Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: kamil2910 on June 22, 2013, 03:14:37 pm

Title: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 22, 2013, 03:14:37 pm
TRADITIONAL English Longbow, from yew . Made from one piece of wood.
D section - self yew bow with self horn nocks.
Bow conserved with schelack

Bow Length: 69" (beatween string grovs)
Draw weight: 55 lbs at 28" (max 28")
1 inch string follow
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2013, 03:18:36 pm
That is a very beautiful bow.  The clusters of knots on the one limb must have made tillering a bit more difficult, to say the least.  Nice work, brother!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 22, 2013, 03:19:53 pm
angular self yew bow
lenght- 160 cm
draw- 15 kg-28"
in grip maple plate,
maple nock
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Del the cat on June 22, 2013, 03:29:31 pm
I love that angular bow... Very good.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Badly Bent on June 22, 2013, 04:32:01 pm
Those are both finely crafted bows, very nice. :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Buckeye Guy on June 22, 2013, 05:02:21 pm
Really good work on them both !!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: WillS on June 22, 2013, 05:21:25 pm
Every bow you post makes me love the look of Polish yew more and more!  It's so elegant and "pretty" compared to English yew.  I love English yew of course but there's something about the sapwood blending into heartwood on your bows that intrigues me!

Absolutely love that angular bow too.  As soon as my obsession with longbows wanes that's my next project!  Congrats on two ace bows!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: barecgesh on June 22, 2013, 06:41:23 pm
that angular is  a thing of beauty the shape just blows my mind
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: toomanyknots on June 22, 2013, 07:54:48 pm
that angular is  a thing of beauty the shape just blows my mind

I second that, very cool!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: burn em up chuck on June 22, 2013, 08:00:47 pm
   very very attractive, like both bows

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: mullet on June 22, 2013, 11:11:29 pm
Two very nice bows from some challenging looking wood. Well done.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: coaster500 on June 22, 2013, 11:37:23 pm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Sidewinder on June 23, 2013, 12:47:59 am
Both very nice.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Youngboyer2(billyf) on June 23, 2013, 12:55:43 am
I'm suprised that the first bow has any string follow, it has a good design and an excellent tiller
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 23, 2013, 06:39:46 am
yew longbow from very interesting yew

Bow Length: 70" (beatween string grovs)

Draw weight: 42 lbs at 28" (max 28")

1 inch string follow

bow weight: 501 gram

buffalo horn nock

oily finsh
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Carson (CMB) on June 23, 2013, 06:44:26 am
Wow! Nice work!  I like them all!!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: lesken2011 on June 23, 2013, 09:21:54 am
That yew has some beautiful grain. You got great bends from them all in spite of the irregularities. Nice job!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 29, 2013, 09:14:04 am
yew longbow from polish yew

Bow Length: 68,5" (beatween string grovs)

Draw weight: 53 lbs at 28" (max 28")

1 inch string follow

bow weight: 453 gram

buffalo horn nock

dacron string

oily and wax finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on July 07, 2013, 12:03:09 pm
yew longbow from polish yew

Bow Length: 70" (beatween string grovs)

Draw weight: 62 lbs at 28" (max 28")

1 inch string follow

bow weight: 489 gram

buffalo horn nock

dacron string

oily and wax finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on July 07, 2013, 12:26:28 pm
mahagony , black locust, sinew longbow,
0,5 mm sinew

Bow Length: 76" (beatween string grovs)

Draw weight: 58 lbs at 28" (max 30")

0,5 inch string follow

bow weight: 600 gram

buffalo horn nock

dacron string

oily and wax finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Hrothgar on July 07, 2013, 10:35:58 pm
Very nice bows; that's some of the most beautiful, knotted wood I've seen.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pappy on July 08, 2013, 07:54:38 am
Very nice work,beautiful bows,all of them. :) Thanks for sharing. :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ohma2 on July 08, 2013, 11:10:32 am
very nice bows your talent shows
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on November 16, 2013, 04:34:31 am
My yew english longbow

Bow Length: 76" (beatween string grovs)
Draw weight: 38 lbs at 28" 44 lbs 32" (max 32")
0 inch string folow
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: dragonman on November 17, 2013, 02:50:43 pm
very nice work...they all look well made..well done
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DuBois on November 17, 2013, 02:54:57 pm
Those are all some very nice bows. Thanks for posting them!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: RyanR on November 17, 2013, 03:12:04 pm
Nice work. Gotta love that yew. I hope to try some yew in the future. ;)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: IdahoMatt on November 17, 2013, 04:15:14 pm
Great work man.  I was trying to get to the bottom on the page to write a reply and the bows just kept coming.  I love all of the thanks for posting. Very beautifully character in them.

