Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: toomanyknots on May 27, 2013, 09:59:39 pm
Here is a bbi r/d I am working on. It is about done, I am just being lazy with the sanding/finishing. It turned out ok. I haven't weighed it yet, but it is pulling about 30 - 40 at 28" I am thinking. The accents and power lam are yellow heart, and a thin stripe of jatoba. I copied okie's form, from this post: (awesome form btw, thank ya okie!). The bow is around 65 or 66 inches nock to nock, I started with a 67 inch stave, so this is what I am guessing. It shoots pretty nice, but I am thinking it would shoot better with some string bridges, partly to keep the string from slapping the limbs. The brace is 7" and the string is still touching the limbs. ;D It isn't the most stable bow, it took some finagling to get the alignment right. At first the limbs wanted to twist on me.
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(Notice my crappy glue lines / \ ...argh)
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nicely done,cool curves
I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to tiller that
Very cool I've never seen a bow exactly like that
Dude! That's a cool stick! :)
Maybe try to get a litte more bend mid to outer limb if you make another like it
nicely done,cool curves
Thank ya!
I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to tiller that
Haha, me neither. So I didn't really. This is just how it wanted to bend, so I went with it?
Very cool I've never seen a bow exactly like that
Thank ya!
Dude! That's a cool stick! :)
Maybe try to get a litte more bend mid to outer limb if you make another like it
Thank ya! Ya, I am not too sure of the profile of this bow. I am thinking my form is to blame. Does it have too much reflex? Or is the reflex too much mid limb, and needs to be more towards the outer limb? Or maybe I left too much material on the tips, and they ended up being stiffer? I like the full draw profile, I just think the reflex looks too close to the center in the braced profile?
EDIT: Yall think I need a thicker power lam? I used 1/4" of yellow heart 20" long, but I am thinking I might need to use 1/2" or so? As it seems to be bending a bit at the fades?
Glad the bamboo is working for you TMK, its frustrating when your bows blow up in your face one after another. Ill be starting a bendy handle one soon and I plan to give it some r/d still nice job! i believe that the outer limbs are stiff, which is fine because its your first bow of this style, but for the next one id imagine you want to just get it bending a tad more, unless im wrong, but still, looks great!
Also, question for you. How thick was the bamboo, and how did you thin it down to that thickness?
Also, question for you. How thick was the bamboo, and how did you thin it down to that thickness?
Between a 1/16" and 3/32". Thicker at the handle and thinner towards the tips.
Glad the bamboo is working for you TMK, its frustrating when your bows blow up in your face one after another. Ill be starting a bendy handle one soon and I plan to give it some r/d still nice job! i believe that the outer limbs are stiff, which is fine because its your first bow of this style, but for the next one id imagine you want to just get it bending a tad more, unless im wrong, but still, looks great!
Yes I think you are definitely right about the outer limbs! I wanted a little stiffness in the outer limbs, but I think it is bending a lot off the handle too, which is making a crazy profile.
That's definitely a lot of reflex, for sure. Overall it looks sweet. I have been entertaining a similar project, but need to put together my form. Is there anything you would do different next time? Also what glue did you use for the glue up?
That's definitely a lot of reflex, for sure. Overall it looks sweet. I have been entertaining a similar project, but need to put together my form. Is there anything you would do different next time? Also what glue did you use for the glue up?
On my next one, I will try to have more meat near the deflexed handle to keep it from bending, and/or less on the outer limbs to get em working more. I kinda wanna do something like a really long power lam, 40" long, on top of the other power, and the continuous thickness ipe strip. So I would have -
- One continuous thickness 1/4" ipe strip about 66" long
- One 40" tapered "power lam" (yes it is long)
- One normal 20" power lam, 1/4" thick at the center
- And one bamboo backing, about 1/16" at the edges
The obvious solution would be to have one tapered belly lam, but the thickest I can get ipe to bend in this form is 1/4". If I had a lam grinder than I would be good to go! ;D Maybe I will just do 2 ipe belly lams, 1/4" thick at the handle, tapered to 1/8", to give me 1/2" thick belly tapering to 1/4" thick tips? (I am tapering with my belt sander at the moment) Well actually, that wouldn't work, that would be just like two of the belly lams I used on this one stacked together, ? I don't know, I am just thinking I need more meat off the deflexed handle. My ipe belly lam I used in this one was 1/4" thick tapering to 3/32" thick at the tips, or roughly something like that. Maybe a smudge over an 1/8". I also used a 20" long 1/4" thick at the center power lam. Oh yeah, the glue was tb3.
Nice lines! Excellent work on the riser. Me likey! Looks like you have had waaaay better luck on this one than your hickory. It's nice to see great results for your efforts.
Nice 8)
Very sweet curves. Perhaps a tad too much deflex. I don't think you need more meat in the handle fade area. The thickness layout and powerlam sounds just fine as you describe it. You probably just put too much deflex in it, so it appears to bend too much in the fades while it doesn't.
You might try making it a tad wider at the handle fades which may would help some with the bend near the handle and might also add with the over all stability issue.
