getting late and I did a little too much before checking it again. Gotta learn when it time to say quits
So I think I got it worked out. The left (bottom) limb may need a little off the last 1/3rd. What y'all think?
Just a tad. That is looking sweet.
So I got that one area taken care of u think bob? I'm gonna reflex the limbs and fix tiller and shoot her
Bruce if left is lower then you need to shift that handle over. Either center it, or slighty ABOVE center. That's where your hand will be. By sliding it 2" to the right, it changes the tiller. The right limb is too heavy BTW. Tiller looks good, but too heavy.
I have it so the string is pulling straight on the tree, I thought that's what I'd want. I lines it up about where my handle ends. Am I wrong?
I think he is saying that the block needs to be positioned where your hand would be, which should be nearer the upper limb. Is your picture upside down?
where your arrow pass is going to be is what should be in the center of the tree. it better similates drawing the bow by hand. when you draw a bow by hand you dont pull the string from dead center, rather 1-1 1/2" above center.
<snip> Is your picture upside down?
Unless he has gravity defying electric cords, then yes, this picture is positioned upside down. :o
<snip> Is your picture upside down?
Unless he has gravity defying electric cords, then yes, this picture is positioned upside down. :o
Ha! ::)
That's hot I have it Jordan, the spot where my arrow will go is lined up with my pulling rope.
Also the handle isn't quite flat so it seems like one limb is further than the other
I thought it looked like it was in the right spot too.
Should I still get the tip bending a little more on the left? Now I'm confused. At least the hingy part is gone
Waiting on ur input Chris, if u can clarify what u mean by too heavy?
Do u mean it looks like the one limb is traveling farther. If so that's the angle on the back of the handle.
The weather is finally start 8)ing to warm up :)!I have a hhb stave ,white oak and osage.gonna do a few glue ups also when it gets above 32F/0C .lottsa nice bows so far in this years swap!
little more work and Im sure you have a thwapper for sure! happy bday BLaflair
From the picture I see the right limb looks to be longer and stiffer than the left. Could be an optical illusion pertaining to the difference in length because the handle is not centered in the saddle. It looks to me that the right limb in the upside down picture needs to bend slightly more directly out of the fade ???
I'm frustrated lol
Looks like the hinges are gone, but I'd move the bend out closer to the tips personally.
Lol I've heard a lot of different suggestions. So I'm confused. I'm gonna get the left limb being more in the litter third and then see what it looks like.
I'm frustrated lol
it happens man.
I have about half the time I've put into my BL bow from toms stash into this bow. And I'm not even frustrated with that. Lol. Damn bow bug!
I put another 30 arrows through her today so I think she's ready to travel. She'll be heading north and west of here. ;D
Damnit. I was hoping to see her up my way >:( I'm sure someone will be a very happy camper. Do we have a thread for recurves trade bows?
Well I think I may be in that category. One can only hope >:D
I wonder when the weather is going to clear up for ********? >:D
I put another 30 arrows through her today so I think she's ready to travel. She'll be heading north and west of here. ;D
. I am north and a tad west. Could it be. I will be stocking the mail man again.
Well I got it where I like it. Gotta shape my handle and fling some arrows. I cut some of the curve off to gain a little more weight, didn't know if it'd work but I figured it try. I like it more now. It came in just under their min weight. I heat treated lightly and well see if that had any affect.
Lookin good laflair ;D
I was able to get back into the Garage last night, work on a project with my son, and make some bow progress. Got my riser all glued up. I think it is going to look sweet. I have the Ipe with a thin strip of ash and the main part of the riser is a beautiful piece of Teak that a friend brought me back while on a missions trip to Myanmar (Old Burma). I can't wait to see how it finishes up.
Gonna start scraping on her tonight. Here's the profile with just over 4" reflex after letting the sinew dry. Nice and straight down the center but has a slight prop twist on the lower limb (left). For some reason feel like this is gonna be tricky.
Sounds cool Joshua!
PS- my daughter has learned to write ;D
DuBoy start scraping and exercising as you go. You can work out the twist as you tiller by removing wood from the strong side of he belly. Don't worry abut it being tricky. I know you are a lot smarter than that old stick. Just remove wood from where it needs, exercise and it will all come around for you. If you hit a bump in the road, you know where we are. ;)
s, we love you too! ;)
So this is the full draw pic. Gonna take it through some more heat treat. And then shoot her!
Don't mind the mess. My daughters play room. I had to sorta hunch over in the pic with my back facing ya
Thanks Pat,
I will give it a lot of exercising as I go and try removing from the strong side.
I am pretty sure I'll be checking back in for advice before it's done though. Sure good to have all the experience available on here.
So this is the full draw pic. Gonna take it through some more heat treat. And then shoot her!
Don't mind the mess. My daughters play room. I had to sorta hunch over in the pic with my back facing ya
that looks good to me man. why are you gonna heat treat it?
She came in a little shy. I'm being too picky
How many full draws you have put it through Bruce? After so many the effects of tempering are diminished. Quite often the bow will settle in right where it started.
I've fully drawn it about 6 times, just call it done?
What's she pulling and how does she shoot?
How far under weight are you?
5lb from their min
Does your victim have your freakishly long armed draw length? >:D :laugh:
looks like your chugging right along, headed for sweet n snappy stick!
dude id just call her good. ive gotten two trade bows and both were 5# under what i specified and im happy with them both regardless.
A well made recurve can shoot like a straight limb bow that is 5# heavier. ;)
Id leave it Bruiser. 5# isn't much, not to mention its a static and very few fellers build them or get them in bet that 5# wont mean poo after they see the hooks on it.
Thanks guys, I'm gonna go with the advice and leave it
i often find that when im not fully satisfied with a bow, if i leave it and shoot it for awhile i begin to really like it the way it is.
I don't have a static and I would be awful happy to see that bow, even if it were a little under.
I would leave it like it is, heck Arkansas just recently lowered its minimum draw weight to 35# to hunt with so anything 35# and over will hunt. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
I would dig that if were slightly under weight. Something like that would be nice after a long spell of no shooting, to get you worked back up those muscles. I looks great as is. :)
It's gonna make a nice stumper or target bow. I like the lower weight for taget practice. Thanks for the input guys. Makes me feel better. When I developed that slight hinge I lost faith in myself. I learned a lot trying to get it out. I like how it turns out
I don't think anybody is gonna care if it's a bit light, imho as long as it's a useable weight I wouldn't care abit
She looks sweet! I wouldnt sweat 5#... Brian
Here's a look at a couple of staves I plan to work on if it ever warms up(-3F with the wind this morning) :(!one's hhb and osage
I got one tillered out to 26.5" it is at the bottom of my victims weight request. I will make a couple more and pick the best. This one is BL and it has very tight rings. I will be shooting it in this evening after I get home from work let me know what y'all think. This will be my second attempt with BL hope this one works, ::)it should. I know the full draw looks a little stiff on the right limb out of the fade but it has a whoop around the knot where it looks stiff. It has taken 3/8" string follow and 7/8" total set. It is the least set out of any bow to date
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Bush boy those are looking like some great staves. :)
Sweet bow Matt!
Shooting her in and got some damn chrysals. In the handle. Probably too narrow. Or the rings. It was only bending just a tad there, but locust is one of the best teacher I have ever known :). When I get one out of it, it will be a beast of a shooter. I can feel its potential as a bow wood. The last two I have attempted have hardly taken any set at all. Back to the drawing board yet again. I have a big stack of this stuff.
I'll get pics up of the next one soon
It's weird how much the stuff likes to chrysal in narrow spots, isn't it? Seems way more than proportional to the difference in width and compensation in bend. Have you noticed thicker rings resisting chrysals better, or is that just me?
I will get back to you on that Marc. I am going to try one with thicker rings next on the next one. I have a short stave that is 1 1/2" wide and 53" long with way thicker rings and some long stock too. I'm not sure what to try next still deciding. Going to take a brake tonight and get back after it tomorrow.
Matt, can you grind that area down and add another piece of wood. It would stiffen that area a bit more too.
I will get back to you on that Marc. I am going to try one with thicker rings next on the next one. I have a short stave that is 1 1/2" wide and 53" long with way thicker rings and some long stock too. I'm not sure what to try next still deciding. Going to take a brake tonight and get back after it tomorrow.
Whoa, that sounds a lot like the first build-along I did. The thick rings held up well for being overstressed by about fifteen pounds and she only took two inches of set from half an inch of reflex.
Matt, can you grind that area down and add another piece of wood. It would stiffen that area a bit more too.
I kinda was thinking that too Pat. How would you go about that. What wood would you use?
Marc I saw that build the stave I have looks similar with a few character flaws ::)
If it in ur hand just flatten it and add thing laminations to build it back up
Post a pic of the fretted area, Matt. Most any hardwood should work.
Will do when the sun comes up here Pat. They are sooo hard to see in the artificial light in the house. I have some black walnut the is already down to about 1/8". Would that work?
Any wood would work
What glue? I have a two ton epoxy that I use for knife handles or just tight bond? Thanks I have never done a bendy glue on riser. Thanks for the help. I love this site. I was almost ready to cut this in half to make a kids bow.
Yes it is a great site huh?
Walnut would be very cool looking IMO
The walnut will work fine. I will need to see pics of the fret and the area it is in to make a definite decision.
If the area will be bending, a few thin lams of graduating lengths should have enough give but it will depend on how much give is needed to determine the length and layers you'll need.
I've never used epoxy so I can't speak to that. TB glues will work as will Urac(Unibond now)and other glues.
Pat I hope this is okay. The frets don't extend past these two blue lines. Only about a three inch area. I shot it maybe a dozen times and looked, there they were. They look to be very shallow. Do you think I could get away with one lam?
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U just wanna add enough for it not to bend, how thick that is u won't know. Try one and if not add more.
I do want it to bend though.
Then I would do very thin lams. It's gonna be hard to get them to stay on
The walnut will work fine. I will need to see pics of the fret and the area it is in to make a definite decision.
If the area will be bending, a few thin lams of graduating lengths should have enough give but it will depend on how much give is needed to determine the length and layers you'll need.
I've never used epoxy so I can't speak to that. TB glues will work as will Urac(Unibond now)and other glues.
I've never done this but I would go with what Pat said if I were gonna attempt it.
That's the back you are showing. Are they cracks across the back or checks on the belly. BIG difference!
Yes I know there's a big difference. They are on the belly. This was the only pic I had of the bow. I could take another if need be.
;D Ok havent been on in a while working a lot. but heres a few pics of the possible trade bow. have others in works but this one is shooting great. >:D
Looking good Katt. Glad to see you back. 8)
I like that one a lot. It's been a while. Ive missed seeing your bows. Hope you post more soon. Sounds like there hasn't been much time for ya to do much.
nice i like it.
Very sweet!
I like the wildness and wiggles there Kat!
That is a cool looking little bow Katt, I love the handle and humps and bumps.
that's looking real good wildkatt, i hope it's headed this way, i'd love to get my paws on another one of yours, the one i got from you is still one of my favorites and i shoot it all the time.
anyways i'm still debating weather to keep going and send plan A or move on to plan C (i already screwed up plan B LOL), plan A has about 200 shot's through it and has about 1 1/2" of reflex after shooting and goes back to about
2 1/2" after about 30 minutes, i started with 3 1/2" of reflex, it is quite a good shooter but i for sure need to reduce the tips a bit though.