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Markus on November 17, 2013, 06:40:18 pm
Looking Goooood. :)Markus
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on November 30, 2013, 07:53:26 am
Bow Length: 76" (beatween string grovs)
Draw weight: 46 lbs at 28" (max 31")
1 inch string folow

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on May 08, 2014, 08:35:51 am
Longbow from yew wood, with nice colour contrast
one place on knot is wrap sinew
Bow Length: 76" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 78 lbs at 28" (max 30"-85lbs)
litlee string follow
max width-40 mm
width at horn nock 12 mm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Crogacht on May 08, 2014, 04:24:21 pm
Wow, very very nice. I have some challenging yew logs in my garage.... must.... wait.... until.... skill level... improves....  :laugh: It's very very difficult to leave them alone.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: dbb on May 08, 2014, 06:47:59 pm
You have been busy ..and done some really nice work too ;)
Good looking bows from very pretty wood!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: toomanyknots on May 08, 2014, 08:15:15 pm
Very nice, all of em!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Arrowind on May 08, 2014, 09:03:29 pm
Very nice, all of em!

YEAH, WHAT HE SAID!  Good job! Very nice!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: 4dog on May 09, 2014, 09:12:32 am
im thinking we need a young gun build off...bryce..cody..and kamil..and maybe derick (hes a young un right? lol)   cause these guys are really pumping out some beautiful stuff...a little competition might make em step it up a about an under 30 or 25 build off??? any takers??
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on May 11, 2014, 11:55:03 am
Bow Length: 74,5" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 60 lbs at 28" (max 30"-65 lbs)
0 string follow
schellack finished, very good dynamic bow
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on July 07, 2014, 07:07:50 am
Bow Length: 69,5" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 36 lbs at 28" (max 29")
0 string follow
bow weight- 406 gram
oily ,wax
D section
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pappy on July 07, 2014, 08:13:00 am
Wow,still at It I see,turning out some mighty fine stuff.  :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 03, 2014, 01:46:04 pm
Thys is my new target longbow to poland championship in traditional archery
laminated bamboo,hickory, mahagony, mary rose section,
mahagony its not very good wood on belly,in two place chave a chryzals,I dont make D section beacause, mahagony can be dont stong in compres,
bow lenght -75"
draw weight-45 lbs,28", 49 lbs,30''(max 31")
bow weight 490 gram
grip measured-27mm wide,22mm thick
tips- 7mm wide, 13 thick
arrow horn plate,
ff+dacron string
BH-5,1/2 inch
oily and wax finish
I made thys bow with litlle stiff end of arm, bow have a  very nice dynamic, but i fear if mahagony break,

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pat B on August 03, 2014, 02:29:03 pm
All of your bows are beautiful and look very well built. How is mahogany for belly wood, especially with such a strong backing as bamboo?
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 03, 2014, 02:39:10 pm
yes i know is bamboo to strong on back to mahagony. and i make a mary rose section to litle decompress mahagony
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: rps3 on August 03, 2014, 06:08:48 pm
Enjoyed looking at all your bows.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: coyote1956 on August 03, 2014, 06:19:25 pm
very nice looking bows you have crafted of wood look like challenging Yew wood you have too, thanks for sharing these,  so nice , Ken
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 05, 2014, 02:39:32 pm
My new yew bow from 2 stave of you
bow glue in grip on V
Bow Length: 68" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 35 lbs at 28" (max 28")
1 string follow
BH-5 "
bow weight- 420 gram
schelack finish,
litlee wrap ff, because bows are litlee crack, and age of wood go to centre,
leather grip
Hight D- 27mm wide-24 mm thick at grip
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Jodocus on August 05, 2014, 03:40:55 pm
Holy cow, STOP IT!

