Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: TimPotter on September 25, 2013, 12:48:15 pm

Title: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 25, 2013, 12:48:15 pm
66" N-to-N and 65# at 28"

This bow was hacked out with a hatchet and bowie knife from a sweet stave given me by Danny (Kssidewinder) Then I pretty much rasped it out and scrapped it down to tiller. I really pleased with this bow.

Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: blackhawk on September 25, 2013, 12:55:38 pm
Turned out sweet thimo....welcome to pa...thanks for posting it over here too...if your ever up in pa stop on by and I'll send ya off with some more of that gold if gold fever has struck ya...
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Stoker on September 25, 2013, 12:58:32 pm
Real nice bow..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 25, 2013, 01:22:36 pm
That would be great Blackhawk. I'm really into the old Arthur Young style bows at the moment and more osage would fit into that plan nicely. After years spent playing around a bit with warbows made from elm I toned down a bit to make more vintage style flat-bows in the 60-85# range. I'm more into durable hunting designs now.

Thanks for the compliments guys. :-)
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: rps3 on September 25, 2013, 01:41:34 pm
Looks good. Are you the same guy I would watch build too heavy for me war bows on paleoplanet?
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: BOWMAN53 on September 25, 2013, 01:51:57 pm
nice, i like it.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: The Gopher on September 25, 2013, 01:55:22 pm
Nicely done, I  must be weak, 65# makes me cringe.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Arrowind on September 25, 2013, 02:03:53 pm
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Capt on September 25, 2013, 02:07:25 pm
Looks great Tim.. i'm with ya on the durable hunting style bow design... practicality is a bid deal when your out there in the field.... Not too long and not too heavy..... a durable finish and a blend in colour scheme would be key too i guess...

I just Finished my 1st Osage bow too... actually my second bow total..... its 63"NTN and 60#@28" recurved tips.... you can check it out in a recent thread...
Capt's 2nd bow is how the title starts...

I plan to maybe stain 8" or so of the tips and some stain out of the handle and put rattlesnake skins on the back.... just so it blends into the bush a little better....

will you be putting any extra finish on there...

Bests and nice job.. Capt
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 25, 2013, 02:46:46 pm
Thanks guys.

Capt. I toyed with the idea of putting a water-moccasin skin on it, but am saving it for putting over a sinew bow I'm working on. As to finish a do a low luster beeswax-n-walnut oil rub. Too shiny and sunlight reflects much like a mirror. A dark brown stain on the back is ok too. I just hate to hide such pretty wood. :-)

Yes I'm the same Paleoplanet guy. I still make them but more for seeing how far a 3 oz. arrow will fly. And basically I'm a history nut. :-) Which now I'm more after, on the heavy elb topic, what a 12th-14th century Welsh or English hunter would carry and use. But also currently I'm really into the 1920's era American Hunting set up.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 25, 2013, 04:37:19 pm
I should clarify. This is my 1st osage that didn't break. I had several years ago made one while visiting in California. I even had it ready to be blessed by two of Bowyerology's higher clergy. Then snap! Might have been the climate or just a bad piece of wood, or the reckless tillering of a person placing all their faith in the magic of this golden wood. But lets face it. Bows break when not fashioned properly, no matter the wood species.

Here is the bow that didn't make it. I always wondered what Tim Baker was thinking, something like "Hmmmm it'll probably break right there, but I'll keep that to myself and let this young upstart learn that for himself." 8)
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: bowmo on September 25, 2013, 04:53:15 pm
Nice lookin' bow. Wish Tim Baker could judge my bows in person and tell me everything I did wrong!
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Ed Brooks on September 25, 2013, 05:13:56 pm
Nice looking bow. Ed
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: blackhawk on September 25, 2013, 09:20:31 pm
if your close to eastern west virginia ill be down there this weekend,i could take some along if your not to far away and wanna pick em up...shoot me a pm if so

love seeing pics of the past....and steve hasn't changed much since last I saw him  :D
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Knapper on September 25, 2013, 09:58:03 pm
Sweet bow  nice lines . Very clean. Hate to see ya have to put something on that wood. Just give it a couple of years and it will darken up nicely. Osage bows really look good to me when new , and when old for that matter.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Badly Bent on September 25, 2013, 10:18:01 pm
Like the profile and lit-o-bit of character in that bow. Good looker and likely cast a arrow well to boot. Nice bow.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 25, 2013, 10:28:58 pm
Nice looking hunting bow
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 26, 2013, 08:17:29 am
Thanks everyone.

Blackhawk I wish I could head towards the mountains this weekend, but I doubt it. I'm saving up on supplies for a Scout campout the following weekend with my youngest son. Gonna bring along a few all wood bows for the archery range and a few in progress. But one day soon I'll head your way. :-)

True, Steve is ageless. I learned a lot with him in only 48 hours. I'd love it to have been 48 days. Very cool guy. And Way smart.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: Hrothgar on September 26, 2013, 08:39:04 am
Good looking bow Tim, thanks for posting. Glad to hear you're going to be helping out the Scouts, that's what its all about.
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: blackhawk on September 26, 2013, 08:53:35 am
Cool man...that'll be a hoot too....I'm gonna be in dolly sods this weekend packing n roving the wilderness ;)

Steve came out for the 2012 Tennessee classic and we all got to meet,hangout,and make bows like possessed madmen for several days in a row non stop sun up to way past sun down.. he made several bows along with a bunch of other guys and myself(I made several too)..what a blast ;)
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 26, 2013, 09:12:02 am
Yes Scouts are important. And thank you.

Blackhawk that place is awesome to hike. Enjoy.  :)
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: blackhawk on September 26, 2013, 10:20:09 am
Oh I wife is from that area/region so I know it that whole area,dolly sods,roaring plains,north fork mountain n Seneca rocks,spruce mountain,otter creek wilderness, blackwater,canaaan etc...its the best region in all of west by god IMHO..I'll be packing a yew takedown ;)
Title: Re: My 1st Osage Bow.
Post by: TimPotter on September 26, 2013, 12:21:17 pm
There is just something down right soul cleansing hiking in the wilderness with a bow. Acorns are plentiful this year too, you might cook up some fat squirrels, then again trout might be nice. Enjoy!!! :P

Took the bow out last night to hammer in a few dozen arrows. Love the way this bow casts. It's a keeper. And the string lines right down the center. After shooting and unstringing it stayed straight as a board. I never heat-tempered it either.  >:D