Was able to get outside and make some good progress last couple of evenings. In fact I doubled up and am making 2 somewhat identical bows with one being 2" longer. That way I can send the nicer of the two and the parting won't be quite as hard, LOL. I have used dry heat and veggie oil to flip some curves into the tips. About 10" radius for the last 8". Both are ready for backing glue-ups...maybe.
I had a couple questions I wanted to ask. One relating to the type of backing and one to the order of operations.
First, I decided to try to use a piece of hickory that I got several months back for backing on one and ash on the other. The ash has grain straight as an arrow, but the hickory is a little less so. Not to say it is HORRIBLE, but it does have maybe 2 places where the grain weebles and wobbles. My question there is, how forgiving is hickory as a backing? I have enough ash to do both, but I have never worked with hickory yet and wanted to try it.
Second, order of operations. I have seen some people talking about getting some of the tillering in before they glue the backing on. Is there a big benefit to this? Any reason to do it one way or the other? I was all set to just start my gluing tonight, but decided to ask if there is any benefit to getting some tillering in prior to glue-up. Thanks.
If its a hick board I would bend test to make sure it's mold free.I rough tiller prior to backing because most of the crushed belly cells will be removed on final tiller and your starting off more even,less chances o hinges.long even scrapes placing less stress on the belly and less set.hickory is tough stuff and will hold together with less than perfect grain ,even more so if there is a glue line as a buffer. Here's a hick self board for and example.
I dont know about hickory boards but all the different ways I have worked with hickory has shown me that stuff was made for bending, even with imperfect grain Im sure you could cold bend it far past just about any other wood. Have to get together and get some staves to ya!
So this is where I sit, Glued on a moose antler shelf. I never made a shelf so I said why not. I like it! Hopefully getting over lays on and tips shaped and narrowed and then to shoot it in.
Built a new tillering tree with a sweet rolling pully aaaaaaaaand the weather turns on me... still made a string but I really wanted to get some finished tillering done on a few bows! oh well, heres a few pics of what I have done so far, BL, bendy handle deflex reflex with slighlty flipped tips thinned to about 3/8
Just noticed I didn't post the other pics...
nice grip
Thanks jordo
Got my Plan A tillered out to 28" today! I left a few spots a touch stiff because of the knots - let me know what you guys think! 62" knotty Mulberry - 50#@28" Now I've got to narrow the tips, shoot 'er in and then dress her up.
cool bow bubbles
I got my trade bow sent out today via USPS Priority Mail. It is scheduled for delivery on Monday, March 31. Please let me know when it gets there and please post pics of you with the bow. I never took a money shot.
Sweet bend man! I'll let u know what it gets here pat;0)
8) I waited all week long for it to show up because I thought you'd sent it out already. Your post makes me feel like I just received a new lottery ticket. ;D
Fred, your new lottery ticket is probably as good as the ones I buy. ::)
Yeah, I know :) but I still purchase about 4 a year just in case!!!!
Great!! I'll be home all day Monday ;D
looking good bubbles, I know i'm not getting Pats bow so i'm just waiting to see it bend
Yeah, I know :) but I still purchase about 4 a year just in case!!!!
Ya gotta give lady Luck a chance to treat ya right! - even though she so rarely avails herself of said opportunities...
Good looking bow bubbles.
More progress tonight, I got it on a long string and some rough tillering started. I almost did my glue-up, but decided to give it one more day. It is cold tonight, and hopefully it won't drop below freezing tomorrow. Last thing I want to do is get a bad glue up 'cause I was impatient.
Some great bows guys. I took a couple days off but will get back after it tomorrow evening after work. I have a plan b and c in the works. Chrysals are a bummer but a good learner :)
Got my moose antler overlays on, shot her a couple dozen times. I'm happy with it, almost robin hooded my arra!
Sweet looking bows there bubbles and skarhand.
Headed to the post office now to ship mine out. Had to use a scraper one last time to remove my name from the pvc tube so I could write &*&%^*(^'s name.
Nice lines on that bow skarhand.
When I got home today, there was a strange looking package on our couch. The label read Pat B. Then I crapped my pants. Thank you so much Pat. It shows me what a bow should be in every way. The craftsmanship is exceptional. I will take more pics tomorrow when it stops raining. Pat also enclosed three arrows of equal beauty. I don't know what to say. Here is a pic when I got home. More to come.
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Headed to the post office now to ship mine out. Had to use a scraper one last time to remove my name from the pvc tube so I could write &*&%^*(^'s name.
Nice lines on that bow skarhand.
Well what one of the three are you shipping out?
When I got home today, there was a strange looking package on our couch. The label read Pat B. Then I crapped my pants. Thank you so much Pat. It shows me what a bow should be in every way. The craftsmanship is exceptional. I will take more pics tomorrow when it stops raining. Pat also enclosed three arrows of equal beauty. I don't know what to say. Here is a pic when I got home. More to come.
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You lucky dawg, can't wait to see the third of this years trade bows!
Matt, I'm glad she got there in good shape. She told me before she left that she was hungry for elk! She didn't care if it was a cow, a rag horn or a 400" bull, she wanted ELK! 8) Them mountains in the background look like good elk country.
I hope she suites you well. The arrows are 11/32" poplar(shafts made by Charlie Jefferson) with the rear 9" tapered to 5/16" at the nock. One of the arrows seems to be off a little. You may or may not notice. Treat her well. I like knowing my offspring goes to good homes. ;) Let me know how she's treating you, too.
Thanks you soooooooooo much Pat. I haven't got to shoot her yet. The rain has not been letting up here for me. But tomorrow hell or high water (pun intended ::) ) I will take some pics and see how well I know she'll shoot. The mountains I the background do have elk. I have a spot a little to the north. Next year I hope it will be my year.
Dang, well I knew I wasn't getting her, but at least she made the trip west, congrat's Matt you lucky dog ;D
Thanks Bub I do feel very lucky. When Pat posted pic of her I told my wife "I sure hope that puppy comes this far out west. And it did. I hope the pics I take do her justice. Very nice indeed
You have a driving force now Matt. Every time you look at her or shoot her you are gonna think E L K!!! She'll bring your elk right to you in the fall. ....and she's not afraid of the rain. ;)
Good point. My camera doesn't like it too much though. I have an indoor 15 yard range at the shop, I might head down tonight. Taxes are in the table and I've been putting them off for far too long :(. I might need to take a brake and get off the computer. :)
That reminds me, my taxes need done too.
Hunterbob, I sent out the one I wanted to keep the most.
Well it stopped raining ::). Got about five inches last night. I'll head down to the shop later and take some pics of the new bow. For now a pic of my little mans first snow man.
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Rps3 now that tells me a lot. Lol .
Fine looking first snowman! We got about 3" of this wet heavy snow last night :'(
Sounds like us. Where are u blaflair
:) lucky duck matt !you got your self a patB special,I'm sure you can't let it out of your sight!lol! Removed the cambrium on the hhb today and sealed the back!first weekend above freezing!yay! Even saw a goose !lol!
Central NY
waytago Idaho!!! ;)
Man this thing is sooooo sweet. Shoots like a dream. Silent as the snow, and hard hitting. I wish the pics would've turned out a little better, they lost some resolution while resizing. Won't do that again. I am so happy with this bow and yes Pat when I though E. L. K. My mark was struck right on the money. My first shot was the one off target but close, then the rest were right on. Those arrows are great. The red one is one of mine, I shot it from about 20 yards, and the other three were from about ten. The tips look like walnut and horn, very nice. She will have blood on her hands soon. Rabbit hunt next week.
Thanks again Pat.
Sincerely Matt Kulchak
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That is a thing of beauty Patb and Matt you lucky dog
Hot Dang you got a sweet bow Matt! That full draw looks perfect, that is some great work Pat.
Matt, looks like a perfect fit to me! 8) Her tiller looks good in your hands. I know you'll treat her well and she'll treat you well. ;)
The tips are persimmon and cow horn.
Thank you very much Pat. I love it :D
You are welcome Matt. The rawhide tip ends are just glued down. I usually would have a wrap here but thought I'd try it without. If it starts to lift there a simple thread wrap set in glue will hold it down.
Sounds good. Thanks for the tip.
Congrats on a beautiful bow Matt.
Got a little work done.( ( (
More progress, glue up on Saturday afternoon:
And last night after cleaning in up and starting to take the limbs down some:
After I glued on the Hickory backing, it was so stiff I couldn't even bend it with most of my weight and the floor, lol. So I started off by taking almost 1/8" off the whole thing and shortened and inch or so off both sides of the handle. Now it is looking pretty curvy. I got it to about #35 @ 18". I want to take a bit more off mid-limb to get it bending more there. Then I'll take it out a bit more.
I actually had to take off one of my sweat shirts last night it was so warm in my shop! (42°F) LOL.
That's fixin to be a pretty cool bow man.
Got my tips narrowed some and experimenting with leather dye. Haven't finish sanded yet so the dye isn't perminate yet. Moose antler tips.
Looking good josh
blaflair your gonna cover up that beautiful yellow wood :o, say it aint so
hmmm looks familiar lol
Lol yea jordo it's like ur recurve :P
Only a little bubby. It'll still be yeller
Wow Idaho, Looks like the American dream AND a Pat B bow. Can it get any better?
Well tonight when I came home from work . There was a plastic tube waiting on me from RPS3 . I opened up a beautiful HHB bow with just the right amount of character . Very very nicely done. This bow is smoking cool. I can't wait to shoot it. Dark out now worked till 9 tonight. But wow was I surprised when I got home. Thank you so much Bob . I can tell you poured your heart into this bow. I will have to get ahold of blackhawk and get him to take and post some pictures for me. Maybe tomorrow he is only like ten minutes from me. Thanks again RPS3 (Bob)
All yeah I got some fur from RPS also. Some mink. I will put that to some good use. Thanks
A few more coats of finish and I'll be ready to ship.
Well, I got the tillering done last night and the grip mostly done. Strung it up and put 5 arrows through it. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to put 30-40 more arrows through it and get started on the final sanding. This is my favorite part, seeing how all the wood grains turn out during the finish sanding and sealing. I think I'll hold of on more pictures for now...that way there is some surprise left for ______.
I just wanted to say RPS3 makes a mean bow. I got to shoot it . Wow what a treat . She puts the arrow down range with authority. I will try and get the pics up soon.
Good to know it is shooting well for you, I hope it gives you years of service.
So I got the buckthorn and sinew on the long string.
4 and 1/8" reflex
pic is 49#
I have made the mistake in the past of not asking for tiller help because it seems like it takes too long to take pics and post them. But I think I need to start asking sooner rather than later and in the end it will probably save me a lot of time.
How's it looking?
Thanks, Marco
I think it looks pretty good.
I know it's pretty early to ask but I don't want my ego to blow it for me.
Just wondering-do the outer third of limbs tend to bend more at low brace than they do on long string?