Each of these would deserve a post of it's own. What a bunch of nice bows. Very nice work indeed. That angular bow is spectacular.

But I kinda ran out of working memory capacity halfway through the list.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Aaron H on August 05, 2014, 04:06:52 pm
Wow, seriously
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 11, 2014, 12:45:41 pm
Fist made laminated ipe bow
Bow Length: 75" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 60 lbs at 28" (max 30")
BH-6 "
bow weight- 583 gram
bow measured at grip-26mm width,23 mm thick
D section
glue in litlle reflex

After a 15-20 shoot down horn nock be break :-[, and I must make new
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 02, 2014, 03:05:45 am
New triple laminate longbow
ipe,black ,locust,maple
Bow Length: 76" (beatween string groves)
Draw weight: 49 lbs at 28" (max 29")
BH-6 "
bow weight- 594 gram
1 inch reflex
dacron string, tiller mary rose
schelack finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on October 12, 2014, 11:05:26 am
Tomorrow I shoot with my bow on my new chrono;
thys is result my bamboo,maple,mahagony longbow from page 3
21,6 grain-125fps
17,6 grain-135fps
12,7 grain-148fps
11,4 grain-161fps
10 grain-165fps
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DavidV on October 13, 2014, 07:11:47 pm
Kamil- this is one of my favorite threads, I have it saved for a few longbows in my future.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Scottski on October 13, 2014, 07:33:19 pm
Wow! You make some VERY NICE bows. I am from polish descent . I would love a bow from Poland.  Great bows man.
My last name is Galczynski.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on October 19, 2014, 08:02:38 am
Thys is my 2 new Polish bows,
Black locust reconstrution Polish medieval Opolian bow
Bow lenght-70"/68,5''
Bow draw weight-38 lbs-28''/29lbs-28''
Bow weight-358 gram/288 gram
Belly thermo cured, litlee cryzals on all lenght
In rest 2 bows have litlee reflex
linen string 6 and 4 thread
linen oil and wax finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on November 02, 2014, 11:39:08 am
Thys is litlee video with my letest yew longbow
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 11, 2015, 06:18:01 am
Hungary bow
sijah and core- maple
grip-black locust
sinew back
bow lenght 52,5 inch
draw weight- 26 lbs-28 inch (max 29 inch)
bow weight-268 gram
dacron string
BH -14-15 cm
sinew with natural varnish coloured
schelack finished
Bow very dynamic.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 11, 2015, 06:18:45 am
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Markus on January 11, 2015, 07:52:58 am
Very nice.  Interesting, a hornbow without horn. ;) Markus
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 11, 2015, 09:27:21 am
The photo in draw
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Drewster on January 11, 2015, 12:40:07 pm
Oh GEEZ, what a great looking bow.  I really like the contrasting woods and the painting on the back makes it a very handsome work of art.  Well done indeed.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: toomanyknots on January 11, 2015, 01:44:13 pm
Wow, so many nice bows! I really like the ipe bellied Hungarian bow! Awesome!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 16, 2015, 01:31:07 pm
Turkish bow
linen,black locust,exotic wood
Bow lenght at groves to groves 49 inch
Draw -20 lbs-28 inch
Bow weight 210 gram
BH-14 cm
schelack finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: mikekeswick on January 16, 2015, 02:01:36 pm
Impressive stuff.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Parnell on January 16, 2015, 03:34:00 pm
Very interesting work.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Sasquatch on January 16, 2015, 04:05:57 pm
WOW :o
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Sidewinder on January 17, 2015, 04:05:06 pm
Kamil. You are an amazing bowyer. It is a pleasure to look at your beautiful work. It would be only rivaled by the pleasure of shooting them I'm sure. Thamks for letting us into your gallary. Danny
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 31, 2015, 09:13:43 am
Korean bow
bamboo,ipe,sinew with hickory sijah
Bow lenght-47 inch
Draw weight-22 lbs/28 inch
Bow weight-181 gram, with skin and handle-201 gram
finish-linen oil
BH 13 cm
string-dacron(on photo linen work string)
Bow shott very fast.

