Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Marks on June 13, 2013, 12:34:43 pm

Title: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Marks on June 13, 2013, 12:34:43 pm
Got a visit from the utility dept while I was at work. They told my wife my holly tree and crepe myrtle was getting into the power lines. They wanted to know if I wanted to trim it myself or they would be happy to do it for me. They also said they could completely remove the trees as well. Coincidentally I've been planning on cutting the holly tree anyway.

Is Holly wood good for anything? If its anything short of only a mediocre wood then I may go ahead and let them remove it for me. That would be a lot of prickly work and its hitting upper 90s here this week and humid as a sauna. I have access to plenty of osage and hackberry too.

I already have a piece of the crepe roughed out and seasoning in the garage but I may go grab some more. If anyone would like some then come on out. Free of charge and I'll let you use my chain saw but you better hurry. Its a limited time offer. I'm not shipping though. I'll let you cut up a magnolia or 2 while you are here.

The main point of this is the question about the holly. I get to rambling sometimes....well......most of the time.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: ionicmuffin on June 13, 2013, 12:37:54 pm
It makes a bow, its listed as a true bow wood so its definitely worth your time.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 13, 2013, 01:24:50 pm
Based on ---
It will warp like crazy. it also turns colors unless dried very quickly.
SG is about .50, .67.
Its compression strength is a tad lower than ERC.
It is a bit stiffer... but not much.

Maybe make arrows out of it?
I dunno... only made a few bows.. mostly oak, locust, and elm.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: ionicmuffin on June 13, 2013, 01:43:20 pm

There is the proof.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 13, 2013, 01:56:18 pm
Thanks for the link to the list of bow woods.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Onebowonder on June 13, 2013, 03:37:40 pm
A Holly bow is on my list of woods I want to use one day.  I haven't yet found a piece that was long enough and straight enough, though I know they are out there.  I've been looking rather passively.

What are the dimentions of this one you are thinking to cut and where are you?

Lot's of meta-physical significance to a holly tree, especially for Celtic folk,  ...if you're into that sort of thing. :)

Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Marks on June 13, 2013, 03:58:28 pm
A Holly bow is on my list of woods I want to use one day.  I haven't yet found a piece that was long enough and straight enough, though I know they are out there.  I've been looking rather passively.

What are the dimentions of this one you are thinking to cut and where are you?

Lot's of meta-physical significance to a holly tree, especially for Celtic folk,  ...if you're into that sort of thing. :)


I'll have to give it another look. Its over on the side of the yard and I don't ever go over there unless cutting the grass. Never thought to look at it for bow wood. Its tall enough to be in the power line and the limbs are cut up high enough to mow under. I'm in Northwest Alabama. Right up in the very corner. Ill try and get a pic this afternoon. If fact, I'm just assuming it holly. Its got prickly leaves and red berries.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 13, 2013, 06:13:12 pm
Are the "leaves" actually leaves-
or needles?
If they look like the pic, they are most definitly holly.
If needles... I dunno... but it might be Yew.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Marks on June 13, 2013, 06:22:25 pm
I guess its holly then. I just didn't know if any other trees had leaves similar to a holly. Doubt I have a yew tree growing here in God's Country (NW Alabama).
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle???? pics added
Post by: Marks on June 13, 2013, 07:44:03 pm
Holly tree
( (

Leaves and bark
( (
( (

Crepe Myrtle
( (

Loaded with staves if someone wants em.
( (
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on June 13, 2013, 09:09:18 pm
That trunk looks like a good bow waiting to happen.
Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: Onebowonder on June 14, 2013, 10:56:31 am
Don't miss the opportunity to harvest that Holly!  It looks to have excellent potential.  I'm a bit far away or I'd offer to come take it down for you for a share of the staves out of it. already know the CM is good bow wood. 

Lucky you!  Bow wood to harvest that doesn't even require you to start the motor on your truck!

Title: Re: Holly tree and crepe myrtle????
Post by: 4dog on June 14, 2013, 10:59:07 am
If ya ever saw a bunch of Youpon , you would still be askin if they are hollies, yes they are , but they LOOK more like a giant boxwood shrub, there are so many types of holly it can make ya sick.

Got a freind about to make a bow from Youpon, they make great walking sticks , interesting to see if its good bow wood, dry it and try it.