Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Squirrelslayer on May 19, 2013, 07:21:27 pm

Title: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 19, 2013, 07:21:27 pm
Hello everyone, ive just got back from my 2 day bow making course and i must say i learnt alot. before we arrived we had to pre-order our wood so that he could laminate it and have it ready for us when we got there. the guy running the course (will lord) is a great guy because he also does other things like hide tanning, flint knapping, bronze casting and lots of other cool things.

he even gave me a flesh scraping tool made from flint and also some un-finnished flint blades. on the way back to the B&B we found a dead rabbit so we picked it up and took it back there. supprisingly the people back at the B&B were happy for me to skin it in there garden! they also stayed to watch me. i was using the flint tools that Will gave me. it was completely diffrent to using the metal knifes that i normaly use but once i got used to it they were really easy to use and i got a decent sized pelt off the rabbit.

this morrning i brought the ribbit skin to Will and because i arrived an hour early he showed me how to stretch it out on a frame and how to use the tool he gave me to scrape off all the meat and flesh. ill try and get some pics of it being stretched out tommorow as it's getting a bit dark ATM.

anyway here are some pictures of day 1 of the course, i have finnished the bow but it's getting late and im going to do the rest of the uploading tommorow but before i go here are some pictures with some anotations. enjoy.

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ok so here is the glued up stave we recived when we arrived, as you can see it has 2 1/2" of reflex in it. it was about 79" long at this stage.

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here are the laminates. it's hickory backing, an osage core and a lemonwood belly.

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the stave was exactly 1 1/4" wide

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not a very good picture but we used a string to show how straight the stave was it was perfectly straight.  :laugh:

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here is the tapering lines we carfully drew onto it.

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the stave was cut down to 78" it's so long it didn't even fit in the picture! notice all those cool antler things in the background!

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yep. they trusted a squirrel with a bandsaw >:D

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concentrating very hard not to cut through that line. more difficult than it looks :o

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here we have the bow clamped in a work bench and resting on an offcut of osage.

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i then used a spokeshave to round the belly. if you havn't already guessed this is going to be an ELB

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here i have rounded the belly.

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we then used a dremel to cut some teporary knocs. if only someone told me to use eye protection ::)

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oh if your wondering what that wierd purple thing is in the pictures, there is something wrong with the camera.

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here is a picture of the tillering string in the temporary nock

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ahh. now this is the horn being drilled but i ended up using acrylic which has a relly cool pattern.

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here is the block of acrylic i decided to use. i think that the swirly pattern makes it more interesting, but that's just my opinion.

ok folks. thats all there is to see for now, i will try to have the second day posted up tommorow. and i mus't confess i got so caught up in finnishing the bow i didn't take that many pics. hope you enjoyed this thread. i know i enjoy the bow that came from it. SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: ionicmuffin on May 19, 2013, 07:37:54 pm
Im glad to see you're applying what your learning and that your learning indeed! From this class you should be much more capable of making bows.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 19, 2013, 07:41:10 pm
Thanks, i learn't alot. i relly like working with that osage! SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: ionicmuffin on May 19, 2013, 07:43:20 pm
Keep using opportunities like this, maybe write down the major things you learned and that includes patience and other things like that. Then come back to it every time you need to remind yourself what you need to be doing. I think you can make a fine bowyer in time.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Joec123able on May 19, 2013, 07:47:03 pm
So whens the bow gonna be done ?? Lol don't rush it
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Josh B on May 19, 2013, 07:52:26 pm
This does my spirit good!  You are blessed to have such supportive parents to do this for you.  You better treat them right Squirrel!  I'm looking forward to the rest of the story and the finished product.  Josh
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 19, 2013, 07:55:55 pm
So whens the bow gonna be done ?? Lol don't rush it

it's already finnished im just trying to keep the upload time low. SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: ionicmuffin on May 19, 2013, 07:59:37 pm
I see what your doing! You're teasing us!  :P ::) ;D no worries, I like a suspenseful story! Guys, lay back and enjoy the long awaited show. He's proving that he's able to listen and learn.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: adb on May 19, 2013, 08:05:13 pm
Lord Tunderin' Jesus... the Squirrel is making a bow! Hell has frozen over! It's about time young man... it's about time! Carry on. Keep us posted.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Ifrit617 on May 19, 2013, 08:15:50 pm
+1 with what ADB said. Glad to see you taking the next step forward.

Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Joec123able on May 19, 2013, 08:24:47 pm
So whens the bow gonna be done ?? Lol don't rush it

it's already finnished im just trying to keep the upload time low. SS

Ohh ok
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: blackhawk on May 19, 2013, 08:36:20 pm acceptable no bs overexagerated tall tale....hope to see more "real" stuff from ya...and hopefully you've learned some lessons here....keep this up and folks might come back around to helping ya out if ya need it...I know I was a lot worse at your age than you are,and I know people can change and "grow" up....i hope you may just make a bowyer yet ;)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: wildman on May 19, 2013, 09:06:36 pm
Good work young fella cant wait to see it complete!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: bow101 on May 19, 2013, 09:16:07 pm
Keep it up, someday you'll be a master......: ;)  and you'll look back and say I think I'll build another and counting to a Hundred bows.!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 19, 2013, 10:10:37 pm
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Adam on May 19, 2013, 10:47:48 pm
That sounds like a great class.  I'm looking forward to seeing the completed bow.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: TRACY on May 19, 2013, 10:55:16 pm
Fiction free post and pics to boot! Bout time! Looks like you had a blast and can't wait to see those acrylic nocks.

Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Sasquatch on May 19, 2013, 11:06:18 pm
Good job,  Im jealous of your band saw.  That thing looks nice.   
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: hedgeapple on May 20, 2013, 01:12:43 am
Could it be our little Squirrel is growing up.  It is such a joy seeing you make a bow instead of making up stories.  It nearly brings tears to this ol' farts eyes. AND PICs.  I can't wait to see your bow.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: mwosborn on May 20, 2013, 01:19:39 am
Very nice - thanks for sharing!  Looking forward to the finished pics!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Lemos on May 20, 2013, 02:13:32 am
Looks like you had a good time. Eager to see the finished product.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Cameroo on May 20, 2013, 02:45:54 am
I've never heard of anyone who stumbled across so many dead rabbits as you do Squirrely   ;)

You've got enough length there to make a pretty heavy bow. What draw weight were you shooting for? Did you achieve it?  How about some stats on the bow?

You are lucky to have someone teach you in person.  Now the bug has set in, you'll be a junkie like the rest of us in no time.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: osage outlaw on May 20, 2013, 03:55:22 am
Now look at that, an honest post with pictures and you have two pages of positive replies.  See how well that works.  I hope the other squirelly kid is paying attention.

Nice work on the bow so far.  Keep us updated on it
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Pappy on May 20, 2013, 08:06:27 am
Looking good,very nice so far,can't wait to see  it shooting. :)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 20, 2013, 08:30:26 am
thanks for all the kind words everyone.

You've got enough length there to make a pretty heavy bow. What draw weight were you shooting for? Did you achieve it?  How about some stats on the bow?

yes i could have made a heavy bow.

here are the stats
78" tip TTT
50#@32" but we drew it back to 35"
it draws back very smooth and there is no stack or hand shock
the arrows are going where im pointing them

it's quite heavy so im not sure about a F/D pic so ill try to take one with it on my tillering stick. but that only goes up to 25"


Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Gsulfridge on May 20, 2013, 08:45:38 am
You done well young man. Keep it up.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: adb on May 20, 2013, 10:54:15 am
thanks for all the kind words everyone.

You've got enough length there to make a pretty heavy bow. What draw weight were you shooting for? Did you achieve it?  How about some stats on the bow?

yes i could have made a heavy bow.

here are the stats
78" tip TTT
50#@32" but we drew it back to 35"
it draws back very smooth and there is no stack or hand shock
the arrows are going where im pointing them

it's quite heavy so im not sure about a F/D pic so ill try to take one with it on my tillering stick. but that only goes up to 25"


Why don't you just get someone to take a pic while you're drawing it?
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 and (Day 2 added!)
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 20, 2013, 11:08:08 am

here are some pictures of day 2 here ill show you the gluing of the acrylic knocks, inlaying the strike plate, making the boat (this is the bit that is glued onto the back of the bow to make the handle area fit the hand and also the finnished acrylic knocks, inlay and leather handle. i forgot to mention the guy at the couse gave me a snakeskin backed yew bow which appered to have some laminates of lemonwood, purplehert and ash glued onto it. he gave it to me as a repair job because he said the wood is too dry and is "dead" ill post pics in another thread, enjoy. SS

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ok so i started rounding the tips of the bow to fit the hole i previously drilled in the acrylic.