Thanks folks, Doobs
Ur just shortening the string. The limbs should bend the same as before I think, could be wrong :laugh:
I know it's pretty early to ask but I don't want my ego to blow it for me.
Just wondering-do the outer third of limbs tend to bend more at low brace than they do on long string?
Thanks folks, Doobs
I know it's pretty early to ask but I don't want my ego to blow it for me.
Just wondering-do the outer third of limbs tend to bend more at low brace than they do on long string?
Thanks folks, Doobs
Yes. A nice even bend on the long string will be whip tillered at brace. Whip tiller is the hardest to correct without dropping a lot of weight. Best to avoid that situation. Josh
Well I got it finished. May try to ship tomorrow. If not, next week. This one is hard to let go of. A really special piece of Yella Gold. I can't tell that it took any set so far. I'll let the new owner post all the pics.
Can't wait to see the rest of it Jon. I'm sure it will be great like all your others.
Still having trouble finding much time time to work on mine, but im slowly gaining on it. Have it just starting to bend at floor tiller. Hope to get it bending a little more tomorrow and put a little reflex in it. Will need to work on string alignment also.
Thanks Jordo and Josh. I will keep outers a bit stiff til braced.
Like that yella stick Turtle. Looks real clean ;D ;D
Question: What do you guys think would look good over buckthorn? Leaning toward goat hide? Will rawhide change weight?
I am wondering when you guys usually cover sinew if doing rawhide. After fully tillered or sometime before that?
Thanks, Doober
Rawhide will add physical weight but will not add performance and goat rawhide would be a good option as it is thin but quite strong. You can add the rawhide anytime But I'd wait for the sinew to cure some first. What glue are you using for the sinew and rawhide?
I put sinew on with knox about a month ago and plan to use tb3 for the hide.
If you are sure the sinew is dry put a thin coat of TBIII over the sinew and let it dry over night then glue the rawhide down. The initial sizing coat o TB will act as a vapor barrier so more moisture won't get into the sinew/glue/wood.
I just looked back over the posts and I put it on march 8. Its been real dry here still so it should be good.
Thanks Pat, will proceed with hide this week after a little more scraping.
Well this is what a got done do far. White oak.
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Thats alot of character for white oak..oughta make a sweet bow.... Brian
It's from a branch, that's why there's so much character. It's got a butt load of reflex, 7"
zactly how muchIS a buttload..curious?.
Anything more that 5" is a butt load lol. IMO
Jordan, be sure you set the bow up so you separate the tension wood from the compression wood. One side will be thicker rings than the other. Mixing the two can cause tillering problems.
Im no WO expert, but I do know a bit about reflex. Id suggest a nice temper and all the while remove 4-5" of that reflex. I don't feel WO will allow that kind of belly compression.
What do you mean by mixing the two?
Im no WO expert, but I do know a bit about reflex. Id suggest a nice temper and all the while remove 4-5" of that reflex. I don't feel WO will allow that kind of belly compression.
Agreed, If wo compares to hickory and I know hick pretty well it won't handle this much reflex. It's about 1 1/2" thick right now so i can take it out when i get it thinned down.
Don't have both thin and thicker rings in the same limb if you can help it.
Don't have both thin and thicker rings in the same limb if you can help it.
Oh ok, that shouldn't be a problem.
Pat, do you find that thin/thick rings in the same limb pertain to all bow woods?
Fred, most trees have a tension and a compression side and all limbs do. Dean Torges give a good explanation of this in the first chapter of his book, "Hunting The Osage Bow"
Thanks Pat. I've read the book multiple times but sometimes forget. :-[ I have numerous osage staves with different size rings mixed in and that's where my mind was. I'll post some pics in the bow section of some brought to me this weekend by one of our locals.
Fred, you can still make a good bow with uneven growth rings you just won't have the grain "flames" running down the center of the belly.
Chrysals! Arrrghhhh. On to plan 2
Bummer man!
Hey bubbles, was that your mulberry?
I feal ya bubbles. My fist one chrysaled. Had to start over but was a good thing in the end
Got a lot of reflex out. It's holding about 2 1/2" now.
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I got a little work done on my possible trade bow, it's a little deflexed and recurved it's only 63" ttt so the deflex wont hurt nothing I got about 100 shots thru it at f/d and shoots nice( (
Looking good guys. I have a new possible that I am going to try some earth pigments on. Its 49" ash
About 50 at 24" I'll post pics soon. Just got done finish sanding. It is the shortest I've done. Quite surprised with it. Quite snappy.
this ended up the bottom limb ( (
I got a hole too!
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He said a "a hole" ;D
I know jordo, and it whistles when the wind blows thru your ear >:D
:laugh: :laugh: now that was funny bub :laugh: :laugh:
some sweet a holes guys can see straight out the other side on >:D
Oh boy Jordo! Bub got you good on that one! The ol' fart still has some game to him.
LMAO.. Just got back to check this. Man I needed a good laugh!
lmao keep it up bub, ill tell everyone about your decoy!
Hey bubbles, was that your mulberry?
Yepper. Heat treated it too. About 3 inches north of the handle. I tried scraping them away and retillering to 40# but, they came right back.
I'm still trying to decide which will be the trade bow; mulberry self bow or buckthorn with sinew.
The bows might decide for me since I still got a long way to go yet.
Mulberry still at long string stage.
Goat hide is on over the sinew.
How do you guys treat the edges of the hide?
Seems like I saw where people used a sharpie or something along the edge when finishing??
Once it is good and dry I use a smooth bastard file to dress up the edges.
Do you stain along the edge to kinda make a border or just leave it wood to hide?
Here's a pic of the little ash bow. I got it down to the min requirement for weight not quite the draw length. I will post more tomorrow. And get some opinions :). The yellow ochre didn't turn out the way I wanted over such a large area so I color matched it with acrylics. I like the look of it a lot.
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DuBois, if I stain or dye the rawhide I dress the filed edge. If not I just add the Tru-Oil finish and sometimes burnish the edge a bit to smooth it out.
Thanks Pat, that was the answer I was looking for.
I like the ash Idaho, what's the dimensions?
They are 49.5" ntn and 1.5" at the fades to 8" from tips tapering down to about 3/4". Shoots pretty fast. I have it drawing to 25".
Here are some pics of unbraced and braced. The top limb is the one with the wiggles little of a twist there. Hasn't seemed to affect the shooting at all. I'm going to do a small handle build up because it's 1 3/8" at the handle and pretty thin so I think it will help.
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ttt. hows everyone doing?
Plugging away. How bout you Jordo. I have a couple in the mix and am going to pick the best or least worst :o
Weather hasn't been cooperating very well. I'm finishing up a couple kids bows this weekend and will try to get a fresh start Monday. Suppose to rain all weekend here so outdoor work will be stymied.
I got my first one done, needs finish work. Got another on the way. And another... Well see which one makes it
i gotta figure out how to tiller with out a tillering tree this weekend but im down to floor tiller and need to finish the nocks and overlays
Mirror works for me, or a camera phone.
ill be working in the park. i just moved and had to leave behind my work bench and bench with vice, tillering tree.
Got mine almost ready for long string, but keep getting distracted by more pressing projects.
ok here she is, finished out at 52 1/2" long, ~52#@27", huge knot in the top limb and sweet knot hole in the bottom, backed with 2 layers of muley and antelope sinew and some awesome eastern diamondback watersnake skins from cippy, right after about 100 shots she holds about 1 1/2" of reflex and then quickly goes back to 2 1/2", handle is beaver tail rawhide. so far i've put about 500 shots through her. cippy specifically asked me to enter the bow i put the skins on in the BOM contest so when i get that done you guys can see the fd shot and unbraced profile. hopefully i'll get it in the mail in a week or two.
Just plain beautiful man.
Awesome Duck!..... Brian
Nice, that is a sweet one KD. I've got #1 done and started 2 others. I'll choose between the three when time draws near!
That's looking killer ::). Great job, someone is going to be glad to see the mail man the day that thing shows up.
got to bump this up, come on guys let us know whats going on
Got 2 staves and 3 glue ups on the go,got 2 more staves of osage coming in a week or 2.I'm so darn fussy when I'm building for someone else!I also have a plan x up my sleeve
my bow is just about ready to go, tips are shined and the grip is done( (
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Looking good killer duck and bubby.
Nice !
Looking good Bub. :)
Sweet looking bows Duck & Bubby.
Are the rules posted for this somewhere? I would like to join in the process?
your to late on this trade bogaman, but we have one every year
sign up closed a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago
How does one go about getting in for next year? Also, can I fill a spot that has been vacated, I may not be here next year!
sign up when you see a sign up post.
Will do. Thanks
Shipped mine off this morning. I hope my guy likes it or hates it 'cause either way I'll be happy. If he likes it that will be awesome. If he hates it he can send it back for a replacement and that will be awesome as well (for me!) This bow was nothing fancy whatsoever. It was just a superior piece of Osage. I can't see any signs of set in this bow yet. I know it will happen but right now it's as straight as the day I roughed it out. It was a love /hate thing to send this bow off.
im sure who ever gets it will love it.
when ya hate to send it.....thats when ya know ya
Put 40-50 arrows through a funky little vine maple plan A last night. It shot pretty well, I need to lighten up the tips a little and finish it up. If I have time I might make a plan B and see which one shoots best.
Maybe this one?maple backed elm ,r/d
That looks like a smoooooth shooter there bushboy. I think it would be a great one.
Well just got back from the Classic and I had a package on the porch when i got home ;).... JonW gave me a beauty of a bow! Brother that must have been a monster osage! The back is wide and flat! Cant wait to shoot it in the daylight tomorrow! I will get pics up as soon as I can. Thanks Bro!
On a side note; I got to meet my recipient at the Classic so now I know a lttle more bout him and got a good idea wich bow to finish up for him ;)... Brian
Glad it got there in one piece Brian. That was a monster of a tree at 34" across the stump. I am looking forward to making more bows from that tree because of the lack of set that your bow ended up with. I hope you enjoy it.
No pics yet but i got to shoot abit today. That bows a beast! Thanks again Jon!.... Brian
Gave my bow to Steve Parnell at the classic,hope hes likes the hickory bow i made him
Gave my bow to Steve Parnell at the classic,hope hes likes the hickory bow i made him
I was shooting it last evening, Auggie. It shoots powerfully!
I really appreciate it, my friend. I posted a picture of you and I up on one of the Classic threads, let me get that one up here and another of my shooting it.
Just received 2 beautiful staves from my bud sidewinder (danny) ready to rip into them but of course it's raining to beat the band! Have several board bows and lams put together but folks just don't seem to take to them like staves! Have a 55" osage molly. With big hooks,deflexed through the handle.not sure it will handle what I'm gonna ask from it? I buggered my hhb stave by hitting it to soon with dry heat after steaming recurves,it's fixable with brush nocks or something ,had to go quite deep to remove the tension fracture.the rosewood I keep messing up cuz I can't follow the kiss rule.anyways all is good I have a nice osage self as a back up if need be.
