Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Danzn Bar on November 19, 2013, 10:25:08 pm

Title: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 19, 2013, 10:25:08 pm
Hey Guys,
I've been looking at a mulberry branch stave a guy gave me a year or so ago.  It was only about 3 1/2" in diameter and had two huge rings of sapwood.  the rings were about 1/2' thick each.  Oh ya... that only left about 1 1/2" of heart wood.  I had split it in half as soon as I got it and put it inside the house to dry.  I did a lot of research and found that bows have been made out of sapwood only.  Most of them was reported to have pretty good cast, except I found one that Pearly made was a dog.  But I went ahead and took off the bark, not many but a few small pin knots and cut the profile out. Pat B has always said 10 -15% more than osage. So, I made the fades 2" wide out 10" and then tapered to within 9" of the tips to 3/4" wide, the last 9" to the tip I want to make really thin and stiff.  The handle is 4" with 1 1/2" fades , ntn is 64".  I also put about 3" of reflex in it.

Well I cut the thickness out on my band saw and started floor tillering.  I learned on the last couple of bows to do as much floor tillering as possible.  I use a push/pull stringing method every time I string a bow and I think that has help me get the feel of floor tillering to within 5-10 pounds of my target weight, 50#.  Finished it up on the tree pretty quickly.

Man this bow is scary light in the hand compared to the osage that I have been working with.  Every time I pulled that thing back I was expecting it to explode!!  but it hasn't yet.  No heart wood except in the handle. 100% of the working limb is sapwood.  This wood is much softer to work with than osage or hickory.  The only thing I have found that I don't like about it is the creamy color of the sapwood.  I'll probably stain it when I'm done.  I've been wanting a dark colored hunting bow.

Shot it 50 times tonight and WOW is it snappy.  I still flinch every time I pull it back.... it is so light in the hand and no hand shock. I can't believe it,  Hope it holds up.

OH..... pics are coming,  Man I haven't said this much in a long time.  I'm just fired up with this mulberry stuff.


Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Badly Bent on November 19, 2013, 10:37:04 pm
Sounds like your on a good one Bill, I've read that mulberry sapwood is fine also. Since you had no options with your stave its good to see that it worked. I've done a handful of mullbery bows but only one where I left one thin ring of sap on the back and it was my favorite mulberry bow to date, Cody has that bow now and far as I know its still in one piece.
Looking forward to the pics of yours.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: osage outlaw on November 19, 2013, 10:45:30 pm
Way to tease us Bill.   Where are the pics.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Gsulfridge on November 19, 2013, 11:03:01 pm
The nerve of that guy!!!  You can't just waltz in here telling of nice bows and not show pics!!  That's 5 demerits and your name on the board mister! :laugh:
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Pappy on November 20, 2013, 06:00:47 am
Looking forward to seeing it,I have a mulberry in the works right now,it is all heart wood but still very lightt in the hand.  :)
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: TRACY on November 20, 2013, 06:50:47 am
Glad to hear you're having success with it Bill. Now show us the pics!  >:D

Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 20, 2013, 07:33:18 am
Say Bassmaster, where did you get that branch? I cut out an identical sized mulberry branch last night, I got it from Scott (Stringman) at pappys last spring. You got me all excited about it now! Ive been on a tear the last 2 weeks, 42-45% humidity gets me all giddy!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Ozzy on November 20, 2013, 07:41:10 am
Sounds cool Bill can't wait to see pics
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Hrothgar on November 20, 2013, 08:19:21 am
Mulberry is great wood. Anxious to see some pics, don't know about the sapwood, but the heartwood will darken some with age.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Pat B on November 20, 2013, 10:18:04 am
Mulberry is great bow wood. Its physical lightness is what makes it so fast.  I've made bows from all heartwood, all sapwood and everything in between. The only difference I've seen is a bow will be thicker the more sapwood on it.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 20, 2013, 07:56:09 pm
Hey Guys,
Yep, I agree with all of you.  I need to get this sucker finished and some pic's taken,  work has been killing me the last few days, maybe this weekend.   

Pearl, the branch came from a co workers back yard.  ??? The other half of the branch I think I'll chase one of the sapwood rings and have more heart wood left on the belly.  It might be a little narrower than this one, but what the heck.  I've got to go and get some more of this stuff, The guy cut the whole tree down last weekend.

Pat, this bow has a very high crown, @ mid limb it's a little less than 2" and the best I can measure about 1/2" at the crown.  way more than what osage would be at 1 1/2" wide.

Thanks for committing , I'm shooting it before each finishing coat hope to have finished pic's this weekend.  Critics are welcome that and making shavings is how I learn.   :)
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: osage outlaw on November 20, 2013, 08:05:29 pm
It don't exist unless we see pics  ;D
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: bubby on November 20, 2013, 08:09:03 pm
yeah I've got a bit of mulberry , one in the shop waiting, the sapwood darkens fast and it's pretty, gonna leave some sapwood on this one and maybe make an elb with it
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: J05H on November 20, 2013, 08:17:08 pm
It don't exist unless we see pics  ;D
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: blackhawk on November 20, 2013, 08:30:41 pm
Come on bill...ya posted this a day ago and not even a teaser pic yet  ???  ::)
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: mwosborn on November 20, 2013, 09:45:01 pm
Looking forward to the pics!  I have made a couple mulberry and I agree - they are extremely light and quick.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: DuBois on November 23, 2013, 10:55:49 am
This has gone on way too long! WHERE'S THE PICS!!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (Pics added)
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 23, 2013, 03:17:13 pm
Ok Guys,
Here is the final specs on this simple hunting bow.
Mulberry 3.5" dia. branch stave split in half
64" ntn
50# @ 28"
8" of handle and fades
Last 12" of the tips are stiff
2" wide @ the fades
1/4" wide nocks with zebrawood overlays
4 small knots
Stained with a alcohol base walnut stain.
19 oz mass weight including jute handle wrap and string.

