Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: chessieboy on July 07, 2013, 11:09:26 pm

Title: Mountain men
Post by: chessieboy on July 07, 2013, 11:09:26 pm
I'm sitting here watching the show Mountain men and one guy made a sinus backed bow. I thought it was pretty cool until he put the sinus one then snake skins and shot it a few hours later.  Did I miss something?  I really liked that guy til this.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: osage outlaw on July 07, 2013, 11:20:35 pm
I have it on the DVR and plan on watching it later tonight.  I'm guessing it is the magic of TV editing.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 08, 2013, 12:51:27 am
The bow he gave the guy wasn't the same bow he was working on "all night long". The osage on the belly of the bow he claimed to have just made had turned dark from age. The tillering was awful as well with big hinges in both limbs.

No way you can put sinew and a snake skin on and shoot a bow in a few hours.

Just another made up plot line inserted to impress city folk who don't know anything about the outdoors or have any knowledge of bow making. 

Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Joec123able on July 08, 2013, 01:04:01 am
Watched that show a couple times thought it was stupid especially how they dramatize every thing nothing they do on that show impresses me
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: burchett.donald on July 08, 2013, 01:10:10 am
+2, I think it's all dramatized foolishness for TV.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: toomanyknots on July 08, 2013, 01:22:00 am
HA! Now I want to watch this... it ain't on netflix is it?  >:D
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: soy on July 08, 2013, 01:32:17 am
I love the show and take it for entertainment only....sure beats some of the stuff the wife would rather watch ;D
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Rick Wallace on July 08, 2013, 01:42:35 am
I love the show and take it for entertainment only....sure beats some of the stuff the wife would rather watch ;D
Yours to? let me guess,Iron chef,House rebuilder shows,chic flicks on lifetime channel  :P  It is entertaining,I like to pick out the parts that are BS !
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: toomanyknots on July 08, 2013, 02:30:50 am
I love the show and take it for entertainment only....sure beats some of the stuff the wife would rather watch ;D
Yours to? let me guess,Iron chef,House rebuilder shows,chic flicks on lifetime channel  :P  It is entertaining,I like to pick out the parts that are BS !

Right now I am being tortured with a downton abby marathon...
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Dances with squirrels on July 08, 2013, 07:26:10 am
I watched the sinew bow episode last night too. Tips at least an inch wide, and the tiller? I wouldn't have even drawn that thing. Yeah... make a sinew backed bow in a day or two and shoot it? "Eastern diamondback" skins? LOL I don't think so.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: ohma2 on July 08, 2013, 11:15:19 am
yeah aint TV great anymore the only thing real anymore is all the people killing each other on the news.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: vinemaplebows on July 08, 2013, 12:49:16 pm
I love the show and take it for entertainment only....sure beats some of the stuff the wife would rather watch ;D
Yours to? let me guess,Iron chef,House rebuilder shows,chic flicks on lifetime channel  :P  It is entertaining,I like to pick out the parts that are BS !

Well with that show the BS starts from the opening, and never stops!
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Tom Leemans on July 08, 2013, 02:33:36 pm
sinus backed? OUCH! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Bignasty on July 08, 2013, 04:00:30 pm
The only person I care to watch on there is marty and thats because I saw and artical about him along time ago in outdoor life. The artical was very poorly written but I got the idea that hes the real deal and has been doing what he does successfully for many years. The other is and old hippie and the old man that made the bow should have shot that dog last season if it caused him as many problems as it did.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: tom sawyer on July 08, 2013, 06:23:48 pm
Saw the start of the episode where the friend asked for a bow two days before he wanted it, then I got busy with something and didn't see the rest.  Glad I didn't.  He could've cranked out a real selfbow in two days.  I guess the idea of sinew backing was just too sexy for them to not include.

I think Marty has the most actual mountain skills even if he is using more modern equipment.  That dude is living on the edge on a daily basis.  Eustus is just a subsistence farmer and not a great one from what I can tell.  He'd be more interesting if they'd show his still and his patch of weed.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: toomanyknots on July 08, 2013, 08:08:18 pm
He'd be more interesting if they'd show his still and his patch of weed.

Ha! Now moonshiners, thats a cool show. Probably more full of crap than this one though... just watched this episode online, or at least the bow part. I wanna get ahold of that guy and tell him to ask for a refund! Is this show just totally full of crap, or is this individual guy just full of crap? What gives? The tiller didn't look all that bad to me, but that is not how sinew backed bows work, the 2 hours and the sinew would still be gelly - like, it might even just pop off if it was humid... ??? Either way it is ruined and a waste of time. I wonder if they just glued a fake snake skin on a fiberglass bow...  >:D
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Josh Shuck on July 08, 2013, 08:19:36 pm
I watched the show last night too.  It lost all credibility with me and I promptly changed it with the sinew bit.

Another character on the show was tracking a mountain lion...with out a rifle!  Was he trying to make a snack out of his dogs?  He did have what looked to be a 9mm hand gun that was concealed in his jacket.  Wouldn't be my first choice when pursuing a big cat.

All of those shows are about as real as WWF wrestling.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: SLIMBOB on July 08, 2013, 08:30:45 pm
I know one of the guys on there pretty well.  Tuned in last night to see him.  Couldn't watch it.  Just terrible.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: wildman on July 08, 2013, 08:31:55 pm
I watched season 2 while visiting with my dad this weekend. We both got a big sad laugh out of it. I HAVE to see the bow episode now. The chicken killer with Eustice (spelling??????) showed me all I needed to know about the whole operation. I live alot like he does, I'm purty shore uh feller alivin that thar lifestyle would aknow whet werea killin his chikens.
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Ozzy on July 08, 2013, 09:22:56 pm
Saw the start of the episode where the friend asked for a bow two days before he wanted it, then I got busy with something and didn't see the rest.  Glad I didn't.  He could've cranked out a real selfbow in two days.  I guess the idea of sinew backing was just too sexy for them to not include.

I think Marty has the most actual mountain skills even if he is using more modern equipment.  That dude is living on the edge on a daily basis.  Eustus is just a subsistence farmer and not a great one from what I can tell.  He'd be more interesting if they'd show his still and his patch of weed.
You have never seen blackhawk make a self bow then lol in two days he will have 2 made and more started
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: nclonghunter on July 08, 2013, 09:49:53 pm
I watched it last season and that was enough for me. My hunting buddy has never been involved with primitive bows at all. He was telling me about the snake skin bow today. "Tom" the bow maker is a cool dude right now.. I just laughed and told him it was cool he could do that. Last year it seemed the only thing Tom did was worry about bears eating his dog. Mountain living is a real hardship..

Eustace Conway lives here in NC and last year was losing his land for back taxes. I heard he borrowed money from someone to make the payment. I wondered how much it meant to the TV show to keep him on that land. I meet him several years ago and he was wearing a tanned deer skin shirt. He weighed about 150 lbs. Even after all the Hard farm work and barely surviving he has managed to put on another 100 lbs. Mountain living is a real hardship. He has a web site for a summer camp that's called "Turtle Island".

There are better shows to watch...
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: 4dog on July 08, 2013, 10:42:21 pm
Reality TV is after all ,, still TV.    :o
Title: Re: Mountain men
Post by: Traxx on July 09, 2013, 12:19:40 am
The show is a joke.Rich n Marty are the real deals,but the drama hasta go.
I watched the bow episode and bout busted a gut.
Eustice Conway,otherwise known as Useless conman,has quite a history,if one wants to research it.