I really want a lam bow. They're pretty ::) I like the idea of multiple colors. And ipe really impressed me with how strong it is. It sure goes bang! But a nice stick is great too. A lot easier for me to carve a stick than to glue up a bunch of stuff, someday I'll have the room and build the lam bow I've been seeing in my head. None the less I think whatever u send someone, they'll be happy.
There aint nothin wrong with a lam bow. >:D
Here are some photos Angie snapped yesterday evening. It's a powerful shooter, Auggie.
Thanks, brother!!!
Well, this one is getting well shot in by now, I think I may take a couple scrapes off the inner bottom third and then get to the sanding.
It's 44#28" - 1/2 inch of un-braced set
looks good bubbles
looks good bubbles
looks good bubbles
+ another one.
Looks bubbles good.
thanks for the compliments! Its hickory backed white oak, forgot to say.
Eeeeast bound an doooown, loaded up and shootin, I hope that bow comes to meeeee. thus ends my very bad smokey and the bandit theme song parody. :laugh:
lol neo...just threw up in my mouth.... :o
My bow is sitting on someones porch according to usps tracking, poor guy
I am that "poor guy" and I can't stop grinning' >:D
Thanks Bubby!!
I've never held in my hands a bow made by another bowyer and I sure am glad I get to start off with one from you. It's a beauty. Will be arrows flying out of it ASAP and pictures to come real soon too.
Thank You!
Couldn't wait. Made the wife come take some pics ;D ;D
Really slams an arrow home!!
Mismatched arrows but still hits where I am looking pretty darn good (if not it aint the bow ;))
I love her...and she's all mine >:D >:D!
I know what you're thinking...was he really looking to hit the lungs and backbone instead of the heart?
OK, so I need practice ::) ::)
I sure will get it with this one.
Thanks again Bub.
Congrats Bubby and Dubois for a great looking bow. I will take a double lunger any day.
i'm glad it made it o.k. and that you like it, wasn't sure if you liked a rest but I took a shot
That's a great looking bow Bub. Congrats Doobs ;)
Yes I do like a rest but also trying to practice some with no rest this year.
What are the silencers made from? Is this string FF?
Yes I do like a rest but also trying to practice some with no rest this year.
What are the silencers made from? Is this string FF?
his back hair
Haha Jordan that made me spit my drink out!! Nice bow! I really gotta finish sanding mine. Plan a is what is gonna go. Plan b went bang and plan c isn't coming out how I want. Good bows all around so far.
Contrary to popular belief I save my back hair to make horse bridles , they are rabbit and the string is d-97
I wanted to post up some photos. I've got an Osage recurve about done and I'm putting on the gator leather handle wrap, currently.
I've got contender #2 underway and am doing another hickory scallop back/Iroquois design bow but this time it will have a stiff handle, so hybridized. I should have a third contender done also which'll be a bend through the handle Osage bow about 62" long so should be a sweetheart, also. I'll make up my mind when the fat lady starts to take the stage!!!
I'm using some cork padding to build up the handle on the Osage recurve, it's working out well!
Sexy looking recurve Parnell.
Very good looking stuff Parnell.
I just got the heat corrections done last night, along with the temper. Hope it works. Locust is a great teacher. That's what I have to keep telling myself anyway ::).
There are some sweet looking bows being made. I look forward to seeing more pictures of that Iroquois design bow. I am making progress I have two in the works #1 is a rawhide backed ERC and #2 is a Hickory Algonquin style long bow.
Weather is finally beginning to cooperate so I did a little rasp and scraper work outside today. Almost to floor tiller so I'll give it another go and begin some heat corrections over the next week or two.
Still not sure if this is the one with a few others also getting some attention.
Great work guys. I am seeing some beautiful work.
Delivered mine at Marshall. Sorry didn't take any pics. I'll let him post >:D
Delivered mine at Marshall. Sorry didn't take any pics. I'll let him post >:D
Ya............saw it in person, it's a purty bow, and shoots good too! :) ;)
ya know if pauly gave it away it's a good one
Saw it too, and shot it. D bar is right, not only looks good but it was like it shot itself when I flung about a dozen arrows through it. Couldn't believe how sweet shooting and accurate it was,....... ooooh that baby was nice to shoot.
Saw it too, and shot it. D bar is right, not only looks good but it was like it shot itself when I flung about a dozen arrows through it. Couldn't believe how sweet shooting and accurate it was,....... ooooh that baby was nice to shoot.
Paul had to pry it out of your hands to get it back :) :)....................
I got some cryshals on yet another BL bow. I need to get some more wood. I need a break. :)
Havn't found much time to work on any thing lately but am going to try to put tip overlays on the one i have tillered out tomorrow, then its down to final sanding and making it pretty ( the part i like the least :().
I'm baffled. Have mine floor tillered and on the long string. I'm shooting for 50# minimum and only have 18.5 oz remaining to work with. 65" NTN, 1 1/2" fades and the last 14" tapering to 1/2".
I know I'm going to lose another oz and maybe 1 .5 finishing the handle area leaving me with a total mass of 17.
It's pulling 30@20. Is this even doable?
Okey dokey, it's June 1st, summertime and the livin' is easy! Time to pack the cooler and the hammock and head for the lake. Lawn's gotta get mowed, roofs shingled, garden weeded (NOT AGAIN!), and about eleventy-million other things.
Summer also means we are down the back straight-away on this horserace and there ain't time to rock back in the saddle and enjoy the view of all the horses arses ahead of you. Time to lean in because turn number three is just ahead of us and if you aren't moving up in the pack, you better be ready to explain why!
And just like your teachers back in school, me and Bowman are asking you to show your work! No fair just making and sending your bow, show your work, send teaser photo's along the way!
Here's another option.56"ttt R/d lever,osage stave with a bit of character!gotta get the top limb coming around a bit more
I am definitely guilty of not posting any progress pics :'(. I did have a bunch of people see it and Danny boy you need to post some pics of it!
Made a bonehead move and scraped off just the right amount, but on the wrong limb of the buckthorn and sinew :-\ :o :o :'(
It will be a kids or ladies bow at least.
So, this Mulberry is the front runner now. Hows the tiller?
56.5" n-n
Bendy handle.
33# at 18" right now on long string. Lower limb (right) has a little dip just before tip and as some twist in both. Looks weird to my eyes cause of silk backing too.
Thanks folks.
:) Here's just one pic of the gem I received from Paul:
For the rest go to:,46805.0.html
Very nice Dan!
Did a little more and got it to low brace.
Has a twist and string alignment issue and tiller's a little off?
First pic lower limb on right, second pic flipped around.
This always messes me up. To get the string in the bottom pic to go to the right, or toward the bottom of screen, which side do I remove wood from?
I think of it like this: The weaker side is bending further with the same amount of force applied. So I guess you take wood off the other side (strong side.) So if it's bending towards the top of the screen, the top side is weak, bottom side strong, take wood from bottom side. Disclaimer: I've never done it, but that's how I understand it. Wait for second opinion before doing it please :P
Fishing and turkey hunting really stopped bow trade progress, well anything but those two activites has really come to a screeching stop. But now im just fishing so there is a little time here and there!
I have a BL bow just about finished but its under weight by more than Im willing to accept, so another bow is in the works.
BL bow is a Deflex until nearly passed mid limb and then reflexed with static tips.
Osage has a good amount of natural reflex in the handle, most likely going to end up with a gull wing shape.
My victim has a shorter draw then myself so its been interesting tryin to keep this in mind as I progress towards a (hopefully) decent bow.
Tips and critisizim welcome,
<snip>I have a BL bow just about finished but its under weight by more than Im willing to accept, so another bow is in the works.
Any chance you could pike it and bring it back up to the weight you need it to be???
My victim has a shorter draw then myself so its been interesting tryin to keep this in mind as I progress towards a (hopefully) decent bow.
Let me tell you, it ain't any easier trying to make one for someone that has a MUCH longer draw than your own! Throws every rule of thumb out of whack for me...
Got the finish on, and looking for a cork source to build up the handle. Almost done!
Cork tiles you can get them at Wally world
Made some recent progress with this one. Haven't decided whether or not to cover the cracks with skins or let them show.
Made some recent progress with this one. Haven't decided whether or not to cover the cracks with skins or let them show.
Since it's going to a bowyer who understands how wood works I'd leave those uncovered, I personally think it's a nice touch of character since they're not running off ;)
Yeah Fred, let 'em shine. I like the looks of that one.
I have those in mine too, was fgoing to put a light backing over them but now... i dont know, hmmm
JonW and husme, I like the way you think. If I were to keep it it would be left as is except for leather handle wrap :-\ and I wouldn't even add tip overlays. Somehow I don't feel right about not dressing it up for the dance when it's going to someone else.
me personally i'd skin it
Maybe this one?osage stave R/D.
Well, I know it aint mine but t sure do look nice bushboy.
Hey Fred, I like the cracks, makes me feel better knowing a few cracks won't stop a good bow.
Some nice bows there fella's... Brian
I agree! A lot fine sticks being made! Josh
I just got an ash flat bow roughed out. Hope no chrysals on this one :(. The last three got em but they were locust. I've got a good feeling about this one. Should have it tillered soon. Braced by this weekend at least.
Finished her up today! 1 1/4" wide at the handle, 65" ntn. White oak+Hickory with mildly flipped tips. 43@28. 5/8" of fresh unbraced set.
My recipient likes bendy handles and shooting off the hand - I threw in a floppy rest that he could always cut off if he doesn't like it.
I went through a mulberry sapling which chrysaled on me and an elm stave that popped a splinter in tension (?elm? tension? failure?), so I decided to do a lam bow. I hope he likes it.
Bubby - I don't know if we have Wally World in Canada, but to all the Canadians, Rona carries cork tiles. 4 12"x12" for $15. I don't know if that's a good price or not, but I do know I like using cork to build up handles way more than thick leather.
Anyways, here's the pics.
Bubbles I think bubby meant walmart lol.
You got the tiller nailed pretty tight to the floor on that one, bubbles!
Hahaha. Good to know... I think we have a Walmart or two in Canada.....I think..... :)
Yep Walmart, didn't mean the amusement park from Vacation :laugh:
Great bend on that for sure bubbles, the wood contrast sure is pretty and it looks as smooth as silk to shoot.
Sweet. I can't wait till this is over. All this day dreaming is getting old >:D
Thanks guys, hopefully "W&!*@(#%&" likes it. :)
Maybe this one? Hickory backed canary wood molly.
i've just been fiddling with my bow lately i think i'm finally happy with it, so far ive got about 300 shots through it.
Both of those are pretty sweet bushboy!
The bows are starting to take form now, I might have to visit the post office 2 times a day.
I'm bumping this up, lets keep posting guys
I have my newest one floor tillered and the tips flipped. Just have to temper the belly and get the string aligned. Then tiller then enjoy then ship. That is if all goes according to plan. If not I'll just have to send one that I have done. The short ash recurve.
out of curiosity how many have been shipped to date?
This is one option but would like to see what you all though about the tiller?