With tiller i have a lot problem with profile and stabilyty, because a draw weight its that litlee,
But i have in work two new korean bows,litlee longer, widness arm to go 40-60 lbs draw
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on May 23, 2015, 05:33:01 am
Deflex reflex bow
Lenght -64,5 inch
Draw weight-33 lbs(28 inch)-max draw 32 inch
Bow weight 330 gram
FF string
3 inch reflex
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: George Tsoukalas on May 23, 2015, 08:07:17 am
kamil, your bows are beautiful and you area very talented bowyer. Jawge
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Oakenshield on May 23, 2015, 07:22:24 pm
Woah, that's allot of nice bows. nice work Kamil!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: GlisGlis on May 24, 2015, 09:26:19 am
great work kamil!
you are no more in the field of technique. you are in the talent and style class
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: burn em up chuck on May 24, 2015, 04:32:19 pm
very very cool

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: sleek on May 24, 2015, 10:27:19 pm
I cannot believe I just saw this thread. Your work sir us amazing!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 09, 2015, 08:41:46 am
Zebrano flatbow
66 inch long
43 lbs draw( 28 inch
BH -5 inch
370 gram weight
4 inch reflex
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bowandarrow473 on August 09, 2015, 01:13:31 pm
All of your bow are simply beautiful, you are clearly a first class bowyer and one of exceptional skill.
Simply amazing!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: simson on August 09, 2015, 01:18:24 pm
Impressive stuff, Kamil.
You're very busy in making awesome bows.
All my respect!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on February 23, 2016, 03:58:35 pm
Viking longbow from maple
bow lenght-66 inch(grove to grove)
draw 38 lbs(28 inch)
324 gram bow weight
linen string
oil with wax finsh
side nock
1 inch reflex
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Steve Milbocker on February 24, 2016, 08:16:49 am
Wow Kamil, I just took the tour of all your bows. Very impressive! I enjoyed seeing them all ;D
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: George Tsoukalas on February 24, 2016, 09:37:47 am
You are a very talented bowyer with a range of skills. Those bows are beautiful! Jawge
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on April 03, 2016, 09:17:18 am
Thys is my new ash bows
75 inch long,85 lbs(32 inch)
ff string,
Bh 5 inch
Flatbow reflex
75 inch long(33 lbs-28inch)max 33 inch
dacron string,
static reflex
Bh 5,5 inch

Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Badger on April 03, 2016, 10:35:47 am
   Very nice work!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on April 03, 2016, 11:51:29 am
Yeh, that's kind of flawless isn't it? ;)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: PlanB on April 03, 2016, 12:15:08 pm
This thread reads like an encyclopedia of finely made bows. Beautiful work, Kamil.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: crooketarrow on April 03, 2016, 02:58:11 pm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Scottski on April 03, 2016, 04:07:04 pm
Nice, nice, nice! I'm polish I want a bow from Poland!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on May 15, 2016, 07:55:59 am
Another ashlongbow
butt with not that good ash like early

Bows have  goood dynamick(162fps-at 10 grain/lbs arrow)
Bow finish with schelack.
horn nock,horn arrow plate,
Low mary rose section,and perfect tiler,and bow make lot of litlee chrysals