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i then used a knife to rebate it for the acrylic to make it look nicer.

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we used some 5 min epoxy to glue them on, we held it in place with some electrical tape.

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here we drew around the acrylic inlay and carfully carved out a hole for it to sit in.

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for the strike plate we used an off cut from the acrylic used for the tips. Here i am checking it for size.

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here i am filling in the hole with the same 5 min epoxy.

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It fits! notice how the shape on the acrylic kinda looks like a warped arrow?

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we are making the "boat" from an ash billit

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first i cut a thin strip on the bandsaw

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then i trimmed the edges

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i then made it just under 1 1/4" thick

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then we used the belt sander to round the edges

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rounded edges.

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then using the bandsaw to cut it to the length of the handle

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here it is stuck on the bow with some blue leather over it. you can also see the finnished inlay

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and here is the leather handle finnished. i forgot to take pictures of me making the sring  :(

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and the finnished nock. ill probably make another thread with the finnal pictures of it in the ELB section of this forum.

hope you enjoyed this thread as much as i did making it ;) SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 20, 2013, 11:11:22 am
thanks for all the kind words everyone.

You've got enough length there to make a pretty heavy bow. What draw weight were you shooting for? Did you achieve it?  How about some stats on the bow?

yes i could have made a heavy bow.

here are the stats
78" tip TTT
50#@32" but we drew it back to 35"
it draws back very smooth and there is no stack or hand shock
the arrows are going where im pointing them

it's quite heavy so im not sure about a F/D pic so ill try to take one with it on my tillering stick. but that only goes up to 25"


Why don't you just get someone to take a pic while you're drawing it?

because  i can't draw it to 30" i can barley mannage this thing at 28" ill get a picture of it at my draw length.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: ionicmuffin on May 20, 2013, 11:22:15 am
well at least as you grow into your full size you will begin to be able to draw further, leaves plenty of growing room. looking very cool!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 and (Day 2 added!)
Post by: WillS on May 20, 2013, 11:23:06 am
ill probably make another thread with the finnal pictures of it in the ELB section of this forum.

hope you enjoyed this thread as much as i did making it ;) SS

Put them in here! Keep everything to one thread as it's easier, plus the bow is far too light to qualify for the English Warbow section! 

Looks like you had a blast, and I love that Lemon/Osage/Hickory contrast.  Very smart looking!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 20, 2013, 11:25:21 am
thanks WillS, i might just post them here. SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Ed Brooks on May 20, 2013, 12:08:23 pm
It's looking good SS.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: killir duck on May 20, 2013, 12:43:52 pm
man am i glad to see this!!
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: BowSlayer on May 20, 2013, 08:01:49 pm
Makes me want to make some shavings.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Don on May 20, 2013, 09:37:05 pm
Looks good. Keep it up.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 20, 2013, 10:32:22 pm
Had never thought of using those warbly-marbly acrylic blocks to make ELB tips or strike plate inlays.  Cool idea for something so non-traditional.  Thanks for posting so many of the detail photos, such as the strikerplate inlay.  That's always a hair-raising moment for me, no matter how many times I do it.  Something about digging into the grain of the wood gives me the heebie-geebies.

Looking forward to seeing the (near) full draw photos, kiddo!  Good work.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Lemos on May 20, 2013, 11:56:26 pm
Never would have thought I'd like a English longbow , just  not my thing. But I'm kinda liking this one, the acrylics are cool
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Roy on May 21, 2013, 09:11:29 am
Very nice, congrats:)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 21, 2013, 09:18:48 am
Thanks everyone. SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: WillS on May 21, 2013, 09:23:13 am
Where are the pics of the finished bow?
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 21, 2013, 11:10:47 am
I won't be posting them for a while now.  Ive got exams until the 14th of June.  Ill post them on the 15th. SS
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on May 22, 2013, 10:09:37 am
I remember when I was a teen, I was the smartest man in the world, and it was amazing how foolish and simple mided the adults were.

