Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: seabass on September 26, 2013, 06:22:03 pm
a couple of osage flight bows from the fourties.i sent you a pm.
here is another
I can't speak for Blackhawk but I love seeing stuff like this.
Thanks for posting the pics.
you are welcome Tim.
How long are those beauty's ? Absolutely love seeing bows like this
one is 34 inches,the other is 33.this is to where the siyahs start.the siyahs are about four inches.these are one piece bows made of has sinew on the back and belly.the other just has sinew on the friend Peggy won the 1946 flight bow championship with the one.she is in her nineties and not doing to well health wise at the moment.very fine lady she is.
I am also wondering about dimensions, nice to see you seabass. they look like short mollies, thank you for posting those
You know if they look short in your hands they are :laugh:...sorry Steve had to to say it and you knew it was coming :laugh:
Seriously those are awesome...and incredible would be sweet to try and recreate that....not sure if I have what it takes to repeat that ,but it sure would be fun trying....even tho there short there prob still smooth to pull...those are some seriously sharp bends..I'm guessing their approx 50" long total....and the way the curves are grooved for the string,and narrow,then flare out for the string grooves is interesting. makes sense,but maybe there's a lil bit more refinement in tip mass reduction....I'd have to see em tho in person to make that call....hopefully badger sees this ;)
they are thin.reminds me of that mollie that you made me.Chuck,i will bring them down in the spring.
they are an inch at the handle and inch and three quarter right out of the fade.
Also looks like the handle section is only 6" long to squeeze in a lil bit more working limb ...what's the front profile look like? Any taper? Sorry..I'm curious..and there's prob not much and not until a few inches away from the statics
handle is three inch wide at the handle.bulges to 1 3/4 out of the fade then tapers to 3/4 right before the siyah.
limb is 1/4 inch thick with a slightly concave belly.very interesting.
Wow that's awesome! How far do they pull?
I cant quit looking at these bows. They got drool coming outa the corners of my mouth. I think I have a new project now.
Wow, Bassus Minimus! Those are some killer bows, no arguement at all! The workmanship on those concave bellies at the curve is pretty sexy. I am so glad you have them and not me, I would be out trying to string 'em and shoot 'em!
Those are toooooo cool. Any idea what the poundage was they pulled?
Those bows are frighteningly similar to a flight bow i'm working on....I haven't touched it for a while 'cos the mood needs to be right!
Thanks for posting.
Could you post a picture of the width taper. Just one limb but the full length and maybe next to a ruler to get some scale? Please!
Mike Steve is 4ft2,or close so that should give an idea about the length of the bows. ;) ;D ;D ;D Sorry Steve,couldn't resist. ;) Very cool bows and nice of her to pass them on to you I am sure you will tresure them. ;) :)
Short jokes aren't funny >:( Don't worry Steve, I got your back buddy ;D
Short jokes aren't funny >:( Don't worry Steve, I got your back buddy ;D
Oh quite your whining and go crawl back into your hobbit hole :laugh: sorry pal,ya set yourself up for that one ;)
Now that made me laugh Hawk. ;D ;D ;D
Us vertically challenged guys have to stick together.
Yall should stick together,,,, makes yall easier to see by the way ,, im no
pillars of humanity, we are :o O:) >:D
Wow, what a generous gift. Gotta be cool for her to pass them on to a person she knows will look after them well.
Cool thread Steve!
Hey Hey! Easy with the short jokes! You guys are killing me! At least we get to stand in front for the pictures. Steve says he's bringing his stilts to the Classic next year, so look out boys. No more mister nice guy then.
i'll try and get some more pics up tonight.wait till you see the handmade range/arrow box with all her flight arrows.she gave me seven bows plus the range box and gear.Miss Peggy is a very nice lady.
hurry up w/that please >:D
more pics
Hey Hey! Easy with the short jokes! You guys are killing me! At least we get to stand in front for the pictures. Steve says he's bringing his stilts to the Classic next year, so look out boys. No more mister nice guy then.
you stand in front and we sit in the back and still see over ya >:D
we are still in front Bubby,and you will never take that away from
Wow....7 bows[flight bows to boot] and a bunch of flight arrows.Son of a gun....How do you rate?........LOL.You shorter guys have a way with the women huh.Not agood way mind you but just a way.....LOL.
I'm jealous.........LOL.
beadman,we do have a way with the women,we go one way and they go the,me and this fine lady have a great relationship.she has a son that wants nothing to do with bows.she told me that if she gave these to her boy,he would throw them in the dumpster before he left.she wanted to give them to someone who would appreciate them for what they were.
for anyone that will be at the classic in the spring,i will bring these can handle them and get measurements.i will also bring the other stuff to check out.
As if the desire to go back to the Classic wasn't bad enough, Basso dangles this bait in front of me. Arrrgh! The countdown to May starts, 8 months and counting!
Thanks for more scaled pics... ;) can't wait to see em....I might have enough now to try one before I get to see em...maybe?
do theese still work as bows?
Thanks for the new pics. It helps put the size in perspective. What a cool bow.
Those are beauties. What a cool gift. I am glad she didnt give them to her son.
I noticed you said sinew on the belly of the one. I cant say I have ever heard of that. I wonder if any of our bowyers here have tried that. Was it in combination with a concave belly, or was that the other that had the concave belly. Dont forget the photos of the flight arrows. ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Typical flight bows of the time. Very short and sharply recurved. Amazing that hardly anyone makes this style anymore despite this type of bow shooting over 500 yards. Nobody has come close to the records of those days.
I wonder if the sinew on the belly is to salvage a bow that may have cracked on the belly due to a breaking string.
The technique of flight shooting with a string that broke on every shot was their solution to minimizing string mass.
Here's a link to a thread on similar bows of the time:
Those are beauties. What a cool gift. I am glad she didnt give them to her son.
I noticed you said sinew on the belly of the one. I cant say I have ever heard of that. I wonder if any of our bowyers here have tried that. Was it in combination with a concave belly, or was that the other that had the concave belly. Dont forget the photos of the flight arrows. ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Was it wrapped around the limb to hold the sinew on the back down tighter?
Bryce,the sinew was parallel to the limbs.not wraped around.only one bow has the sinew on both sides.the bellies are only slightly is a pic of her arrows in her field box.
Hmmm... That's weird
Cool treasures for sure Steve. Looking forward to touching them at the classic. 8)
I have an old arrow box that is just about the same. It was my Grandpas. Very similar, not quite that full though. Very cool find