( (
looks good to me but I would stay away from hooking your bow on a stick at full draw. that will really affect how much set you have on a bow.
out of curiosity how many have been shipped to date?
only four from my list, idk what jdubs side looks like. i just sent out pms
NOW MEN,WHAT WE HAVE HERE ( ( A FAILURE, TO COMUNICATE, start talking , start posting, ya'll are on the downhill slope don't let your man, or yourself down
looks good to me but I would stay away from hooking your bow on a stick at full draw. that will really affect how much set you have on a bow.
I don't routinely do this only long enough to quickly snap a shot.
8) Well i finally got some time between rain storms and flooding bow shops lol. Heres where im at with plan B, plan a came in under weight >:( LOL so any coments welcome. >:D still needs to be fiished. 52# at 26'' b4 final sand and so on. ;)
Looking good katt
>:D TY will try to get some more pics up when i get it shined up >:D
Looking good katt. GOT mine ready to tiller .. should be able to get some good work done this weekend :)
Hey wildkatt, you really need to wash up that string arm, you got all kinds of smudgy stuff on it! >:D
Bow looks good, though!
Alright folks, the powers that be (JW) said check in so here i am ;D..all good here.. Brian
Hey guys, I need some final tiller help on one of my prospective bows. Should I post the pics here or start a new thread?
Just post them here fred
just came in a little under wait on the latest
No major problems except for the tips. Even though they were heated in on the same form one tip bent deeper and held better than the other. Heated the 2nd 3 times and it just wouldn't take and I put plenty of heat to it.
Tillering gizmo is showing good results with light scraping needing to be done in a couple areas. Bow is currently drawing 40@20 and 45@22.
Here are some pics unbraced and braced to 5 1/2" and 12".
Top limb is on the left in the outdoor pics and is on the right on the tiller tree. My instincts are telling me to remove wood from about 6" to 10" on the outer end where marked on the top limb.
Fred that bow is basically flat, but tillered (so far) like an RD. Id suggest removing wood from the center out to your first mark on both limbs. If you don't get those mids working more you'll end up with set in your fades, and that's a killer of performance.
PD, the stave didn't have much depth and I was trying to get it to slightly bend in the handle at full draw. Here are some more profile pics and drawn to 17" and 20" on the tree. Although there wasn't much wood available I thought it was a nice one to work with. If you still think the same way let me know and maybe some suggestions as I appreciate your input.
Straight limbs need to have an even bend Fred. If your bow was an R/D that had those mids reflexed heavily then they would look flat as you brought them around. But yours starts flat and needs to bend evenly until your reflex starts, about 10" from the tips it appears. The left side isn't too far off, the right side needs to catch up. It wont cost you 2-3# to make that happen.
I did some scraping but thought I'd check in before proceeding. So you think a little more in the outer 1/3?
Down to final sanding and lipstick.
Looks the same? Left looks pretty good. Right is stiff in the center 6-8".
PD, Thank you for the input. Here's what it looks like after 4 more scraping and exercise sessions. Now pulling 47@24.
That's looking good Fred, just a fuzz more in the middle on the right and your there. That bow should hold a nice flat profile after shot in.
Shipped!!! Yaay :)
Still deciding wether to put skins on or not. Have been shooting it since the classic and just needs make up now.
What do you think? Skins or naked?
Light colored overlays look too cool when the bow browns down. I vote for naked.
I vote skins!!!
I prefer my ladies totally naked. But sometimes a make over aint so bad either.
What kinda skins are we talking here
Prairie rattler.
Nekkad >:D
I still like the skin idea :o
Dress her up! 8)
I ways say finish it like you want it, the guy getting it will love it if you do
I ways say finish it like you want it, the guy getting it will love it if you do
+1 because that's what I'm doing :)
Finished shooting in and polishing up the trade bow tonight. Should be shipping it out next week. No stats for now, as it might give the recipient away.
68" Hackberry
Hard to part ways with this one, started making a clone from a sister stave already. :P
( (
That is a sweet looking hackberry! Hope to see the stats after she arrives to her recipient.
Does that say 76# under the grip?!?
Hahah no, not quite that heavy, it's just my initials. The rest of the writing on the bow I just edited out.
Osage, short, slightly bendy handle american flatbow with natural reflex in the handle and some character, this had been a tricky stave to work with but I really like it so far. I am aiming for 50-55# at blah blah inches >:D. red palm tips help bring this heavy little thing together. I know the fade on the right needs to bend more and both limbs could bend a little more near the outer limb.
see anythings else I should be doing guys?
Well I got the bow I was working on tillered out to ---- inches last night. Not too trilled with it. Took a little too much set. That short ash working recurve might just have to head to ^>>£]<€{>£{]~€.
I told myself "you'll be done by mid July no matter what". So I have a little longer to see what comes out of a few projects I'm working on.
Hey Matt ;D, I'm in the same boat. My first one came in a tad under weight, 2nd one is looking real good but still not what I wanted to send out so number 3 is in the works. I'm working on bows almost every day now and have a lot of seasoned staves to choose from. Just having a good time and will send out the one I think is best suited.
neolithicman the left limb looks to be bending to much out of the fade and both are stiff mid out, don't go any farther till you get the rest of the limbs working, least that's what I see
JLoranger < just saw your hackberry. WOW, that is nice. That would look good on my wall!!!
Yes sir, that is a beautiful hackberry!
Love that hackberry JLoranger.
edit I meant neolithicman the left limb looks to be bending to much out of the fade and both are stiff mid out, don't go any farther till you get the rest of the limbs working, least that's what I see
sorry fred I edited my post
bubby, I thought maybe you were talking to another Fred. It did make me go back a few pages and look at my limbs again though. :laugh: :laugh:
Playing around with a R/D design,kinda want it to look somewhat like a duoflex!lol!will see what transpires
Well I put on some English walnut overlays on my bow(which is now the trade bow :0(.... ) then I skinned it a little >:D thanks again Matt. I love the bullsnake skins. Gotta spit shine her put some leather on and a new string and wham bam in a tube and out to .......
It's a sinew backed juniper recurve. She came in low for what I was shooting for but she's right on for the trade. I just wanna send out my best. So this is it. It weighs like nothing in the hand. Which is crazy. It's about 40# @27" or is it? >:D
Those bull snake skins look great, someone is going to be tickled.
That's looking great man. I'm glad they are working for ya. I love the look of the bull snakes. We have a ton out here. I don't like to kill the, so they are road kill. Still wiggling road kill :)
I got my first option tillered out yesterday but came in under weight. I started off with a bit of scorch on the back of this one after I took it off the caul and decided to chase down a couple rings to clean it up. That already put me starting with less meat then I had wanted. To top it off it started off a bit hingy at the fades By the time I had her bending a bit better I'd allready lost more weight then I'm willing to send out. The positive note, my wife will probably end up with her first self bow in time for the Elm Hall shoot coming up in the near future.
I've got more in progress I'll start getting gangbuster on starting after lunch. ;)
Im disappointed Dan-o. Poor effort at best........Drew taught you better than that.
Focus Danielson, and nail the next one! ;)
He acts like he has a set of twin boys on his azz all the time or something. Poor excuse. My sister has twin girls and I have no problem with them.
I'm already on it. :) A couple minor setbacks but I'm covered in shavings and dust as we speak.
Need a little help on this one guys; 59 1/4" t2t, slightly bendy handle american flat bow with some character being tillered to a little under 24" as of now heading up a few inches more with a 55# draw.
I feel that this bow is coming along fine but im having trouble desciding how the tiller looks. Maybe the right outer limb needs to bend some more? any help is apreciated
Both outer limbs look a little stiff to me, the right a little more than the left.
My eyes for tillering aren't trained well enough to be offering much advice but I can tell you it's at this stage that I have to be very careful with wood removal and I have to put a lot of trust in my tillering gizmo because it tells stories that I fail to see. Go slowly and carefully remove wood only where the pencil marks are. I use a sanding block with 50 grit to blend the scraped areas into the other parts of the limb.
NeolithicMan, you need to get those midlimbs bending a lot more. How much draw weight, or inches, do you have left to spare? I think you may come in light weight on this one...
The left limb is nearly hinged close to the handle fade. The right limb is nearly hinged about 8" from the handle. I would not be happy to send a bow with that tiller out to someone. Although I should also say I haven't seen an unbraced pic of that bow. If the bow is deflexed in those hinged areas, you might be good. And what does the front profile look like?
if anyone wants tiller advice be sure you include unbraced and front profile.
just checking in, Heat treated my trade bow last weekend. Gonna start tillering tomorrow evening. Oh and never got any info about my recipient other than a name.
Will post mulberry with splinter repair on other posting. That makes a complete set of 3 light bows for my 3 sisters but I still have some nephews and nieces to go ::) ::) ;)
Here's the next one.
69" n-n ERC with not one knot. All sapwood but the handle. I know I was not gonna back any for a while but since it is a trade candidate and ERC, it will be getting rawhide. American Longbow hopefully.
Also got a honey locust stave roughed out and heat corrected today.
My trade bow is now tillered and shot in. Working on staining and sealing. Then the Handle and cosmetics. Hope to get it shipped off by this next upcoming monday.
Hang in there dubes you'll get it
Good job ink
Been crazy busy lately, been working 6 12-14 hour days a week, and haven't hardly had time to say hi to the dogs, also got a rank colt that I've been working on, I'm starting to think I should just ignore the turkey buzzards flying around in my stomach, and climb on him and ride him out. :o ;) anyways I think I'm finally happy with my bow, just need some finishing touches and some more shooting and I'll be done.
Just finished lettering mine. Couple more coats of finish and a handle wrap to go.
Gotta wrap my handle as well and mines done
Sounds like some bows are getting done. Very cool guys. They are all sounding good. I wanna see some pics. :)
good to hear, i was hoping to get thirty new bows to look at in the next month
- ya want pics too....sheesh!!! >:D
Kids these days.
hey, pics or it didnt happen lol
Well this is it so far...
looks good brucey
The silencers are golden jackal. They're a little poofy >:D
Looking great Bruce.
Blaflair2, Looks like a shooter 8) Nice!!!
I realize ;) some of the crew are suffering from ants in the pants but I promised the best bow possible for this trade so #3 is in the works. My recipient already has more bows than he can possibly use and I'm going to use the deadline to my advantage.
Mr. Eric Bartells gifted me a dry osage stave a couple three years ago and it was marked dry before I seasoned it on my rack. For this mans draw length it will bend in the handle and I'm thinking #3 will be the best of the bunch.
So don't get upset with me gentleman, I'm going to be shipping late but on time.
I could easily finish off #1 or #2 and ship next week but I'm not going to. Who ever has my name can hold off and wait uintil my recipient has recieved. Won't bother me a damned bit.
This is about doing the best that you can with what you have to work with and those are my intentions.
on time ain't late Fred, late is late ;)
That's the spirit Fred.
I'm going to be shipping late but on time.
I could easily finish off #1 or #2 and ship next week but I'm not going to. Who ever has my name can hold off and wait uintil my recipient has recieved. Won't bother me a damned bit.
Like it was said, on time is not late. You'll be shipping later but on time. Nobody that knows you would imagine you would do anything but best efforts. Bowman53 and I haven't got your name on any watch lists. I am, however, looking forward to seeing what comes off the bench.
