Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Bryce on June 21, 2013, 09:43:55 pm

Title: As fate would have it
Post by: Bryce on June 21, 2013, 09:43:55 pm
Well somehow all the stars aligned and josh was stuck in Oregon for a little bit longer, and caught the Bryce and Dan bus to the mountian! Got a few REAL! Yew staves for him to take home :)
Hope yah had fun :)


Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: lostarrow on June 21, 2013, 09:57:32 pm
Kinda makes me wanna be a trucker! I could think of a lot worse places to be stuck , with a lot worse company.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: osage outlaw on June 21, 2013, 10:11:57 pm
That hemlock has heartwood in it  ;D

How many staves can you fit in that truck Josh?
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: seabass on June 21, 2013, 10:39:20 pm
Josh is a good dude and i am happy for him.i just wish i could have been with him on the yew run.i'll get out there one day.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Stringman on June 21, 2013, 11:01:35 pm
That's a lot of fun right there!! Good times all around! Way to make it work for ya, Josh!
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2013, 12:11:39 am
That Gun Dork is standing there with a half-wit's slack jawed grin on his face like a cat lappin' cream!  Looks like Gomer Pyle is pretty happy and will be having wood fantasies in the back of his ken-abago for weeks to come!
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Lemos on June 22, 2013, 12:22:38 am
Very cool. Way to help out a wayward soul Bryce ;) Gun doc might have gone home empty handed.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Gus on June 22, 2013, 12:39:55 am
Now "THAT" is too cool Y'all...   8)

Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Carson (CMB) on June 22, 2013, 01:03:35 am
I am glad yew all stopped by.  It was great to meet Josh.  I felt like I could of picked his brain for another day or two about bow making and still only chipped the tip of the iceberg.  Josh is a great guy who knows his stuff...maybe just needed to brush up on PNW tree ID.   ;)

Way to throw out the welcome mat Bryce and Dan!
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: portlandfire on June 22, 2013, 01:07:01 am
  Way to go Dan and Bryce.  Oregon doesn't just have all the good wood, it has some great people too.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: hedgeapple on June 22, 2013, 01:07:28 am
Josh, next time I meet you, I want a tour of the ken-obega--bow building tools and supplies, a chainsaw and god know what else.  I bet there's even a disco ball in that mansion. 
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Carson (CMB) on June 22, 2013, 01:09:52 am


Did you guys practice that tongue in cheek, s**t-eating grin or does that just happen when you stand next to a yew tree?  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: hedgeapple on June 22, 2013, 01:14:54 am
This forum and this hobby amazes me everyday.  What other hobby/forum could you be 600 miles from home and have someone contact you for a day of pursuing said hobby and friendship. AND then have you rub it  our faces, because we weren't there.  >:D  Great stuff guys.  Wish I was there.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Bryce on June 22, 2013, 01:50:06 am


Did you guys practice that tongue in cheek, s**t-eating grin or does that just happen when you stand next to a yew tree?  ;D ;D ;D

HAHAHAHAHAHA TOUCHÉ !!! No I had about 3 pieces of gum I was chewing on and I think josh was chewing tobacco lol.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: paulsemp on June 22, 2013, 02:06:29 am
that's pretty cool I'll second the fact that the people on here awesome to hook up that far away and help each other out. next time I'm out that way I know who I'm calling 8)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Badly Bent on June 22, 2013, 02:48:28 am
Well hot dang Josh, looks like we'll be seeing some gun doc yew bows after all. Those PNW guys look like they know how to show a flatlander a good time. Nice networkin' guys. :)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Del the cat on June 22, 2013, 03:48:22 am
Some fine lookin' Yew there. the log with the end showing has lovely thin sapwood... I'll bet the bows will just jump right out of that  :laugh:
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Josh B on June 22, 2013, 04:15:52 am
I just stopped for fuel and a burger to go and thought I'd check in.  I am amazed at the generosity and kindness shown to a wayward flatlander by the folks that share this hobby, no make that way of life.  Today was a day I shall never forget.  At one point, I just stopped and looked around and soaked in my surroundings.  The rhododendron in full bloom, the giant cedars and hemlocks that towered above that were growing long before Chris Columbus got lost on his way to India , the mystical yew trees scattered here and there mixed in with thousands of other flowers and trees heretofore never witnessed by these flatlander eyes.  All these things and more, much much more that I might never have witnessed if it were not for the kindness and generosity of some really great folks that was freely offered to someone that they had never met or talked to.  Words can never express my gratitude, but I will offer a humble and sincere thank you anyway.  So THANK YOU ever so much Bryce, Dan and Dave who played a big part in making  this happen!    Sincerely, Josh Barnes
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: blackhawk on June 22, 2013, 09:08:33 am were out my way last weekend and didn't stop by cus "yew didnt have time",but ya stop bye them yew wood whores when yew are out that way and made time for them...wonder why?.....  :laugh:  :laugh:.....jus messin with ya...I totally understand ;)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: lesken2011 on June 22, 2013, 09:46:53 am
Looks like yew guys really had a ball! Glad to see you got some real yew, Josh! :)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: burn em up chuck on June 22, 2013, 10:03:30 am
   nothing like being n the forest of the north west, i miss it. very very cool.

Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: steelslinger on June 22, 2013, 12:45:57 pm


Did you guys practice that tongue in cheek, s**t-eating grin or does that just happen when you stand next to a yew tree?  ;D ;D ;D

Now that's funny!
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 22, 2013, 01:44:06 pm were out my way last weekend and didn't stop by cus "yew didnt have time",but ya stop bye them yew wood whores when yew are out that way and made time for them...wonder why?.....  :laugh:  :laugh:.....jus messin with ya...I totally understand ;)

If yew put out like those guys do, maybe yew wood see a few more folks drop in on you!

Ya know, this is really not that unusual in this crowd of folks.  Generosity comes from you people as natural as breathing.  I count myself lucky to hang around with you and I'm always hoping to toe the scratch with the high standards set in here.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: turtle on June 22, 2013, 02:06:44 pm
Wish i coulda been there with ya. But i want to know why a man with that has yew thats been seasoning for 70+ years is begging for green wood though. ::)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: steelslinger on June 22, 2013, 03:28:29 pm
Wish i coulda been there with ya. But i want to know why a man with that has yew thats been seasoning for 70+ years is begging for green wood though. ::)

And the story to go with it is great.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Dan K on June 22, 2013, 07:14:17 pm
Great time had by all that's for sure. I definitely feel like I spent the day hauling logs up and down hills though.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Bryce on June 22, 2013, 09:29:01 pm
Good fun :) glad you had a good time josh. And if you don't start working on those old yew staves I'm gonna come and take them from you :) enjoy that fresh yew my friend.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: ionicmuffin on June 22, 2013, 11:04:52 pm
I charge rental fee of one stave per hr of chainsaw use!  ::) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) i have the same chainsaw.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Weylin on June 23, 2013, 02:19:28 am
Sorry I missed ya, Josh.  :-\ I would have tagged along for that adventure but I was down making bows on Soda Mountain, sleeping in a tipi, stump shooting and hunting rabbits. Looks like you guys had some fun.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: DuBois on June 23, 2013, 02:57:34 am
Well I finally get to say it to someone else. YEW AINT IN KANSAS ANYMORE!
That is some nice lookin stuff there but of course I know nothing of yew.
And yes, you do owe that poor old hemlock an appology  :'( ;)
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: soy on June 23, 2013, 03:11:47 am


Did you guys practice that tongue in cheek, s**t-eating grin or does that just happen when you stand next to a yew tree?  ;D ;D ;D

I agree...but did yall notice the huge trees down next to that little bitty yew goodness I know why they're smiling like the butchers dog,kuz they are in heaven son!!!!!!
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Bryce on June 23, 2013, 03:44:06 am
Believe it or not that little yew tree was probably older than those big fir trees.
We decided, that particular tree had escapee death 3 times and deserved to live another 300 years.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Carson (CMB) on June 23, 2013, 06:29:04 am
I think those yew trees are so strong because they are built to survive having a 10' diam cedar or fir fall on them.  I have seen it like that except the yew was growing out from underneath the down tree, with nothing but a little scar to show for it.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: BowEd on June 23, 2013, 10:11:50 am
Good score Josh,thanks to the western boys generosity of course.I'm sure it's better than the irish yew I offered you a while back.Your job does have it's benefits.....LOL.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Bryce on June 23, 2013, 12:25:31 pm
I think those yew trees are so strong because they are built to survive having a 10' diam cedar or fir fall on them.  I have seen it like that except the yew was growing out from underneath the down tree, with nothing but a little scar to show for it.

Oh yeah seen alot of those. One was completely uprooted and underneath a 2' dia. Fir and the yew was still growing. Incredible trees.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Dan K on June 23, 2013, 12:33:24 pm
Josh and I found one laying flat under a giant fir, straight as an arrow!  We left it cause it had about ten, 4 ft. branches growing straight up. Those will all make some nice bows for our great, great, great grandchildren.
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: Josh B on June 23, 2013, 04:17:09 pm
Blackhawk- if i remember correctly, it was father's day weekend and you were goin' campin.  Otherwise I would've stopped. ::)
Turtle- that's 90+ yr old yew that I have.  I needed some fresh stuff so it would be properly seasoned when I'm 130. ;)
Carson-It was a pleasure to meet you.  I wish I would've been a little more flush.  I would've bought some shaft from you as well as the cherry bark.  I appreciate the kind words, but if you intend to pick my mind for more than ten minutes, you better use a very small pick and take lots of breaks!  Lol!
Ed-is there such a thing as bad yew?  I'm betting that stuff you have will make fine bows!
Marco- I will utilize that little hemlock, so its all good.
Weylin-I'll be out there again and next time I'll give more notice.  It sounds like you were having a great time anyway!
Thanks again!  Josh
Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: rossfactor on June 24, 2013, 02:07:50 am
Yup, as much as I love Yew for bows, whenever I go to cut em, I always run into a dozen I can't bring myself to cut, before I find one that "lets" me do it.  Something about dropping a tree that's 10 times older than I am... 

Sounds like a heck of a trip had by all. You can't beat a day in the woods among friends,

Title: Re: As fate would have it
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 24, 2013, 08:35:15 am
Awesome! You lucky guys got to meet Josh and Josh got to meet you guys! We have one hell of an "community" formed here.