Bow lenght- 75 inch (grove to grove)
Draw weight- 54 lbs(28 inch)- 28 inch max
BH 5  "
ff string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: BowEd on May 15, 2016, 08:49:00 am
Very nice work on quite a few bows.Hard to tell which one I like the best.They are all well crafted.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 22, 2016, 05:41:53 am
Yew longbow ,from very not dense ,and elastic german yew,
I dry stave in 5 inch reflex,so i came to 4 inch reflex after drying from 2 inch natural deflex,
At thys time bow in rest kept 2 inch reflex,after schooting 3/4 inch reflex
Very hight D section
Lenght(nock to nock)72 inch
draw 48 lbs(28 inch) max 32 ich
Bh -5 inch
bow weidht -432 gram
ff string
Finish with schelack
Horn nock,horn arrow plate,leather grip
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bjrogg on June 22, 2016, 07:26:22 am
Really impressive work Kamil. I think you might have stolen santa's elves from Simson. They all look meticulously crafted and not afraid to try something new. Thanks for posting
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on June 22, 2016, 10:40:21 am
Good to see more in this thread, when I first saw this I lost probably an hour of time mesmerized going through all these beautiful bow. Good work!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on July 24, 2016, 07:40:19 am
Turkish hornbow,
from ram horn ,maple and deer sinew
46 inch long
244 grams weight of bow,
32 lbs at 28 inch,
natural varnish sinew colored
schelack finish
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: BowEd on July 24, 2016, 07:58:49 am
Another great job kamil.Your inventory of styles is very impressive.Kuddos to ya.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: penderbender on July 24, 2016, 09:14:30 am
Those are some crazy nice bows man! Very great craftsmanship! Cheers- Brendan
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Msturm on July 24, 2016, 06:36:48 pm
HOLY COW!   this is the most inspirational thread I have ever read. Your skill is superb. your finish work is amazing. Your ability  to adapt to numerous bow styles is incredible. I thought this was 7 pages of people giving you props on one bow when I first opened it. now Im at page 7 and its an entire catalogue of stunning work. Excellent and thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Dictionary on July 24, 2016, 10:01:56 pm
I'm astonished by this thread  :o
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DesertDisciple on July 24, 2016, 10:03:48 pm
Beautiful bows! They just keep coming don't they?  :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: LittleBen on July 24, 2016, 10:37:37 pm
Spectacular work
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 07, 2016, 01:39:22 pm
New Osage orange longbow,
and for my news is the first bow from osage orange made in Poland,
Wood is very good,very elastic sapwood,and strong hardwood,
I have a very thin stave from i dont have enought wood to make bow all bow from hartwood,i must kept 3 yers of sapwood,
bow lange-72,5 inch (grove to grove)
draw 48 lbs-28 inch(max 32 inch)
5 inch BH
schelack finish,
horn nock, pearl arrow plate
bow weight is 542 grams,
The section is hight D in centre 23 mm width to 24 mm thick to 9mm/11 mm on go to horn nock
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Mounter on August 07, 2016, 10:00:48 pm
Excellent. Bow.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on August 08, 2016, 01:06:05 pm
Very nice!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 04, 2016, 05:56:39 am
Turkish style bow without horn
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock,maple handle,raw back
Lenght-52,5 inch(grove to grove)
37 lbs at 28 inch(max 30 inch)
285 grams bow weight
Bh 6 inch
dacron string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ajooter on September 04, 2016, 10:15:34 am
I like that the bow holds the same profile as the one posted in sleeks have some serious talent sir!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: loon on September 04, 2016, 12:04:14 pm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: sleek on September 05, 2016, 12:46:45 am
I like that the bow holds the same profile as the one posted in sleeks have some serious talent sir!

This fellow has more tallent in his file than I do in my entire body.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ajooter on September 05, 2016, 07:42:07 am
He has got some serious talent sleek!!  Don't sell yourself short though...I havent even attempted using sinew yet so your leaps and bounds ahead of me!!

I'd really like to see a full draw on that little beauty btw kamil...
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on September 08, 2016, 10:08:31 am
I second that full draw request, very nice bow!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 11, 2016, 06:15:51 am
Draw pics 27 inch sorry for poor quality  :(
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 11, 2016, 06:53:38 am
The new 2  hornbow without horn,scythian style,and korean style( i must make only grip)

Scythian style bow
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock,cherry handle,osage orange bridge
Lenght-52 inch(grove to grove)
43 lbs at 28 inch(max 30 inch)
335 grams bow weight
Bh 6 inch
dacron string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 18, 2016, 05:45:15 am
Korean bow finish
Korean style hornbow without horn
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock,maple handle,birch bark back
schelack with varnick finish
Very fast and smooth long draw bow
Lenght-51,5 inch(grove to grove)
36 lbs at 28 inch(max 31 inch)
285 grams bow weight
Bh 5,5-6 inch
dacron string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pat B on September 18, 2016, 12:02:09 pm
Very nice bow. Excellent work.  8)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on October 16, 2016, 07:54:45 am
korean in draw
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ajooter on October 16, 2016, 04:26:33 pm
Gorgeous as always...that birch bark is killer!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on November 13, 2016, 07:51:43 am
Flatbow with litlee recurve
Make from bamboo,ash,ipe
horn nock,cebil handle,horn arrow plate
schelack with
Very fast 183 fps at 9,2 grain/lbs arrow and no handshock
Lenght-64 inch(grove to grove)
38 lbs at 28 inch(max 29 inch)
362 grams bow weight
Bh 5,5 inch
ff string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: BowEd on November 13, 2016, 09:39:39 am
Your quite a bow maker there kamil.Fantastic assortment of designs.Stunning really to say the least.I'm still impressed with the angular yew way back in the beginning of your thread.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: upstatenybowyer on November 13, 2016, 10:54:48 am
Geez kid... I thought I was obsessed with bow making. Do your parents know how much school you're missing? LOL