Man I just wanna see more pictures, a ain't into all this fancy reading. I need some pics to day dream about
- long is this "watch" list...its gettin spooky in here ...all cloak and daggery!!! :-[
I could tell you, but then I would have to create yet another layer of secrecy and yet another list.
Front profile of the 2 which are being shot in and #3 in the press >:D
On the left is the spliced 12 yr old billets with all the checks on the back and on the right is another seasoned stave from my stash.
#3 has the dark reddish streaks in it and I'm thinking may (hopefully) be the nicest one of the bunch. Next couple of weeks should tell the story.
Those look good fred , Bub
Pretty sweet
Update......Small hickup, my embossing tool broke that i was using to make the leather handle with. gonna be late next week before I get a new one in. But no biggie, just hate waiting on the post office.
What u need? I got a bunch
was gonna do a basic basket weave, but i also ordered some other weave patterns that im gonna try, so no worries Blaflair. thanks for lookin out though
well i did some serious battle against the wasps that invaded my shop and am able to make some headway on my recipients bow. Plan A is a Mary Rose style yew English longbow, and plan B is maple and blood-wood English longbow. pictures inc soon;)
Some nice. Sticks turning out here! This is a wiggly elm sapling that could be the one?I'm not a D bow guy so comments on the tiller so far would be great!thx's rob!
Looks pretty good, Rob, using the squint and hold a cd in front of my dominant eye technique!
First attempt at straightening with a little dry heat on the form. Probably work another couple of heat sessions before proceeding. Nice pristine back to work with but I'll be chasing one more ring before starting the floor tillering process.
Sweet looking stuff right there!
I like i want to build one
First half of the second heat straightening stage done. ::) I need more clamps!!! Anybody want to trade some good old used clamps for staves or a Young feather burner?
3 light heat bending sessions so far and now onto chasing the final ring before reducing wood and then onto floor tiller.
Looks like ya got her under control fred
Fred - I don't think the sunglasses in the pic can be saved. ...not easily anyway. Time for a new pair. 8) 8) 8)
8) Glasses belong to my son and I'm waiting for him to throw them away. They've been shuffled around between the outhouse and the workbench now for over 2 yrs.
Got that ring chased and this is gonna be the one. Already dread giving this one up. Just look at that color. This is the second stave from the same tree and the only two I had. The last one had massive borer damage and I had to reduce it to 51". It made a fine bow and went to my friend and neighbors daughter. 35#@24".
Looks like rain and enough stave work for today. Time to pack some staves off to the post office for shipment. A fresh start again in the morning on this one.
thats a pretty piece of wood there.
Got the back cleaned up and burnished, couple layers of clear and I'm gonna get the string alignment take Care of tonight
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Here is a couple of teaser pics. I still need to seal it, do the grip and make a string for it.
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That is badass Grady.
That is badass Grady.
B53 doesn't know his beans, generally speaking. But he knows a badass bow when he sees one!
That is badass Grady.
B53 doesn't know his beans, generally speaking. But he knows a badass bow when he sees one!
That's cuz I don't like bean jw
now wait just a minute!!!! Jordan i thought it was culturally impossible for you
to not like beans!!!
whats up with that? ???
now wait just a minute!!!! Jordan i thought it was culturally impossible for you
to not like beans!!!
whats up with that? ???
I'm a beanless beaner brotha lol
When I lived in Southern California, I had a friend from the Midwest with a German name corrupted with an American pronunciation. Ran into him in a largely Latino part of town and almost started a riot when I hollered out, "Hey Boehner!"*
*Pronounced "bee' - ner"
I can totally see you doing that lol
I can totally see you doing that lol
...and prolly hollered a bit extra loud just for effect! >:D >:D >:D
btw - My German speaking / German-o-phile wife is gonna love this story!
Small teaser pic, I'm having a real problem with letting this one go.......but i know i must send it anyways. Also, i need my recipients address and mailing information please.
That looks BOSS! What wood is that???
now wait just a minute!!!! Jordan i thought it was culturally impossible for you
to not like beans!!!
whats up with that? ???
I'm a beanless beaner brotha lol
There's always tamales or quesadillas Jordo. Still wrong......I live for Mexican food and Im a cabbage shredding sausage stuffing German to the core.
Sweet grip work Ink. I need to learn that touch.
now wait just a minute!!!! Jordan i thought it was culturally impossible for you
to not like beans!!!
whats up with that? ???
I'm a beanless beaner brotha lol
There's always tamales or quesadillas Jordo. Still wrong......I live for Mexican food and Im a cabbage shredding sausage stuffing German to the core.
I love Mexican food, I just don't like beans. Should I do a cook along on how to make enchiladas and pasole, in the cooking forum??
That looks BOSS! What wood is that???
>:D just the pic onebow. Not giving it all away. Thats for my recipient to divulge.
Pm me and I'll give ya my address ::)
;) OK here it b. Finished with 7 coats tru oil. Its 52'' ntn pulls 50ish at 26ish. LOL >:D Handle wrap is brain tanned deer, the tips are buffalo from one of my kills. Has a little prop twist but it shoots good. Headed for tube today. Post office tomorrow I hope. Hope lidughildsn likes it.
;D couple more Will leave full draw for new owner >:D
What's not to like about a Katt bow. ;) 8)
we been anagramed!!
Wicked work bro's! I'm liking this little piece of elm!
Is that a sapling?
Yes a Wiggly sapling,had to twist one end to line it up!shoots very well and hard! Don't know what's up with sapling bows, they seem to hit harder than flat bows,same as the ocean spray sapling I got from randman in last year's trade.
I wanted to ask a question for you guys. If you received a set of arrows, hypothetically of course. Would you rather them be stone tipped or target tipped. I have been torn on witch to do. I am doing a set of three. I can't decide. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Stone tipped would see action in the deer woods if they were mine.
Good to know Grady. Something to take into consideration.
stone..we all got fields 8)
I got my trade bow all packed up and shipped out this morning.....should be to ______________ by weds or thurs
Almost there. Done in a couple days.
Not in the TRADE this year, ...but if I were, my answer would certainly be STONE TIPPED!
Yes a Wiggly sapling,had to twist one end to line it up!shoots very well and hard! Don't know what's up with sapling bows, they seem to hit harder than flat bows,same as the ocean spray sapling I got from randman in last year's trade.
I find the same bushy. That's why I suggested small saplings with high crowns in your elm thread. I got shot down! But Im standing my ground on it and you just proved it yet once again.
Well I got the points mounted hope it's okay they're stone. I made a new batch of pine pitch adhesive for these arrows and I am very happy with it. I didn't put any charcoal in with it just ash and a bit of ground up grass. Now on to fletching and decorating.
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Those looks great Matt, didn't know you were a Knapper
Those points look awesome!
Thanks guys.
Yeah Bubby I have been knapping for two years now. Good old paleo Jim on YouTube showed me the way :)
Those arrows look great, someone is going to be tickled. Those will definitely make meat.
I've spent many hrs watching jims videos too matt
You all are not the only ones, I can make a killer pile of grave too. Arrowheads not so much.
Cut some lace for the handle today. Hope to get it on the bow tommorow.
Here are some teaser pics. Elm, heat treated flipped the tips slightly. Just have to apply finish, it took a little set but spits an arrow pretty good.Should be in the mail by the end of the month.( ( ( ( (
looking good can't wait to see it finished
I like this one,tiller migrated a couple of times?maybe a sapling thing?lost a bit of weight,but it's still in the's a shot before my tiller went wonky,gonna work out the bugs tonight.
Lol! Take a quess where my tiller went wrong?
Wow that is one pretty arc, too bad it got cattywampus on you.
That's a good looking sapling man. Looks like you heat treated the back.
That is a textbook bend bro!.... Did it change right in that little dogleg by the handle?.... Brian
Wow!! Just noticed the branch hangin out, lol. Thats impressive dude!... Brian
Hope you can get the kinks worked out because that's a great looking tiller on that bow.
Here's a preview of my 3rd attempt. I'm telling you the more I look and work this stave the more I like it. Finished up a higher temp heat treatment a couple days ago and left it on the form until this morning. I'm going to get with the program either this weekend or early next week reducing and floor tillering. If I don't mess this up, this stands a good chance of being the best bow I'm capable of. :laugh:
This is the prettiest wood I've owned and it just keeps telling me to go slowly. I'm heading it's advice.
Looking good bushboy. That's one sweet piece of wood Fred!
It's been a pain in me arse but I finally got the string alignment corrected.
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Lookin good Jordan
The lace i cut didnt work out, so i sewed on a wrap instead. Just need to make a new string for it and it will be out tje door. Hope to ship monday. Will leave rest of pics up to my poor victim.
oooooooooooooo, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
#1 sinew and buckthorn-light weight and now dead.
#2 mulberry bendy handle-popped a splinter through silk and now a girls bow with a rawhide wrap.
#3 Hackberry character-came in light again >:( >:(
#4 ERC American longbow-looking really good so far and shot it in some yesterday-probably gonna be this one if all goes well.
#5 another mulberry that is ready for shooting in.
#6 got a honey locust in the wings at floor tiller.
That's where it's at with me but no pics >:D
#1 sinew and buckthorn-light weight and now dead.
#2 mulberry bendy handle-popped a splinter through silk and now a girls bow with a rawhide wrap.
#3 Hackberry character-came in light again >:( >:(
#4 ERC American longbow-looking really good so far and shot it in some yesterday-probably gonna be this one if all goes well.
#5 another mulberry that is ready for shooting in.
#6 got a honey locust in the wings at floor tiller.
That's where it's at with me but no pics >:D
Good to see someone else using ERC I thought I was the only one.
And Oh yeah, + 1 on this-
oooooooooooooo, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
ERC works so well I believe I could reduce a stave to floor tiller with just a card scraper.
I agree Grady, and just think what I could do with a farriers rasp...toothpicks and dust :o >:(
I have one more day of vacation. Gonna put my handle wrap on when I get home and get her ready for the mailman.
;D Well mark me as shipped and received ;D Which means someone should be getting a tube this weekend >:D hope he likes it and posts pics. 8)
Just shipped my trade bow out. Should be getting there by the middle of next week.
good stuff guys, thats what i like to hear.
Got my bow from wildkatt in the mail today......smooooth shooting bendy handle Osage, hopefully get some pictures up tomorrow.... Thanks a bunch wildkatt!
Good for you man. Can't wait to see the pics
congrats duck, bub
My elm sap came in at the low end of the weight spec,so I grabbed and osage stave preshaped ,got it mostly done over the weekend,got to tweek the tiller and shoot it in.R/d design,very smooth!pics tonight I hope!
;D Glad it got there safe, Hope you like it >:D Post some pics ,I didnt get many bow shop flooded most of time during build. :o
Finished floor tiller early this morning then onto the long string and a few scrape and excercise sessions. I will work the outer 1/3 a bit more then file nocks and brace with the short string in the morning. Pulling 50@22 on the long string. Lower limb showing a tad stiff but that's the way I like to start them.
My tradebow is tillered and ready for final sanding and stain and finish. It should be ready to ship in a couple of weeks.
