Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Gsulfridge on March 13, 2013, 08:48:05 am

Title: First Osage self bow (new pics)
Post by: Gsulfridge on March 13, 2013, 08:48:05 am
Here's just one picture of my first Osage bow. It's nearly complete. It was quite the challenge for a beginner. This is just my 4th bow and my 3rd stave bow. It's not perfect by any means, but quite satisfying since it had all the characteristics that make a build "interesting". Lots of knots, some of them dead, plus lots of whoop de doos, one limb reflexed and the other deflexed and twist. Also, it was not quite seasoned enough and was worm eaten. It came in at the low 40s on weight. I've shot it only 8 times (love it) and still have to redo my string grooves and work down the handle area, then put a finish on it. More pics and specs when it's done. Criticism welcome.
This bow is now complete. A big thanks to Blackhawk for all the tips and advice at the Central Kentucky bowyers gathering (Moontree). Here's the specs: 65" ttt, 40 @ 27", 1 1/4 at the fades.
And a few pics.
It came in a little lighter than I wanted after shooting it in and final tillering/sanding, hence the name.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: lesken2011 on March 13, 2013, 09:23:09 am
Definitely a nice 4th bow or 20th, or whatever, especially considering the knots and other obstacles. What are the stats...length, etc.?
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Gsulfridge on March 13, 2013, 09:28:50 am
To be honest, I'll have to re measure everything  ::) I did some side tillering and a lot of adjusting here and there to get the bow to appear. I'll post specs when I get home. It's low 40s at 27"
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: burchett.donald on March 13, 2013, 09:29:50 am
Greg, I'd call it a bow from here. Nice work for your 4th.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: blackhawk on March 13, 2013, 10:37:07 am
Could we see an unbraced side profile shot please Greg?'ll help folks determine your tillered better....but by not seeing it id say your top limb looks great...and the bottom limb might be bending a hair too much in one area in the outer mid limb...but I don't know if that was the more deflexed limb and area you spoke of? But its def acceptable for osage...if you want more weight it looks like you can easily chop off 4" at least n pick up a few more pounds for sure...

Congrats on ur first "real" you did good...its not easy making your fourth bow and it being your first osage doing it all on your own with no firsthand help..kudos...keep up the good work
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Pappy on March 13, 2013, 10:44:12 am
Nice job on that one. For your 4th that turned out sweet.Congrats. :)
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Sidewinder on March 13, 2013, 11:15:24 am
Congrats on your first osage. Sounds like you picked a challenging stave but from the looks of the tiller you done good. Look forward to seeing the finsihed pics and eye candy.  Danny
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Badly Bent on March 13, 2013, 11:20:22 am
I think you did a great job with a challenging stave Greg. I agree with Blackhawk about the bottom limb maybe bending a little to
much in that one area but kinda hard to tell from one pic alone. Looks like a darn bow all around, I want to see more pics of her
when you got it finished up too. Real nice osage bow man.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: half eye on March 13, 2013, 11:37:31 am
Very nice Greg, looks like a bow to me. Do you plan on seeing a shrink about goin over to the dark side >:D and please brother tell me ya aint sippin tea with yer pinky in the air, eh?

Again very nice bow and good tillering skills, ya came a long ways, pilgrim.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Gsulfridge on March 13, 2013, 12:15:59 pm
Thanks guys for all the input and support. I see that area in the lower limb that is bending too much. That area is right between two knots. I'll dig up more pics and specs when I get home from work.
Half Eye- I'm more of a river bank coffee kinda guy :D
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: SLIMBOB on March 14, 2013, 09:39:41 am
Very nice.  I agree with Blackhawk, check the bottom limb, mid limb.  Nice work!
Title: Re: First Osage self bow
Post by: Jmilbrandt on March 14, 2013, 02:06:18 pm
Sounds like a challenging stave. I probably would have set that one aside until I was "more motivated". Great job!
Title: Re: First Osage self bow (new pics)
Post by: Gsulfridge on March 26, 2013, 08:56:06 am
This bow did take about 2" of set. Sorry for not posting an unbraced profile pic.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow (new pics)
Post by: TRACY on March 26, 2013, 10:22:17 am
Nice looking bow Greg! Don't let the set throw you, we making primitive bows here not FG bows and it will do the job. Did you have this at Dave's this weekend?

Title: Re: First Osage self bow (new pics)
Post by: Gsulfridge on March 26, 2013, 12:22:14 pm
Yes, Tracy, that's the bow I worked on while there. Blackhawk helped me rescue it.
Title: Re: First Osage self bow (new pics)
Post by: Josh B on March 26, 2013, 02:29:53 pm
Looks like a fine bow to me!  Nice job!  Josh