Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: wildman on March 02, 2013, 11:55:48 am
My first black powder build. It's a .45 cal Ky longrifle. Im well pleased with how it turned out. Ready to do another 600-700 reasons It will be awhile!
For the record it took almost as long to post the pic as it did build the gun. I hate photo sizing!!!!! thanks to my wife for the pic.
very nice brother.i wish i had the skill to make one.
Just a beauty!!! it's great that these will never go away!! just a question,,,do you do anything to the ram rod so it won't swell up and get stuck in the stock??? don't ask me where that question came from :( JeffW
I have been wanting to make one for awhile just cant get the money together for it
Nice smoke pole! You make the stock from scratch?
The ramrod is kiln dried hickory,I did sand the blazes out of it to get fit"just right" I hope it wont swell as it fits tight. It was also heated to produce stripes and sealed with several coats of linseed oil and a bear grease/beeswax mix. The stock is walnut also treated same way. I am using fouled patches to try and patina the brass. A 95% inlaid stock definitely puts a build well within the talent i have seen displayed by most everyone on this sight. Believe me if I can do anyone on here should be able.
I bought the stock at 95% took a lil chisling and minor fitting. I have a few nice walnutblanks I am going to try a stock from scratch with the help of a few mentors. I hope to one day build a true scratch built rifle.
My first flinter nearly got used up with all my efforts to keep the brass polished British Naval Inspection Bright! Nowadays I really go for the dull and discolored look. The used patch trick works!
Any chance you can get your lovely wife to post some detail pics?!?!?!
JW, she is chomping at the bit to build her own. Which is kinda ironic. That pretty lil lady got shot with a.54 cal ball back in November and lived to tell about it.
Glad your wife is ok you did a really nice job on the gun I finished a 32cal Bedford county long rifle last year getting ready to start a 45cal Bedford there a lot of fun to build.
She's my kinda gal! How about detail pics of her, now!
She and I would make a great couple. I got hit in the back with a .62 caliber ball at the shooting range. Picked it up and chewed out the guy that shot it for not being more careful! Yup, I'm bulletproof.
Darn keyboard!
Whatever the situation, that there is a pretty rifle, Wildman. Thanks for sharing.
Nice job on the gun. You have to tell us how she got hit with the 54 cal.
She was in a ladder stand beside the hangon I was in. I stood up and leaned my caplock Hawkins against the tree and pushed the seat into it to secure it (bad idea) my saftey strap was tangled. When my weight shifted the gun tumbled out of the tree,it was on halfcock. the hammer caught a tree branch discharging the gun. 54 cal round ball loaded with 80grs fff. The ball cut 2 maple branches thumb size, hit her in the right butt cheek exited 4inches later all flesh wound. My wife weighs 128lbs on a good day not alot of fanny to shoot. No cell phone service, firemans carry to the truck scared to death. The gun was less than 8ft when it went off pretty well cartirized the wound. I am no fan of caplocks flintlock much safer keep a leather pad on the frizzenpan always. Also common sense goes along way. I feel we all get lax from time to time. We really have a new outlook on life now!
:o :o :o :o :o!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy! I bet you had a COLD summer!! .......
Sooooo how much are your monthly payments on her new Lexus? ;D ;D ;D
Sorry, but chocolate, flowers, wine, and harlequins, just won't cut it in this case!
Hmmmm,. I wonder if her first thoughts after the smoke cleared, was...... Just how much insurance DOES he have on me?!! :o ::) ::)
Man, how much explaining did you have to do at the ER?! I am glad that all went well with her recovery, and her not exacting revenge on you. ;) Uh...... wait a minute did you say, ...... she wants to build one now......? Just a suggestion, you know a hunting tip, ::) set your stand up a couple hundred yd.s from her stand. You know, so uh, you won't uh..... spook any game that might be passing by....... you know, that way, there won't be any urge to talk, about the day before, and what the neighbors say, and what she looked at while shopping..... you know that sort of thing....... Well, ...... that is what you can tell her, ::) and keep a pair of binoculars handy, so you can see if she is climbing down from the stand, and low crawling in your general direction........ ::) You know, uh...... like maybe she is stalking a dear, I mean a deer...... ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D Oh, and check to see if the amount of coverage, and accidental death clause has increased at all. ::) You know..... just a suggestion..... ::) ;)
Looks like a beauty to me,very well done. :)
That's fine lookin example of Kentucky heritage! ;D
Wow! You guys were lucky. A few inches the wrong way and that could have been very bad.
Nice job Wildman.
Just curious, Why did you put the faux striping on the stock? There are alot of treatments for walnut that would have looked much better.
I have a .62 fusil in solid walnut,pretty plain looking. I like the stripes and its alot more predictable and less messy than acid.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just never seen that done to a nice piece of walnut before.
Not to say it hasn't been done before. Here is an example of it done right;
In looking up some pictures of faux striping I found some, even on originals , that looked like the builder handed a toddler their stock and let them finger paint on it, they were that bad.
I haven't decided which way I will go on my fowler, probably do a test with aqufortis on some scrap wood. My walnut stock has a good bit of curl in the butt that I want to emphasize.