Here is the trade bow that I received from Bubbles. I can honestly say that out of fiberglass longbows and recurve bows and wooden selfbows, this truly is one of the best shooting bows that I've ever shot. Thank you so much for it. There is even a compound bow purist at the archery club that thinks it is amazing. It is hickory backed white oak. I think I might have a special use for it on October 1st this year (opening day of deer season in Ontario) It shoots point on at about 15 yards.
Just for fun, here is the Penebscot version of it. Lol. This is what happens when you don't check what's in the background before you snap a picture.
sweet bow man, good job Bubbles
Mark me as shipped. (Someone should expect a package Thursday) And RECIEVED. When i got home from work today there was a tube awaiting. Cant believe i shipped and received on the same day. ;D
Opened a tube all the way from the great state of Texas to find a beautiful bow from Ink. Its now the best looking smoothest drawing bow i own. And it hits right where i look. I couldn't ask for a nicer bow. Thanks Jason.
Its a 64" American elm 42#@28" and has just a touch of character and great attention to detail in the finish. Smooth drawing and zips an arrow right along. I'll let my poor picture taking skills try to tell ya the rest. My pics just don't do it justice. Thanks again Jason.
I'm glad you like it steve, Hope it gives you years of good shooting.
i ALMOST got to shoot that one ...but i did get to see it before it was tricked out...jason makes a very nice bow....i had i got will serve you well turtle.
That looks like a sweet bow there. Congrats
Those are some fine bows, I sure hope my work will be up to snuff.
awesome bow ink
Fantastic work Turtle. Way to take your finish to another level.
Really nice Turtle/Ink :)
I should be shipping tomorrow or Thursday. Hope my guy likes it. I'll let hime take the rest of the pics.
Hey everyone. Sorry I have been quiet for a while, lol. Primitive Archer is now blocked at my office and I used to do all my posting on my lunch break. Anyway, I have had my trade bow done for about a month, I just needed to make it a new string and mail it out. All it stringed and retouched the finish after putting 60 or so arrows through it.
I have my tube, but how do you all ship your bows in said tubes? The tips on my bow are narrow and I don't want it just jouncing around in the tube and resting on the tips whenever it is vertical. Can't wait for my guy to get it, and I hope he likes it. I am definitely sad to let it out of my house, lol.
*Edit: after posting this I realized this has probably been asked in the past, so my apologies for not availing myself of the search feature, lol.
If you use foam or even crumpled up news print it should be just five I like foam or even cardboard cut to the round of your tube then cut a hole for your bow and fit it in the hole. That way the cardboard hits the side wall and not your bow. I'll try to post some pics, that might be more helpful. Re reading that didn't make much sense to me ::)
you can buy a bunch of sponges at the dollar store.
I use pipe insulation. I make it about 3 inches too long on each limb so if overhangs the tip and bind it to the limb tight so if they drop the tube on the end the foam takes the force of impact. I also pack newspaper around the bow so it doesn't slide around in the tube.
Hey guys, been having family issues and just let time slip by. Still chugging along when time allows, and I am about to finish. Sorry for the poor photos
I use sponges masking-taped to anywhere the bow might contact the tube. I got a little paranoid with my trade bow and got some fiberglass and plastic, though. Feel kinda silly now :o
I should be shipping tomorrow :). Couldn't help it. What can I say I like to take pictures.
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If you get paranoid about shipping the bow and hate the idea that it may be damaged in transit....then you did right by your recipient and by the spirit of the trade.
On the other hand, if your only out is if the shipper totally trashes or better yet loses the package...then maybe you need to stay out of the bow trades! >:D
Hey guys, been having family issues and just let time slip by. Still chugging along when time allows, and I am about to finish. Sorry for the poor photos
Sorry to here about family issues. Hope it gets better. The bow is looking great. You are going to make someone very happy.
All of these bows are looking far as shipping goes, my last shipment i split one of those foam pool noodle things, slapped it around the bow and stuffed it in the pipe..fold over the end to protect the tips and your good to go...only cost a dollar at wally world...same idea as pipe insulation
Thanks Matt, not trying to make any excuses for my absence, just stopped thinking I guess, hope no ones blood pressure rose to high because of me! I will have this bow sent on time, hopefully I can get a tube this weekend if not then next
Received my T/B from J loranger!looks wicked!thx's bro,will get some shots up soon,I don't want to take crappy cell phone pics.thank's again jeremy!
well, i officially hate white oak. i need to get started on the back up bow.
The last two white oak bows I tried to make were from boards and both broke. One was a molly and it broke at floor tiller and the other was an Ash backed ELB with a flat back and belly and it broke after putting about 50 arrows threw it.
Like I always say fella's. Oak makes for fantastic base board trim and picture frames! Grab a stave and don't look back Jordonski.
Received my T/B from J loranger!looks wicked!thx's bro,will get some shots up soon,I don't want to take crappy cell phone pics.thank's again jeremy!
Excellent! Glad it made it to you safe! Lookin forward to pics:)
I was up at the cottage for a few days and my bow got posted! Thanks for the kind words woodbender, glad you like it!
Headed to the post office this morning :(. I am going to miss this one. It has been fun to shoot. It was the first time I did a true set of primitive arrows with real sinew.
Good work Matty! Those types are hard to send off, but it feels great a week later!
I'm sure that's true. Hope my guy likes the kit.
I'm sure that's true. Hope my guy likes the kit.
If your guy don't like what you made, there is no pleasing them. That bow and arrows is top notch.
Mark me as SHIPPED :). :'(
Should be there by Saturday.
Thanks Grady.
Hey Matt, if your guy don't like it I'd be happy to trade him out of it!!!!!
And mine is now on the short string showing 50@14 and looking nice and even. I'm estimating still pulling 85 so have some wood to remove.
I'm throwing a front profile pic in here and asking for some advice. Very sliightly narrowed grip area that should bend in the handle at full draw, 1 1/2" from fades to 12" from tips tapering to
1 1/4" 6" from tips and down to 1/2" at nocks.
I'm thinking the limbs are gettin thin enough and was wondering if I should narrow the limbs a little more to remove some wieght or keep scraping off thickneess?
i gotta chase a ring this weekend and hopefully get a bow close to finished.
It looks like you could narrow a little more if you wanted to, but it's up to you. Looks pretty good to me.
wow Matt whoever gets that will be a happy camper
Yay!! Got my bow shipped today! It should be to my guy on Saturday. If he doesn't like it, he can return it to sender, I LOVE it, LOL.
Man when I got back from the post office yesterday I saw so etching on the ground at my work, picked it up and realized it what the arrow rest. It must have fallen off when I took it out to show my coworker. DAMN. Kinda embarrassing. Should I just send a little rest in the mail. Today. The contact cement must have failed. Boo.
That kind of stuff happens, its an easy fix nothing to be embarrassed about.
It's up to you Matt but I wouldn't sweat it, ask them when they get the bow
Cool thanks for that guys. I will tell him when he gets it.
Aaaaaaaaaaand done. I really like this bow, gonna miss it and I might have to make another. Coming in at 48# right now at 28". It's a Hickory bow so I wouldn't be surprised to see this bow pick up 5# or so in conditions other than S Florida! 68" long and smooth and quiet. Used the scalloped back idea from the Mohawk bow and gave it a cotton wrap for the handle, which is my favorite, and made a funky flourescent pink/orange FF string with muskrat silencers. It hits where I look.
I should make it over to the post office this afternoon. Just gonna get a full draw shot first before I do.
Cheers guys!
Matt...your embarrassment is nothing compared to what I ma feeling right
I went online to track my package and see how it was doing....its is scheduled as out for delivery. YAY...until I realize that I wrote the addresses on the package backward, and mailed it to my house. From the post office.
I may be the only person in the history of PA that will be mailing my bow out twice.
Oh great, and to make it even worse...AS I WAS WRITING this post, my wife called me to tell me I got a package...
Sigh...Well, my guy will have to wait 'till I can mail it out AGAIN on Monday, LOL.
Matt...your embarrassment is nothing compared to what I ma feeling right
I went online to track my package and see how it was doing....its is scheduled as out for delivery. YAY...until I realize that I wrote the addresses on the package backward, and mailed it to my house. From the post office.
I may be the only person in the history of PA that will be mailing my bow out twice.
Oh great, and to make it even worse...AS I WAS WRITING this post, my wife called me to tell me I got a package...
Sigh...Well, my guy will have to wait 'till I can mail it out AGAIN on Monday, LOL.
CAN'T - STOP - LAUGHING ! ! ! That has got to be the funniest post office story ever!
Matt...your embarrassment is nothing compared to what I ma feeling right
I went online to track my package and see how it was doing....its is scheduled as out for delivery. YAY...until I realize that I wrote the addresses on the package backward, and mailed it to my house. From the post office.
I may be the only person in the history of PA that will be mailing my bow out twice.
Oh great, and to make it even worse...AS I WAS WRITING this post, my wife called me to tell me I got a package...
Sigh...Well, my guy will have to wait 'till I can mail it out AGAIN on Monday, LOL.
CAN'T - STOP - LAUGHING ! ! ! That has got to be the funniest post office story ever!
I posted a while back that you know you are doing right by the Bow Trade when you really want to keep the bow for yourself. Freudian slip, skarhand???
Stephen, that bow looks awesome the contrasting colors and the vibrancy is amazing. There is just so much to like about that bow.
The thing that has struck me so far about this trade is so many people are saying how they sure hate to see their bows go, this tells me that there is so much being put into crafting something for someone else. I feel the same way, the bow I am making is going to be hard to let go of as well but I know someone out there put their heart and soul into making something for me just as I have for someone else. That is what this trade is all about.
that came out sweet Parnell, someones gonna be happy
Well, here is some prof that I'm actually working. So far I have it tillered to 28" I cant give you a ballpark weight because I don't want to give away too much info. It's 30mm wide and deep at the handle, tapers to half inch tips and is 74" NtN so you can do the math ;). somehow the string alignment shifted a little off center so it just got some heat treating. I'll probably only tiller it another inch, but what do you guys think so far?
Can't see a thing in those photos, doulosparachristos. Finish it, send it to me, and I will comment further at THAT point! >:D
Wow that is a gorgeous longbow.
21 days left to ship.
lookin pretty good there doulos!! 8)
Looking good Doulos! So you are on target weight, with one more inch left to go? Or do you have more pounds of draw weight to shed? I assume it is a straight bow (no way to tell without unstrung pic) and that it's a yew ELB. If so, you could have a little bit more bending in the outer limbs. That's where I would gain my last inch of draw length. It doesn't take a lot of bending there to gain one inch.
I got an issue. The early growth on this stave is so thing it makes the rings near indistinguishable. Anyone ever dealt with this before? This is three! Different rings.
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Let's see the end grain
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By bow was delivered at 10:46. Hope it is in one piece :).
It's crazy how fast something can be shipped.
That looks tricky Jordan. I can almost make out the rings, but it would be tough. Natural light is probably a must on a good sunny day. Others with more experience might have a better suggestion. Good luck man.