Absolutely astonishing. I'm blown away. :o
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ajooter on November 13, 2016, 08:47:10 pm
Always inspiring.  Keep em comin!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: George Tsoukalas on November 13, 2016, 09:02:06 pm
Beautiful bows! The keep on coming. Jawge
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Hrothgar on November 14, 2016, 07:41:05 pm
Very nice assortment of bows; I especially like your bamboo, ash, ipe bow.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 06, 2017, 10:45:32 am
Turkish flight bow style without horn
from bamboo ,bamboo with maple grip and deer sinew back,
The shape its not good, bow i make like test of bamboo sinew construction,i dont glue any reflex in work place,
from that bow have big string follow in sal
back with leather,hand painting,grip with leather wrip,horn in sijah,
bow have very good stable, and its fast
53 lbs at 28 inch,
43,5 inch long
max width arm (25 mm)
220 grams weight of bow,
schelack finisched
dacron string,
BH 14-15 cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on January 06, 2017, 10:46:30 am
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: FilipT on January 06, 2017, 10:49:17 am
Simply beautiful bow and artwork
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: ksnow on January 06, 2017, 11:57:41 am
Absolutely stunning. Amazing work.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on February 05, 2017, 01:29:38 pm
Korean style hornbow without horn
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock,maple handle,leather back
schelack with varnick finish
Very fast and smooth long draw bow,
bow shoot 186 fps at 9,1 grain/lbs arrow
Lenght-51,5 inch(grove to grove)
40 lbs at 28 inch(max 30 inch)
269 grams bow weight
Bh 5,5-6 inch
dacron string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on February 05, 2017, 01:37:12 pm
That bend is so even it looks like you Photoshopped it! Great job. You sure turn out beautiful bows.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on February 05, 2017, 01:54:03 pm
Tiller its not perfect,in bamboo knots is too litlee bend,next bow from bamboo and sinew, i go to make with longer straight section ,and smallest knots bamboo
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: MulchMaker on February 05, 2017, 05:51:38 pm
Nice work!! I got to try that bamboo somtime. That's on slick looking bow
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: BowEd on February 05, 2017, 06:28:13 pm
Another nice bow.Congratulations.I've always got to remember to go to the last page to see your latest creation.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: upstatenybowyer on February 05, 2017, 06:43:52 pm
Another beauty. You've got skills brother :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: stash59 on February 08, 2017, 09:51:53 am
Newb here. Wow what a collection! Awesome craftmanship!!!!! 8)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on May 07, 2017, 08:08:28 am
Crimean Tatar style bow without horn
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock plate,maple handle,raw back
Lenght-54,5 inch(grove to grove)
51 lbs at 28 inch(max 31 inch)
361 grams bow weight
Bh 6-6,1/2 inch
dacron string
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: gifford on May 07, 2017, 09:02:25 am
Quite a group of superbly crafted bows. So many styles and each made with a eye to fine detail. Tillering is amazing. Very well done. The bamboo and sinew bows, Korean especially, is simply amazing. Horn bows without the horn. My hat is off to you.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: shofu on May 07, 2017, 10:51:12 am
trying to get a reply in before you build another bow...
I am speechless.  You have blown my mind.
Can you post some pictures of your workshop?
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: sleek on May 07, 2017, 05:26:36 pm
Crimean Tatar style bow without horn
Make from bamboo with sinew,
horn nock plate,maple handle,raw back
Lenght-54,5 inch(grove to grove)
51 lbs at 28 inch(max 31 inch)
361 grams bow weight
Bh 6-6,1/2 inch
dacron string

