Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: SLIMBOB on July 25, 2013, 06:00:30 pm
It’s a modern rendition of a Five Curve Plains Style bow. This is my “Plan A” trade bow. I have posted a few progress reports on it in the Progress thread, but wanted to keep it mostly under wraps until I decided which bow of the 2 I was making for the trade I would send out. I believe this one turned out nice and I’m happy to have it sent out and on its way to its new home.
45ish at 27 inches
Length 60 inches TTT.
Width 1 1/4 inches middle third. Tips taper to just over ½ inch.
Sinew wraps dyed in Rit dye with horse hair tassel.
Handle wrap is red wool trade cloth with a brain tanned tie.
Finish is 6 or 7 coats of Tru Oil.
String is 8 strands of Fast Flite.
Made from a very dense piece of Osage. Dark in color with a board flat back and thick rings with little early wood. The stave was deflexed about 4 inches when I started, so the deflexed portions of the limbs are naturally that shape, not heated in or as a result of taking much set. I heat bent some set back in the handle and reflexed the tips and that got it back to about even. The little wiggle in the bottom limb gave me fits in tillering it from start to finish, but I got it as close as I could get it and called it good. Shoots really sweet. Hope its new owner enjoys it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Few more. The twilight picture because I just think they're cool as heck. It shows the wiggle in the bottom limb as well.
Nice job on that one, Slim. Sweet colors...I like them twilight shots, too!! ;)
Sweet....I'll take it!!! Send it on up ;D
Sorry Charlie, it's headed elsewhere, but flattered none the less.
That is one AWESOME bow! Whoever gets that is going to be lucky! :o ;) Nice job on that one! ;D
I'm glad I got to see that one before you shipped it. Very nice! CC
Looking good. Markus
ME ME, send it to MEEEE! Blackhawk don't need anymore bows anyway. Got my address?
Nice one. Just my style 8)
That looks great. Anyone should be happy with that bow.
Man. that is nice, wish it was coming my way, Somebody is going to be very happy
Nice bow.
looks like a plains bow to me!
Great job on that one Slimbob! I like that bow a lot. Sure wouldn't mind if it showed up on my front porch.
Thanks guys. It'll show up where it's going tomorrow. It better anyway.
NICE! ANYONE would be lucky to have THAT bow!
very cool
Sweet,beautiful bow. :)
Woohooo!! Look what showed up at my door today :) -
Woohooo!! Look what showed up at my door today :) -
You lucky guy - you've got a beauty!
Your kiddn me. !!! nice CD
Cool. The coolest bow design ever. Fantastic. :-)
Nice one, looks really primitive with the details.
Very nice bow!! Where in the hill country do you live?
I'm in Boerne. Sweet little town between San Antonio and Kerrville, and thanks for the comments.
Nice,Nice,Nice,Bow,Story,& Ending.
I really like that one. Very nicely done.
I really like the horse hair tassel, but for some reason always envisioned them attached to the bottom limb.