Somewhere between 16 and 21 they turned into geniuses.

You've been exposed to some serious wisdom on this forum.  Soak it up and keep making quality posts like this one.  I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished bow.

Yours in hope,
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: mikekeswick on May 23, 2013, 03:33:54 am
I remember when I was a teen, I was the smartest man in the world, and it was amazing how foolish and simple mided the adults were.

Somewhere between 16 and 21 they turned into geniuses.

You've been exposed to some serious wisdom on this forum.  Soak it up and keep making quality posts like this one.  I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished bow.

Yours in hope,

How true! but for me it took until about 27..... ;)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: BowSlayer on July 01, 2013, 06:15:51 am
ok, i know there late but here are the F/D pics. i got so busy with exams that i forgot about them :o

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thanks for looking everyone
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Pappy on July 01, 2013, 07:51:24 am
Nice pictures,congrats on the new bow. :)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Zion on July 01, 2013, 02:45:20 pm
Wait, so are bowslayer and squirrelslayer the same person??  ???
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: adb on July 01, 2013, 03:09:33 pm
Yes... one and the same. Squirrelslayer has morphed into a calmer more truthful Bowslayer.  ;)
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Joec123able on July 01, 2013, 03:52:41 pm
Nice job looks like you could get a little more draw out of it
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Zion on July 01, 2013, 06:05:51 pm
What Joe said, but if it was me i would definitely lop a few inches off of it, probably even 4-5. That would increase the weight by alot and make it shoot better (if you don't want a heavier bow obviously just take some scrapes.) And also, why did you put the strike plate on the opposite side of the bow that you shoot on? or did you put 2?? The bottom limb could also use some scrapes especially near the tip.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: Bryce on July 01, 2013, 06:32:18 pm
why did you put the strike plate on the opposite side of the bow that you shoot on? or did you put 2??

I'm curious as well.
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: WillS on July 01, 2013, 06:45:04 pm
Was it Will Lord that did the tillering on that, or you?  If it was him, or even just observed by him as you did the tillering I'd be a bit annoyed to have spent all that money.  Probably sounds a tad harsh, and I know you're proud of the bow so I hope this doesn't detract from that at all - any working bow is better than no bow - but the outer limbs really need to move a lot more, considering that you're hardly drawing it much and yet there's a lot of movement happening in the handle / midlimbs.  The middle part shouldn't be working until you're right at full draw, or just below but this bow seems to be doing the opposite.

It's not too bad for a general longbow, but it's hard to ignore the fact that it was made under supervision by an "expert" who charges a fortune for a bow making course, using high quality laminations (ergo there are no knots or defects that would result in a less than perfect tiller)

Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me, or maybe the pictures are showing the bow at a cant or something and not a true representation of the actual tiller. 
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: BowSlayer on July 01, 2013, 08:09:33 pm
why did you put the strike plate on the opposite side of the bow that you shoot on? or did you put 2??

I'm curious as well.

Yes there are two inlay strike plates so it can be shot left or right handed.

Was it Will Lord that did the tillering on that, or you?  If it was him, or even just observed by him as you did the tillering I'd be a bit annoyed to have spent all that money.  Probably sounds a tad harsh, and I know you're proud of the bow so I hope this doesn't detract from that at all - any working bow is better than no bow - but the outer limbs really need to move a lot more, considering that you're hardly drawing it much and yet there's a lot of movement happening in the handle / midlimbs.  The middle part shouldn't be working until you're right at full draw, or just below but this bow seems to be doing the opposite.

It's not too bad for a general longbow, but it's hard to ignore the fact that it was made under supervision by an "expert" who charges a fortune for a bow making course, using high quality laminations (ergo there are no knots or defects that would result in a less than perfect tiller)

Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me, or maybe the pictures are showing the bow at a cant or something and not a true representation of the actual tiller. 

The bow does have some reflex and I am not getting it to FD. But I am also holding it at an angle and the guy taking the pics wanted to be the next Stephen Spielberg  :P I done the tillering and it could be better.  But the arrows fly well so im happy with it.  Now all I need is for my yew to season.   >:D
Title: Re: bow building: Day 1 (day 2 also added)
Post by: burn em up chuck on July 01, 2013, 09:07:25 pm
     I have to admit I like the acrylic tips. good job.