Wow. I want this. Do you sell? If so, pm me please.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Bob Barnes on May 07, 2017, 06:35:34 pm
You have much talent.  Thank you for sharing your bows.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: leonwood on May 08, 2017, 07:21:45 am
You make some really awesome bows! Crazy what a little bamboo can handle!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 27, 2017, 08:31:05 am
Turkish flight hornbow,
from horn ,bamboo core with maple grip,walnut sijah and deer sinew,
307 grams weight of bow,
114 lbs at 28 inch,
42 inch long
schelack finisched
dacron string,
BH 14 cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pat B on August 27, 2017, 09:49:59 am
More beautiful work, Kamil.  :OK
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 26, 2018, 03:38:38 am
Traditional english longbow from yew,

Make from one piece of hight quality english yew.
Make with horn nock,horn arrow plate and finish with schelack,
FF string give bow extra speed(its shoot 180 fps at 9 grain/lbs arow).

Bow lenght-73,5 inch
Draw-34 lbs at 28 inch (max 29 inch)
ff string
Bh- 5 inch
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: simk on August 26, 2018, 04:46:11 am
Hi Kamil, very beautiful bow! Regarding the length and drawweight of that bow the speed is impressive!
As a newbie and firsttimer in this thread: All of your bows are fantastic. May I ask you how you deflexed that angularbow's handle on page 1? Is it spliced?
Looking forward for more of your artwork! Cheers Simon
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: selfbow joe on August 26, 2018, 08:41:11 am
Very cool
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on August 26, 2018, 10:19:04 am
Very nice! as always :). 180 with a straight selfbow is impressive. He!!, 180 with anything is ;D
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on August 28, 2018, 02:17:07 am
no bow from 1 site is not spliced, is bend in grip to deflex
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 15, 2019, 03:10:16 am
Turkish hornbow
Horn,wood(ash,hickory and elm) and sinew,thys is bow without bamboo,kasan and sijahs make from light elm.
with sheep leather soaking in fish glue and finished with schelack and gold ornaments hand paint .
Bow is very kind in schooting, stable, with long draw without stacking.
I dont be in 100% happy with thys bow, its not the best what i make in life(to litlee reflex in rest) butt i think its most beautifull bow what i make.

bow lenght ntn 45,5 inch
draw weight 55 lbs (28 inch) max 32 inch
string lenght 41 inch
bow weight 322 gram
schelack finish
dacron string
BH 15,5cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 15, 2019, 03:11:27 am
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 15, 2019, 03:12:40 am
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: backtowood B2W on September 15, 2019, 05:17:39 am
I'm speechless
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bjrogg on September 15, 2019, 05:33:27 am
It certainly looks impressive Kamil. :OK
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Santanasaur on September 15, 2019, 06:56:27 am
stunning. all 10 pages but this one especially. amazing bows, i’ve been staring for an hour and there’s still more to see
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on September 15, 2019, 10:12:58 am
That's beautiful, I'll be referring back here in a month or so ;D Just for the shaping, I'm totally incapable of the artwork, that's amazing.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: simk on September 15, 2019, 10:37:12 am
humbled stunning  (-S
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bassman on September 15, 2019, 06:22:15 pm
Kamil, as an all around bowyer  you would humble the best of the best, and  a young man.Your work is impeccable, stunning , and brilliant.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Russ on September 15, 2019, 07:25:24 pm
what! thats amazing!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Selfbowman on September 15, 2019, 09:38:56 pm
WOW!!! Arvin
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: sleek on September 20, 2019, 08:24:23 pm
One day.... I want a bow from you. I'm sure it wont be cheap, but one day, I will have the money.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Hrothgar on September 25, 2019, 05:36:24 am
Beautiful horn bow!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 29, 2019, 03:04:33 am
Thanks for all good words
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 29, 2019, 03:10:21 am
rimean tatar warbow, hornbow
Horn,maple and sinew,
Core make from special for me piece of maple, i make from it my first bows, and one litlle piece wait for thys bow easy 9 years.
Bow with leather backing, with fish glue soak and many layers schelack and sand finishing,
Litlee asymetric,bottom arm is shorter and stronger in full draw will be symetric.

