Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Zion on September 08, 2013, 07:35:21 pm

Title: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Zion on September 08, 2013, 07:35:21 pm
Since i haven't posted in a looong time i thought i'd do a big topic lol. I've been making a lotta bows, just not happy with 'em so i don't post. I got to go up in the woods this week which was awesome and i was able to do a lotta stump shooting. Haven't done it in a while since there aren't many stumps in my alfalfa field lol  ::) The bow i used is a relatively new one, i've shot it a bunch already and it's a nice shooter. It's 64" ntn and about 64#@25". In some of the pics the tiller looks really wierd cuz i was at awkward angles and so on, and im not at full draw in alot of em. I made it out of a 1" shoot of Serviceberry, it works pretty well for being that small  8)

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Then it started raining  :P

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Drying my stuff out after the downpour.

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The next day i went stumping again and my bro took some weird pics lol

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Some pics of the Bow:

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I did a really simple grip but it's comfortable!
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I also got some snowberry shafts, im curious how they'll work.

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Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: steve b. on September 08, 2013, 07:43:04 pm
Cool stuff.  I always like your posts.  I think looking at your target more square-on like you are doing is a better hunting style of shooting, vs. peeking at the target with the non-dominant eye because the head is not turned enough--better depth perception. 
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Capt on September 08, 2013, 07:57:25 pm
Steve, would you say one eye better than both or use both and don't take focus off mark...I've been told recently when training to shoot instinctively you should always use both?

Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: bow101 on September 08, 2013, 08:16:52 pm
Looks like fun,  Keep up the Tradition........... 8)
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Zion on September 08, 2013, 08:27:09 pm
Thanks guys, well i've shot both ways and i don't see much of a difference if the form is good on both. Then again i don't have much experience to speak from.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Badly Bent on September 08, 2013, 08:31:17 pm
Good pics Zion and beautiful stumpin' country there. Fine looking bow as well.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Bryce on September 08, 2013, 08:51:34 pm
Good post but........ Why don't you have some broadheads on? It's hunting season boy.

Shoot however is comfortable to you.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Trapper Rob on September 08, 2013, 10:47:05 pm
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: George Tsoukalas on September 08, 2013, 11:30:32 pm
Beautiful bow! Nicely done.
The shafts will be fun. You'll do better at straightening if you wrap them straight up and down as they look twisted  in the bundle. Jawge
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: steve b. on September 08, 2013, 11:37:58 pm
That third pic shows perfect form.  Your right forearm is aligned with the arrow, right elbow back but down,  right hand relaxed but hooked, slight crook in the bow arm, face forward.  A real natural.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: rossfactor on September 09, 2013, 12:34:59 am
I dig it Zion.  Love sapling bows.  Looks like you guys are having fun.  Bet you grow some fat deer in those alfalfa fields!

Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Zion on September 09, 2013, 01:53:30 am
Yeah i wish i could go up there more often, the woods are awesome! In 2 years when i get my license maybe lol!
Haha Bryce that's what i'm hoping the snowberrys will become...I might try bone broadheads, my dog has enough of em in his stash lol.
Yeah George it seems like every time i tie them they want to kinda spiral, i'll keep an eye for that next time.
That's good to know steve, i've been working on my form for a few weeks now, (since i made this bow) but it's nice to have pics to see what's really going on. My only problem i observed from some other pics is that i'm dropping my bow arm but that'll be fixed lol.
Gabe there's so many deer out here i could sit in my field and probably get 2 before school, but where's the fun in that haha  ;D I also like sapling bows, they're just badass.

Thanks for the nice words guys!
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: dwardo on September 09, 2013, 06:31:47 am
Nice bow and nice to see you posting again.
Post some of the bows you are not happy about, helps us all learn.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Del the cat on September 09, 2013, 06:40:40 am
That looks a great place to be shooting, I like that bunch of shafts, they look really good.
I like your style, that's 'cos it looks like mine ;D
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Pappy on September 09, 2013, 08:01:43 am
Cool pictures,looks like fun for sure. :)
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Hoarfrost on September 09, 2013, 08:45:39 am
Thanks for posting. As far as I know Serviceberry is about the only good bow wood that grows [native] here. It is also my favorite shrub, very pretty in the landscape. I haven't used it yet but hope to soon, maybe get a few staves cut to season this winter.
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: skarhand on September 09, 2013, 09:38:19 am
Very nice! I love just getting out in the woods. I am hoping that by next year I'll have a couple of sweet shooting home made bows to choose from and can take my son out backpack camping and shooting for a weekend.

Good fun!
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: simson on September 09, 2013, 02:50:26 pm
Cool place to shoot with a nice made bow! bravo!
I like the shafts too, have you ever tried serviceberry and privet as shafts? Privet is my first choice.

Came on, let's see more bows again!
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Zion on September 09, 2013, 11:11:03 pm
Ok dwardo there's quite a few  >:D
Del it's awesome up there, there's so much rotten stuff  ;D Yeah can't wait for the shafts to dry!
Thanks pappy
Hoarfrost it is for sure a great wood, finishes really nice too...definitely give it a go.
Yeah skarhand it makes me want to live up there lol, good luck with your bowmaking!
Thanks Simon, i think i have some serviceberry i grabbed a while back, i bet they'll work good. Never seen much privet up here, Ocean Spray is a great arrow material too. Yeah i'll try and be less lazy and post my work haha!
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Accipiter on September 09, 2013, 11:39:33 pm
I really like that handle wrap Zion, may be simple but it sure is pretty! Oh, and nice bow too!
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: sleek on September 10, 2013, 01:05:42 am
Open that eye man! Your entire life you have been walking around with both eyes open, you point at things you want to show people with both eyes open, so why change things when pointing an arrow?
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Blacktail on September 10, 2013, 01:20:45 am
NOW,that looks like fun..and you did a wonderful job on the stick...i have alot of snowberry in my area all so...let me know how they work for arrows..john
Title: Re: New bow and Stumping! (very pic heavy)
Post by: Zion on September 10, 2013, 01:29:59 am
Thanks Accipiter, yeah it's super comfortable, i'll probably do wraps more often now.
Sleek i'll definitely try it when i'm shooting next, i don't see that much of a difference though..? Does shooting with one eye alter your perception?
Thanks Blacktail, i wish i could do that more often! I think i'll see how stiff the shafts are this weekend and then go on from there.