Matt, but I knew by the arrow rest I wasn't getting it but someone is a happy camper right now
Bowman53, you are mistaken. That is all within the same ring. That particular stave has very thick rings. It consists of four (maybe three) layers of earlywood, and thus of four (maybe five) rings. Easy to ring chase.
It does have a few "lunar rings" though >:D
Well, this has been far more frustrating for me then I had originally thought it would be or quite frankly should have been, but I'm closing in on completion after my 4th attempt. It ended up tougher then I'd thought to build a bow to another persons specs, particularly when they are so different from my own. I had one come in under weight and had 2 that developed cracks at the early stages I wasn't comfortable finishing up and sending out to another person although I'm thinking I can thin one down and still reach a bow for my desired weight and draw. I just put down some rat snake skins and am glad to be in the dress up stage of the bow build. I apologise for not updating on my progress and at times lack of progress more often.
Right side is one ring down and on the left side it's one ring up(it's thin but you can see it when you zoom in). I think I got is figured out now though.
20 days left,,,and counting down.
Well, JW, I got my test ship out of the way last week. Now that I know it is packaged right and can be shipped safely, I will be sending it to my guy on Monday. :)
Test ship! ;D
Glad you were able to keep your sense of humor. Good to go!
Lmao epic fail skar lol
Call it 19 days now.
Bowman, try using sidwalk chalk. sticks to th early wood from what i hear
Bowman, try using sidwalk chalk. sticks to th early wood from what i hear
simple, effective, cheap, what else can you say!
I sure hope my guy got his bow. Haven't heard anything yet. :-\.
Maybe you should message him to make sure. Never know with some of these shippers, I had to track a package down on campus the order day at work because some goonrods will sign for anything and fedex will deliver to anyone that will sign.
Matt it's quite possible he is gone for the weekend
I sure hope my guy got his bow. Haven't heard anything yet. :-\.
Who is your recipient? Do you want me to message him to ask if he has received, that way you can maintain secrecy.
Well, this has been far more frustrating for me then I had originally thought it would be or quite frankly should have been, but I'm closing in on completion after my 4th attempt. It ended up tougher then I'd thought to build a bow to another persons specs, particularly when they are so different from my own. I had one come in under weight and had 2 that developed cracks at the early stages I wasn't comfortable finishing up and sending out to another person although I'm thinking I can thin one down and still reach a bow for my desired weight and draw. I just put down some rat snake skins and am glad to be in the dress up stage of the bow build. I apologise for not updating on my progress and at times lack of progress more often.
I hear ya man, I am on #5 or is it #6? Losing count but finally got one that I will start to pretty up and put a finish on tomorrow. I kept lookin at it and wondering how to deal with string alignment issues while I was reckin the others and in the end it was no problem when I got started on it.
Somewhere way back in this post I said something like "whats the hurry? We got til August"
I have officially eaten these words ::)
Hunterbob and I got ours out in the first month- his being my bow- my reason being I was sure my first five would explode in my hand ::) ;D
Well mine is on a diet. It needs to lose about 15 pounds, get duded up, and be on the road to it's blind date in just 19 days. :laugh: :laugh:
First coat of oil and a string got done so far today.
New grip wrap I have wanted to try for a while before finishing. turned out nicely against the stone oil leather and osage I think
That's looking good man
Neo? I think I like it. Niiiiiiice!
That grip looks good, I like the contrasting materials.
Well, I got my trade bow RE-mailed out to my guy this afternoon. I hope the giant circle around his address and the "TO:" helps get it right this time, lol.
Right after I got back from the post office, my wife called me and told me I have a package waiting at home!!
Can't wait.
<snip>Right after I got back from the post office, my wife called me and told me I have a package waiting at home!!
Can't wait.
Hopefully,'s not the one you just shipped this time!
I'll be shipping next week at the latest and will try to get some pics added in the next couple days. Whew!!! Glad it's about done.
skarhand, Ive been getting a good kick out of your postal adventures!
Thank you JW, Matt, and autologus
<snip>Right after I got back from the post office, my wife called me and told me I have a package waiting at home!!
Can't wait.
Hopefully,'s not the one you just shipped this time!
LOL...I hope not too, but I am reasonably sure this time. The post man would have had to sprint out the back after I gave it to him, and speed to my house well over the speed limit to get it there when my wife called me.
When my guy gets his bow from me, I am hoping he can post some good pics of it. I wanted to, but the only camera I have is in my 4 year old phone, and it is pretty much shot, lol. It certainly would not have done it justice.
*edit: I got my bow from Parnell last night. It is awesome. I made a more detailed post in his "Mingo" thread.
My poor mailman must think I'm stalking him by now.
Man I really hope my guy is on vacation or something. No posts on its safe arrival. Tracking said it was delivered on Saturday. I'm starting to get a little worried.
i sent him a message to confirm it got there
So did J dub. Thanks Jordan.
Got her dressed up a bit,gotta make a string and a shipping box.
Very nice bushboy, the grip and curves are beautiful.
Man that bow is looking good. I really like the curves on that thing. Someone is going to be pumped.
Wow bushboy, looks great!
Well I'm really looking forward to shipping this lady off; it has been a great bow to build and shoot, however, I'm going to miss her I think. So the final specs are: Pacific Yew, 74'' NtN and right at #80@28 ( shhhhhh don't tell); I tried to very closely follow the Mary Rose dimensions. I hope my recipient enjoys her! Please, any suggestions before its too late? Thanks.
niiiiiiice doulos...looks awesome to me! 8)
Beautiful bend in this bow, doulo. Someone(I think the weight gave it away)is gonna be real happy with this bow. 8)
Wow great job on that beast.
Wow that is a beauty. The cat would be proud.
Wow! I've never really been into English Longbows but after lookin at that... I could seriously be converted!! Pure as archery gets right there. What a Beauty!.... Brian
Beautiful bend in this bow, doulo. Someone(I think the weight gave it away)is gonna be real happy with this bow. 8)
I don't know Pat, I don't think too many of us would list 80# in our draw range. That is a good draw weight for an ELB, I would venture to say it would probably be close to 100# at 30" if it were tillered out to that length.
I wont lie I hope that elb is coming my way. >:D
OMG Doulos! Wow but that is a gem of a bow sir! Being the recipient of one of your previous trade bows - I know it is built to perfection. Someone is about to have a new favorite bow...
8) Well I know it's not coming my way :(. It would take both legs shooting with my feet to reach full draw. :laugh:
Doulos the only suggestion I have is to make sure it has my address on it! Nice work.
well i got my back ring issue taken care off. only problem i have now is the string alignment
No problems jordo, you have 15 1/2 days >:D
NICE work guys!!! Dang doulo that is sweeeeeeet!
Someone will be smiling when they open up a tube and see that elb. Great work.
Mark me as received! Got home and had a bow from skarhand waiting for me. Its a beauty and will post pics soon. Probably not till next week after elm hall. I'll get a chance to shoot it plenty at elm hall and show it off. Thanks Joshua
Simply amazing all the talent and awesome bows ive seen and enjoyed in this years trade! can't wait till one shows up on my porch!
I received my bow from it is a sweet little set that he sent me. I will get some pictures up next week of it. I go back to work tomorrow. Didn't post this sooner because I work weekends and we went a vacation the first of this week. Thank you again Matt.
I so glad you like it. The black lines on the arrows are at 25" but left them longer to be used out of more bows. Can't wait to see your pics.
Finishing up #2 this weekend with expectations to ship Monday. Need to make a new string. Never did find any FF so I'll send it w/ a B50 and add 2 more coats of Truoil. Also going to try to get the leather wrap to shrink a little tighter. Any suggestions for shrinkage?
59" NTN, rawhide tip overlays, cork built up handle with deer leather wrap, and let's say 50@28
Sorry for the full draw pic. Had to use the timer and got tired of trying to get in focus.
have you tried this fred, bow is looking good
:laugh: bubby, that's the way I laid it out to begin but the leather was too stiff and tight so I soaked and stretched it thinking it would conform back. I'm setting it next to the A/C vent overnight too see if it doesn't conform. If not I'll redo in the morning.
have you tried this fred, bow is looking good
Bubby, that is nothing but cheating! Not only that, but I have shamelessly stolen the technique! I have also found that if I start with leather that is a little large, I can dampen it and spend a few minutes stretching it every which way before I cut it out. If I hustle and sew it damn, it will shrinkfit nicely. Just be sure you use decent leather that won't pull out the stitches.
jdub if ya ain't ceatin' ya ain't trying >:D
Fred on real heavy leather I've cut it out, soak the crap out of it and, starting in the middle wrap it with some 1/8" nylon rope nice and tight, then let it dry, it comes out a nice tight fit and you get a cool pattern in the leather
kinda like this
Dang that's one beautiful piece of wood right there. I think the handle looks great as is to be honest, and that tiller is very pleasing on the eyes. Good job!
I have stolen that technique, too, Bubby! I found some really neat braided cord that I can't wait to use with that leather embossing technique.
Shipped mine right after lunch. Should reach it's destination Saturday.
Very cool Fred someone should have a great weekend :)
Great looking bow Fred.
How many days left gentleman?
PD, thank you for your help on the tiller on this one. Couldn't have done it without you.
I also want to tell all of you that I thoroughly enjoyed working on these bows for the trade. My only hope is that the bow is as worthy as my recipient. When I first found out who my victim was I cringed and was all but wishing it could have been another newbie like myself. I'm keeping fingers crossed and hope it meets expectations. Parts of the bow were uncharted territory for me.
9 days pearlie
Looks mighty fine to me Fred. Should make someone awful happy!
I got my bow from neolithic man,its a sweet osage! 58@26,alittle heavier than im used to but it zips an arra! Thank you John
and the draw shot
And man it shoots hard and fast!.... Brian
Thanks Auggie and koan, I am so glad you like it. I found it hard to send this one after I pegged a few arrows in the bulls eye of my target. Got her prettied up and REALLY didnt want to send it so I figured it was time. I was going to add silencers but for the life of me, I cant find my pieces of mink fur >:( !!!! I have been all jitters about some one I have never met before getting a bow I made, must have checked the tracking number a dozen times a day until I read it was delivered... then I checked it twice more. :laugh: I almost forgot That I have one coming to me at some point! I feel accomplished and happy someone is enjoying my work that Im fine with just sending one! (but would still love to give that feeling to some one else ;) )
Good looking bow there. The bow trade is such a neat thing. Gotta live it
good job john
Great looking bow NeolithicMan and Auggie you look like you can handle that weight real well. Perfect hunting weight.
I got to hold it. It's pretty sweet. Congrats
I just recieved what i had already considered to be the coolest bow in the bow trade so far from autologos. I had figured that it was going to someone else cause of how long ago the pics for it were posted. Is it wrong that i recieved the only bow I hade been drooling over >:D. Pics on the way when i can get someone to take some tomorrow.
Auto must of dripped some steak juice on there or something your dog is licking his chops . must be the rawhide.
yeah, he has aquired a taste for deer rawhide and sinew. gonna have to keep this bow up high
I am glad you like it, and I hope it serves you well. Thank you for the kind words it was fun making it.
WOW! That is one sweet bow you made Grady.
Really like the osage too Neo ;D
Lucky dog