Primitive Archer
Information and Resources => Message Board Q & A => Topic started by: Fred Arnold on March 12, 2013, 01:47:55 pm
Why is it when trying to use the search engine that the 1 page of results that normally show up are from 2006-2007? Do I have to make some changes? Has anyone else experienced this same problem?
Yep, I get that too. I think that's the way the forum search was set up: earliest posts first.... and I don't think it can be changed without some fundamental redesign of the way the search function works.
Wish I could be more helpful. The way I do a search is just do a LOT of scrolling though the old posts. Sometimes I will sort the posts by view count (most popular first) but that the most popular posts are not always the most informative.
It's usually kind of mixed for me. I just did a test search and I got most results from around 07 and 08 and one from 2013.