Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Puma on February 20, 2013, 02:12:43 am

Title: What bow for a first build?
Post by: Puma on February 20, 2013, 02:12:43 am

Well I've got red oak staves a year old now and it's time to build a bow. Because I've no experience building bows I'm unsure which type to build. What do you recommend?
Title: Re: What bow for a first build?
Post by: DarkSoul on February 20, 2013, 03:53:12 am
A flatbow or pyramid bow will be the best choice for red oak. It's also not too complicated for a novice. Depending on your desired drawlength and drawweight, you're looking for roughly 70" in length and 2" wide at the widest point, tapering to 1/2" nocks. You can leave the handle stiff and thicker, but avoid a cut in shelf.
Title: Re: What bow for a first build?
Post by: BOWMAN53 on February 20, 2013, 04:07:10 am
A flatbow or pyramid bow will be the best choice for red oak. It's also not too complicated for a novice. Depending on your desired drawlength and drawweight, you're looking for roughly 70" in length and 2" wide at the widest point, tapering to 1/2" nocks. You can leave the handle stiff and thicker, but avoid a cut in shelf.

+1 pyramid is a great bow for a starter, very easy to tiller.
Title: Re: What bow for a first build?
Post by: doulosparachristos on February 20, 2013, 05:26:08 am
here is the link to 4est Trekkers build along, it was my first build and i learned an enormous amount from just following along. good luck;);f=2;t=000122
Title: Re: What bow for a first build?
Post by: Squirrelslayer on February 20, 2013, 06:24:24 am
from what iv'e read a pyramid design is probably the best. is it a stave or a board from the hardwere store? heres a link to a good redoak bow buildalong im not sure if it will work with staves but you can try.