bow lenght 56 inch
draw weight 132 lbs at 32 inch
bow weight 706 gram
schelack finish
dacron string
BH 16cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on September 29, 2019, 03:11:15 am
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bassman on September 29, 2019, 08:55:05 am

Your horn bows are the most impressive to me.Just a small percentage of bow makers know how to make them properly, or have the patience to do so. Arduous to say the least.132 lbs. at 32" draw at 56 inches long is inconceivable , and your work is masterful.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on October 27, 2019, 06:01:52 am
My old bow form 2 years ago,
Turkish hornbow ,with mild going from sal to kasan,
Horn,wood (mapleand sinew,with sheep leather and hand paint.
One of the lightest and fastest bow what i make in my live.
With 300 grain i schoot like 190-195 fps,
with 220 grain i schoot like 240-250 fps

bow lenght 45,5 inch
draw weight 34 lbs (28 inch) max 31inch
bow weight 217 gram
schelack finish
dacron string
BH 17cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bassman on October 27, 2019, 07:54:57 am
Wow, what talent you have. You have been blessed. Masterful piece of art work.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on October 27, 2019, 11:20:02 am
That is beautiful!! Any chance of a braced and full draw picture?
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: maitus on October 27, 2019, 11:41:29 am
That is beautiful!! Any chance of a braced and full draw picture?
This bow is not for shooting, this is for watching :D.... SUPER !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on October 27, 2019, 11:48:41 am
If it wasn't for shooting you could make it out of clay ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Pat B on October 27, 2019, 12:13:35 pm
Incredibly beautiful bows, Kamil.  :OK :OK
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Russ on October 27, 2019, 06:25:35 pm
Wow! that is beautiful! it looks like a mythical bow!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Woodely on October 27, 2019, 10:09:26 pm
Outstanding craftsmanship in every way.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Halfbow on October 28, 2019, 01:46:26 am
I have to imagine that even a historical professional bow maker from a time when these were dominant military technology would be impressed by your skills. Absolutely gorgeous. How long do the horn bows take to make?
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Parnell on October 28, 2019, 10:56:01 am
Such beautiful work!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on October 30, 2019, 12:26:25 pm
Thys is photos with draw and strung, thys bow procees making is like 1 year, butt usually i make hornbow for 9 month time, i know thys is to fast,butt i always dont have enoughty patience to make longer seasoning
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on October 30, 2019, 07:32:34 pm
Thank you. It's gorgeous.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Russ on October 30, 2019, 08:16:40 pm
I cant express the beauty of that bow with words. anyone would say its a pleasure to even see that bow in person! That is talent!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: kamil2910 on June 11, 2020, 06:20:00 am
Hi men, i will be back and return to putt my work on thys site,

Indo persian style hornbow

Horn,walnut grip ,yew sal, bamboo sijah and sinew,
Bow its very stable, im big supriced about it, its dont like to twist and schoot very fast and nice,190 fps at 9 gpp.
Bow with leather backing, with fish glue soak and many layers,schelack and sand finishing,
Litlle horn plates at nock with sinew wrap, leather string bridges. Double,double arrow horn plate.

bow lenght ntn 50 inch
draw weight 52 lbs at 28 inch max 31 inch
schelack finish
dacron string
weight of bow 362 gram
BH 18 cm
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: DC on June 11, 2020, 09:57:05 am
Beautiful bow Kamil I'm in awe :D
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Santanasaur on June 11, 2020, 02:58:30 pm
Incredible Kamil. Your bows are an inspiration.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Dusan on June 16, 2020, 05:27:47 pm
Pienknie Kamil. Nice work, Kamil.
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: willie on June 16, 2020, 06:28:25 pm
very nice, as always. :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: bownarra on June 17, 2020, 02:49:07 am
Beautiful bow :)
This one makes me smile :)
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: Aaron H on June 18, 2020, 06:31:32 am
You do excellent work Kamil
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: simson on June 19, 2020, 11:08:00 pm
fantastic work!
Title: Re: My bow from Poland
Post by: backtowood B2W on June 20, 2020, 03:43:11 am
very nice ! love your work!!