Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Archived Hunting Pics => Shooting and Hunting => 2013 Hunting Pictures => Topic started by: Ryan_Gill_HuntPrimitive on November 07, 2013, 09:45:24 am
I just got back from a 5 day hunt with Whitefeather- Matt Fout. He invited me and my buddy Dax and his boy up to his place in hopes of connecting with a deer. Matt had some natural ground blinds set up for us and we were seeing a few deer from distances too far, but the rut hadn't heated up yet. Second to last morning I decided to switch things up and go mobile. I had watched a small 4 point walk across a higher ridge so I planned on setting up on top of it. I was making my way up when I heard a deer coming my way through a thicket. Through the tangle of branches I saw antlers and as he drew closer I could see it was a very nice 9 point. I had him at 20 yards or less for several minutes but just never got a shot. he eventually circled around me leaving my arrow still nocked on the string. I continued my stalk to the ridge where I stood against a tree in a thicket of Pawpaw pinched between a couple blow downs and the ridge top. It made for a nice funnel so I just stood still, happy with my location. 3 minutes didn't pass until I heard another deer coming. It was this little basket racked 8 pt. He walked the ridge edge just as planned. Just in front of me, 15 yards or so, he took a long pause looking and smelling his surroundings. I was sure he would spot me since I was not in a blind and I was relying on my lack of movement to keep me hid. With a flick of his tail, he continued on. I followed him with my bow as he walked. at 10 yards and broadside, clear of the tangle of saplings, I put the sticks to him and I watched him bound off down the hill. The shot was a little behind the heart and I was not overly happy with the placement. I found blood and noticed there was a very followable trail of bright blood. To be sure I let him go for several hours and returned later in the evening. Matt and I followed the very easy blood trail for about 350 yards and found him in a tangle of logs at the base of a Beech tree where he needed an unfortunate finishing off. Then came the long drag back to Matt's cabin through the rocks, briars and steep terrain. While he isn't that big 9 pointer that I had encountered earlier, I am very pleased with my little 8 point and I am grateful for the opportunity to hunt with Matt at his beautiful place! The selfmade gear that did the deed was my Osage selfbow, cane arrow and stone point.
Nice buck, congrats!
It sounds like it was a fun hunt.
Awesome Ryan! Enjoyed getting the photo last night. Sounds like you had a great time!
Great job!
I failed to connect this year with my bow, but reading stories like this keeps the hope alive for next year.
Nicely done Ryan. Taking that deer at eye level with primitive gear had to be exciting, congrats on a nice kill and a fine buck.
You got shoes on and that ain't FLA. ;) Another great story w/ a happy ending, dp
Congratulations on a fine whitetail Ryan!
Nice deer Ryan, congrats!
Well played, it's not easy to take a deer at ground level and close range but you seem to have the knack for it....Congrats
Great job!
Great job. What kind of penetration did you get?
thanks guys.
Marks- I got equal arrow out both sides of the deer.
Good deal!! Good story and deer.
Great story, awesome buck, I love it when people share their stories and pictures. Thank you for taking your time to do so.
Nice deer Ryan. Sounds like it was worth the looong drive norf!
Congrats twisted.I've had to climb a tree too to look for deer after shot too when it's too thick.
Congrats on a fine deer Ryan! What up with all the clothes? :o Did you quit the abo hunting already?
I still enjoy hunting my plaids just as much as the abo hunting! Since I was going to be hunting at someone elses place, I thought it best to be well clothed ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Nice deer Ryan.Congrats. :)