Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: TimPotter on October 18, 2013, 09:48:44 am
While I figure out what is wrong with my latest projects getting uploaded I thought I'd share ones that I already had prior to joining this site. All these were made of ash backed with deer sinew. One was for my youngest son and although it was only 28# at 22" it is a snappy little shooter for him. Anyways enjoy and have a great weekend.
One more next to a few painted NA bows.
I always enjoy your work Tim. Some of the poses while drawing were the best!
Thank you. It's been so long since I shared my work and that means a lot. :)
Those are some very nice looking bows :)
How do you find ash and sinew?
Sweet bows man!
Nice looking bows! Making one for my son was the whole reason I got into it, so its cool to see others who do the same!
Thanks guys.
Mike ash I cut from the woods around my house. The sinew on those bows came from the deer season previously. Now I get sinew from friends who just turn over the lower legs of their deer.
Awesome collection of bows! Very nice. Some of the photos of you shooting looks like you're going to hurt yourself!!
Be great to see some more details shots of these. Lovely bows.
Beautifull bows!
Wow, those are beautiful!
very cool stuff man. love the paint work
Great bows! I love your work and looks like the kids love it too ;D
Thanks guys. :)
Got some sweet bows Tim, I really like the set back handle bow
Nice work....
Very cool bows, Tim. 8)
Ditto on what's been said earlier.Sweet looking set of sinewed bows.
Once again thank you everyone. Here is some other pics showing the cores and sinewing and such.
That's a lot of work but worth it.I can appreciate your effort because I've pounded out 1500 grains of sinew at a time a few times myself.Mostly elk leg sinew.I've never put sinew on ash yet but it has crossed my mind.Like elm,hackberry,and mulberry too.I think the list can go on and on.
Good pictures by the way.
That's a great group of bows Tim. You should post more detailed pics of each. I really like the five curve.
Really nice work! How about a bit more information on them?
Thank you everyone. I'd love to share more and will try, however for the past week or so I can't seem to upload a darn pic here or on photobucket. Very frustrating. I'll see if I can post some pics from what already exists in my older files.
For the five curve bow I used the heatgun and a short log.
Then an extra slat of ash as reinforcement at the handle to hold the shape.
After that I sinewed the entire bow then wrapped it in strips of linen instead of birchbark. This was done after the sinew cured for awhile.
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Full draw.
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It was my own variation on the older Mongol type bows, minus horn. Black leather handle and black painted tips.
The other bow was made for my youngest son and I purposefully kept the weight under 35#. The horsehair decoration came from pieces I found stuck to a fence while at an archery shoot in Northern California.
A pic of how they all start out.
Those are all very nice. Love the 5 curve.
Thank you. :)
I have a lot of other bow projects going on, but just can't post pics at the moment.
You can use a different handle,all you want,but yer still Thimo.LOL
BEAUTIFUL! Nice work man!
Thanks Guys.
Traxx I hope your able to drive next year to the Chamberlain. Maybe Rick will come again too. :)