Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 03:23:47 pm

Title: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 03:23:47 pm
Hi . I am recieving my first vine maple stave tomorrow and i have no idea what kind of bow to buid . ( flatbow.longbow.selfbow..or backed bow sinew or rawhide ect.) Help please ! Also is it better to just peel off the bark ? Or throw it in the shaVing horse and chase a ring on the back . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: Pat B on September 03, 2013, 03:27:54 pm
Wait until you get the stave. It will tell ou what it wants to be.
 Just peel the bark and use the ring under it for your back.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: stickbender on September 03, 2013, 03:33:03 pm

     What does Vine Maple look like?   ???  Where does it grow, and what kind of soil, shade, sun, etc.?

Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 03:37:54 pm
Its a white wood . It grows along side of yew . I got it from washington state . And it seemed to be shaded from the larger trees it grew around
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: stickbender on September 03, 2013, 03:54:32 pm

     Thanks Rockrush69.  Does it have a maple like leaf?  Do you know if it grows in Montana?

Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 04:04:47 pm
Go to you tube and search " hunting the elusive yew" that is the guy i buy from .and i. That video near the end of it he shows ya vine maple growing . Its a tall skinny tree . Also u could just search vine maple on youtune ... or google vi emaple and you area . You should be able to aquire a complete list of trees in your are from google . I got 2 yew staves and a vinemaple stave for 150$ total price . From medicine bow woods . You should really just look him up and give him a call . He not only sellls good staves super cheap . But is a nice old man who will answer any questionsand is a master bowyer himself . I was on the phone with him for close to an hour both times we talked . He is very wise ... right up there with ed scott
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: steve b. on September 03, 2013, 04:32:26 pm
What Pat B. said.

I've only built a few VM but I've played around with it and tested it some.  Every piece is different but in general I treat it about like hickory or slightly smaller as far as dimensions and potential "set".
You'll have a hard time chasing a ring.  Some will say you can violate the back and not worry.  I would not.  If I violate it I back it.
VM responds to heat but sometimes it will fight you or spring back to original, eventually, but not always.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 05:56:47 pm
Thank you steve b.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: Bryce on September 03, 2013, 06:31:03 pm
I have made many VM bow most had violated backs. Vm is so tension strong. I never put backing on any of them. I little bit wider is better than too narrow.
 How long is the stave?

My favorite for VM is a stiff 4" handle. 60"-62" nock-to-nock 1 5/8" wide. Flatbow.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: Blacktail on September 03, 2013, 09:47:34 pm
DONT USE A DRAW KNIFE..maybe in the VERY beginnng BUT you will see that it can tear out alot of wood in the areas of swirly grain or rings...i would say use a hatchet then go to a rasp....and if you have been working osage alot then you might want to take your time with vm (softer wood)...and do what Mr.Bryce said..makes a great profile for vm...john
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: Bryce on September 03, 2013, 10:08:55 pm
Not sure how many bows youve made.
Maybe give yourself and extra couple inches. 64-66"

Just carefully peel the bark off and there's you back. If you nick it. No big deal sand it out and continue on.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 03, 2013, 10:44:49 pm
Wow guys thank you so much for all the greT tips !!!! I wS anning o. Doi g a thi. Layer of rawhide with gelati. Glue just as a precotio ary measure due to the huntin g i do with my bows .  Will that be ok ??? I just like doing it . I even do it to yew lon gbows just for protection as ishi said to do ..
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: steve b. on September 03, 2013, 11:47:44 pm
Of course.  You can rawhide back anything, when in doubt.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: rockrush69 on September 04, 2013, 04:30:49 pm
Have any of you used a dog rawhide bo e for backing a bow ... i did it last night . I soaked it till it came part ... and used gelatin glue . ( knoks gelatin. And hot water) then tied the whole bow every quarter i ch with jute today it looks good ... but we will see . :) speKing of jute ... can you make a bowstring from it ???
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: aaron on September 04, 2013, 10:24:03 pm
dog bone rawhide is OK, but a little thick for bowmaking.
I have made many VM bows, some rawhide backed. I use goat or deer. goat is almost too thin. Deer is great.
 It's hard to debark VM without some minor back violations, so rawhide is a nice insurance policy, and if thin does not add too much weight.
my favorite VM design is a 60 inch bendy handle design. widest at the handle- 1 3/8. gradual narrowing to 3/8 nocks- i use back nocks, tie on knocks.
the back usually has some "roller coaster" undulations- follow them with the belly.
post pics of the stave and we'll help you through it if you want.
Title: Re: vine maple . and whats the best style bow to make from it does it need backing?
Post by: Bryce on September 04, 2013, 11:25:08 pm
I'm a silk man myself.