I like the looks, but was wondering about the string slap when I seen the pics. Did you pretaper the limbs before glueup? You look like you got the tiller right on. :)
Nice lines! Excellent work on the riser. Me likey! Looks like you have had waaaay better luck on this one than your hickory. It's nice to see great results for your efforts.
Thank you! Haha, yes I am still irked about that hickory, :).
Nice 8)
Very sweet curves. Perhaps a tad too much deflex. I don't think you need more meat in the handle fade area. The thickness layout and powerlam sounds just fine as you describe it. You probably just put too much deflex in it, so it appears to bend too much in the fades while it doesn't.
Thank you dark soul! Hmm, maybe I will make a new form with less deflex.
You might try making it a tad wider at the handle fades which may would help some with the bend near the handle and might also add with the over all stability issue.
Will do. I will make the next one a bit wider. This one came in at 23# @ 28", and 25# @ 30", so I don't think it will be pushing it to make it a bit wider, :).
I like the looks, but was wondering about the string slap when I seen the pics. Did you pretaper the limbs before glueup? You look like you got the tiller right on. :)
Ya it slaps the limbs when you shoot. I was playing with the idea of putting some string bridges on it, maybe even some simple pieces of leather glued on or something. I did taper the belly, 1/4" to around 3/32" at the tips, or just a bit less. The backing was tapered to some degree too.
Looks smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth! :D
Nice but it does seem overly long for BB IPE. You sure you wouldn't want to cut a couple inches off each end?
Looks smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth! :D
Thank ya missle master!
Nice but it does seem overly long for BB IPE. You sure you wouldn't want to cut a couple inches off each end?
I agree. I am not gonna mess with this one anymore at the moment, but on the next one I will do the glue up with a shorter stave. Probably somewhere around 58" to 60".
Okee Dokey, got some finished pics taken (it was basically finished anyway, just had to get er all shiny, :) ).
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The specs came out to 65 1/8" from nock to nock, and it pulls a light 23# @ 28", 25# @ 30". So I guess it makes a nice target bow. The nocks are buffalo horn.
Great job & the finish looks really sweet........... ;)
Great job & the finish looks really sweet........... ;)
Thank you, ;D the finish is just beeswax over one coat of pure tung oil. Next time I think I will just leave it solely tung oil, it looked better I think.
that is one neat looking bow :o
I gotta try that design now...but how to tiller...? :-\
hey, the shelf is on the correct side this time! ;D
Very nice TMK. You posted this at the right time for me. I was gifted a nice piece of Ipe recently and this is close to what I'm thinking of doing with it. May call on you for advise. Like it a lot.
Don't expect an r/d to tiller in a perfect circle or oval like a straight bow. The whole idea is for the outer limbs to come back to straight and inner limbs to flex back a little more than a straight bow. Think about what you have built in: you have pre-designed the bow to bend farther back by virtue of the deflex; at the same time, you have pre-designed the outer limbs to bend from reflex back to straight. Both limbs should travel about the same distance under stress. You tiller is just about right for reflex/deflex design. Trust me, I have built many of these. If you try to make the outer limbs bend more, you will lose way too much weight and the reflex will pull out to straight permanently. You will wind up with a very ugly and poorly-performing bow. You can try different thicknesses of lams if you want, but your tiller looks fine to me.
that is one neat looking bow :o
I gotta try that design now...but how to tiller...? :-\
hey, the shelf is on the correct side this time! ;D
Thank ya! lol, Ya, I am forcing myself to shoot on that side anymore. Mostly so I can get rid of the bows if I want to easier, but also so I can be able to shoot on both sides if I want. With this bow, I am shooting with arrows too heavy and spined to strong for the bow also, so it is a bit crazy, not only am I shooting on the side I usually don't, but I have to aim 3 feet to the right of my target to get the arrow to hit,... so it is all kinds of fun trying not to put holes in my siding, haha.
Very nice TMK. You posted this at the right time for me. I was gifted a nice piece of Ipe recently and this is close to what I'm thinking of doing with it. May call on you for advise. Like it a lot.
Thank you! I am always willing to help anybody when they need it, although I am not sure if I have enough experience to really be helpful. A real guru in this style like Marc st. Louis would probably be a lot more helpful than me, :). Good luck with you ipe!
Don't expect an r/d to tiller in a perfect circle or oval like a straight bow. The whole idea is for the outer limbs to come back to straight and inner limbs to flex back a little more than a straight bow. Think about what you have built in: you have pre-designed the bow to bend farther back by virtue of the deflex; at the same time, you have pre-designed the outer limbs to bend from reflex back to straight. Both limbs should travel about the same distance under stress. You tiller is just about right for reflex/deflex design. Trust me, I have built many of these. If you try to make the outer limbs bend more, you will lose way too much weight and the reflex will pull out to straight permanently. You will wind up with a very ugly and poorly-performing bow. You can try different thicknesses of lams if you want, but your tiller looks fine to me.
Makes sense.
Hey toomany,
I just found this. I've been thinking of making something similar. Very very coool dude.