Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: paulsemp on October 09, 2013, 10:56:48 pm
Haven't posted much, got a couple to show. Both osage. Both have horn tips (thanks pearl). The one with flipped tips is 61 ntn. 54@ 26. I wrapped the fades with hemp to try a different look. Rest and plate is made out of same horn. 3 small past though holes. Simple leather and lace handle. The next one was from a deflexed belly split. Heated it straight and lost some of it as you can see in the unbraced photo. Rawhide backed with leather dye(thanks blackhawk for hide). 3 1/2 " radius hooks. 58 ntn and 49@ 26. jute and hemp wrap handle. Both of these bows are shooting real nice for me. Sorry for all the pics
first one is the flipped tips
Next the static. Thanks for looking
sorry one more
Very sweet bows you got there >:D
Both of those are top notch. Great job. I really like them both. Something about that static is just sweet. :)
Nice bows Paul. The full draw and detail work are very nice.
Both sweet looking bows Paul, that static sure dressed up nice, bub
Man, those are real nice!
Me likey both of them ! Good job Bud - Bob.
Two absolute stunners there. 8)
Both have great profiles resting, strung and drawn.
I have a deflexed stave that is similar. I flipped the tips but it refused to take any other reflex and always settled back to where it started. Still it took very little set.
Great bows.
Gotta love the aperture sight... is it adjustable O:) ?
Both are beauties,very nice work. :)
Well done Special P!
Nice job. They are both good looking bows.
Atta boy Paul, I knew you had to have a couple new beauties laying around to post for our viewing pleasure. Real nice bows, both of of 'em. The curves in the second one are just perfect. They look like hard hitting arrow launchers to me and I agree the finish work looks great. Looking forward to seeing them in person.
Man knocker! Those look real nice! These picture sare bigger than phone pics and really show the details. Ya' done good man. Like Greg, I cant wait to see them in person.
Finished up nice Semprevivo ;)
"I wrapped the fades with hemp to try a different look. "
Lately I've come to like the look of hemp wrapped up to the fades then leather at handle as well. You have done a fantastic job on both bows. Great work.
Finished up nice Semprevivo ;)
Or however you say it!
Very nice job on those . They look great!
Oh man Paul, those are both beautiful! We have got to get together sometime so I can drool on them! That static is killer 8)
That static recurve is smokin'!! Very nice! How did you bend the tips? Steam or boil?
Those both look fantastic! You're making some very nice bows lately.
Those are so nice!
Two beauties there. I like the static tip one the best though. There is something about those curves.
thanks a lot for the nice comments guys! I forgot to say that the flipped tip one was my make up bow for the bow trade. Pearly boy sent me a text and said keep it, the guy got it done and sent out. To bad for me >:D
Del, it's not adjustable but there are 2 more holes if it doesn't work out
Greg, I know. We'll be getting together soon.
Chris x 2, I know your jealous of my sweet last name
Cody, greg and I keep talking about getting together with you and Jeff(hobow). I promise to do my part and make it happen soon. I am converting my 18 by 18 shed into all things bow making. running power out there now and getting ready to hook up my wood burning stove. I would be glad to host I shed party this winter.
thanks again for the nice comments guys!
Love the curves on that second one!
Nice work Paul...hemp at the fades looks sweet, and the static - well i'm a sucker for curves!!
hope all is well with the family & work!
Very, very nice! Like the full draw pic! :)
Those are some sharp looking bows. You put a lot of work into them and it shows. Great job!
nicely done,,,bofe em!
sweet hooks, looks great.
Top notch work there. Very nice designs. Really cool finish work. I dig em!
The last pic of the both of them leaning on the fence is a work of art!!! nice job!
very nice
2 stunners there nice work. :)
Just saw this one ....really like the static curves on that one!