And a few pictures, comments welcome
Thanks for looking

Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 23, 2013, 03:19:12 pm
And a few more
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: Ozzy on November 23, 2013, 03:46:13 pm
Sweet Bill love that one hope to see it in scottsburg soon :D
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow
Post by: RyanR on November 23, 2013, 03:55:18 pm
Nice bow. I like the color and the profile of that bow. It would be a good hunting bow. Nice work.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: TEE TAW on November 23, 2013, 04:09:27 pm
That one should do the deed!way nice :P
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Badly Bent on November 23, 2013, 04:38:38 pm
Well its about time you finished this one after that teaser post a few days ago. ;D  Worth the wait though from the looks of it in pictures. Real nice Bill, great attention to detail on everything from layout to tiller to finish. I like this one alot. Thats a beauty of a mulberry bow there and I'd bet it is a beauty to shoot as well.I hope to see that bow in person come spring at the classic Bill.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: J05H on November 23, 2013, 05:15:05 pm
Nice! I like the way the color transitions toward the tips.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: echatham on November 23, 2013, 06:30:15 pm
man that is classy. love the color.  i think i read that mulberry is a cousin to osage,  how does it compare working with it?
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: DuBois on November 23, 2013, 06:37:54 pm
That' just plain beautiful! Thanks for the pics.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: blackhawk on November 23, 2013, 07:12:36 pm
That looks like its got some cast in it...sweet bill..and nice sexy narrow tips  8)
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: burchett.donald on November 23, 2013, 08:26:58 pm
Beautiful graceful profiles and sweet bend...Bet it's quick
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 23, 2013, 09:56:47 pm
Thanks Oz, It will be there if it lasts until the first and third week in Jan. See you there.....
Been wanting a hunting bow that's not so flashy....thanks
BB right now it shoots sweet, hope to see you at the classic, maybe we can shoot a round.
Mulberry is a lot softer than osage
Yep, I think it's quick,  but couldn't tell ya for sure.
Thanks all for the comments,  but, I was hoping for a little corrective criticism from Blackhawk, OO, Pearl and the others on the tiller really helps me to train my eye.

Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: mwosborn on November 23, 2013, 10:26:10 pm
I really like the looks of that one - nice!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Arrowind on November 23, 2013, 10:33:08 pm
Very very VERY NICE!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: osage outlaw on November 23, 2013, 10:37:21 pm
That was worth the wait  :D 

Cool bow Bill.  Looks like a smooth shooter.  I'm looking forward to seeing that one in person.  I need to find me a mulberry stave to try out. 
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: IdahoMatt on November 24, 2013, 12:27:16 am
Nice Dbar.  I love the finish work great job.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: hedgeapple on November 24, 2013, 01:03:35 am
SWEET FLIPPIN' MULBERRIES, that's one nice bow.  You had better bring that down next week if you come this way.  I'll know my schedule tomorrow and will PM you.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: kiltedcelt on November 24, 2013, 08:50:50 am
Really nice looking bow there! I love that dye job, assuming that's what it is. It looks like you got a nice fade in the color going out towards the tips. And speaking of the tips, do those limbs gradually taper starting at the fades or are they parallel for a ways before tapering?
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 24, 2013, 08:52:26 am
Nice bow....and scales! Good work Bill.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: SLIMBOB on November 24, 2013, 10:02:26 am
Sweet.  I've got a Mulberry I cut last Xmas that I just scraped the bark off last week and it's my first one.  Been watchin this one.  Worth the wait for sure.  Very nice Sir.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: burn em up chuck on November 24, 2013, 12:15:13 pm
     very nice

Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Pat B on November 24, 2013, 12:27:33 pm
Very nice mulberry bow, DBar.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 24, 2013, 01:12:05 pm
Thanks to all for the nice words...........

It's parallel about 8" out of the fades, gradually tapers until about 10" from the tips then a faster taper to the 1/4" wide nocks.

Sounds good hedge.............

Thanks again all,
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: bushboy on November 24, 2013, 04:02:43 pm
love the stain job!great looking tiller!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Pappy on November 25, 2013, 07:48:07 am
Looks good,light in the hand and I bet a sweet shooter. Very nice job. :)
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: dwardo on November 25, 2013, 08:22:28 am
Very nice. Great finish and nice skinny tips.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: H Rhodes on November 25, 2013, 08:40:17 am
That is a fine looking bow.  I like everything about that one.  Your finish work looks excellent.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: lostarrow on November 25, 2013, 10:10:54 am
Great job! Love it!
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: mullet on November 25, 2013, 10:01:41 pm
Oooooh, that's pretty. Tiller is spot on and love the color of that stain.
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Josh B on November 25, 2013, 10:06:46 pm
Now that a beautiful bow!  Very nicely done Sir!  Josh
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 26, 2013, 07:54:12 pm
Thanks again guys...............I'm going to make some time during the holidays to finish the other half of the branch.  Went over the guys house who gave me the branch this weekend, he had cut the rest of the tree down.  Boy was it full of knots and branches.  It was about 8" in diameter and not a piece 5 ft long with out a branch or issue.  We managed to cut three pieces which will make some billets.  I hope to get 4 to 6 workable billets out of it.  we'll see.
Thanks again,
Title: Re: First Mulberry Bow (pics added)
Post by: Blackcoyote on November 27, 2013, 09:10:25 am
awesome bow, love it! And I got a nice mulberry stave just waitin....I think I got my inspiration to start working on it!