Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: kid bow on April 28, 2013, 11:13:37 pm

Title: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on April 28, 2013, 11:13:37 pm
Does anyone know of a step by step guide to building a horse bow or composite bow. It'll be my first one so Ill have a couple questions
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: Weylin on April 28, 2013, 11:45:49 pm
How many bows have you built so far?
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: AH on April 28, 2013, 11:55:55 pm
I stumbled across this one:
Doesn't look like it's a finished build along, though.
I would really advise you to set aside a composite bow until you become an expert at bowmaking, it's a totally different ballgame than a simple bent stick. (bear in mind that I have no Idea how skilled you are in bowyery, if you've been doing it you're whole life and grew up around composite bows, then I say give it a shot) Not only that, but if you mess one up, it can be a lot more expensive.
When you say it's your first, do you mean your first bow or first composite bow?
Well, if you do it, good luck ;)
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: Pat B on April 29, 2013, 12:45:40 am
Adam Karpowicz(sp) book is the best out there. Google him to get the book title.  Also, contact James Parker(Robustus). He is our Asiatic hornbow Guru.
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: mikekeswick on April 29, 2013, 03:40:55 am
I've made quite a few hornbows - I guarantee you will have more than a few questions  ;)
Adam's book tells you absolutely everything you need to know, it is an absolute must get for anyone who wants to make hornbows and understand the process.
 There is a forum dedicated to hornbows, it is , it's probably the best place to ask questions on these bows.
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on April 29, 2013, 08:09:55 am
Thanks guys it will be my first horse bow so this all helps a lot
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: dragonman on April 29, 2013, 05:36:27 pm
 I second that if you seriously want to make one you need to buy Adams book , its very good and worth the money...everything is in it you need to know
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on April 29, 2013, 05:42:25 pm
Never start a project without understanding EXACTLY what you are going to do or you will waste your $$$.
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on April 29, 2013, 07:37:13 pm
Thats why I asked on here squrriel slayer. Getting all the info I need from here the book they are recommending Nd the forums on here
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 29, 2013, 10:20:29 pm
How many other bows have you made?  Ever tiller anything with fairly radical recurve to the limbs?
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on April 29, 2013, 11:14:15 pm
Not too many times. And I've made I think 11 bows all have broken
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 29, 2013, 11:27:55 pm
All 11?  Please keep in mind that the people that made these composite bows apprenticed under masters for years learning the basics of the trade before they were allowed to even help out making a bow.

Not saying you can't make one of these bows, but maybe you should master a few of the steps leading up to a complex design first.  I've been building bows for 11 years and in the last few years I have stepped back and looked at the work I have done.  I'm not as good as I should be at tillering.  So I have decided to work on plain bend thru the handle bows for a while until I get them figured out.  Then I will add in stiff handled designs, move into recurving tips, and then go back to composite bows with sinew and the like. 

Anyway, whatever bows you go off and build, please post pics.  Ain't nobody in here tired of looking at bows yet!
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: Newindian on April 29, 2013, 11:51:23 pm
If you have yet to create a successful bow you don't stand much of a chance (kinda like going from paper airplane to space shuttle) buy the books start to read all you can on these bows and once you get
a lot lot more experience start to work on your horse bow. A lot less frustrating and expensive this way
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 30, 2013, 12:09:52 am
Adam Karpowicz(sp) book should definitely be on your reading list.  I have read the reviews, but not the book.  A number of bowyers I hold in high regard have read the book and report really positively on it's content. 

Don't think we are telling you that you CAN'T do it, we're just trying to encourage you to learn some of the basics first.  Sufficient horn, sinew, and hide glue can be expensive, not to mention your time. 

And when you have read Adam's book, can I borrow it, please?
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: mikekeswick on April 30, 2013, 04:55:22 am
By all means get the book and start to get a grip on the infomation but if you haven't made a sucessful wooden bow yet that is one hell of a learning curve.
Once you have made a low set fast selfbow you should start. ;) ;)
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on April 30, 2013, 08:40:58 pm
They were successful they broke because I abused th :'(e crap out of them. And I agree I'm getting all the info now and then in the future try my hand at a composite bow design. Just trying to plan ahead
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 01, 2013, 12:56:44 pm
They were successful they broke because I abused th :'(e crap out of them. And I agree I'm getting all the info now and then in the future try my hand at a composite bow design. Just trying to plan ahead

At least he's honest about his treatment of the bows!  Most folks wouldn't admit to abusing 'em!
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: kid bow on May 01, 2013, 05:10:08 pm
Yea I'm a teenager can't really expect a whole lot. Though I really do love the craft of making them
Title: Re: horse bow/ composite bow help
Post by: Squirrelslayer on May 01, 2013, 06:18:41 pm
I stumbled across this one:
Doesn't look like it's a finished build along, though.
I would really advise you to set aside a composite bow until you become an expert at bowmaking, it's a totally different ballgame than a simple bent stick. (bear in mind that I have no Idea how skilled you are in bowyery, if you've been doing it you're whole life and grew up around composite bows, then I say give it a shot) Not only that, but if you mess one up, it can be a lot more expensive.
When you say it's your first, do you mean your first bow or first composite bow?
Well, if you do it, good luck ;)

wow, i really enjoyed the leatherwall thread, thanks! now i wan't to make one but i am waaaay to inexperienced for it. SS